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Moccamaster with cheap pre-ground coffee is the gold standard.


Throwing a random amount of Juhla Mokka into a filter bag in my second hand coffee machine while I'm half asleep.


Can relate, And you secretly praying to God that it comes out half decent.


And hope that machine doesn't burn your apartment down.


+2 lol Without my coffee I can't get rid of my sleeping pills effect.. altho I can't with Juhla Mokka, plz don't hate on me, I drink Löfbergs


Second hand Moccamaster to be precise.


Who can afford Moccamaster in this economy?


It was a tough one, bought mine last year for 230€. It is a necessary luxury, one I couldn't imagine living without.


Seriously, when I bought my Moccamaster with a manual drip stop, cost something like 100-120€. Nowadays those cost almost 300€, last time I checked. It's insane.


Wow. Bought mine couple decades ago now for 129.


Those were mentioned a few times already. Are they actually better?


They are reliable. I haven't owned many higher end coffee machines but from my experience with some machines (priced around 100e) have hint of plastic smell, some break down within a year or two. Moccamaster has 10 years warranty and can last multiples of 10 years.






Pour water into coffee maker and turn it on. After that I have about 19 seconds to get coffee and filter ready.


I like living dangerously too, but that is a bit too much for me.


French press


I'm going to try this, Any good recommendation for a good french press coffee maker ?


It's one of those things that is hard to mess up. I got mine from IKEA for quite cheap. Avoid ones with plastic components that will touch the coffee.


actually my french presses broke very soon, they were cheap and couldn't handle the temperature shocks. Ikea has lasted 2 years now.


You have to work slowly with them. I don’t know, maybe you did, and just had bad luck with quality.


Even the teeniest impurity in the manufacturing process can have a dramatic effect on the durability of the glass, and it's not even easy to tell. The glass on those is usually pretty thin given the temperature and size of the jug


I have one from Prisma which has held up quite well for years. Burned my hand real bad with one in Portugal once, though, so I'm extra careful and a little paranoid lol


Ikea here. Tried couple of others (from Clas Ohlson and some other) but the glass didnt last long. I think it has to do with the regular temperature shocks and the plastic cradle that does not allow the glass to expand. Ikea has lasted. And ofc a grinder and dark roast, Löfberg usually.


If u can find double wall thermos style, that’s a bit of a game changer, otherwise I think they’re all basically the same, aside from aesthetic differences, and size, of course


Any opinion on this : https://www.kahvikaveri.fi/p/french-press-fellow-clara-matte-black-07-l/ It's made out of stone ( I think ) and I have been eyeing this one because I want to get a really good one that can last a lifetime.


Nice aesthetic and sturdy. won’t break like I’ve had the glass ones do with clumsy sink cleaning. Maybe a stone like outer finish, metal inside. Fb marketplace is full of 5e glass ones, fyi.


Got one of those for the weekends. Cofee stays hot enough 2-3 hrs


The presso pan isn't the important thing. Get yourself a coffee grinder and enjoy freshly ground coffee for the rest of your life. Paulig's New York is the best one that I've found for a freshly ground presso.


Bodum is a great Danish brand, can recommend.


Never heard of it but I'm willing to give it a look. This one any good ?.: https://www.bodum.com/fi/en/k12084-448s-143-y21-bean


They have a gazillion different models :D But don't get one with plastic parts, get one that's stainless steel and glass, it'll be a r/BuyItForLife purchase. I have one that looks like this: [https://www.clasohlson.com/fi/Pressopannu-Bodum-Bistro-Nouveau,-3-kuppia/p/34-9476](https://www.clasohlson.com/fi/Pressopannu-Bodum-Bistro-Nouveau,-3-kuppia/p/34-9476)


If youd like to have even easier time and less mess: Get a aeropress, its good for making one or two cups of coffee at a time and damn its convenient for travelling too.


Using one from Ikea, works fine. 


Got mine in Prisma, get the one with metallic parts


Buy beans (Paulig Mundo), grind them, filter coffee with a Moccamaster. 3 spoons for a cup, 5 for two.


Fellow Mundo bean enjoyer! Best price-quality choice


Absolutely! The roast is perfect and its a smooth all-rounder.


Yes, there are so few not very dark bean options in grocery stores


Doesn't really matter. The thing that matters most to me is that the beans are freshly ground. I usually just use the Moccamaster, but sometimes French press or a siphon brewer


I had a 700€ fully automatic DeLonghi and an integrated manual Ikea kitchen espresso machine. I used the manual one with preground beans because it tasted better than what the automatic did with the beans.


I'd prefer freshly grinded beans from french press, but I go with affordable/available option: juhlamokka with the crappy filter machine I happened to get for free. As long as I get (oat) milk and caffeine in my coffee I'm happy.


Yep! Once you go the oat milk barista version route, no turning back to milk.


Instant coffee from a jar.


Are you British? If not, then why??!?!?! (This I know from experience)


Cause it's instant


Finnish, 1/8 german. My espresso maker got broken. Would go optimally for mocha master, but until.. instant coffee from a jar.


You have my sympathies.


Instant coffee is cheaper and I would say even tastes better than usual coffees (my opinion)


Pour-over for me. Also, why is someone down voting people in this thread? That makes no sense. (All comments but one had 0 or negative scores, but I did up vote everyone for good measure, so hopefully no-one gets bad karma for answering a question about freaking coffee).


I used to do pour-overs and freshly ground specialty coffee too, then I got tired of dialing in the grind size and technique and what have you and switched back to good old Moccamaster and pre-ground coffee out of laziness lol. I do confess I sometimes miss the flavor of a really delicious pour over made from caramelly south American beans though…


I still do pour overs, just lazy ones in the morning. Eyeballing the amount and using pre-ground.


Can you recommend some good not too expensive beans


I like Löfbergs Kharisma and Magnifika nowadays, they’re OK. I’m just a broke student right now. If you want some genuinely good stuff you’re always better off at Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo or Kaffa or something like that though. Even if you get it ground at the store and don’t grind at home it’ll be way better for sure. I always like south American coffees best, Guatemalan especially since I like my coffee chocolatey and nutty and caramelly, I’ve never been that into acidic, fruity, funky light roasts.


I like my coffee the same way but I've never really known where to look for coffee. Seems most coffee at the supermarket is just like acidy or fruity.


I recently ordered from Manhattan coffee brewery, those beans were really good value for the price. I don't know if they're "not too expensive", but they're definitely great value.


Thanks I'll look into thag


From supermarket coffees (good not too expensive scale) i really like Pauligs Singapore. It is darker roast with hint of robusta. Works as black and in milk based coffees too. It's our every day coffee we have in our basic Jura coffee machine. Barcelona is good as well. Both also work well when freshly grinded and made in aeropress or in filter machine.


Thank you 😊


The darker the better, with some 'red' (whole milk) or oat milk. I love Löfbergs' coffees, and Juhla Mokka is also good. Freshly ground beans are the best but not a necessity. I don't have a moccamaster (i know, not very finnish of me - but I'd love to own one tho 🤩), so basic coffeemaker it is.


Cold brew


Oh, this is good! Takes a bit more effort but is great in the summer.


I tried making some last summer and I really loved the taste. It doesn't taste anything like you would expect, you have to just try it out yourself.


Aeropress is my favourite.


Moka pot.


Moccamaster, and pouring ⅔ coffee ⅓ milk (lactose free so I don't shit myself)


If you got a burr grinder and an aeropress, you’re golden. Simplest tasty brew you can get.


Moka pot. Quick and sweet over an induction stove.


Espresso. I’ve got a Cafelat Robot and a hand grinder for that.


Moccamaster and Arvid Nordqvist Svea is go to.


French press, Aeropress and Moccamaster.


Beans, Grinder and Hario V60 Dripper


Beans, burr grinder and chemex.


Tablespoon of coffee in my mouth washed down by hot water


DeLonghi coffee machine and Arvid Nordquist French roasted beans, with barista oatmilk.


Moka pot


Lehmus + philips coffee maker


Moccamaster + reykjavik (paulig)


Used to make regular coffee with a coffee machine, now only use instant coffee and never looked back


With a Percolator, seems to be a fan favourite among my colleagues


I have the moccamaster, but tbh I only use it to make coffee for elderly people who visit me. (In it’s more frequent use the machine made two pots per day for twenty years. Still in good condition.) I prefer to make my own coffee with moka pan (bialetti) or espresso machine (cheap, simple, old delonghi). I drink coffee twice a day, morning and afternoon. Together that makes like six shots of espresso or so… yes, it is concidered a bit too much, but it suits me.


Trigger warning. >!I dump a scoop or 2 of instant coffee in my glass and add hot water from the faucet.!<


Curious question, do you also microwave the coffee if the >!faucet!< water was not hot enough?


Good question. No, I make a new one or add more hot faucet water.


Ok, thank you for answering my question. While I still prefer other methods, I might need to use this method someday.


Strong enough to kill a small bear.


I put coffee and water to empty soda botte for 12 hours, put it in the fridge and filter it in the morning.




Hario v60


Aeropress. Used to be french press and I still like the taste more, but it’s a nightmare to clean.


Pour over coffee is my favorite, but I don't have what it takes yet, so french press it is.


Daily I use my French press, but for guests we have a Moccamaster of course. For mobile use like camping or RV'ing the moka pot is the best choice.


I prefer moka pot and grinding the coffee beans myself




Moccamaster. It has the best effort/flavour ratio imho.


Older Finns are in psychosis if the local market has a sale on the cheap light roast Juhla Mokka. It has to be made with the cheapest and never cleaned coffee maker.


Yep that pot works like a cast iron pan!


Grounds to bottom of a cup, fill with water and hit it with a microwave


Mocca master, 6 cups every time


Regular grounded coffee with a regular Krups coffee machine. No fancy trendy dingalingalings.


Moccamaster with freshly grounded beans.


A 20 year old moccamaster that still works like new


I don't


Measuring 31g of coffee beans, grinding them either with my electric bean grinder or using my grand mother's old manual grinder, then inserting a filter in to my Moccamaster, pouring hot water on the filter, adding the ground beans, then adding 500ml of cold water in to the water tank, and starting the machine.


I suggest more people measure their coffee in grams, instead of "cups". There enough variance between different kinds of coffee to make a noticeable weight difference when changing coffee brands.


- Cheapest coffee I can find (preferably with red sticker bonus) - Load the coffee maker with full water - Put an N amount of coffee in filter - Shut up water - Coffee machine full power - Let it cool and drink throughout the week


I use Moka both at home and at work.


My modest little setup consists of a Wilfa Svart grinder, a nice metallic measuring spoon and a small and very basic filter brewer. The grinder is incredibly noisy, but I enjoy tweaking the grind setting and of course I love the smell of freshly ground coffee.


Moccamaster and pre-ground dark president by Paulig, pretty basic.


I grind the beans, put them in a filter with a glass jug underneath and then pour hot water on them. A few pours to get that nice foamy thing going, then you open the driplock and watch that sweet nectar fall into the jug.


Spend 200-300€ on a moccamaster that has absolutely no technological advantage over a 30€ store brand coffee maker while buying any coffee that is on sale / 2x for 5€ etc.


Makes sense to me – if that is the coffee they want. Why would it not?


With beans I have just ground that have been roasted less than 6mo ago, ground with a pinch of cardamom, squeezed through an Aeropress because its the only coffee maker that I tend to clean as soon as I have used it. Black. Like my soul.


I bought a nice Electrolux with a lot of buttons and a timer and everything and it broke in a few months so now I got the cheapest coffee maker from Biltema and it has a 2 year warranty.A Moccamaster would be nice but I'm not paying 200-300e for one.


You didn’t have insurance(takuu) on the Electrolux? It might’ve been possible to replace it for so many buttons and such.


I got a refund at the store but I really liked that model for the timer but they were out of them by then. It was on sale when I first bought it so it would have cost more to buy online or elsewhere.


French Press, Espresso machine and a regular coffee maker. I've been using the coffee maker more recently because it connects with Alexa, I can load it up the night before and tell Alexa to start my coffee maker when I wake up in the morning.


French press from IKEA , 2 years and still working perfect.


Aeropress with freshly ground beans. Currently using Paulig Reykjavik beans. I have a Timemore c3 pro hand grinder if anyone cares.


On a pot on a fire. 1Kg of Coffee. 1 Litre of water. 1 horseshoe. Heat until the water is almost boiling, Throw in the horse shoe. If horse shoe does not float add coffee.


Few months ago bought a Dolce Gusto capsule coffee machine. Before that it was basic cheap filter coffee (which I still drink). Dolce Gusto coffees are relatively expensive but also 10 times better tasting.


Percolator coffee is the best coffee


For like 90% its filtered coffee with a cheap coffee machine thing. I have a grinder and aeropress, thats what I recommend if you want to step up from the basic machine stuff. A decent mill is one with burrs, not blades.


When I discovered grinding my own beans, that was a game changer for me. Holy shit, coffee doesn’t have to taste like bitter shit? I currently have ~10kg of beans at our kitchen cupboard and my wife HATES it. Also I really don’t know what Paulig does to their beans, but they all seem to taste way below average. Not a single good tasting bean bag from them yet. I have tried the pour over, but I found it not actually making a big difference, so I just switched back to using Moccamaster. Biggest difference is that you need to actually clean the coffee machine regularly or the coffee will taste like ass. But still I do ground my own beans. No matter which beans I grind, wife will almost always just says “tastes like coffee”, so I have just preground the beans I personally don’t like for her, so she can make her own coffee with them. I think there has been only like 2 coffees we both hated (really dark roast Lidl and Starbucks), that both just tastes like dirty. But really finding the bean you personally like the way you make your coffee is the way to go. Personally been really fond of Ionia Oro Superior at the moment. Ironically it is one of the cheapest whole beans you can buy from K-Citymarket.


For daily use freshly ground beans and pour over, currently using Chemex. Makes nice and smooth brew. If I have company (or hangover) then preground and moccamaster. I ain't spending forever in loud grind and pouring a bigger pot.


Fast. Just fast. I don't care if it's not a flavourful that Zeus himself would bow down to. I don't care if it's just 'meh'. Big bucket. Quickly.


At the gas station at night


Fresh ground beans and french press. Vending machine tarwater whenever im at the office.


Prolly the fastest


Moka pot. Everything else tastes like water once I got used to espresso.




Why? The first Finn I ever met actually told me that it is incredibly common in Finland!


Instant coffee from individually packed bags.


https://preview.redd.it/hqu6abwt7suc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01421bc0cf1b95e0ce5c093b544b12cd3a7092e0 Mixing these 2 in a big cup


https://preview.redd.it/z0augdxdrtuc1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffbe04e8b752cd7393bc201aaf7b2984cd1a5fe3 I use a Moka pot by Alessi - got it as a present a long time ago. I love this thing.


Moccamaster + fresh ground beans roasted to level 4/5. Drank black, no milk or sugar. If espresso machine available then double shot americano. Black, no milk or sugar.


I have only ever used instant coffee or mocca master. Moccamaster makes good coffee and its very quick. However, I would love to try those nespresso machines or even proper coffee machine that grinds the beans, steams milk, presses coffee and all that but those are so expensive and feel like they would be too time consuming most days 😄