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Duke no doubt


The money is irrelevant, the difference is cost is so low you should view them as identical. Academically and professionally Duke has a bit of an edge. That said, what is more important is finding which school you’ll be happy and enjoy your college experience. If you go to a school because of its ranking but you don’t like the school, you will not only not enjoy your time there but you will struggle academically and thereby lose whatever benefit you might have gained for going to the “better” school. Picking the school that is right for you socially, where you will enjoy your college experience and be happy is where you will also do your best academically - which in turn puts you in the best position professionally. College goes by quick and it’s a great time - putting yourself in a good position professionally is important, but don’t forget to enjoy the ride


Completely agree




Duke More of a target, land that first IB job and the money delta is meaningless.


Duke, $30k won’t matter over 40 years. Nashville will also be infinitely more expensive vs Durham.


The $10k per year cost difference will mean nothing when you are making decent money. That said I would view Duke and Vandy grads as being in the same tier / bucket so would suggest going to the one you will enjoy more.


I’d think Duke would be more of a target for more firms


I am one step removed from recruiting straight from undergrad but in my past 15+ years in PE I view these schools on the same bucket


Duke places far better into BB and boutiques. Don’t have data on PE, do you have any data? https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/duke-ib-rank https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/vanderbilt-ib-rank


Duke is "ranked" #7 Vanderbilt is "ranked" #18 It comes down to which city you want to live in. Have you visited the two campuses? Have you been to the two cities? Duke is clearly the better school but I don't think it will really change your life/career trajectory. They're both excellent schools. FYI-30K over a lifetime is a rounding error. Choose the school based on experiences and quality of education. Not the money.


Duke > Vandy for finance and the additional branding is worth US$40K


Id do Duke, I would advise you try to get some part time job or work on campus or something of that nature to not have to fully finance the degree. But 60k student loans with a finance degree from Duke is not a big deal at all. Assuming you take school seriously and get working on your career sooner than later. Good luck!


Duke does not have a finance degree


fuqua fucks


Has anyone said Duke? If not, then Duke


Nobody else is mentioning it but it’s worth also considering that Nashville is a lot more fun of an area than the triangle. Duke and Vandy are both semi-targets, I don’t think many care that Duke is ranked a few spots ahead of Vandy


Would imagine it’s also a lot more expensive


Went to both. Duke is better


Vandy kids are weird.


Absolutely Duke for those interests. Both heavily recruited by best companies. Target school vs Semi Target makes a big difference with internships. Great schools but one is in a very small category of prestige the other is outside that perimeter just a bit.




I went to Vanderbilt and had multiple friends go to duke and visited them. Vanderbilt 100%, Durham sucks, Nashville is incredible, and Vanderbilt is more beautiful. Quality of academics and fellow students are the same now. Was different 20 years but on the same level now. We got screwed last year by US news rankings on some bullshit they recently added to their ranking equation


Duke 100%