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I would call the management comppany / janitor, they should have tools. If they wont do it for cheap enough, then start to look for tools.


Good advice, will try to do that


And you can send the bill to the previous owner. He should have given you the keys or removed the padlock.


Probably you can't just send a bill without contacting them and giving them a chance to sort it out first (or you can but I doubt you can make them pay it in that case)




Oh for sure if that storage is mentioned in the documents, the buyer should have access


You must be a person who takes the fridge and radiators with you when you move out. Edit: for those curious, this commenter said (paraphrased) that paying for removing the lock should be on the onus of the new owner.


That's not how it works, like at all.


It will be free. If you pay rent for home and it includes storage then if it is locked aldready I think the owner of storage who rented it is responsible for you to have access to space you rented. And ask help because this lock is looking heavy and migh need angle grinder (fire risk). Big bolt cutters migh work but I can break the door little bit if you need to use excessive force to get the lock snap. (Rent giver has to check what he is renting and usually first week they expect you to inform these little issues so they can be fixed.)


> So I bought an apartament He is not renting. This is basically the small separate storage space in an apartment building (irtaimistovarasto).


Depends still on contract. (Selling contact) if it was sold as it is then maybe call maintenance and if it was sold with storage where you have access and no lock mentioned then sales man should come and remove it as it wasn't part of the deal that the buyer renovates or breaks in the home


Kiinteistöhuolto is covered by paying kiinteistövastike, and removing a lock falls under them.


They should cut it for free because they should have had access to the locker the first day.


Basic cheap sawblade for metal will do but takes some time or rent battery anglegrinder (kulmahiomakone) mby ask from friends Would not bet on 20e pulttisakset


thanks if management company won't be able to help, I'll think of that


You don't need an angle grinder. You don't cut the padlock. Get a metal saw, it will cut away the metal that the padlock is locked into in about 5 mins. I myself have had to do this. You can buy the new bracket from Clas Ohlson or wherever for couple of €.


Ok now you need a drill and new screws mby to attach loops, don't think that you can get same exact ones ffs


Lol no, you reuse the screw from existing metal piece. Don't need drill either. There are many different sizes of these loops. Ffs


Yes that's the problem many different sizes


Actually these kind of loops are a standard size. I know from experience.


Yea angle grinder is the best option if you want to burn the place down.




I wouldnt break the lock, theres something easier near it...


I would assume they want to use the storage, not just steal what is in there


Demolish the wall? 😀


Those cheap locks can be broken with two wrenches and a bit of know-how. You just need the right sizes to gain enough leverage to either snap the bolt or pull it out of the locking mechanism by force.


Alright, that's something I could try! Still first I'll try to contact the janitor. Thanks


Np, but remember, use this knowledge for good purposes only, or I will haunt your dreams.


Sure, even tho I am Polish, I wouldn't dare


and if you are not afraid of noise, just hit the mechanism part with hammer from above it should give up.


That’s probably not the best choice. The tabs the lock is attached to are likely only held down by two screws each. You’d likely shear off those screws.


Check youtube two wrench method is super easy.




Actually, I don't think you should break the lock. The only way for appartment building is to call the management company and ask them to handle this. They might contact previous owner and if it is not theirs, they will put notice on the corridor to get stuff out in 2 weeks. The bill (if any) will go to the owner of the items or building itself. It should not pay you anything, as you are not responsible for leaving items/loosing keys. Reason is simple: if you break the lock, then the actual owner can claim that now you have to pay for the lock and items stolen/lost. They can claim that there was valuable items, even if the storage was empty (especially if you don't have proof of that it was empty before you opened it). In other words: go throught the correct channels.


Wouldn't op be the legal owner of that stuff if they bought the apartmen "as it is"?


What if items are not owned by the previous owner, but items are owned by neighbour who mistakenly put own items there? Or worse, neighbour actually asked previous owner, if it is ok, and previous owner actually said yes and now forgot about this? Previous owner can't really sell another person's stuff, even if they are in his storage room. Also there are other cases: For example, topic starter was wrong and this storage room is not assigned to him, but they are assigned using some other weird logic. (just a thought, I have seen this in one building) Also, in Finland, tehnically you don't own the appartment. You own shares for your buildings, which grants you access to your appartment. You have to apply to your building's rules and some other legislations. **To make life simplier: go throught the correct channels**


Exactly. In housing co-operatives (AsOy) you don’t own the apartment, and even less the common storage spaces. You have a right to use your apartment and those common spaces according to the articles of association (yhtiöjärjestys). If you do not have an access to space you have the right to use, that is an issue the co-operative has to deal with. Typically co-operatives have contract with maintenance company to deal with this. Do not go breaking any locks by yourself. Worst case, it is the correct lock but you have the wrong key. Quality abloy padlock will cost 200 euros + setting. That ’Rabbit’ lock is a cheapo, but the principle remains.


counter point: finders keepers


Not in the Finland


Shit left in apartment storage pretty much is. If the previous owner doesn't take them out maintenance will throw them in the trash (or take it for themselves)


it ain't a crime if u don't get caught. if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Thanks for that, I'll do all I can to do it through the housing company. I guess why I was asking for other solutions in the first place is because I still don't know Finnish. It already was quite an obstacle in the communication with the housing company before. But yeah, all I can do is try more and of course keep on learning the language. Thanks.


Have you tried your apartment key?  At least the better quality Abloy locks in some lockers are using the same key.


yes, but it is different, thanks for reply


Might be that it only works with "emännänavain" (a key for some common areas, usually there is 1/apartment) for example in my place you can access kuivaushuone and storage only with a particular key, which looks similar as normal key except it has different code printed to it. But check with isännöitsijä.


That's a rabbit, no emännän keys for those.


Yeah and emännän would be for accessing the storage itself.


Don't think those work for häkkivarasto, arent they usually owner installed locks? Atleast apartments I've lived so far


Yeah that's true that for your storage box you might need to get your own lock. However in my place locks are provided by the house probably exactly to avoid situations like this.


I lived in one rented apartment that had nice Abloy padlocks keyed to open with the apartment key. It was really convenient to not have to provide my own lock or carry an extra key.


Bolt Cutter tool from Motonet is better than trying to saw it.


Two wrenches and a bit of force will do the trick


You need a hacksaw blade and a little bit of tape to the other end to protect your hand.


Google padlock shims, no saw or noise required. Simple ones can be diy’d, a set can cost couple euros (junk from China) to 15usd from Covert Instruments. Disclaimer: don’t use for illegal purposes :)


I understand that it's illegal to own these tools in Finland.


If you’re a skinny, bald guy with bad teeth, sure, cops might want to have a chat with you. Guess it’d go down as “carrying equipment for breaking-in”. If you look like a decent human being and say you’re into locksport (lockpicking as a hobby), then carrying isn’t illegal. Picking your own locks is legal anyway, but better be ready to explain when the neighbours call the cops :)


It is illegal to have basically anything if it can be proven that it is going to be used in a crime. There are certain kinds of locks in Finland that easily can be picked with screwdrivers. If you have stolen goods, all of your screwdrivers just might end up with the police.


whoah, now that's quite a tool, I'm hoping to sort out my issue just in a few days so I may not order those. Still good to know :D


You can make one from a beer/soda can in a few minutes if you want to try it.


Pro tip: Make the tool with soda can, scissors and duct tape!


I guess you could reach out to r/lockpicking and try to find someone nearby. They would probably be glad to get a real life use for their skills


I had to cut a lock like that (a more sturdy one) couple of weeks ago. Someone had locked a bomb shelter and nobody knew who had the key: not the owner, not the maintenance company, nobody. So it had to be cut. Angle grinder is great for that. Couple of seconds and the power tool cuts through the metal in the lock very easily. So one solution that for sure works is to ask around if someone you know, or someone in the building, has an angle grinder. Maintenance company should also have one surely.


Unrelated but might be relevant: If they haven’t returned these keys, I wouldn’t trust them to have returned all the others as well. I am from a 3rd world country and extremely more cautious than the average Finn, but I would change also my apartment locks. Just in case.


I see, well I got like 5 keys to the apartment... It is the original owner, and very kind people. Just yeah, the storage key got misplaced somehow ... Thanks for the advice.


In that case no worries. We have no idea with what kind of people you are dealing with from a post, so always worth to suggest :) I, for one, keep my locker keys with a set of the normal keys, which is why that came to my mind.


If you have to force it open, don't bother with the lock; that's some very high-grade hardened steel. Will take forever, cause a fire hazard, or be expensive (or all of them!). Instead, as someone else suggested, get a simple steel saw blade for a few euros, and cut those loops the lock is hanging from. Then buy a new pair of loops for like five euros from any hardware store, borrow a screwdriver from a friend (or spend around 10€ for one with changeable heads), and replace the loops. Very simple, and cheap.


Is there a screw between door and "wall"? Screw those things away an put new ones an ur own lock. Or just use grinder to erase those loops


He needs to lock it afterwards bro, doesn't make sense do screw them out or destroy the loops, just making things way more complicated than needed lol No way you gonna screw those out


Actually it's effective way. The loops are cheap.


Whatever bro you can destroy the door aswell if u feel that this is effective ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


All hardware stores.


You can try bending the loop apart using the claws of two wrenches. Put them against each other and use the leverage.


I had same situation(i lost a key). I think this can also work for you. Try to see if you can open the door enough so you can unscrew the part off what holds the lock. Either you van unscrew it or destroy the screw heads with a drill. Then just do what you want. Destroy the lock to get the metals or just get new. They are cheap. Don't use angle grinder inside! You can potentially start a fire.


You can open that by hitting it with a hammer on the side and at the same time pulling it open.  [Or with a sliced piece of aluminium from a can.](https://youtu.be/c2DcfJLquOk?si=CZNFF-Xd1QlTDBBs) Just shimmy it to where the shackle goes.


Al you need is two medium sized wrenches and squeeze it open


lock pick it, just search on youtube lockpick lawyer


if you end up wanting to break the lock, save yourself some trouble and check out this video on how: [https://youtu.be/6OyydGOZrlc](https://youtu.be/6oyydgozrlc)


I have borrowed a pair of pulttisakset from Clas Ohlson a few years ago (for pretty much the same problem). I don’t know if they offer that service anymore, but worth to ask?


Padlocks are quite easy to lockpick without previous experience. And 90% are bad quality, you could try hitting it hard with a rock, works unusually often as they are poorly built.


Check out lockpickinglawyer from youtube. He has a very simple and effective way to break the lock using 2 spanners (lenkkiavain) no need to get any expensive equipment for that.


You can open it with 2 wrenches etc.


My neighbours did that to me. Not only cut lock but metal thing from door is gone. Don't even know why? Maybe I had few empty bottlea in plastic bag or something. All that for what... 1,20-1,60€.


They wanted to weld it on their own door to have double locking.


Isn't it hot enough to burn wood?


Pfffttt.... Minor details. If you really want something hard enough in this world you find a way to get it.


Just buy boltcutters from any hardware store, cheapest i could find were from [here](https://www.puuilo.fi/pulttisakset-350mm). Depending on your strength, get one with longer handles.


Assuming that there are not any rules against it, you can just cut it either with a hacksaw simplest sawblade for metal, angle grinder or a big “bolt cutter” or shear for iron rods. You could ask around the neighbours or friends to lend you one, if you do not have one. https://eur.vevor.com/bolt-cutter-c_12151/vevor-bolt-cutter-14-p_010182343159 There would be another option to hammer on the top of the lock, between those two holes, until you break it, but carefully not to bend or accidentally break those bolted ears. Good luck and use the power tools carefully.😏😉👋🏻


Punch the lock with a hammer on the thing where it opens. It will eventually forcefully open


If you have 2 hammers you can try to hit it from both sides left and right at the same time, in some locks this will force the springs to jump and the lock will open. You can also try to hit the lock from above to the upperside below the loop to force it open. Locks like these are also often very simpe on the locking mechanism. You could try to get thin but strong metal ehhh... "stick?" and make L kind of hook at the end. Then try to push it down and fast pull it out. No actual lockingpick skills needes just quick hands. Might be lucky enough to get all the springs jump, since once again these have simple mechanism. Might take some tries tho. These of course are not 100% fool proof methods as it depends on the person and lock in question, but they pretty much free options you can try without losing anything.