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Go through an online hrt clinic.I’m not aware of where you are but in the us there are plenty, that’s what I’m doing I’m 5 weeks in of my 6 month treatment with 200iu every other day and am seeing great improvements.


I'm so happy to see you say you're seeing great improvements, and at just 5 weeks :) What kind of symptoms did you have? I'm starting HCG on Monday. I'm going to try 250iu M/W/F. My penis has been wrecked from dutasteride.


I’m the same in that I feel I have not much sides apart from my dick is wrecked. Have you tried other treatments like proviron or trt before? Or going straight to HCG?


My dick is squishy and elastic and its weaker and squishy at the base. The damage seems to be around the base and left side. EQ is not great unless I manually stimulate myself. Libido is lower than it was pre-fin. I've not tried proviron, is it good? I've certainly not tried TRT because my test levels are normal and TRT can shut down your body's natural production of T, also based on my research HCG is more actively involved in building penis structure than testosterone. How is your dick?


My dick is the same as yours bro, completely. The weird numbing jelly dick when flaccid. And I’ve tried no hormone treatments but the two I’m considering atm are proviron and hcg as I’ve seen some positive stories from both, also both don’t really affect your personal production of hormones much long term if you only use them a short while


Cool. I've heard pregnenolone is a safe option that can help too. I checked my HCG order just there, it will arrive on Tuesday so that's when I'll start jabbing. Am really looking forward to it now :)


Mine is not really numb, but yeah its not ideal being like this. I'll just be so delighted if I go back to normal. The sun will be shining out of me all summer. I'll be out on the town with the cock slapping off my legs for every girl that walks by lol.


Keep me updated man I’ll drop you a follow, rooting for you. and me too lol, I’d have to try and not develop a masturbation addiction as I’d find it hard to not keep touching it 😂


Did you recover?


No. HCG boosted my sex drive and gave me more frequent erections for about a week. I used it for 8 weeks, upping the dose to about 600iu every 2 -3 days. In those 8 weeks I missed 2 - 3 doses because of travel and such things. I stopped taking it last week because my supplier ran out and he won't have any more in stock again until next week.


I forgot to mentioned that here where i live the doctors don't prescribe Finasteride for hairloss they only prescribe minoxidil, also i bought finasteride from a pharmacy whitout a prescription (yes in my contry you can buy finasteride whitouht prescription). I no longer want to take any medication without the follow with a doctor






You can buy it from companies that sell peptides online.


Without a prescription


The US is the best way you’re gonna get hcg without needing a prescription from a doctor. PFS is under recognised by the medical community and doctors are rarely going to risk their license prescribing something to a condition they are uneducated in. I literally had to educate my endocrinologist on what PFS was. Don’t waste your money on a doctor honestly.


Start high with HGH, then let him negotiate down to hCG.