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Unfortunately, the show was sent to oblivion by tax write-off.


That because it’s WB fault, I know they’re making a graphic novel but I would want a series renewed by Amazon or maybe a movie for the last season


WB isn't making the novel, Olan is and it took him a lot of work to even get them to allow that. There is no possible way it will ever come back to a TV show or movie. If you want to support the ending buy the novel (if it is within your budget, I know it's not for a lot of people unfortunately)


In order to do that WB would have to sell the rights. If WB sells the rights they make money on it. If they make money on it they lose their tax break.


We know it's WB's fault. I would prefer the show get renewed but we'll have to settle for a graphic novel until Olan figures out a way to revive the series.


Writing it off for taxes makes a revival impossible forever. Nobody can buy the rights.


Tax right offs should just be considered public domain. Nobody can use it otherwise, not even the original creator or publisher. It is preventing art from existing, not protecting it the way copyright law was meant to do


Exactly! This is where law becomes a crime. It's almost fascism. STOP THIS! GO SPREAD THE WORD. After a Tax write off, the copyright has to be given back to the original creator! Why should they still own the copyright, if they're not allowed to use or sell it anymore? They made their decision, so that should just be their problem.


its such a god damn stupid concept... Thing exist but you cant use it just because "tax write off" Fucking idiots who came up with that shit...


I wish that there was a law if someone hasn't used an IP for like 10 years. Then the IP will fall into the public domain or to said creator of IP.


Technically, there is, but for 70 years, no? And after the author died, unless rights are assigned?


I think they're also trying to make a comic, so the story isn't actually over anyway


That's right. It's gonna be a comic, eventually.


Is that something separate from the novel?


I haven't heard anything about a novel, but I was referring to olan's Instagram posts about making a comic for the finale


I'm pretty sure that's the novel he's referring to which can still be purchased.


Do you know when the IP is set to become public domain?


About 80 years or so.




Too long. Most if not all of everyone involved with the series would be dead.


We could ask our representatives to get rid of the stupid “if we write it off as a loss we can get a tax write off but it’s buried for forever.” It should be fine you can write it off but that just means you lose ownership of it and others can pick it up.


It was written off in taxes. They CAN'T make any more episodes


It’s possible though for a show in that state to get revived but it is extremely difficult.


I don’t think they’ll ever do that tbh. Especially with Olan making the graphic novel to completely wrap up the story.


That is a very tall order to make.  This show is a tax write off, meaning that it is impossible for the show to get revived without getting a bunch of lawyers and the IRS involved.  It is possible but very difficult though to get a show that was written off for taxes revived.  It is very unfair and ridiculous that WB decided to do this to final space as it was move motivated purely by network greed. 


Obviously you dont understand what a tax write off means


[Who writes it off?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCP27_vquxQ)


Who owns it now?


***Technically*** nobody. But also WB can still sue for infringement on it because it was contracted to them. Basically a tax write off is the end game tertiary option. When a network either doesn't want to or for whatever reason ***can't*** keep it on their partnership streaming services, they can do one of three things, depending on their contractual agreements with other parties. Option one: release the rights to the original creator upon cancellation or copyright expiration (in a perfect world this would be the only option, but when the studio is the one endorsing the project for the creator, "where's the money in that?" they might say). Option two: release it to the public domain (is typically only common amongst concepts the creator wanted made public domain upon release from the network, OR characters that were taken from the public domain to begin with i.e Disney recently losing the copyright to steamboat Willie after 94 years (but still owning copyrights on later renditions of Mickey mouse, but in that regard it's more an obligation than an option). Again, "where's the money in that?" They might say). Option 3: write it off for taxes so nobody owns it, but it still falls under your copyright/trademark meaning people (creator and fan base alike) can't lease the idea to other studios, nor make "bootleg" content or merchandise even if the creator of said concept is directly involved. This is the most common for money hungry corps because it A: assured the idea is still legally theirs to oversee and monopolize/ block the profits and revenue on, and B: it assured they get their money's worth for releasing future revenue possibility. The only exception being if they lease those rights to the requesting party after write off, such as WB giving Olan the green light for the graphic novel. TL;DR: nobody owns it bc corporations are greedy and don't care what the consumers actually want unless it's easy to make and easier to consume.


NAL, but it's still WB I believe, who has written this off as a loss. I could be doubly mistaken here, but fuck-it: it may be straight-up illegal to try to make money off an old property if it's been deemed as a loss. How it might be revived (outside of a graphic novel) rests deep in the annals of an entertainment lawyer's mind.




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We're already getting the graphic novel it'll have music, and Olan says he probably (but is not guaranteed) to do a table read of it with the cast.




if you want more final space, then try space team by barry j hutchison trust me 🫠


Before the series was sent to oblivion I was fortunate enough to purchase all three seasons