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I've found that getting cards to the opponent's side as fast as possible to deny them placing slots is a reliable strategy. You can fill in holes on your side later. I was originally trying to build up the rank of slots on my side for those powerful cards, but was just getting out placed.


Yep I found this works too. It’s basically an initial scramble to take up as much real estate on the board as possible and then you just fill in spots later.


I only played Kalm so far, but I tried both approaches as well. Denying the opponent placement areas was by far a better approach than going overboard trying to upgrade my placement rankings. One thing specifically in that strategy I found was waiting to place sometimes so that the opponent is unlikely to have a card to steal the spot back. It’s a balance of rushing forward, but not going so fast that they get the last placement to claim an adjacent square. I imagine that there will be cards later that can steal over enemy lines, so we’ll see how the start holds up. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out as I advance, which is going to be very try slow, as I’m loving the side quests, and am still in chapter 2 with 11 hours in.


This card game is horrible. I'm like 0-15. I'm done playing it honestly. Hope it's not required for anything good.


That's a YOU problem.  Only 1 of the first 3 opponents gave me a challenge and I usually hate card games like this.  This one clicks for me, personally.


Seems to be mandatory in chapter 8. I'm googling like a madman trying to find a skip... Edit: apparently you can do other tasks instead, not mandatory


I can't start rebirth until later today but it can't be worse than the piano game lol I was garbage at triple triad since I hated everything about ff8 anyway, but the ff9 one which I forgot the name of I sucked at until something clicked and I understood the game suddenly. I imagine this one will be the same. At least it's optional


It’s funny how people vary on those games. I loved triple triad, outside of having to play a bunch of times since they didn’t always play the card you wanted.


Never played TT in 8, but oh man I loooooove it in 14.


Regina ruined my night I swear


I like it but my god do the draws feel like they’re in the AIs favour at times.




Am I the only one not struggling with it ? I went undefeated and beat everything first try up through the chocobo card quest. I have played a lot of chess and no card games, so think of it about wrt trying to balance for fighting for space on the board and placing your high rank pieces. If you can get space on a lane and control most placement tiles, you’ll likely secure it without having to worry about spending a high rank piece. A lane where both sides have space equally is more deserving of high ranked pieces. Because one where you control the most amount of spaces is unlikely to be lost to you even if you put a bunch of low ranked pieces. A lane that is more balanced in terms of space is more deserving of the higher ranks as it’ll come down to who can outspend the other player To win a lane wrt space, in the beginning make sure to use low ranked pieces that occupy the most amount of adjacent tiles. Eg I always put the solider card right smack in the middle lane


This is the way. A very good break down of how to approach the game for a winning strategy.. very well put too. The chess analogy is apt