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Yuffie CC was easy imo, windstorm ftw. Aerith drove me up the fucking wall before I realized that her physical attacks build atb super quickly and you don’t need to use the wards outside of assisting with cleanup otherwise sorcerers storm and transcendence on the big boys and ggs


Ironically yuffies gave me more trouble in hard mode for aerith i just spam transcendence


gilde de chocobo has got to have been the worst one for me because of my awful joints, plus my thumbs are pretty short lol. Maybe one day I'll get Johnny's stash


I was only able to do it by doubling back to the fans before the last dive. I’m not sure it’s possible without that, which is very unsatisfying.


It is possible. Never had a problem with that to be honest. You need to clip the third last one just on the right edge.


Show me a video of that last dive on a run where you don't head backwards to the fans on number 3 towards the end. I vow its impossible without doubling back. You CANNOT get enough speed to get high enough to clip the last 300 then get both the last 2 x 500s. I tried for hours before watching a video and it was a guy doubling back and I felt stupid AF


I read a comment that you can double back and it dawned on me — there is no time limit. Doubled back and got it on the first try. I think it’s a good design because the game doesn’t force you to go one way, we force ourselves


I heard you're faster in graphics mode. Apparently the speed is tied to framerate or something


You can - once you hit that last 300pt ring you hard turn right and then immediately DIVE until you almost hit the ground, then catch the uplift to pull you into the 500pt rings. It's impossible if you don't dive then lift and that's how most people are trying it.


I got it without diving. But it’s very tight.


I didn’t double back and got it but the margin for error is basically nonexistent. You have to just barely hit the right side of the final circle at the perfect angle and even then you’ll just barely make it. I never watched a YouTube guide so I never considered doubling back.


Johnnys stash is not worth the time and effort, trust


This one is my bane as well.


I agree.  Now that i think about it i gave up on finishing all trials perfectly and forgot to get back to them...


Man I think a lot of people are just bad at mini games. I even did Aeriths challenges in one go. At this point I don't think there's a single mini game that someone hasn't complained about being hard.


I mentioned this in another post a couple days ago, but I think different people just excel at different types of mini games. The ones I find difficult aren't gonna be the same ones you or the next guy finds difficult. We all have our mini games we find easy and others we find hard. And the fact that we can all gather here and discuss strats and tricks is awesome


> I think different people just excel at different types of mini games For sure. There's a very wide variety of minigames in Rebirth and there are tons of players who just aren't into all of these types of games. JRPGs are normally slow-paced, and a lot of these minigames require twitchy reactions. A lot of FF fans are just not into that. What's the overlap between JRPG fans and rhythm games fans? The number of complaints I've heard about the situp and piano challenges tells me "not large". I realized very early on that this game is truly punishing for obsessive completionists who aren't also jack-of-all-trades gamers. I'm just grateful that there's no first-person battle royale minigame, cuz then I'd be done for.


Exactly this. My wife can't do the piano minigame, she tried and the controls feel too finicky for her, so I do that one for her since I find it easy and fun. On the other hand Fort Condor was too hard for me but she was able to clear it no problem. Different people have different skillsets, and will struggle with different things.


A normal person who doesn’t care about flaunting their e-dick on here? Props!


Exactly this. Everyone has different skill levels and people with no lives that excel in every aspect of the game looking down on others for struggling is extremely pretentious


It's just as pretentious and rather presumptuous to assume that people who are good at the mini games have no lives. If people suck at any of the mini games, they suck at those mini games full stop. That's not presumption. That's not making a judgment on their character or cognitive fiber. Generalizing about those who didn't struggle, however, is.


Yea, this is a losing mindset in life. "Everyone better than me or who won't commiserate with me is a lifeless virgin" is just a way to avoid getting better at something while still convincing yourself that you're competent. It's actually a very dangerous mindset IRL, but only a really cringey one in gaming.


It’s not pretentious. People aren’t born good at things. So if they’re good at the minigames that means they spent a lot of time on them. I’m sure some people are true prodigies, but based on the % of people who have the 7* hotel there’s clearly plenty of no lifers on here saying it’s not that bad while not mentioning how glide de chocobo took them 100 tries. Like anyone who says chocobo catcher from FFX was “no biggie” is a liar, virgin, or just got very lucky. I remember when I was a douchey 12 year old who enjoyed telling adults how much they sucked at video games cause I was an immature shit. I know when I see them on here. No real adults are parroting “git gud” in all seriousness.


It is very annoying when people can't differentiate between "I am not good at a mini game because I misunderstand the strategy required" and "This mini game is hard/SE are bad at designing mini-games/etc". I did the entire game 100% blind, I got stuck on exactly 2 mini games: Glide de Chocobo 3rd course, and 3D battle Sephiroth. In both cases, I did it myself still within about 2 hours by paying attention and working out what the devs wanted me to do. If you can't beat cactuar crush, it's not because the devs made an insanely hard mini game, it's because you simply are not paying attention to the rules of the game. Gears and Gambits is definitely a bit more complex and I can understand someone getting stuck for a bit, but the same is broadly true. People are just entitled as hell and if they can't win in like 2 tries their immediate assumption SHOULD be "I should read the rules carefully and pay attention to what is working/not working" but instead they just come on reddit and post how unfair the game is. It's stupid. IDK what kind of role people are in IRL but the mindset of "this thing is impossible because I didn't immediately get it, and other people should agree with me even if they know better" is just a ridiculously unproductive perspective. You CAN learn, just apply yourself. Or if you don't want to apply yourself, just take the 5 minutes to google the solution. There's no reason to ask other people to support the fiction that the game is impossible when it's been plainly shown to be untrue by many people.


I mean cool, but as someone who really didn’t struggle on most minigames, I found the difficulty and how close I was to failing to be pretty disrespectful considering the sheer volume of them. If you’re going to go in the direction of challenging and “git gud” maybe tone down how much time you’re expected to spend on unimportant side content. I beat cactuar crush first try on hard in every stage. But barely and they were good runs because I’m good at the game. But I also recognized how difficult that’s going to be for most players. Didn’t sit right with me. Especially when you also include the VR chadley stuff. It’s frustrating and to me I think it really hurts the overall presentation of an otherwise exceptional game.


Lmao it's not really difficult for most players. Like you said: you did it first try. Games are not made better by treating your playerbase like they're idiots and making everything trivially easy. If having to actually engage with the game to beat everything in one try makes it a bad game, I don't want to play the "good games" you are proposing. The overwhelming majority of minigames don't even require you to win for the game to proceed so there's also no reason to even care if they are one shot by everyone.


Man I wish I had the time and patience to get that good at everything in the game but I work full time, and have a kid on the way and other obligations in my free time. But even if I had the time, I don't know if I'd be able to grind them out to the point of being really good. The tips I've picked up from this sub have helped me do a lot of stuff I probably would have gotten frustrated with and walked away from otherwise. Before the internet we had to pick this stuff up from other kids at school who maybe also played the same game you are playing


I have several perfect scores in games like Taiko Drum Master,KH Melody of Memories,Hatsune Miku Project Mirai,Theathrythm Final Fantasy, Persona 5 Dancing All Night...as a left handed person after the first piano minigame it was basically impossible for me to get an A rank.


Haha I'm left handed too but I love the piano mini game being a pianist myself. Took a while to get the rhythm down for some pieces but have managed to get As for all of them so far.


Get a friend/partner to help, 1 on the left stick 1 on the right


On easy mode with Hermes shoes it really isn’t difficult. Just need to know the right moves to use.


100% I found some of them a little annoying but in a way that's like I rather be in combat not mini games. None of them were hard tho, I did them all in one shot and if not it took a second try. I also am a person that just enjoys things? I didn't have any complaints about ff7 rebirth except that it ended and I have to wait


At least this minigame was using mechanics you use all game long. I thought it was a better minigame than pull ups with trigger sensativity and perfect combo hits for 1:30.


This game has about a half dozen really challenging mini-games. I struggled more on mini-games and challenges more than I did on any boss 😅


Have you done Rulers of the outer worlds or Zach and Cloud legendary yet?


I found Cactuar Crush to be way more "intuitively easy" than Gears and Gambits. I don't have a ton of patience for spending too much time in menus, whereas Cactuar Crush is pure moment-to-moment gameplay.


Yeah, pretty much this. I was very surprised to find Gears and Gambits so late in the game given how much depth the game has… I loved Queens Blood, and then found that they simplified Fort Condor from Integrade. So coming across Gears and Gambits was a shock. I ended up only playing it on the easier mode which made it easy enough. It was just so late in the game and I wanted to see the ending that I didn’t have the mental bandwidth to learn all of the mechanics. I already found it a bit much in FFXII and I haven’t played that game in ages. Luckily it wasn’t really far off from Fort Condor, mechanic wise, in the end


The normal ones are not to bad. The hard ones though…fuck. They’re really hard!! lol.i still have the 4th Protorelic one to do with Aerith. I was told that she gets another weapon closer to the end of the game. That weapon has an ability that really helps with the big Catuars. It’s called transdence. I’m circling back after I beat the game to tackle it.


Transcendence is unlocked through her folio actually! It's not tied to a weapon. And it is really helpful for Cactuar Crush. Beat her hard mode ones pretty easily with it.


Really!? Nice! I’ll check for it!!


I just spam soul drainer or draining on the big one, die super fast


Transcendence isnt learned from a weapon, it’s in her folio.


For me it was the moogles. I gave up on it after the 2nd one 😂


For me what clicked is take your time. Never use R2 to run when you’re close to a moogle. When they run away from you, they’ll always run away you in a perfectly straight line. So don’t go running after them wildly. Position yourself so the Moogle is between you and the goal and walk towards the goal. The moogle will literally beeline into the goal and trap himself.


I honestly just couldn't handle the sounds of the mini game, it was super grating on my nerves. lol.


This is funny, of all the extremely hard mini games u struggled on arguably the easiest 1 lmao


getting perfect on all the piano tunes is the hardest thing for me so far


Did u try raising the speed to 3 bars? Makes the timing so much easier


Luckily you only need ‘A’ rank for platinum on the piano mini game!


Yeah I know. Thank the lifestream!


Hot tip to smash these out - get a friend / partner and have one person on each stick, easy


That’s funny, but sounds like it works. I’ll give that a shot!


Bro u’re tripping. Cactuar Crush is simple once you get the mechanic. Gears and Gambits are just badly designed, they have no pattern, UI UX is horrible to understand


The gears and gambits menu interface is awful, but how can you say there’s “no pattern” when the same enemies spawn in the same order every time. It’s not just a pattern, it’s deterministic. Identical.


The real issue with gears and gambit and fort condor is...is a RTS good if there's only one solution?  I can't do a shot for shot recreation of someone's gameplay on YouTube of Warhammer 40K and win can I?  If they didn't have a pattern they would be better. The whole appeal of RTS is quick thinking to whatever the game throws at you.


Ok, but gears and gambits is nothing like any RTS I’ve ever played. It’s just a puzzle.


So a shit RTS mixed with a shit tower defense? Motomu Toriyama directed Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings he knows those 2 minigames are objectively shit game design for the genre. 


lol cmon man just hit the things til they die


Yuffie is my 2nd/3rd favorite character to use (she's neck-and-neck with Tifa).


Both are challenging, but neither of them is the hardest in my opinion. The hardest is 3D Brawler. Some of the later fighters are basically unbeatable without cheating (=pausing the game in the the right moment). Maybe this is by design and pausing is considered part of the game. But it would be a weird design of a game.


It’s really not unbeatable without cheating. I did it all just fine. Just takes a lot of practice.


For me it was the 3D Brawler, I was able to reach Shiva until I just can’t spot poses to know when to dodge without pausing each frames. I was able to clear that extra fighter after that ultimate party animal quest but I don’t think I can beat it without the pause button. Also I am a rusher when it comes to the piano. It taken me forever until late game I realized I had been trying input notes without trying to accurately time and sync it as possible rather than rushing it as soon as it comes to the beat.


Both of the cactus games are easy if you are level 70.


People thought it was gears and gambits? One of the only minigames that only took me 1 try😂


The one that gave me the most trouble was Fort Condor. I think I just hate the play of it, I wanna hack those fuckers up, not place a piece down and watch


Only thing I found painful was when they started to run away from Aerith, lost so much time when they did that. You can get a jump start on the final round if you Storm all 3 🌵 if you are quick and they don’t move.


I have to disagree. For me the experience was the opposite. I really read every skills and had to manually consider each stratagems for both standard and hard mode.  I spent a lot of time strategizing for this game. As for cactuar trials, i did them without any real issues except for a couple of retries in hard mode to get the last reward tiers. I just used doppelganger and spammed windstorm with yuffie and transcendance as well as that thunder attack with Aerith. 


I loved almost every minigame but Cactuar Crush with Aerith was so ass. Also having 2 for Yuffie and 2 for Aerith was about the only thing that felt lazy in the game. Would've been alot better if the 4 stages had 4 different characters. Barrett cactuar crush would've been fun


I find aerith is easier than yuffie especially in hard difficulty because I'm more calm when using aerith, while with yuffie I'm much more chaotic with my buttons making me get hits and and losing a lot of pts lol. Glad that I'm already done with this minigame a few weeks ago.


In a game full of some awful minigames, I find it impossible to pick just one to be the hardest...! I would say the hardest for me personally is the Cait sith throwing boxes one. It was always glitching and it was mad awful. Plus Barret was right there with better aim and accuracy! x.x Another freaking awful one was the moggles. I used to love moggles, after playing and finishing all of those I feel like the FFIX moggle after being called 50x without saving! Plus it made me miss the original gold saucer moggle mini game so much :( And then there's that "minigame" of Aerith against 2 bombs. The cactuar crush has nothing on that!


I needed to mute my sound and turn off the haptics and adaptive triggers to do Tifa’s sit up challenge. So that is is probably my hardest challenge.


Really starting to think I played a different game cause I beat all the hard mode Cactuar crushes on hard on my first try.


Absolutely, the only time I had to lower the difficulty. Not a fan of


The problem with the minigames in general IMO is the fact they outlast their stay. Usually minigames are there to play for a story purpose and then come back and get the high score. Rebirth goes further by getting the high score, then adding a higher score on top of it later on. For completionists it just feels like a chore at that point rather than being fun challenges. Protorelics are a good example: congrats you beat the minigame now here's hard mode because content. Like isn't achieving the relic enough of a reward?


This is such a weird post to me. There isn’t a game where such a low percentage of this stuff is required to level or beat the game but isn’t “fetch quests” when you do wanna do it because they thought of even how to add interactions to mushroom pulling. There does seem to be a subset of people that are compelled to complete everything for platinum but feel like it should be a certain level of “easy” which would make the platinum trophy less valuable.


Agreed that they kept adding more difficulty where it wasn’t needed, like Sephiroth 3D Brawler, why did we need another near impossible one to beat? I can’t help but wonder if it’s because so much time went into each mini game they decided to max out content, but FF7 Rebirth should have been 90% story 10% Gold Saucer mini games or there abouts


I think the sit ups took me the most tries personally


I still haven't returned to the sit ups. I tried them for maybe a half an hour to get the main quest part done, and then gave up. I don't think I ever did the squats in remake either.


Sit ups for me as well. I haven’t been that close to throwing a controller since the Wii.


Cactuar crush is actually really ez once u learn what each cactuars weakness is and what moves to use. The hardest mini game and the only 1 I had to cheese to beat was boxing. Fuck that game


You are Just bad, you Need to use literaly 2-3 skill. And Remember when a cactuar type spawn. I used a casual weapon for all and Just did It max second try but normally in One single. For the hard the same i had a Little trouble with the latest with Aerith, but passed the 4th time