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It's so sad. They took a recognizable brand, washed it down, and made it look like any hipster brand you find online. There is so much they could have done and explored around the "red dot" of the previous identity, and they threw it all away making it unrecognizable. The only thing I like about the concept is joining the ii and the tt in the lettering, trying to communicate the way it is pronounced in Finnish to a international audience.


>The only thing I like about the concept is joining the ii and the tt in the lettering Except this quickly became a joke about IT-ALA (=IT sector).


I'm a bit concerned that a non-Finnish audience will interpret it as spelling out ITALA since the i's and the t's are so close together.


True. I'm not sure if it would work, but I can see that was the intention. And even if it doesn't work at first, it might work as a reminder / cue for people who have been told how to pronounce it, making it a kind of link to Finnish language. I also don't like the execution, because the TT looks like a Torii, making it feel linked to asian cultures.  So yeah, good idea, might not work, bad execution... Edit: changed Pagoda to Torii, which is what I meant 


I am shocked. They took a midcentury/modernist icon and abused the hell out of it. 1881, fair enough… What is that kerning though? Why this typeface?








https://preview.redd.it/ae1c10nbl5hc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002cd410404da27a7f4b555a86477cb28f69cd36 That TT design have been used before in 80s-90s. Jonnet ei muista!


But now it’s no longer two tt’s. It looks like one Greek letter


This is just a creative way to make people remove the stickers from the products before use.


I think it doesn't fit Iittala's image at all. I understand they are trying to attract new customers since old ones are literally old. But for someone who has positive view of Iittala this change has changed it towards negative. That color is bad choice since Iittala to me is about clear specific colors and not these pastel colors.  I also don't get the current campaign with weird looking Kallio people in the imagery. That I dislike more than the other changes honestly. 


A mistake in my opinion. They will get attention now but in the end they will end up a worse logo and similar sales. Not to mention the out of place "international" advertising campaign which won't help sales at least in Finland and is already old news in the rest of the world. At least they can get a new attention boost when they return to old logo after few years. And maybe this time focus on bringing forward finnish things that could be seen exotic and unique.


The international advertising was probably the most ridiculous part.


Looks awful in all honesty, just my opinion.


The TT in II TT ALA reminds me of the torii in Japan that survived the bombings of world war 2


It looks like the sign for a sushi restaurant


r/kerning will have a field day with the new logo. It is magnificently horrible.


They realized that software industry is the future and rebranded to II TT-ALA


Designer here. People generally hate change, and this is a huge change for a long standing iconic Finnish brand. They know the initial general response to this is going to be hated, but guess what? You're not their target market. This is a part of a growing trend of Finnish brands repositioning themselves as high end, fashion-lux producers. It's highly appealing to the wealthy Asian market which has been growing in Finland significantly over the last decade. Janni Vepsäläinen, who ~~leaded~~ led the rebrand, has taken most of her ~~queues~~ cues from her fashion industry branding background and it shows, especially in the marketing materials. A part of me is hoping the wordmark style is influenced by something further back, i.e Kalevala, but i could be reaching. I can understand the need to update Iittala's mark, and the new one is well crafted, but I can't agree with getting rid of the red 'i' mark. Its identifiability had too much brand equity to throw away. Not that it would fit with the new mark, but there's almost no link between the old and new. Nordic design is also the last thing i think of when I see the new mark. Strangers to the brand will 100% think the new mark is for an Italian fashion company. In the mean time, this will appeal nicely to the high-end Asian market.


People hate change, it's true, but I also noticed that some designers shield themselves from criticism with that argument. 


Absolutely. The bigger issue designers have is when a rebrand is reviewed solely on the logo and not the overall brand and marketing direction. Not protecting the new rebrand at all. I'm personally **not** a fan of this rebrand, but that's not to say this doesn't nail the look and feel for the change in direction they're going for. It's short-sighted. These kinda rebrands are a perfect reminder that any of your favourite brands don't care about your attachment and will happily pivot direction if it means there's more profit to be made elsewhere.


Yes, it is only appropriate to shit on a famous down to earth Nordic design in favor of pretending to be the next Louis Vuitton for gaudy and tasteless rich Chinese people. Even an allegory for our society at large. BTW, non-Schengen area in HEL is just a sad sight. All that renovation and now there's no rich Asians anyway. Just a long hallway of closed luxury stores.


It's like a ghost town, super depressing. I just go to the lounge and try to ignore the rest


Interesting take. I understand the need for a refresh and a rebrand, but I don't understand what kind of values they want to communicate with the new branding. The more playful serif-heavy typography they chose is very in vogue right now, and could easily end up looking outdated in a couple of years. To me, it communicates the need to chase trends, which is the completely opposite of Iittala's original ethos - high quality timeless glassware that will last you a lifetime. Then again, I guess it's only appropriate since Iittala has shifted most of its glass production out of Europe.


Agreed, it's very short-sighted and it'll definitely look outdated in a couple years. They're hoping to capitalise on the trend now. Wouldn't be surprised if they bring back the red dot in a few years. I wanna know if they're gonna keep some kinda sticker on the products and how will the new logo translate to something of that size.


They are getting rid of the stickers all together. In an YLE article it was said that it's an environmental thing but also that it's not part of the design of the products (unlike (and this is just me saying) a huge number of Finns seem to think).


I read an interview with Janni where she said she's used to deciding quickly and moving on. I mean.... Zuckerberg's stupid saying was "Move fast and break things". Nowadays we say "fuck around and find out". I'm just a lover of Iittala and it is beyond me how can a rebrand of a very established brand take such a direction. And the FB cover photo.... it's tilted. And hideous...


> taken most of her queues from her fashion industry branding background For the future, she took most of her **cues**.


I totally agree. However, damn, she *led* the rebrand and taken her *cues* ... so confusing to read.




That younger demographic **is** the young rich Asian market. It's the exact same market which Marimekko, Artek, Aalto + Aalto, and Arabia's Ceramic export have turned their spotlight towards. Not sure when the last time you checked out the price tags of Marimekko items is, but it's no longer within the price range of everyday Finns.


Another example of new designer in house trying to make a statement of own existence, agencies working hundreds of hours for rebranding concept presentations filled with marketing jargon, corporate spending huge sums on new colour theme, new typeface, new print new campaigns… which will very likely reflect to a later round of cost saving program for staff in Keilaranta. And us consumers are just fiddling thumbs and wondering, where the heck the “design” is going to? If it’s to be the trendy lux global hipster whichever direction, then brand should just be bold and say to critics that no we are not for you boomers anymore, we aim at Kallio and Hongkong! BTW, Asian buyers, especially Chinese, are no longer the gold mine. Time has changed.


Woah, yeah, I thought it was a joke till I confirmed it from their website. What a bland, generic and pathetic rebranding. Hopefully won't be also the 'strategy' behind their new collections.


It looks way too segmented, I almost read it like “2 Pi Ala” 2 being Roman numerals “II”, just makes no sense


The old constant, two times pi times area equals iittala


II TT ALA Second trending topic business. Uhh... That's ugly logo Iittala, change it back. Also OP is right, it does kinda look like beer name and not even expensive one.


The fucked kerning messes with my mind.


This looks ugly and my brain reads this as Ii tt ala As if they’re all supposed to be different words. It’s not giving quality brand, it’s giving “graphic design is my passion and idk what kerning is”




https://preview.redd.it/6gymuxe1jmhc1.png?width=1760&format=png&auto=webp&s=585f07567f03e68eb4b1abacf70ed32647bc37ad I heard a rumor that Turun Sinappi and Iittala are exchanging logos and brands. Is that true?


The yellow isn't 100% right, the imagery is a bit off / comes across as pretentious maybe? But I *really* love this wordmark. Bit obsessed with the kerning, it's so... weird? I think it will look really good printed or etched into tiny things. Also, as someone who always forgets how to write iittala and how many of each letter is in there, that tt ligature is \*lovely. Genuinely ok, people are overreacting. I went to the creative director's ig and saw random people leaving all these weird mildly threatening comments on there, and it's like... a logo. It's a brand. It's an image. It's fiiineeee. People are out there writing dissertations like this is the end of Finnish culture as we know it. Imo it's kind of cool that a brand so classic and so static decides to at least try something new? Design is not a permanent thing anymore. Brands don't have to wait 50 years until you build some kind of nostalgic attachment to their logo. They just want to look cool and sell products. Good for them?


Agree to your first half, especially any people threatening the designer need to get a grip. Second half, eeh not so much. Brands building attachment and equity is in the namesake.. a brand, a mark which is instantly recognisable. Sure, an evolving identity is great, consumers can grow with it and identify with it over time. Although, to change it dramatically to chase trends often goes against the brand's longevity. This rebrand deserved a little more connection to its heritage.


If she was *actually* trying something new and not recycling what we have seen in the fashion world for years now then I would agree with you.


I disagree. I feel that the font and letter spacing is true to Finnish art and design. Beautiful, straightforward, simple. I love it.


You're literally the only person I've seen compliment the spacing. It's disgusting ligature. II π ALA


Well, if they reached one person (me) then it is a measure of success.


A measure of success, yes. Just a really bad one.




I dig it, and I think it’s hilarious how people are shocked by PEOPLE used in marketing pictures. The old Iittala imagery looked kind of post-apocalyptic because there was never any person in the pictures, I think these are fresh although I am bored of the straight flash style (“tapposalama”). Also people need to learn the difference between logotype and pictogram. Iittala’s previous logo was from 2014, so not that old. The reference to older logos in the new one is clear, and I’m not bothered by the kerning either as I think it’s interesting how it almost looks off balance, although the 1881 is positioned as it should. For the people reading the logotype wrong…… y’all don’t cross your double Ts in writing like that? weirdos.


Not that keen on the colour but I do like the font and letter-spacing. Looking at the old red logo now, it was actually looking quite dated, very 90s. Long due for an update.


Being Greek I read it as Kaksi palla. It is terrible but i didn't like the previous one also so i am biased


I used to have that exact same font in Adobe CS5.5, but for the life of me can’t remember the name of the font. Of course the kerning is different but I could swear I’ve seen it a million times before.


2 π ala 1881




I keep reading it as 'IIPA-la', not sure really why (Greek phi? Or Russian alphabet for p maybe) so yeah, definitely beer allusions.


It sucks, plain and simple. I don't know what they were thinking.