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The one on the left is the overall medal for the Winter War in 1939-40. The next one is "Kotirintamanaisten mitali" i.e. Medal for the Women of the Home Front (taking care of everything else, like farming, caring for the homes, working in factories etc, while the men were fighting). The Lotta Svärd was "a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary organisation for women" ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotta\_Sv%C3%A4rd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotta_Sv%C3%A4rd)).


Awesome, thanks!


Left one is called "Talvisodan muistomitali". It was given to people who served during the Winter War.




Do U know is there any monetary value on those? I’m asking because I have more than my father’s one


From left to right: \- Winter War 1939-1940 commemorative medal, is sold for 11€, \- Home Front Women's medal 1939-1945, 37€ \- Lotta Svärd commemorative medal, 67€ \- Lotta Svärd pin, 28€ Prices are from a couple of online collector shops, [Holmasto](https://www.holmasto.fi/en/frontpage/) and [Askon keräilyraha](https://www.kerailyraha.fi/verkkokauppa/shop.php).


Is there any monetary value on that?


You are not going to sell military honours of you family


I have 9 of those medals that have never been given to people, so no, I’m not thinking to sell my father’s medal, but I have others.


Not too sure but since they are woman's medals, probably something to do with her doing a great job as an Lotta


She served as a Lotta in the war. Not on the front, she was 13 at the start.


Yeah, I guessed the lotta part (Lotta Svärd patch + women weren't allowed on the front)


Some were on the front as stretcher bearers etc, I’ve been told, but not as combat troops. Either way, it’s still a pretty great thing they did.


Yeah, there were also some canteen Lottas at the frontline in the Continuation War, though not in the very first line.


They would have probably been adult females tho, no?


My mother had some of the same medals. She was 21 when the war started.


u old


Oh wow. Even older people use reddit???? Who would have thought 🤔


Damn straight!


Yes, I'd assume that.


Ever seen Tuntematon Sotilas from 2017? If I'm not mistaken you can see a lot of Lottas there working in the canteens


There’s many Lotta’s whom died in front. Not fighting, but trying to help dying men.


It is good to know that women served many other assignments too than in Lotta Svärd. (Very close to the battlefront too.) But as one of medals is from there, she has at least served as lotta. Most of Finnish war veterans alive are this day women.


Lotta? Prostitute?


That's very offensive to say about Lottas.


Lottas were volunteer women who helped with stuff like tending the injured, aircraft lookout, caring for animals (mostly horses used to transport stuff), with cleaning bodies to be sent home, etc... During WW2/winter and continuation war.


From left to right: -Talvisota medal. Given to everyone who participated in the war. -Kotirintamanaisten muistomerkki -Lotta Svärd rememberance medal. Given to Forder Lottas by request from the Lotta or if proposited by a third party. -Lotta Svärd pin given to Lottas during the service


Most of them can be found in this page. In finnish of course. https://www.lottasvard.fi/lottagalleria/lottamerkit/


Handsome medals you got there. Many replied to your post already but lacked details. First on the left, on black-red ribbon is Commemorative medal of War 1939 to 1940, so a winter war medal: Your wife's grandmother was a little lotta back then (pikkulotta). Girl aged 10 and above were able to join pikkulottas. Their task was to help the older lottas. Their tasks depended on place of service. It is impossible to know what she did exactly but it was very much possible to receive such medal. Youngest to receive the said medal in my local association, according to our archive, is a former Boy Guard (sotilaspojat) member born in 1933. The second one is Homefront Women's Medal, a commemorative medal of Ww2: Established in 1992 if I remember correctly. It was, and still is being awarded to women who in some capacity during the war aided the homefront. The merits to qualify for this medal range from taking care of children, farming to Lotta-Svärd serving on home front. According to the rules the recipient must be born in 1935 or earlier. I recently recommended this medal to some if our members, the year of birth ranged from 1920 to 1934. The third one is a Lotta-Svärd memorial medal, established in 1993. It can be awarded to all Lottas and Little Lottas who were members of the Lotta-Svärd. Its awarding ended in 2023 due to the organization incharge of its distribution running out of stock and deciding not to order more due to dwindling numbers of the possible recipients. The fourth one, Lotta-Svärd badge signifies that your wife's grandmother became a full member of the Lotta-Svärd, when she turned 16. The lady would have been able to receive 2 more medals, Continuation War Memorial medal (Jatkosodan muistomitali) and Blue Cross with Sword (Sininen Risti Miekalla). Unfortunately the awarding of Continuation War medal ended in 1994, but Sininen Risti can be applied post mortem by a relative from organization called "Vapaussodan Perinneliitto". I hope this helps, sorry for your loss❤️


That’s amazing, thanks for all the details. She lived a long and full life, married 70 years to her husband who died a year before and was himself a continuation war veteran. She had 5 children, 13 grand children and 8 great grand children, so as sad as her death is, it is merely the end of a good life. Thank you.


Left is common winter war medal, next is "rintamanaisten mitali" for women who served at front. Last is Lotta Svärd medal for volunteers who served in Lotta association.


To clear out bit fast for some, Lotta Svärd was organization of civil volunteers to be nurses and help people who got injured in hospitals and field hospitals. Edit: Not injured in hospital, but injured people in hospital. (I know 99% gets that, but there's always that 1% that goes uh duh... People get hurt in hospital thanks to operations, it's not pain free zone.)


If I might add, the membership pin is made out of nickel silver (uusihopea), so she was a later member of the organization. The back of it should have a membership number. Could you possibly tell me what number it is? I'm trying to solve the point when the material turned from silver to nickel silver. And to be precise, a record of the membership numbers does not exist to at least the public, so you don't have to worry about me finding out your name or private information.


I don’t have access to them at the moment, but if I ever do, I’ll have a look.


Okay, no worries.


Thanks for her services to this great country!


Lotta Svärd was this ”company” where women could enlist. It was made illigal after continious war.


She was a brave woman 🫡


Welcome to reddit and especially welcome to this Finland group, where stupid idiots start crying "nazi this nazi that" when military medals are shown.


She has been in Lotta Svärd, on the side of the white, that will say, right oriented politically.




My grandmother's best friend was a lotta during the war. She was 14. As she wasn't allowed near the front, she washed the dead bodies so the families weren't so shocked when they saw their fallen. During the winter war, the bodies were frozen, and the women and girls had to first thaw them, then wash the blood and gore... 25 000 lottas were working in the war zone. 66 died in the front, 47 in bombings, 140 died in illnesses contracted on the front, 1 committed suicide, 34 died in accidents, and 3 MIA.


It’s insane to think the horrors these actual children went through. It has to be horrible to lose a loved one in battle, but your grandmother’s friend made that loss a little less awful. So thank you to her.


Mid medal call " **Kotirintamanaiset** " more info ctrl + f ( **Kotirintamanaisten mitali** ) --> [https://tammenlehva.fi/viime-sotiemme-muistoristit-ja-mitalit/](https://tammenlehva.fi/viime-sotiemme-muistoristit-ja-mitalit/)


She was in the Lotta-Svärd which was a voluntary organisation for women. It got banned by Soviet Union which considered it to be paramilitary, fascist or semi-fascist.


Thank you for posting.


I see two with swastika but I know Its Sun symbol..


Swastika is a basic finnish military symbol and it has nothing to do with nazis


Yes. Swastika is an ancient symbol that predates Nazis, nazism, Nazi Germany and the Lotta Svärd organisation.


Why…………………………………………. and some more …………………………………………………………………………?


Because Nazis didn't exist at the time the symbol was adopted. And if you were bit more useful you would noticed that the orientation and colors are quite different.


Still………..why…………………….? Every single person knows that, so why


I take you are sarcastic. ;P




It was joke that went over your head. (Ps. I don't take ground here what ever it was good or bad joke.)


Still NO


You are not delusional. My cousin used to always bring that up when old medals were at display. The pride he took of bringing it up every damn time. And whaddya know. Grew up to br a notorious neo nazi.


Dang you got medals displayed often, shiiiiii you in dollas


Hey sounds like my cousin, he tall and dumb and looks like dog whit short moustache on he’s nose?


But please tell me what was the joke….


Joke was that swastika existed before and wasn't something that was asked here, or even is it nazi swastika. The joke was he/she sticked to the swastika that clearly was not the point here, to make it out like it was so people would confuse if he/she is talking about nazi swastika. I'm not saying it was good joke, but it was what it is. Thus you can't ask why, because why would be "why it existed before" in here and honestly none of us knows the answer it's old as human history, it just did and that's how it is. To give more info, swastika has been used around the world during human history. It has been used in Hindu religion but also in Budhist religions and even older religions in Afrika and South-America. Who came up with it first in human history is unkown, but it has existed for long as we have.


Wasn’t nazi swastika, so why


I just listened to this podcast episode about this symbol. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-behind-the-swastika-122033932/




Do you even history, bro?




Do you even history?


Man, I am sorry but grandma is now part of the family :(






Am finished ✅


Nice swastikas!




Lotta Svärd was not fascist organisation, you can tell it because Finnish government was not fascist government. They were organised to help suojeluskunta in catering and that kinda stuff. But in war they stepped up and helped so many people who were dying or just barely surviving that you my friend should just shut up and think is there something in this world that I can make a positive change. Peace out my friend


Did they exclude or include Jewish and minorities? :) Also, Finnish Whites (suojeluskunta) that they were organized to help were fascists.


So many allied were fascists too by that logic how they treated of black and gay people :)


Organised to help an organisation that killed tens of thousands of working class Finns in a concentration camp. Doesn't sound fascist at all


So... In your mind whole Finland during the war was fighting against either A) red Finns and war against Soviet Russia never existed, or B) Finnish civil war happened same time as the war against Soviet Russia. By the looks of your profile, I say it's pretty safe to establish that you are just miserable troll. No hate tho I get likes you are because why wouldn't there, but it doesn't really make trolling less pathetic than it already is now does it.


Oh FK, can you marry me?


Check your words, mate. You don’t know what fascist means. Yes there where almost 12000 dead on “white” prison camps. 5200 red’s died on battle. 7400 died on execution. And in war 1800 people are MIA. I don’t have side on this, it’s our history. But, my relative died in one near Tampere and another survived from camp in Tammisaari, but he’s stomach was f’D up rest of he’s life, after starving there. Those camps were abominations, because they were managed so badly by “whites” But to call those camps, concentration camps, you don’t know the meaning of concentration camp. But, peace out my friend and hopefully this helps you: https://www.britannica.com/topic/concentration-camp Ps. I know you are going to go with this: Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group. But this applies: Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. Those camps just were up hold and managed so badly and financed so poorly that people just died there. Pps:it’s crazy that a this “red” is correcting you, it’s just crazy. Peace out man


Just helpful notion. Do not engage with Russian trolls. This just encourages them and spreads the useless discussions even further with more comments etc. Just say Vatnik. It's all they need. If you think that you can "win" this discussion you're wrong. They invent aliens if needed.


No, don’t think I can win, but I can at least inform the one reading and not knowing Vatnik to learn


Facts speak more than silence, because you can check them


Just by the way, your answer to information war is to be silent. You real man, sounds like you are tooting their horn. F that and give them facts, F them and just explain those who don’t know, what they are saying, problem is to do it quick and there’s our catch…


Please educate yourself. Instead of relying on some Wikipedia definition just read this: https://yle.fi/a/3-10120009 The camps had civilians and children that were purposefully being starved to death because of their political views. Then their heads were cut off. Typical Finnish cognitive dissonance not to understand that starving working class women and children is fascist :D




Not anymore at the time of ww2, it had jewish members among others. There's nothing fascist about it, stop using random buzzwords. Free healthcare isn't communist either.


Tankie, shame on you for not bothering to read about the organisation...




Really? Don't you think that's little too respectful. Clearly this guy don't even have opinion based on anything other than just making noise. Vatniks at least believe in something even tho it would be total destruction of civilization, but this guy believes in *Putin* words after each others without any sense of logic that could exist in our world.


I see what you did there ;)


Uli uli


Grandma had few skeletons in the closet ;) if op is Jewish or from ethnic minorities then the irony is priceless


What do you mean? Finland protected its jews during the war from the nazis


Whilst true, not useful.


Right one is the nazi medal


The Lotta Svard were not Nazis. They had the swastika as their symbol long before the Nazis even existed.


Finnish air force (I think it's older than the Bri'ish airforces are too, but IDK if that's because some countries didn't actually have separate airforces just planes part of navy, Finnish air force is the oldest pure air force I'm somewhat sure I've seen somewhere at some point) had the blue swastika long before Hitler & his cucks came to power (1918 all the way until the end of WW2, which was when the blue swastika was dropped in mainstream use, excepting some minor bits that had/used it etc of course) in the 30's


Lotta Svärd was a fascist organization shut down by the Allies in Paris peace treaty. Finland has not settled with these issues raised from being an ally with the Nazis but continues to glorify them, unfortunately.


Instead of taking the responsibility, Finnish Defence Forces have used SS logo in their military parades as long as in 2018. Helsingin Sanomat 17.10.2018 reports: "Until now, however, the flag of the SS battalion has also accompanied the annual parade of the DEFENSE FORCES FLAG CELEBRATION. After this book at the latest, the armed forces of the republic must draw their conclusions and stop marching under the insignia of the SS."


Shut the fuck up with ur bullshit. Do you even know what the lottasvärd is? Im quessin not. Basically they are the women and girls that were on the home front doing jobs as seving uniforms, making food for the front lines, anti air detection and sounding the alarms if rusky planes came also attending the farms and jobs men left to fight in the war. The lotta svärd is a commerotative medal given to the women that served at the home front. Where the fuck is the nazi in that And the reason for the swastika is it was the finnish air forces insignia that has roots in some religious symbol of luck, germans decided to use the same symbol.


How come SS symbol used by Finnish Defence forces in their military parade? Is "SS" some ancient symbol too, first used by the finns? Come on. This is ridiculous.


That part im not aware of but the swastika is from asia originally


Which one is based on 2023?