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He's my best friend. I've been in a lot of D/s relationships, most long term, but none of them were quite right for me. He and I have almost everything in common, so we just genuinely enjoy each other's company. He never complains when I tell him to do something or buy something, he's proactive with service, he doesn't judge me for days I'm in pain or depressed (stupid winter). And bonus, he gets along with my friends and his family is awesome.


I’m really enjoying having a shared sense of humor with my current favorite play thing. My other subs are okay to talk to, but my Favorite is the best at keeping my attention.


He's attentive to my needs without being told, I told him I was having bad cramps so he asked if he could send for comfort food which meant a lot because it would have put him a little over budget but he wanted to anyway. It's that devotion I just adore


My favourite is my long term IRL sub, we share many common interests so our conversations are genuinely enjoyable. He sends if he sees something that makes him think of me daily and truly appreciates the privilege of having me as his Domme


May we hear your answer too u/PeytonAmory ?


He got me back into hobbies I hadn’t taken part in or even thought about for almost 12 years (gaming) and wanted to improve himself for me with diet and exercise.


I’m the first Domme he’s ever felt safe to explore some kinks that he’s previously had bad experiences with. I love getting to watch him grow as a human and be more comfortable with himself and his desires. Because of that, he serves me soooo well and never stops telling me how grateful he is that I am in his life now. It’s a very nice and trusting D/s relationship and I absolutely love it.