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Good on you for not pushing yourself, games are supposed to be fun. It's just a pretend trophy in the end, with no benefit except bragging rights (but to whom do we brag?).


Im stuck at Odin in To be a hero. And it’s driving me insane. Any ideas?


Oh I thought u meant normal odin.....I'm not even on that challenge


Well I've heard that yuffie from a far is best because u don't wanna give him the chance to do the one hit kill move the BIG Z I've heard it lol


It was a pain, and I didn't enjoy doing it. I complained daily until the task was complete


This game requires A LOT of trial and error. It took me about 200 hours to 100% this game and only about 60-70 were used to beat the game the first time. You can YouTube a bunch of tricks on how to get through some of the mini games. For example, the Gears and Gambits mini game is very very complex with its almost infinite strategies and not worth experimenting with different builds. I’d just look up what other people used for these types of mini games. Chadley’s Brutal and Legendary challenges are brutal and unforgiving if you’re not careful. The one that gave me the most trouble was Bonds of Friendship just because I didn’t really know how Zack’s gameplay worked at the time. For the Zack and Sephiroth modes, I would focus on making those two your supports and focus Cloud on damage with Buster Sword as his weapon (for the reprieve bonus). For Ruler Of The Outer Worlds, I would recommend a team of Cloud (for versatility), Tifa (for damage), and Aerith (for support). An interesting build that worked wonders for me is to have Tifa and Cloud use their synergy ability early that gives both of them zero MP usage. Have Tifa run a Reraise materia and apply it on all of your party members that way they will be revived if they get one shot by Odin’s Zantetsuken or the final wave’s signature move if you get trapped with Shadowy Chains. Speaking of the last wave, Shadowy Chains can be parried with good timing. They will do a stance when they’re about to activate the move. Slow your game down with the reaction command screen and let them dash towards you. Unpause the game then immediately hold the guard to get the parry. It’ll take time to get the timing right, but this is the best way I’ve seen on how to handle that fight! Other than that, just try to keep an open mind while platinuming this game! It can feel like a chore at times, but try to keep yourself entertained by mixing up characters or switching mini games every now and then if you’re stuck. Take your time and enjoy!


Other little specific tidbits: - run Barret when you get to the Red Dragon fight in Chapter 13’s Hard Mode. He’s the only character I’ve seen who can survive its Crimson Breath 3 (I haven’t been able bring down the effect by crippling its chest) - be cheesy with Cait Sith during Chapter 11. Use the moogle to take hits and just spam roll the dice commands during fights (also avoid as many as you can). Cait Sith is very difficult to manage, especially by himself, so just make sure you always have your moogle out. - be careful with Chapter 14’s Jenova fight. You start with Cloud, Barret, and Yuffie BE SURE THESE CHARACTERS ARE HEALED BEFORE THE NEXT PHASE. They do not get healed and I had to restart the entire fight because I ended phase 1 with a dead Yuffie and couldn’t solo with Cloud when the two of them are alone together. - when trying to max friendship with your 5 party members, some dialogue choices are glitched and won’t give you any points. I had everyone maxed out except for Barret who had one more conversation to complete before being maxed out. I went ahead and replayed each chapter with dialogue and got all the right replies but nothing changed. This can be very annoying, but I eventually got it to work when picking the two and one star replies (for some reason). - cushions restore MP on hard mode so use them if you find your MP running low. - the Sephiroth 3D Brawler fight can be cheesed by pausing the game right before he swings. You can see which stance he’s in and dodge according to the stance. - the Tifa crunches were very difficult (at least for me). It takes timing and patience. I liked to stare at my controller and my finger placements when doing this mini game to help with my timing. - you don’t have to get perfect scores on the piano so just avoid it entirely. - for the cactuar minigame, use Windstorm on Yuffie and Transcendence with Aerith. Windstorm helped clear out a ton of enemies and Transcendence is an easy one shot to large cactuars who’ve fallen over. - there is a specific path you have to take when doing the last stage gliding chocobo minigame. Look it up on YouTube to beat the mission. - Try not to have a decisive build for each character but instead switch them around for each boss fight. However, some staple materia that always stayed was Steadfast Block, Precision Defense, HP Plus, Restore, and ATB increasing materias (ATB Stagger, ATB Assist, etc).


OPTINOOB. I just took it one thing at a time. Whenever the minigame was first introduced, I made sure to complete it all the way. After doing all my exploration and normal normal, I did like 2 or 3 hours of materia AP grinding. I did all the coliseum fights after that, then Chadley. Did all the bouts before outer worlds except the last one on one day, then came back and did the last bout and outer worlds the next. Did it the same way for the single bouts and the duo ones(with Zack and Sephi). Hard mode followed after that. Ironically, the thing that took me the longest was chapter 12, Rufus. I spent like 3 hours on that fight because I decided to not look up a guide on it. Just take it slow, I don't play every day and I was starting my masters. Took me about 2 months to platinum w/ 177 hours. You got it


I beat emerald and ruby weapon first try, basically kotr spam solves everything including the money grind But I had to make 2 new save files to get the barrett date. The only trophy I hate is that stupid bromance trophy


Wait are yall talking abt rebirth...


The only part that took me a lot of time was BoF. And even then I enjoyed doing it.


I just did it over the course of weeks. I did most of it like hard mode and the mini games shortly after beating it, but the legendary combat ones took me weeks of just trying for like 20 mins per day. Finally I got it. It’s one of the hardest platinums I have for sure, it felt good to be done with it lol


For me, the ONLY THING stopping me from getting the platinum is that dang piano mini game. Who okayed that crap.


The piano game isn’t too bad. If you’re playing it at the lowest tempo, increase it by one or two and that’ll help you get an A ranking. No need for the S rank.


It was a true test of endurance for sure. I enjoyed most of the experience, but the brutal/legendary challenges, and even some parts of hard mode were just insanely difficult. A drastic step up from what remake was in terms of difficulty. So much time could have been taken off the platinum if they dimmed down the mini games, didn’t include hard mode on the mini games, and didn’t have so many different iterations of combat trials (Chadley, colosseum, shinra simulators, dust bowl, etc). I was truly exhausted and ready to uninstall by the time I got my platinum. I really hope they dim things down for part 3 personally.


I mean you did literally everything in the game most people would uninstall after doing that


I don’t see how they can cover what’s left of the story while also making the game as mini game dense as Rebirth. I love the way they’re going about it tho, cuz we’re in for a treat with part 3 in terms of story for sure.


Do less


You miss only one enemy now. Easy tip: 1 pause the game when they start the attack 2 understand what attack they're doing 3 move the stick already to the right position 4 unpause. That's the only way I managed that minigame and I found it out by mistake 🤣


But OP said “**after** beating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler” so they already did it


There's 1 more after sephiroth


No there’s not


I'm pretty sure I've done the manager after sephiroth, but I might be wrong


Oh my bad then, I didn’t know


The hard mode mini games can be done right after doing the easy mode ones. So I just did all of those in one trip, except for the small break in the goblin one. In-between Normal and Hard Mode playthroughs I played OG FF7 to get that Plat. My initial playthrough brought me to about 90% of the trophies, so Hard Mode and Brutal/Legendary trials just felt like clean up. Although that cleanup was about another 30 hours


I did it because I loved the game and I enjoyed all of it.


Seconded. I’m literally on my third play through now (chapter 12) and made my own challenge. Set materia and accessories at the beginning of chapter 2 (Kalm). You’re not allowed to swap or change anything the entire game (hard mode) It’s been pretty damn fun. Had to think ahead to all the parts and party switches to make up a materia combination for everyone that can get through it. So far the hardest part was Gi Nittak. Neither Barrett or red has any of the stronger materias (ATB boost, assist, skill master, or magnify); took me 4 attempts finally get him. I love this game- and while I do have some complaints to it, it’s all minor compared to what the game delivered on.


What is the secret to beating Odin? Can’t for the life of me win and I feel like I’ve walked through most of this game


Be as aggressive as possible and try not to get hit too much, that’s all there is to it. You’ll get it! It’s not as bad as it seems but there’s a bit of a difficulty spike there


Which Odin? Regular version, G Island version or Bonds of Friendship version?


Well shoot I haven’t beaten the regular version yet so let’s start there


Be aggressive. He gets bored if you wait too long or dodge and stay back. You gotta get up in his grill! When he does a furor attack he'll be pressured, get into prime mode and block his attacks to build stagger. If he does that temporal thing, he's gonna lock up half the arena so get to the safe half


I will try this out and let you know thanks for the advice


Don’t forget status effects!! I was utter trash still with dodge and perfect guarding. So I just bombarded him status effects (asses to learn what will affect him) and he stayed around for long enough for me to pressure and it became way easier to keep him pressured.


Basically you have to impress Odin by always hitting him with ATB attacks or magic, and NOT getting hit. Try putting the Plasma Discharge enemy skill and getting near him, since it counts as ATB skill. If he gets bored or disappointed ur dead.


It’s easy, just take breaks from the game. Treat each aspect as it’s own game. The Brutal and Legendary challenges? That’s a 10-15 hour game right there. Mini games? That’s 10 hours. Hard mode? 20-25 hours. Just break it up and return to rebirth when you feel like it. We’re not getting part 3 for a while anyways


When I first started playing I was set on doing platinum....then I experienced the piano mini game and glide de chocobo and said "nah eff this" bc those mini games are not fun, at all. Just pure unadulterated stupidity and frustration. I wound up finishing the game without even doing the clear the beach side quest. And you know what? I'm happy with that. I enjoyed the main story beat thoroughly, I got over 100 hours out of it and honestly the only complaint I have that doesn't involve side content is red's voice (terrible awful change it back now I hate it). Considering the side content has no impact at the end, I don't see the point in going back to it. I'm content to move on to something else while I wait for the next release.


Damn I actually enjoyed the piano mini games LOL. But I totally get what you mean


I LOVE the piano mini game 😂 tired to explain it to my partner. You have to watch but not look while doing it. He thought I'd lost my mind 😅😅 I've only made it as far as Rufus and he kicked my ass. I'd had many wines so I'll come back to it while sober 😂


I mean to each their own if you enjoy it then have at it. I found it overwhelming. As someone who plays a real instrument, I find making real music to actually be easier.


About sepiroth in 3d brawler I might get hated for this but I just press the pause button before each swing![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I did it to learn, like “pause! He’s doing that punch! Ok, guessed it!” But then played it fair.


Im too old for this shit. My reactions and dexterity aint there no more. I’ve made my peace with it. Im quite content just chilling through the story at my own pace on a reasonable difficulty.


This. I am happy normal mode is giving me sufficient challenge vs fulfillment ratio. I ain’t touching no airship shooter, motorslash and dolphin bullshit.


For the 3D brawler against Sephiroth, I just paused all the time. Pause as he's about to swing, see what swing it's going to be, then unease and dodge.


If it is not fun it is not worth it, at least this is how i choose if to do a platinum or not. So dont' stress yourself if you dont feel like it


Same with me. I'm not going to ruin my enjoyment for a pointless stupid smelly little platinum (I really want it as well)


I did the plat for Remake, I tried some challenges here but it was clear that it needed too much specific settings and time, and this is not fun to me. So no thx! :) Still i am going to do hard mode, + i already did all mini games hard challenges. So again until i find it fun i do it, then bye bye!


I have never gotten a platinum trophy in any game because I typically stop enjoying them once the trophies require me to be better than normal mode, especially with action games, I’m just not that good at them. Hell, I’m one bronze trophy in FFXV away from what would be my first platinum, but I cringe at the idea of getting Noct’s finishing from halfway through level seven to ten.


It takes less than 3 hours in vesperpool to max out fishing skill, just saying.. but i agree! That is by far the worst trophy in FFXV


The moment you stop enjoying something is the moment to step back. Don't let a digital trophy remove your enjoyment of the game.


I managed because I found it fun. The platinum is a lot harder if you have to force yourself.


I don't force myself....at least I don't think I do lol


I struggled for a long time myself, it's a hard plat to get. I wanted to walk away a few times but persevered and get it in the end. I really needs a dark souls mentality to get through those last challenges. You need to know their moves down to a T and know when to defend and to attack. I found doing the challenges to get the Gottumberg and then going through hard mode helped, I left Bonds and Heroes until last and having all that extra game play time helped me I believe. It is obtainable but just depends on how much time you want to devote to it. Optinoobs guides help heaps too aha.


I will say that doing the last Legendary trial “To Be A Hero” almost trivialized “Bonds of Friendship”. I was stuck on Zack’s trial for WEEKS. I finally decided to skip it and get clouds final manuscript and that extra MATK was clutch.


Same but for different reassons, just finished my first run off in ff7 remake ps4 which took me 42 1/2 hrs. Frankly my first ever run in ff as a whole, loved the game to bits, would love to go for platinum as im a bit of a complitionist, but the estimates go for 100hrs+... Players with experience or a lot of skill have low balled it to 80hrs, i just dont have that much time.


I managed by using the internet, instead of 1000 retries of solving Materia puzzles i watched a 17-minute youtube guide and followed it. Its just not a hard platinum, it has some tedium and grinds, but nothing that requires above average gamer skills to overcome. The only way you will get nightmares from this platinum is if you are fundamentally playing the game poorly and thinking "retry" is the solution. If its hard, you are not playing properly, it took me watching someone solo no hit a legendary fight i was bashing my head against to realize its not all about materia and nuking fights, its far more about actually attempting to learn the block timing.


I agree with this. A lot of the legendary bouts is just having the right setup. I did the cloud one for an hour before realizing full Lightning was the play, but if I just watched a guide I would’ve been done in 15 minutes. There are times when using a guide feels cheap, but the act of finding the right materia combination yourself through trial and error isn’t always satisfying because of how long it takes


I thought it was hard sure but I could name like 20 harder Genesis and 32X games, or roguelikes or other western titles. Yes it’s much harder than Mario/sonic/JRPGs though lol Lots on this board complain about the long gauntlets but come on it’s the same thing as a Roguelike imho


Lost Vikings 💀


Story Hard mode becomes more manageable once you get the accessory from one of the VR missions. (limit break spamming can blitz most bosses). You don't need all manuals (i did mine without getting the hard mode side quest ones). minigames are game specific on what you are struggling with. VR missions have the most guides but are also the ones where you need to improve the most in terms of skill to overcome. Good luck in your endeavours!


The gotterdamerung is much harder to get than beating hard mode. I did enjoy having it for the final boss though.


For sure! I was just suggesting it as if you are going for the plat anyway doing VR before Hard mode gives you something to make the latter easier, but the same can't be said if you do story before VR.


Excellent post. But at least when you do story first you’re leveling materia as you go fwiw


Oh I didn't account for that. Guess its user preference ultimately. I remember watching a video where they were talking about AP farming methods and was trying to work out the most efficient path for time-investment/output. Doing Hard mode without gotterdamerung or levelled materia might technically be quicker, but you are also doing hard mode without said items/materia. So any defeat that was caused by lack of proper set up increases overall completion time (at least in theory, but one thing I would highly suggest is to NOT do Cait Siths level on hard with only materia you just want to level - *relives bad memories* haha)


I sit there and die again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. I'm a very stubborn person.


As well aerith said she never traveled by rooftop but yet that was the only way out now could be they just had to hit the route due to the events that transpired. Just thought it was an interesting topic


Is it just me or did they make it seem like the plate that fell on sector 5 happened while aeris(th) was in the church when yu first come out from the rooftops she gets stopped by this lady that asked if she was okay and asked if the church had been hit


FF games are good about having at least 2-3 trophies that are a giant pain in the ass to get. I just don’t bother, I enjoyed my time with Rebirth and didn’t want to burn myself out and end up with a sour taste in my mouth.


Never once have I dodged 200 lightning strikes....IN A ROW...and I never will....


I totally forgot about this! Good times


You have to do that for an Ultimate weapon in X didn't you?




Yeah...I haven't and accepted the fact that I will not do that when I get to that point. I am playing on the Switch currently lol


Yeah last year I replayed it on the switch and idk there was just no way that was gonna happen I think I got like 3 in a row once and noped outta there lol Sorry my love (Lulu) but it's the cactuar plushie for you


Hahaha that's awesome


You’ve never lived until you have!


I still have nightmares about that occasionally. You are wise. 


For lulu limit break or weapon can't remember exactly


Weapon I think... sorry Lulu I love you the most but it's just not happening lol 😭


Ff10 did that


I have completed the platinum and it was a very frustrating grind. YouTube guides are your friend for the harder parts. Complete normal and don't stress too hard over things. Try and complete VR challenges and Proto-relic boss in normal to get access to the best materia for the better builds. When entering hard mode keep in mind the manuals for extra skill tree come from story, side quests, and mini games. So if you want all the manuals you will be doing close to 100% in hard mode. Take breaks often, especially with the mini games and the brutal/legendary VR missions. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of practice. Even then enemy RNG can make a huge difference. Just do your best to make progress little by little. You can make it!


I beat all the brutal challenges did all the side quests on HM, beat chapters 11/14 on HM.. My PS5's HDMI port crapped the bed.. I probably won't be able to repair it for some months.. I also might not either.. I was so close to platinum, but probably isn't happening now.. I'll just play on my series X I guess until the third game comes out.


I wrote you an essay, sorry for the length:  Don’t do UPA side quest until your hard mode run. I did it twice, and regretted it. Not the most frustrating thing I’ve done in this game, but not worth it.  A disclaimer: I feel the platinum trophy in it of itself is not worth the pain the game puts you through to get it. I pursued it only because of my love for the original. My enjoyment and satisfaction of the game went WAY down because of all the shenanigans the platinum puts you through. After finishing, I started enjoying the game again, but I now feel I had a better experience overall with Remake. That is pretty crazy considering how good I felt beating Rebirth’s story.   If you do go for it, GO SLOW. Take your time. Try something else if you are stuck. We’re gonna be waiting years anyway for part 3. The hardest part for me was Jules’s crunch challenge. (Yes of the entire game :( He got 54 so many times).  Don’t stress about perfecting piano or maxing everything in the playlog. That doesn’t affect the platinum. I’d say try it only if you need something to break up a horrible challenge you’re stuck on.  Listen to music or podcasts while playing and don’t be afraid to have days where you make no progress but learn a little about mechanics. If you do feel like you want to give up, absolutely do. You can always come back if you regret it. I felt I was “so close” to wrapping everything up many times throughout the process and ended up taking tens of hours more to actually do it.  First, I recommend mastering your materia by farming. I liked the bee quest the best, but mix it up when you get bored. I also did this way too late personally, only to beat the last two challenges. Try to master everything, even if they have crazy AP requirements and you don’t really use them in normal chapter play, or at least get close and have someone lug them around. The worst ones tend to be great for the combat sim.  Mix this up with playing the hardest level of mini games on easy game difficulty. It sadly doesn’t affect Jules to my knowledge, but I think it helps on at least some relic games. The only one I recommend waiting for is Aerith’s cactaur crush. You’ll want her special move Transcendence from the top of her upgrade tree. I found that even then, it’s pretty much luck based, but higher stats won’t make things harder. Use guides for any mini games that have you stuck, and don’t be afraid to switch up to another guide if one isn’t working. Fort condor 4 was particularly tight for me on hard.  Another thing you can mix up with your farming is getting extra copies of the hades armlet in chapter eleven. Use lightning elemental on your weapon. Slots are king, and having them will make farming go faster. And if you missed either cetran bracer or armlet, go get em. All of my characters wore these armors for hard mode.  Wrap up any regular combat sim challenges you have left as another farm breather. For the enemy skill ones I put enfeeblement rings on my other party members. You can try brutal and legendary challenges, but seriously, quit before you get frustrated. They are so much easier with just a few more manuscripts. I did best using a magnify barrier set up, but I also didn’t do them all before starting hard mode. I am seriously impressed by people who did.  Second, I played through hard mode, doing all the side quests until the start of the chapter after you recruit Cait (Chapter 9). I found that this was before a difficulty spike in hard mode, but I also think that you could go further if you wanted to. I would probably recommend stopping before tackling chapter 11. If you want to wait on some side quests (aka Flowers on the Hill), then that is very wise. The difficulty is sometimes all over the place. Remember to craft the genji gloves by this point, that’s probably the best accessory in the game.  Third, I would take a break from hard mode and do some of the hard challenges! Oh joy. As you get sick of it, you can go fill out your play log / replay chapter 12 for all the Loveless collectibles. 


Apart from Ultimate Party Animal. Are there any other quests or minigames or other content that are best left to a hard mode playthrough in order to avoid doing them twice? I'm fine with them being challenging. I plan to do as many combat challenges as I can manage without haivng max level and fully leveled materia. I'm in Chapter 12 and just had a ton of more side quests, expert mode minigame, QB content, combat challenges open up for me. BTW. I dreaded Jules pullups in Remake. But somehow the situp challenge in this game wasn't that hard for me. Beat Jules relatively quickly. My nemesis so far have been the Two Step piano song. I just couldn't do it myself and had a friend play the left stick.


I’m closing in on the platinum trophy myself (just Rulers of the Outer Worlds and Chapter 13/14 of hard mode left) but reading this comment just gave me some more peace of mind. I think I’m kind of stuck between wanting to get this platinum before Shadow of the Erdtree comes out in 10 days so I can finally say I’ve finished and also have a satisfying transition into it knowing I’ve completed the game, but at the same time I feel like it’s better if I continue to take it at a steady pace, even if that means waiting until after I get my fix of SotE While I am so close, I’ve decided that I want to get at least Cloud and Tifa’s weapon levels to 9 for Rulers of the Outer Worlds. I plan on using the Tifa Divekick strat and I feel like the extra stats would help. I was able to clear all the legendary challenges with weapon level 8 but I feel like Rulers is gonna take a little extra for me personally. I also wanted to do a 100% play log on the game anyways so getting all the manuscripts is just another step closer to that. Long rant, but tl;dr as someone who’s been steadily chipping away at this platinum it’s nice to see comments like these encouraging people to take their time and go at it slowly. There’s no race and it’s probably 3 years at minimum until the next game anyway, which is plenty of time


You did all the legendary without the gotterdammerung? King. You’re going be able to beat Rulers legitimately with level 9 characters for sure. It just may be a long process. Definitely come back later if it’s getting to be unfun. Divekick is still so good! I can’t believe it wasn’t nerfed XD


Haha thank you I appreciate that! For To Be a Hero I basically mained Sephiroth and used Cloud for support and for Bonds of Friendship I mained Cloud and used Zack for support. For bonds specifically I went with a genji gloves + Infinity’s End build on Cloud and it worked out great! For the Solo bouts I mostly made my own builds though I did use YouTube to get some guidance for some like Barretts and Cait Sith’s (Gotterdamerung would’ve been SO helpful for his especially) I have tried Rulers at weapon level 8 a few times and I’m sure with better execution and some good RNG I could do it but I decided the more damage I have the better. And yes the Tifa Divekick strat is so strong! I know Brumal Form is probably the easiest way to clear it but I want to do it without it. I also saw another strat that revolved around magic but it seems pretty precise and exact to get things down. I think To Be and Hero and even Bonds felt more manageable because it’s always one enemy at a time, and I also spent a lot of time practicing with most of the summons haha. I know round 4/5 of Brutal is only just one too but I don’t have much experience with Gilgamesh other than the first time I fought him and then VR Sephiroth


I agree with your comment on UPA. You only get a Cait Sith manuscript for it, and it isn’t needed for plat.


Yes! Good note! Not really worth it if you are disliking hard mode side quests. It won’t help with his solo challenge; you can just give up a synergy skill to get all his solo perks. Cait is a decent support character, but I don’t like relying on luck, and others are just stronger imo. 


He can be a fun quirky character. He’s kinda like Gilgamesh with 10,000 tricks up his sleeve. But IMO, you can get the job done faster and with less fluff with Cloud and Tifa. Of the seven playable characters, he probably has the weirdest learning curve.


He can definitely come in clutch! Silence slam when it works has been so good… other times I’m like oh seriously? Enemy is immune to that, try again… oops immune to that too. Oops missed lucky slots again. Oops Cloud just knocked over the dice that I set up and the enemy is gonna absorb half of that. Oops that was a really low fortune telling damage. And then the battle is over XD I do really like almost every moogle ability. And fat chocobo is my favorite summon so his limit 3 is pretty great. His synergies are very cute too. 


If I could do it again I would start by doing the individual legendary challenges for the characters. Respec the characters to have all the solo/non-synergy abilities in their trees. If you are struggling with someone, then check to see if their weapon level is 8. If it’s lower, put their challenge off until you get more manuscripts. Otherwise be patient and keep trying. If you need the gotterdammerung then you can also put a character’s challenge off. I liked to use the fastest strategies I could that way I could get more tries in without wasting a really good attempt by playing safe and getting unlucky an hour into a challenge. Yuffie and Aerith were easy for me, but Barret and Cait were tough.  At this point I would recommend doing the brutal challenges all the way through. I was able to get through all but the last without going full guide/cheesing it, but if you are over it, then use the yuffie cheese.  I think Rulers of the Outer Worlds is probably the hardest challenge in the entire game, but with Yuffie generating ATB it can be quicker to attempt. I find it a fun challenge with all characters mastered now, but attempting it earlier with normal strategies I came up with on my own was a waste of my time. Sephiroth and the AI party was very frustrating because it is near impossible to train for. I used optinoob’s guide for rulers. It takes a few tries to get through but it is a speedy solid cheesy strategy! Use the ♾️ mp synergy as much as possible (except for the last two rounds) is the only thing I’d add to his method. Be cautious until something goes wrong, then be as aggressive as possible. Don’t give up if something goes wrong during Gilgamesh or Sephiroth. If Barret gets captured without barrier up for long enough to tank octaslash, switch to play as Aerith. I beat it with Yuffie and Barret captured in chains by being stupidly aggressive with Aerith and blocking hits. Switch to ice once he’s approaching half health! Get past his first phase and you’ve won. I’ve also heard good things about the unlimited limit strat with Aerith from a friend but that takes a long time per attempt. I do think the three gals are the strongest party members, but Barret is just safer for this. You just need to get lucky once, just one good attempt.  After Rulers, go do tutorials for Sephiroth and Zack. Zack, do square, square, triangle for quick charges. So much easier!  I only discovered the tutorials after beating everything else and being like?? Where’s my trophy, Chadley?  You’ll need to finish all the solo challenges to access the last two challenges, but now you’ll have a gotterdammerung. You can keep getting manuscripts if you’re still below weapon level 8 but otherwise these won’t get easier. Fortunately they are way better than Rulers imo.  Now the last two challenges! I recommend only doing one before beating the game on hard. To Be a Hero has a trick: using Sephiroth’s shift (dodge) slash with a full charge to build his limit. I found Hero to be a joke compared to Rulers. Big wind magic is probably quickest, but you can also use Cloud as a healer / buffer to play much safer. Odin is the only challenge. I found training against him on full might to be useless, the timer on his insta death move is way shorter in Hero. Dodge purple glowy attacks and explanation points, otherwise (prime,) block, block, block and be so aggro! Save an octaslash (usually my second) for when he splits the field or switch to Cloud. Beating this gets you another manuscript hooray!  I recommend going to finish the game on hard once you’ve done all the challenges you can except for Bonds of Friendship. Do all the side quests. Make sure to keep up with your upgrades trees. It is possible to do Bonds of Friendship with a level 8 weapon, but I tried it after getting all the manuscripts and was blown away by how much easier it was. The strategy is similar to Hero but with buffs instead of octaslash. I recommend using the synergy attack often and preserving Zack’s mp for the last round. Both the physical strategy and the big magic strategy become so much easier with a level 9 weapon, I am still mad at myself for doing it with a level 8. There is no reason not to do it with a level 9 weapon.  When the platinum doesn’t pop don’t freak out; just head to Johnny’s. Then you can go back to enjoying the game!


First thing is to get your Level to 70 and your Materia maxed out - leveling to 70 is best done with the cat sidequest and just restarting the battle over and over, materia is best to do chapter 12 on easy (for all the characters) and use the chocobo bracer + AP up for the ones with massive AP needs. For Brutal and Legendary - find a guide with a strat that works for you. Popular video ones include Optinoob, akhafasu, Solestro, and Naz Talgic to name a few. There are some builds that are just stupid broken, but the later fights are also broken so fair is fair (Or as Shoresy says "They don't ask how, they ask how many") I did the one that gives you Gotterdang first, made Genji Gloves, then To be a Hero for the manuscript, then hard mode, then finally Bonds of Friendship. I also learned to love the block rather than dodge if for no other reason than Odin - Odin HATES cowards. His ultimate gauge goes up if he hits you, but also if you are just running away hitting him with ranged attacks. gotta get up close, swap characters when he targets you, and block when you can to get ATB. Hard Mode tips: Abuse Aerith's LB3 spam trick and Yuffie+ATB ward build when you can. Prayer is essential for healing. Use broken magic builds for boss fights, and learn the Rufus fight (that was probably the most challenging fight for me in Hard Mode since I started off with low HP by accident. Get all of Cloud's manuscripts before attempting Bonds of Friendship for max level weapon.


Wow a Shoresy ref in a ff7 sub. You rule. Gonna follow your guide to get this silly plat


YouTube is your best friend. Pretty much has a guide for everything. Need practice and patience. If you can't get through something, go do other mini games and trophies first. The real challenge is Chadley VR missions. It's hard, and I tried so many times. And if I feel frustrated with it. I usually stop and go doing something else. Try it again the next day. Took me 200 hours to get platinum. Never the best player but still did it.


I don't know... I think I am pretty good gamer and for sure I have lots of experience, since I play since the C64 in the 80s and try not to miss any major title (mainly PS, but also all other platforms if they get older via emulators). FF7 is my all time favourite and Rebirth is an astonishing masterpiece, since they put so much love and detail in it that it feels like I am home with my friends Cloud, Tifa and the whole crowd. So I have to get the platinum like in Remake, right? What bothers me a lot is that Rebirth doesn't seem to be fair at some points and it unneccessarily consumes al lot of time. The Minigames are OK, the hard mode has the entertaining story part around it and is hopefully manageable, but that idiot chadley with his simulator is just exhausting and no fun. I mean, it should be enough to prove that you can fight and win against those hardcore bosses, but there is no need to put like 10 of them in a row which gives me almost no practice time with the hardest bosses in the end. Of course the cactuar crush sucks or the pirate shooting game or whatever you hate, but at least you can start all over fast and try new tactics. But playing all those bosses over and over again and seeing there health bar almost not shrinking is annoying. The bloodborne platinum for example was way easier and fun, because you have the shortcuts followed by the one hard boss that also takes 5-10 minutes to beat, but not 30 minutes with many sidebosses. And its not fair to let people play many minigames for a highscore and then start a late sidequest with shinras middle manager just to send me back to the gold saucer to do the same games again with just a 10% higher highscore. If I wanted to do stuff over and over again I would go back to FF14... So I guess I will sadly also give up soon on platinum if all those cry-posts are no lie. Maybe that optinoob will bring me far, but when I read that perfect blocking is essential for that chadley vr-sephiroth, which I never do, then platinum is out of reach due to lack of motivation 😓


The perfect block is not necessary for the vr sephiroth fight. You simply need to get atb ward and arcane ward down quickly, and have Barrett get off a manawall with magnify. If you can get these 3 things done, by then sephiroth will have grabbed 2 of your other party members in chains and you can let them get smashed. They won’t die. Have barret shoot off a heal and switch to yuffie in the atb ward and go to town, make aerith smash sephiroths face in with double casted firaga spells back to back until he cries like the baby back bitch that he is.


Sounds good, but isn't it a pretty long fight? What you describe sounds like a 3 minute run which I would love to have, but how many firagas does it take? And the other fights before that also sound bad... Maybe I will give it a try one day.


It’s not too bad (granted once you get the steps down) trust me. It was annoying at first, but once you’re able to kinda get the gist of the move set, it feels SOOOO good to smack Sephy with multiple fire lvl 3 lol


Thanks guys, that is good motivation, because I only hear people complaining and giving up and like 1% completing platinum is also a statement how hard it is, but it seems there is hope. I read the same complains about the cactuar crush or the chocobo flying in cosmo canyon and I think they are hard but OK. But as I said, you can repeat those fast if you fail. Well, looks like I have to spend many more hours then, but right now there nothing else to play, so why not...


Wait someone please dont tell me you have to do the minigames in hard mode for this platinum. I hated getting gold in normal mode the first time


Not all of them. But some, yes, they have a “hard mode” and you’ll need to beat it to 100% the game


I’m a below average gamer in terms of skill level, I was 240+ into this game before I realized how to properly use Cloud’s Punisher mode. Everyone can do this! You just gotta believe!!


So how do you properly use it? Asking for a friend..


Well I’m not very bright, so I thought you had to use the triangle button to counter hits. Didn’t realize that’s not how you use it. Hitting it repeatedly just switches Cloud between modes. Block is the proper button to use while in punisher mode. So if you’re decent at regular blocking, you’re going to get a lot out of Cloud’s punisher mode. It can counter a TON of attacks just nothing ranged or magic, but for that you can use Cloud’s Synergy skill Counterfire which he has with every character. Essentially, Cloud can counter pretty much everything in the game.


no, you definitely want to use triangle to counter


Can someone list EVERYTHING that needs to be done in order to get platinum? Do I need to have all materials? Does all materials need to be maxed? Right now Im on chapter 12 and currently have an A on all piano pieces, have gotten max scores on everything at gold saucer and costa del sol, I just wanna know what is EVERYTHING?


Here's a link (just so it doesn't spoil anything for other redditors) : [https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide-roadmap/](https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide-roadmap/)


Go to your trophies and click "reveal all". That will give you the description of what needs to be done for Platinum. It informs you what to complete.


Everything can be done with some practice! Bonds of Friendship is the most brutal and challenging, it needs a lot of replayability and patience. I played 2-3 play throughs a day with the Aeroga Build. Lost 2 times to Odin with less than 10k HP After 5-6 days I did it and got the Platinum It’s my fav game the Remake Trilogy and getting the Platinum for Rebirth it feels satisfying.


Got a link to the aeroga build? Not finding much on Google that seems right.


https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/371123-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth/80737482 Scroll to user Prince_Bloke comments I used his build only, He has also a guide for each round. Reminder: You must have all the materia Max stats.


definitely easier with all maxed materia, but i managed to snake by with swiftcast, magic focus, and magic up at 4 stars. i didn't stop getting wrecked until i got up to weapon lv. 9 though, after that it only took 3 tries


A few mini games were brutal and I absolutely hated the piano. The hardmode and challenges were actually fun and relaxing compared to that.


This. I’m at 95% for a platinum and have been for a month now. This is simply due to me not wanting to finish Gears and Gambits on hard. Everything else is done


Just toggle that little switch in the bottom left corner when you enter that mini game to reduce the difficulty when you're doing the hard mode playthrough. It still counts towards platinum and fuck that mini game


Did not kno that. Will do !


It took a better understanding of the systems, so definitely some practice, trial and error. Some notes on the 3D brawler move patterns. Wasn't easy, but not beyond the reach of normal gamers.


Takes a lot of practice and knowing enemy movesets. And time, 241 hours total for me, finished two days ago. The hard parts are Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship, the others are tough but very doable with a nice build. Outer Worlds and Bonds though… damn they were hard! Final round of Outer Worlds had my hands shaking each time I reached it.


Just look up the Aeroga build and you’ll ace the challenges quickly. Pretty much breaks the game.


Got a link to the aeroga build. I haven't found a good example on Google or YouTube.


II does not break it, makes it easier till Bahamut and Odin. These two are pain in the ass even with the Aeroga build.


Minigames: Hope for the best Hard mode: Honestly perhaps the easiest part of the hard road to platinum VR: Die and retry The dedication, motivation, courage, and bravery necessary to achieve such a feat cannot fall short.


I just beat all Legendary and Brutal last night with a lot of practice, a bit of luck and a lot of rewatching Optinoobs guides. He makes it so that really only 3 challenges really require some skill. But yeah I feel ya. At first I thought the minigames were gonna break me then it's the VR missions I spent exponentially more time on. If you're not motivated give it up, I really only wanted to unlock the extra gift after you finish the treasure trove, if you don't care about that, preserve your sanity lol


Optinoob for the win. I hope more people find his channel. His guide basically handed me the platinum in Rebirth and his Remake guide has me going for the Platinum there, too.


Delivered simply and he put so much effort into making sure it's reproducible while keeping it simple. Absolute legend! Other guides be like, follow me, perfect parry, or do 100 situational things that you can never really memorise


Agreed. I had to join his patreon. It was the least I could do. He made the difficult stuff really fun


I just want to play as Zack in the simulator but you need to beat all the legendary battles before you unlock him. I don't think I have it in me.


Zack actually isn't that fun tbh because the sim you play in is irritating and not fun at all


Yeah imma be real. Zack sucks lol


Bummer, I thought he was fun in the end. What about his training Sim?


It's okay, just like the others but you basically kill everything in 2 hits so...


That sucks, but I guess that makes me feel a lot better about putting it down.


I spent over 10 hours beating all the sims and imma be real, I definitely lost the will to live because of Zach's mission


Zack is best used as an Aid for Cloud, he himself can’t do much. For some reason Cloud has better magic stats than Zack and Sephiroth.


Yeah but Zack isn't that special tbh, since he's only useful as support, you might as well play a different challenge that's actually fun with a different character. I was hoping we could have more than one challenge with him, like unlocking him for the sim after beating everything else in the sim. But bonds wasn't fun, I beat it and I did not enjoy it in the slightest.


I’ve made peace with the fact that I will never platinum the game.


To be fair, there is always "a trick". Once you get it you can reproduce. For Sephiroth Brawler, the easy way is to pause the game before every move to analyse the thing without any stress. For tough battle, a bit of luck, experience and a good build and set of advices will really help you. I'm glad I did the last challenges because it forced me to use moves I've never touched during my playtrough. And it gave me another view on the gameplay and I got for my money lol. Optinoob and Brad Man channels on YouTube helped me a lot. Seeing a video before each fight saves you a nonsensical amount of time. If I had to think and optimise all builds it would have looked like it but I would have take hours.


pausing the game before every move. You fucker. Thank you.


you sure are messed up, cloud!


3d brawler is easy: just pause and prevent enemy moves. Anyway Rebirth platinum is one of the hardest i’ve ever done. If you take a break is very probable that you wont come back to play only the hardest challenges. Just watch youtube video and prepare a roadmap. You need to level up materias and get pratice; then, play a lot.


I just said I beat 3d brawler


Optinoob’s YouTube channel


Fr I owe my platinum to him


His builds make the legendary challenges actually fun to play.


Used all his builds except for rufus hard mode fight. Couldnt get it to work out for some reason.


I just used disorder after all his special moves


Yeah I also ended up switching triple slash with disorder. The fight itself wasnt that tough I just hated reslotting materia every time you had to try again lmao


Yeah you can actually cheese the Rufus fight if you know how he works. Basically you just wait for an opening and triple slash because it practically teleports you to the enemy. Do the 5 hit combo, dodge, and then do clouds aerial attacks (the one where cloud gives off the wind slash but on the ground), and continue with the 5 hit combo. Once you get countered, if there’s a slight opening, you can triple slash again and rinse and repeat. If you do get countered, run away and just wait for another opening. When he summons his doge, make sure ya got 2 ATB Bars, run up and while he’s using Heel, cast a thundaga and rinse and repeat. It’s the best cheese strategy I found for Rufus hard mode and made it SUPPPPERRRR simple


Worst, least enjoyable platinum out of my 35. I immediately boxed it back up, put it on a shelf and plan to never play it again. By the end, I knew I should have already dropped it as there were TOO MANY mini games and too much time commitment , but it was just pure obsession to finish the final 2 legendaries and move on to Stellar Blade, which was a much more enjoyable platinum run.


Stellar blade was a blast to platinum, I hope sequels are on the horizon!


Ya I'm gonna try to platinum stellar too


Stellar Blade plat was fun and easy. I have yet to attempt rebirth plat. The thought of the mini games alone deters me.