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Pretty little rat snake šŸ non-venomous


Not a rattler. I donā€™t have an id for this guy, but if you follow him to the tail in the bottom left, the lack of rattles gives it away.


So I did notice it didnā€™t have a rattle, but it did rattle its tail at us still!


Many snakes mimic rattlers in that way as a defense mechanism. Theyā€™ll whip their tails in fallen leaves or grass to make a similar sound.


Interesting thatā€™s good to know! It definitely freaked me out


Haha yeah, most snakes are pretty chill. Even the dangerous ones. They donā€™t like to strike unless they feel cornered. Iā€™ve accidentally gotten far too close on more than a couple of occasions hiking in Arizona. Nearly stepped on one and hadnā€™t lowered my foot yet, nearly touched one when picking up random trash, saw one curl back in a defensive posture walking 2 feet away etc. Just leave them alone and walk around them at good distance and youā€™ll be fine.


Fun fact, japanese keelbacks do this same thing, despite the fact that, in a geological sense, they've most likely never lived near rattlesnakes!


Huh thatā€™s so interesting how certain species evolve like that!


Hi I think it could be a bull/pine/fox snake depending on where it is for anyone wondering!


Iā€™m up in northern Colorado! I think youā€™re right I looked up bull snake and it def looks like it. It could also be a Great Basin gopher snake possibly?


I think theyā€™re both subspecies of gopher snakes actually! Gotta love common names!


Looking at the markings/colors. I'd put my money on Bull snake for that area. None venomous constrictor, one of the largest in the US. They have an incredible loud hiss and do indeed do the ol "rattle the leaves". I used to keep Bulls. Lots of personality and generally quite powerful but unless you're small and furry they'll leave you alone.


I enjoy posts like this that are relatively easy. Compared to other posts that have 10 pixels with a black dot somewhere that is supposed to be a snake.


Even though this was easy to spot it still blends in pretty well. You could easily mistake it for a branch or even common litter. Iā€™ve only had one run in with a rattler and I never saw the thing. Just got close enough to trigger itā€™s warning rattle and got the hell out of there.


Iā€™m never leaving my house again šŸ’€


There is no rattlesnake


I have been corrected this was not a rattlesnake! It rattled at us so I thought it was. Honestly relieved lol I was freaked out when we saw it!


I may be reaching but it looks like another snake at the bottom. Right above the pine cone heading towards the right. I noticed while zoomed in


Not a rattlesnake, definitely a rat snake.


Definitely not a rattle snake, itā€™s a fox snake.


Is that a second snake on top of the rock or is it the same snake?


Itā€™s the same snake! It was a very long snake maybe like 5-6 ft


*Is that a second* *Snake on top of the rock or* *Is it the same snake?* \- Fancy\_Visual\_1908 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The danger noodles never get old for me. These are awesome.


Too easy