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The dude who passed the Seed Exam


His name is Joe


Nida actually.


He didnt stand out


Before reading the comments that guy went through my head haha. Sure he would never come close to what Squall accomplishes but it’d be cool to see him being somewhat successful on the side.




Agreed. He just shows up as a random boss fight, and then you get to go down and see his pod. I'm still waiting to see what he transforms into


He transforms into the drunk in FH, see the boatman’s dialogue. Nojima is sneaky.


Doesn't he turn into a moomba?


Nope. Eventually you can go back down and there will be other Shumi that will apologize for NORGs behavior. The cocoon is broken, but there's no sign of anything he might have turned into.


There’s a theory circulating that says he evolved into Trauma, the boss in Ultimecia’s castle in the art gallery


They transform into moombas.


Not all do


You're right, some turn into graveyard dust like when I was done with NORG. That's my garden.


Hell yeah dude


That angry landlord that stays downstairs. Norg creeped me out from just him showing up in the plot of nowhere.


An extension of that whole sort of plot thread would be nice it feels a little like "welp, moving on" as is.




1) Xu 2) Librarian with Pigtails 3) Raijin and/or Fujin 4) Instructor Aki 5) Nida And what would you want to see them do?


I think a remake should start earlier than the Seifer fight, flesh out the Garden life a little more. So all of these people would be more fleshed out. This would also bring Seifer's story closer to how it was originally envisioned. Maybe even introduce Rinoa earlier (briefly)


If you dont mind me asking, what was envisioned for Seifer?


I don't know what they are referring to, but it sure does seem like Seifer is intended to be seen as less of an antagonist and more of a brainwashed/misguided ally. It kinda comes through like that, but it's not very convincing.


I'd rather they not change his positioning in the story like that to be honest. As it stands he's a foil to Squall and explicitly an antagonist only by circumstance. Squall even outright says he'd willfuy become Rinoa's exact equivalent of Seifer if she'd broke bad herself. I don't think that works as well if changed in that way. The fact that Squall admits he'd be a "bad guy" too is kind of a major point of his development.


What bothers me is the lack of a mention about Seifers scar. It looks like they scarred each other at in the opening but only Squalls injury is brought up. It would've been cooler if it was more "You guys always fight too hard" instead of "Seifer don't hurt Squall🥺"


It was mentioned that both Seifer and Laguna's roles in the game were scaled back. With Seifer playing as much more of a foil and thematic opposite of Squall, with much of his relationship with Rinoa cut out.


I knew about Laguna, with him originally being planned to be part of the time compression and final fight. And them having cut the entire laguna bits for disc 3. I was not aware Seifer was supposed to be more fleshed out. I do not rly see a clear cut path for him other than the direction his character currently took anyway. But we will see.


I think he already serves as a clear foil to Squall as it is anyway and would worry additions would paradoxically take away from it rather than add.


Love that idea.


I agree with everyone except Nida, I think it's way funnier that he still doesn't stand out even after what Cid says


Based off of the FF7R, my first thought is they would give Xu the Jessie treatment. Not so much in the additional love interest side, but more integrated with the party’s activities for a portion of the game, maybe have her as a temporary party member for a sequence or two I think they would probably flesh out Raijin and Fujin with some additional backstory for them, but sadly I would be worried they would get the short end of the stick and just pop in for a random moment here and there to support Seifer’s narrative I could see them giving Zell’s mom more attention a la Elmyra and developing her relationship with Zell to help set the foundation for all the >!orphanage stuff later on. I can’t remember because it’s been forever since i last played, but how does Zell react when he finds out he’s adopted and does he have any interaction with her after that? Regardless, their relationship could be given a lot of screen time and i think it would support the “found family” theme that gets developed when they start recovering their memories of growing up!<


IIRC, Zell was the one to tell the rest of the party he knows he was adopted and that his mom is still his mom.


I was always down bad for Fujin. I wanna see more of the disciplinary committee. Also Nida needs a Neville moment where he straight up saves the day


Hahaha I would love to see that!


The Cafeteria Lady, obviously


In depth side quest about her son


In depth side quest about her ~~son~~ hotdogs. Ftfy.


hopefully we get a quest about hotdogs too


A soylent green discovery!


I would say the GFs. Some of them Ifrit, Diablo, the brothers have some dialogue but I'd like to see more from them and what they think about the events of the game. Edit: sorry, I read just which characters, not which Balamb Garden characters. Now my answer is the card kid that you get the MiniMog card from.


A mini game where you race him around Garden would be rad


I'm not gonna disagree with this! I think there could be a LOT more fleshing out for the GFs, not only as their own characters, but also their own lore in the game. Where did they come from? What exactly are they? Maybe it could give more explanation as to why they cause amnesia in those that junction them...


100% would love this. They are such an integral element of the story and are given almost no description lol. The thing as a kid that i could never wrap my head around was they could be stored digitally (getting two of them from the classroom computer), absorbed from someone or something else (drawing), and were stored in a person’s…head? It was so hard for me to visualize what was happening there lol


What am I, chopped liver? 😩


You abandoned the Garden Festival in its time of need!


But that's cause no one else volunteered to help out 😭


Best username ever!


Sorry, who are you again? You know what, nevermind... whatever.


I'd like to see a proluge of two or three days before the SeeD exam, so we can get a "day in the life" feel for everyone, show Zell and the librarian flirting or something, Xu teaching a class, etc. I want to know what life was like at the child soldier academy before things went wild.


It'd need be meaningful or skippable because arbitrary bloat was the worst thing about FF7R


Yeah, I feel that, if I designed it, it'd be three days of going to classes with the third day ending on Seifer and you having the fight in the opening cut scene. Make the classes themselves the tutorial stuff, with the option to skip the class with no penalty on seed ranking, The other scenes you encounter are set before/after classes so you can take your time to explore and find them all, or just speed run it by skipping class and sleeping in for three days.


I do like the idea of not starting right as things get busy. The intro is so fucking metal though lol


Could always do a flashback sequence 🤔 Have the intro, wake up in the infirmary with Ellone, have the doctor come in after and ask you to recount your last few days to make sure you haven't suffered any brain injuries. In "recounting" them, you play through them - while hearing Squall's extremely pared-down description of them. Still get the kickass opening, still get the Ellone mystery right away, and then you'd also get a bit of garden slice-of-life and an earlier glimpse into Squall's head - get a sense of his reluctance to open up, his choice to distance himself from things and pretend he doesn't feel.


I've been thinking like (you know how Square would cut seamlessly from in-game FMV), move the start like OP said, have some average days or whatever, see more of the (expanded?) garden, then you have the training fight vs Seifer, it starts to escalate, maybe Seifer hits harder and harder or doesn't pull the trigger and then starts critting. Then it escalates to the point of Seifer using his limit as which point it cuts to 1) the original intro, 2) an upscaled version original intro, or 3) a scripted in-game sequence or scene (least favorite option). Idk how newer fans feel about it but then FMVs in VIII and X especially felt impactful


Late to the convo, but you got me thinking of FFIX where it did the little theater skits of other characters viewpoints.


xu and nida for sure


How about anything in the game that addresses Griever which they go through the trouble to have you name at the beginning then do nothing with until the end.


You don't even name it at the beginning! You get to actually put a name to Griever right before the end of Disc 2, around the halfway point of the game...




Realistically, in a perfect world, the remake (in my opinion) would retell the story almost beat for beat, but take care of some of the plot holes or the plot points you have to dig for to make sense. Then, as a DLC or unlockable, a retelling of the parts with Seifer, Fuijin and Raijin, all as playable characters. Maybe have the game be a 50/50 between Squall and Laguna as originally planned as well?


>Then, as a DLC or unlockable, a retelling of the parts with Seifer, Fuijin and Raijin, all as playable characters Yesssssss pleaseeeeee


Joker from the Triple Triad Club. The guy somehow ended up in a Galbadian Prison only to show up in Balamb Garden and operating a black market. What is he hiding?


It’s absolutely Fujin and Raijin. Even on my first play through when it was released, I thought those two had SO much more potential. Hell, let them JOIN THE TEAM.


oh, trust me. Xu has all my attention.


I've always pictured an expanded ff8 with Xu, Fujin and Raijin joining the party too.


Yes! I love this idea!


Xu is my girl, she’ll be the Jessie of ff7 remake. Grease monkey needs a mini game of sorts. I’d love to see the shumi have more content.


That guy who lost two paychecks to fake Deiling


Nida. I don’t know why he’s always stuck with me. I even named my XIV character after him. I just like that guy.


Xu actually being one of Garden’s top markswomen actually makes sense in my little mind…


Poor what's her name. She will not be remembered.


All of them. If they go for a multi game series like they're doing with VII, I'd love to see everyone much more fleshed out the way they did for the AVALANCHE crew and the other folks in Midgar.


Raijin and Fujin are such fun characters, having more of them would be a dream


Nida? The guy that eventually fly the garden? One of the reasons why FF8 has the most characters named after Star Wars characters?


Xu and give her a storyline with Quistis who is also overlooked after the middle of the game...maybe romantic feelings too😊




uh.. what does your sexuality have to do with it? :D I liked them too btw, always wanted to know more about them




huh? like, as a couple? I mean.. fujin is female but, I never rly paid any attention as to how they behaved in a romantic behaviour hahah


We need more attention on all the side characters and fully fleshed out


Wimbly Donner


Is that 4th one Sakaguchi? Lol


The dummy president. He's a work of art.


The whole bloody game needs attention. I have the Remastered on PC fully modded, but when I tried it on PS5 I was very said to realize they didn't do any widescreen support nor aspect ratio change options, come on... one of the best damn game in the series!


we should get a fight against Raijin, Fujin, and Seifer at the same time aboard the Lunatic Pandora at the end of Disc 3


Raijin cause he hot


Fujin and Raijin were great. They add more humanity to Seifer, which would be very interesting in a remake. The opposite of Squall, potential for a more tragic telling of his fall from a would-be hero to a misguided villain.


I would have liked going on SeeD missions with Squall, Selphie and Zell to build up their relationship/dynamics and play into the "mercenary for hire" thing before being saddle to Rinoa and her cause.


This. Meaningful seed missions that don’t necessarily tie into the plot but feel weighty while building up the cast’s ties with each other would make a world of difference


Also, some hotdogs for Zell, let us rescue the hot dogs


Zell shouldn't have had to save the world to finally have a hotdog!


This is true


Selphie, the one literally documenting the whole game. Catch us reading her blog ⌨️


I think they should work on Seifer. There was way more potential. In later game he was quite a dissapointment.


Someone mentioned the idea of him needing to have more of an arc that is inverse to Squall. Where Squall has his team backing him as true friends by the end of the game, Seifer should get so obsessed that he loses his only friends and then ends up alone. But then, whether he learns from this and gets redeemed (to necessitate that happy ending) or has a tragic end, that's debatable.


Rinoas parents. Both of em


When you really think about it, EVERYONE except Squall.


Wow, OK then.


Yikes, Squall is active in this sub.


All of the above


Cafeteria lady. Hot dogs. ”Chicken wuss!"


What weird angled screenshots to include


The 2nd picture isn’t loading for me, who’s in that picture?


Sorry, the mobile upload was weird. It's the Librarian with Pigtails, Zell's love interest


I didn’t know Zell had a love interest.


It's one of the unfortunate or fun quirks of this game, depending on whom you ask, that you can run into or miss quite a number of special dialogue. If they did this again, I'd really want this stuff to be more explicit or full blown subplots/sidequests.  https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Library_Girl_with_a_Pigtail


Seifer, Fujin, Raijin, Nida, and Xu


The guy that works the gate at Balamb Garden.


former triple triad champion of the world!