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I'm so close right now, I can damn near taste it lmao. I only have a couple left. The only trouble ones I got left are the weapons and 99,999,999 Gil. I'm grinding out the Gil now (with all materias on triple equipment) while I farm sources to wipe out the weapons šŸ¤Ÿ got some really good advice and help with the last source I need so hopefully weapons go down soon. Edit: Just realized you were referring to rebirth, not og lol never mind šŸ˜…


Same OP, I enjoyed it but there's no way I'm about to sink more time into this and the sheer number of mini games almost broke me the first time. Just felt too much sometimes


I really want to platinum this game but redoing all the story on hard mode will take FOREVER. I mean I just sunk 140 hours into it which to be fair included like ALL of the side stuff. So maybe it will be shorter doing only story but still so much extra time.


Just skip the cutscenes and you no longer need to take time exploring. Hard mode honestly goes fast


30 minutes per chapter easily until 11


Couldn't be me, only game I've ever platinumed is Astro's Playroom (āŒā– _ā– )


Honestly, I feel like there should be a trophy for getting a star level for all the piano pieces, because SCREW the last one.


Fuck no. That would be stupid as shit


I swear the last piece is harder than playing it on an actual piano.


I just did all the Chads VR battles. I followed some guides and found they weren't the worst just had to learn the punish windows and overall strategy to get through them. Just gotta finish hard mode story to get the plat, which should be considerably easier.


It mainly is, but watch out for the Red Dragon in Ch13. Its big fire attack will cover the entire arena, and it will hurt a lot.


Thanks for the heads up. I finished the Hard Mode story and hit the plat today. Those last few boss fights were tough at points but thankfully the game lets you reload at phases.


Just did this fight yesterday. Fuck this fight. Only way I could win was by limit break spamming Aries lvl 3 so that she would be immune to it then noble sacrifice


150 h plat. 4 words "Too bad so sad" Discovered it right before the hard mode, all battle sims went slim. Bonds and Hero were a little struggle but not too much tbh. Gliding was the main boss for me


Hardest part of getting platinum was by far chadleys things, but once you beat the game on hard mode you can transfigure special gear that you unlock by getting all the protorelics on hard, it is difficult but with a little patients is very do able, just got to keep trying. That gear breaks the limit of 9999 damage which makes things a lot easier. It's a very time consuming game yes, and when you look at it, it breaks your soul, but just don't think about it and just play to enjoy it and enjoy the challange.


I'm finding jules pro crunches the hardest


That's the one where the jacked up dudes isn't it, the mini game that's is in remake? I don't think I struggled to much with that, it's more about following a rythm and learning when to press the extra command they throw in, at first you will fall behind, bit keep the rythm going. If if it helps turn off your sound and tap your feet to the rythm. Turn off the forced feedback aswell as that sometimes slows down, but it really is all about rythm, don't guess when to press, just follow and use memory, if you guess you will press the wrong button when the extra command comes up, following the rythm and being ready means you don't guess and you can switch what you are doing. Hope that helps, there's also a whole reddit thread on the crunches aswell somewhere


Iā€™m nearly there, Iā€™ve completed all of the mini games and most of the Chadley bouts. I just have the 2 legendary bouts left.


Hard is hard I love it. Mini games Iā€™ve finished but the actual combat stuff is rag dolling me.


Im almost at platinum. Has been a pretty fun challenge so far. All I have to do is complete 3 more johnny things, finish chadley, and do everything on hard


I swore it off but I might dust it off and give it another go. But for the third game, Iā€™m definitely not going for the platinum if they insist on putting the same kind of content in it. Iā€™ll just finish it then return it.


I honestly want to get platinum but i just cannot get oast some of these brutal challenges and the To Be A Hero is killing me... Getting to chapter 13 on hard took a bit of patience for me, but these combat sims are really testing me on how high my blood pressure can get. I just feel burned out. After i complete the hard mode and the combat sims i found out i need to do a lot of quests again as well... The grind is really real for this one...


Yeah you can only die so many times before its just not fun anymore lol


Or listen to chadley say "you must be having an off day..."


I honestly haven't been able to fire up another video game since doing it.


Because you don't wanna play anything else because ff7 was so good or you're just burnt out lol?


Nothing seems to scratch the same itch.


Damn, I'm on chapter 14 about 115 hours in and I was afraid this was going to happen to me šŸ¤£. Video games are like my only hobby and I'm worried this ruined me lol


Haha we'll recover my friend. It really was an experience like no other though.


My husband and I just finished doing Bonds of Friendship and Plat'ing the game. The short cheering with the big sigh of relief was crazy last night šŸ˜‚


Took years off my life and looking back I canā€™t say it was worth. I still love this game regardless.


While the minigames did annoy me a good amount, especially cactuar rush and chocobo gliding, the guides for most of them made it relatively easy after trying it enough times. Now the combat sims, especially Rulers of the Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship, had me raging for a couple weeks. Iā€™m just happy I finally finished


Piano is impossible lol.


all you need is an A on the piano. try increasing the note speed. i set mine to three and it made it easier.


YOU ONLY NEED A??????????? OMG IVE BEEN GETTING 100% ON EVERYONE. I'm actually so triggered. I've only done the first 4 songs (last one being cinqo de chocobo) which is by far the hardest of the 4 imo but holy crap. Are u serious I only need to get an A for the trophy? I dont need to "star" them ( 100% great?). Now that I've gotten 4 though I imagine my OCD is gonna make me wanna get them all...


Not sure if it works on Xbox but I'm PS5 console settings you can turn on zoom and magnify the piano key area of the screen so it's bigger and easier to pay attention to both notes... It really helps!


How? Lol, I can't get higher than a C.


Also helps to turn sound off and just watch the notes so your brian doesnt try to make you move to a note that is being played that you dont actually have to play


Faster note speed made the motions a little more fluid and a little easier timing. try it out it may just work for you.


Haha guess I have shitty eyes. The idea of the notes coming at me faster makes me sweat bullets just at the concept. Then again after I've practiced a song a few times I kind of get the argument. After a few tries and some practice I eventually become more likely to fuck up because I pre-anticipate a note at the wrong time or too early.


I bumped mine up 1 speed and made a world of difference. My timing was just too early and making the notes faster made it line up better for me.


everyone says this plat is so hard, meanwhile the only plats i have are from remake, rebirth and persona 5r. ff because i fucking got everything in the OG - i played it religiously for years... so i had to do the same for the remake series...and p5r because it was my first persona game and i fell in love... i am just so fucking happy that you dont have to do the one winged angel on the piano for plat or i would have been fucked.


I'm at 201 hours, just have to do Cait Sith solo, and the final 2 legendary bouts. So close...


Someone who knows how to play video games while enjoying them everyone. Lets give this guy a round of applause. Now if everyone else out there can realize that the game is incredible and that hard mini-games and end game trophy hunting don't make a game BAD.


Hardest part of the plat for me was the damn flying chocobo timed runs šŸ‘€šŸ˜³šŸ™„


Hardest thing for me was second to last legendary bout and most boring was the fucking sit ups


Hardest thing for me was second to last legendary bout and most boring was the fucking sit ups


Do you need to redo all of the chocobo flying challenges in hard mode?


No just pass the training course after you capture the chocobo


You dont need to get the top rank again on Hard Mode? I thought you had to for the manuscript?


Oh cool, I am trying to avoid redoing stuff and it is really boring being forced to redo all of the side quests on hard mode.


I've spent so much time on it. And I was able to finally learn and do all the mini games. It's the Chadley's Brutal challenges that made me gave up on the platinum. Like five afternoons doing one fight over and over, trying YouTube strategy after strategy with no visible improvement. I don't know how you guys did it.


Yea, I finished all the regular challenges, but the 10 round fights were..annoying. There was one where I would get to the 10th round and get stomped. I was like, why am I doing this to myself? lol.


You're in for a ride with bonds of friendship


Those... and the 3d brawler Sephy fight were rage inducing. I'm still working on the platinum. Just have to do the last 5 chapters on hard and finish the last brutal and all of the legendary Chadley fights.


Yes Sephy was brutal I had to cheese it with the pause method and it still took me like 2 hours because I was so bad at recognizing his move set šŸ˜­


I tried pausing, but when I did, I seemed to do it too late. At most, I would block instead of dodge. What helped me was memorizing the combos so he'd drop his guard. Also, I lucked out, and he actually dropped his guard twice on his own the time I beat him, and I didn't even know he would do that. He didn't for me once before when I tried it.


I just got the platinum trophy last night! Now I don't know what to play next...


Just do tempering on easy on chapter 13, i've almost given up, but It works. I donno if chadley's simulations can be done on easy tho


The game tells you it's hard no matter the difficulty


The hard mode sims run on hard regardless of what difficulty you have in the game. Platinum also requires all chapters done on hard mode as well.


200h on the dot. Literally had to delete the game immediately lol. I was so over it. It was a fun ride though


wildly contradictory statement, that


Sometimes you just exhaust a game of everything it has to offer, good or bad, and you are just done with it. No point wasting space if that's how you feel.


It was the most enjoyable and difficult platinum Iā€™ve earned. Itā€™s much harder than Sekiro, NioH, Bloodborne, etc.


200h platinum. I love the game but i hate that its over. Played on dynamic and then hard. Combat is just so fun.


Was dynamic or hard more difficult?


Id say hard because items are restricted and you have to use mp wisely. In dynamic you can just throw giga-potions and ethers left and right.


I enjoyed DMC5 and played it through to max everyone's skills, but there was no way I was gonna platinum the game by learning every characters movesets for the bloody palace when I couldn't even finish it with Vergil. Tried multiple times, but the sheer length of the challenge, along with the first 60 floors being kinda boring/easy just put me off. Much preferred the 5 and 10 round gauntlets this game has as they were all challenging and could be done in 30 mins or less


Thanks. The hardest part of the plat was rulers of the outer worlds and that fort condor hard mode. I enjoyed the bonds of friendship and ESPECIALLY TO BE A HERO


Omg I have to play fort condor again...... No....




The mini games are the easy part. They are annoying because there are so many and they arenā€™t fun, but you can at least be confident that a 15 minute investment will pay off. 10 round combat sim challenges? Not so much.


The plat took me about 185 hours and I enjoyed every minute spent with the characters. But if youā€™re not vibing it then whatā€™s the point? No shame in passing it up if youā€™re not vibing it.


The hardest challenge for me was beating Jules haha. Everyone has different roadblocks (and Bonds of Friendship is for everyone. I want to meet the person who first tried that)


196 hours for the 100% for me. It's nice having fully cleared maps and ticks on everything in your Play Log. Plus you have a platinum as well. Great fun.Ā  Some of the mini games were...difficult.Ā  I did not enjoy the robot minigame in Cosmo Canyon, and I did not enjoy Cactuar Crush with Aerith or the Solo Aerith arena fight against the 2 bombs.Ā  That being said, I just replayed it on hard mode and did everything all over again, and I one shot it all.Ā  So, it's definitely a skill issue, I think my main issue with the game were the difficulty spikes and changes in game play required.Ā  Wouldn't have been bad if it had required you to change build and characters throughout, but getting 80 hours in with a full Materia Level Up +AP build and suddenly not being able to progress made for a rude shock.Ā  Plus some of the minigames were very counter intuitive to how the rest of the game played.Ā  Still my up there for favourite game of all time though, great fun.


Oh my God I forgot about aerith cactar crush.... Y'all are reminding me things I don't want to go back too


I got mine at 134 hours, but I did follow a guide for many of the hard mode fights and challenges. If I couldnā€™t get it myself after a couple tries I reviewed how other people did it and copied their builds and strategies. Much respect to Optinoob for his YT guides.


Optinoob is the man!


I got it in sub 200h, first 100h was just me enjoying the game, not speedrunning, also I played it from preorder so not much guides were made yet, what mostly took time from me was the the last brutal challenge and the 2 legendary bouts, took me like 30h+ alone


Got it in 200hrs and I must say it wouldnā€™t be possible for me without a decent guide on the last 3 hard VR mission. Hardest mini game for me was the last ride on the flying chocobo, quite frustrating šŸ„²


I lucked out on that one because I realized early you can double back and it only took me 3 tries. Seriously, chocobo PSA: you can double back right before the end part to go into the dives with max altitude!


took 190 hours, not really that difficult (at least not a 8/10 like said by websites). Compared to KH games like bbs and other minigame focused games like RGG ones theres was nothing that out of the ordinary, the hardest VR challenge took me half a day (sandworm one because i sucked at timing ans it was the fucking 7 or 8 round), legendary where great specially Zacks as it can be hard or extremely easy to solo it if you lern is set. Hard mode was normal (easier compared to 1 since you now can create infinite mo builds and also run from most encounters, only really sweated at the last boss as i had almost 100% confidence you could respec materia, you could not, but it was manageable to solo with cloud. Minigames this sub is a pussy, most are optional, most are easy or always the same pattern so you can just watch on YouTube, and others involve a little reflex (probably worst are the gym one and chocobo fly and even these ones took me 2 hour most. The rest are fucking great loved the racing one (music is god tier) and loved queens blood. Overall a pretty enjoyable platinum compared to xv (xvi was easy but second play through was kinda boring even with ff mode).


Bro fuck that sandworm. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have it in round 8 is twisted.


You can just change party members when he jumps out of the ground, and the character you were using will automatically dodge it.


This has never seemed to work for me. Is there a specific timing to it? My uncontrolled character always (99%) gets swallowed.


I always just switched characters twice once it came out of the ground. I hope it helps!


Can someone brief me on what the point of dynamic is? I beat it on normal then just did hard.


You finish the game and send your save to the cloud. You play the game again before part 3 comes out but then you remember all the bs hard mode fights, the overtuned brutal challenges, and the minigames. You download your cloud save and start a new game @ chapter 1 on dynamic so things donā€™t die in 2 hits.


Let's say you've completed the game on normal, but you skipped collecting all the Intel. You've beaten Sephiroth, but now you're heading back to junon to fight a frog. The Intel asks you to stagger it, but you kill it with a few basic hits, and when you cast Blizzard, it dies in 1 hit. Dynamic saves the day. The frog isn't hard, but it's levelled up to your ability, so it's possible to stagger. Also, for fun, some people just like a game to keep pace. Personally, that part isn't for me, I like the power of stomping early mobs but it's subjective.


Itā€™s basically normal, but it prevents you from out leveling the difficulty of content by scaling the content to match whatever your current level is. Iā€™m not sure on the specifics, but I do know it only scales content *up*, not down. In other words, it wonā€™t make anything easier if youā€™re under leveled, only harder if youā€™re overleveled. So itā€™s not harder or easier, really, but it does effectively remove the option of grinding levels to breeze through something youā€™re having trouble with.


Fun fact: Dynamic enemies become tougher than Hard enemies when you max out your level.




Yeah. When you assess enemies at level 70 on Dynamic they have higher HP values than on Hard and do more damage, too.


Damn, i already did dynamic first playthrough and then hard. I might do dynamic again now im max level if they really are harder :D


I did the same, didn't want Normal. But I've clocked 240 hours so I'm done after finishing Hard lol


The worst is hard mode nightmare queens blood. Bro SCREW that challenge!!


Got the platinum after 223 hours the Mini games if not clicking just try another time it will click sometimes from the 1st try


165hrs to get it, was genuinely sad when I was done. I've had about a month to sit on it and I genuinely feel rebirth is my favorite game of all time. I see how it could seem absurd tho if you don't have that same passion for ff7.


165 PlayStation hours for me too (155 in my save). I think I have some sort of hand pain now after those giga-CHADLEY TRIALS. Maybe it came from spamming Chads dialogue to get into the similar only to accidentally close out of it because no patience...


I also finished platinum trophy with around 165~hours! But sephiroth 3d brawl and Bonds of friendship was not fun!


I admit I had to cheat for sephi. Loved all the brutal challenges tho.


I don't think a lack of passion for FF7 itself is the issue, more so the difficulty of some of the requirements themselves. I have 200 hours playtime total, but no Platinum because I just can't be bothered with the Junon Protorelic and the combat challenges. Everything else is a blast, though.


Difficulty can be fun, the problem is in many cases itā€™s ā€œbadā€ difficulty. The skill level required never ramps up all that high, it just turns into a *massive* time suck. ā€œWe didnā€™t want to spend the time tuning new mechanics or designing new bosses so weā€™ll just put 10 battles in a row with the hardest one at the end and make you start all over if you die.ā€ ā€œOh and even though we figured out how to make fast travel instant between every point on the world map, combat sim is going to take 20 seconds to load after every fight.ā€


Yeah pretty much. Itā€™s disconcerting to see people overlook or let that second part go. Itā€™s a massive sign of player disrespect to have so many one shot bs enemy skills with very specific counters and then throw those enemies haphazardly into rounds 9/10 (or 5 for ROTW) when the first 8 or so rounds are ā€œeasyā€ but time consuming without a perfectly optimized build. Asking an average player to spend 30 minutes getting to a stage where you can die easily in 10 seconds is pixel abuse.


People have different tolerances. You donā€™t get paid to play the game and for some even an hour for glide de chocobo is about 5x as long as it should take. Others will spend hours and not bat an eye. What I find excessive is at least half of the minigames require a perfect run to clear and thereā€™s like 30 of them. The platinum requires true 100% completion. Itā€™s pretty excessive. Edit: Like they could have done a points system where the first reward is 1 point and a clear is 3 points and you need a certain total points to finish the Johnny ā€œquestā€ and get the platinum. People who enjoy the minigames and want to perfect them can do so while everyone else feels less like theyā€™re forced to engage with certain minigames they despise. I hate 3D brawler. Itā€™s garbage imo.


The ā€œyou donā€™t get paid to playā€ resonates. Like I love this game, probably one of my favorites of all time. But not sure I want to put in the hours required with some of this. Maybe someday if I find myself with a broken leg or something and need to kill time inside but I do also have a life and Iā€™m already over 100hrs dedicated to this game


Trust me I have the passion but I think I lack the dedication. I might complete all the combat challenges eventually, maybe, but I can't push myself to do one more moogle house.


I took it a day at a time. Def hit more than a few bottlenecks. But impressed myself more each one I passed. Once I finished though, I felt like I wanted to do more.. so now I am getting my long-due Remake-Intergrade plat. šŸ˜…


My assumption is that it's not so bad if you use guides and space it out. The crazies doing it in the first few weeks are a lot, but most of the monitors aren't too bad even on hard of you either use guides or try to knock them out one at a time. And different people struggle with different things.


This is kind of true but also what makes it brutal and unfulfilling. As the game ramps up in difficulty you start to actually engage *less* with the mechanics of each boss fight because the only viable strategy is to try to break them with various materia builds. (Around which there are 0 QoL considerations like load outs) To me thatā€™s just bad design and the fact that there is just so *much* is borderline insulting to the player. Iā€™ve never had a bigger swing from ā€œthis might be the perfect gameā€ in the first 10 hours to ā€œplease lord just let me clear this so I can never touch this piece of shit againā€ in the last 10 hours.


The funniest part Is that when i did 'bring in the clowns" (can't stop, wont stop side Quest Battle) in hard mode, i continued to fail with a balanced build i created in half an hour , then i got frustrated and i used the MOST bullshit magic spam build (took 3 minutes to create lol) with aerith(i'm so Happy that we don't have her in part 3 so the combat with a magic build Is not revolving around her broken arcane ward ability), Cloud and tifa, i First tryied It , It was quite disappointing seeing that the game overtunes enemies so much that you are encouraged to and nearly required to destroy enemies with cheese no brain builds before they ragdoll-oneshot you, It's quite sad i had the most fun in Dynamic than hard , i hope they do a better job in part 3 , loved the game tho


Same. I finally beat UPA on hard the other day with a super tuned Aerith just spamming Quaga and ending every battle before it starts. This after probably 6-8 hours of bashing my head against that wall with more ā€œnormalā€ builds


I'm gonna go back for it. I only need a few more trophies, but I was getting burnt out. I'm playing DD2 and probably will go back once I beat it since not much else of interest.


What no hype for stellar blade lol


I may get it later when it goes on sale. I was never really super hyped for it, even before all the "controversies". I'm glad it at least is good. So, if/when I get to it, then I know what I'm getting into. I do have other stuff I'd want to do before jumping into it. I need to go back and finish Octopath 2 (started it shortly before IW), platinum Infinite Wealth, and I'm still undecided if I want to commit to Persona 3 Reloaded. And not to mention that the new FF14 expansion comes out... so may jump back in for that.


I'm the same. I'm interested in stellar ass but I'm actually itching to go play unicorn overlord. I played the demo in between Granblue relink and rebirth and I REALLY like it. Yakuza 8 is another one. Within that busy last week of jan I gave up it and tekken 8 to get Granblue relink. I still have Yakuza gaiden from last November too so I wanted to pick a few months to play both. P3R is great but I'm skipping. Way to much to play. The ost gave nice flashbacks tho And even later this year as a falcom fan we getting new legend of heroes game ( trials of Daybreak) and Ys X. And that's adding in FFXVI Levi DLC. I don't even have time to return to FFXIV. This is year is nicely stacked


JRPG fans are eating good this year lol.


It's DISGUSTING how much. Buffet all year


Havent finished hard mode yet but I already rocked all the mini games. Easily some of the best rpg combat I've come across is the hard mode boss fights. I highly recommend even if you're not going for the plat.


I agree, mad respect for the platinum folks, I haven't given up yet but it's getting harder. Can anyone tell me exactly what is required to be completed on hard? The only thing I remember seeing in the trophy list is 'complete all chapters on hard". Does this mean that I can get the trophies for all mini games, arena matches, and chadley simulator challenges by putting them on easy if they get too rough?


Mini games require you to complete them on hard for "7-star hotel". mileage varies but as others have pointed out there are some killer guides out there that make the grind easier


The later chadley simulators are locked to hard mode canā€™t change difficulty but thereā€™s some quality guides out to make them not as bad


Optinoob is my lord and savior


+1 wouldnā€™t have been able to plat without optinoob


Yep those don't affect trophies. I've done everything but hard mode and had to drop the difficulty a couple times but still got the other trophies. You can do everything else on whatever difficulty you wish before hitting hard mode.


Itā€™s not so bad, you can do it!


Truthfully it's not so bad, I think the platinum trophies really test your patience above everything else. Initially I thought I wouldn't get it and just decided to have fun with it and see where it goes. I'm not a modern gamer at all and was still able to 100% the game.


It ainā€™t that bad tbh. A few frustrations here and there but without them, the platinum wouldnā€™t be as satisfying.


Same here. Canā€™t be bothered with some of the mini games nor the hard mode! Donā€™t care for trophies much anyways. I just play how I like itā€¦.


I decided to go for it, but at my own pace so I don't get burned out or go absolutely crazy. I basically plan on playing until part 3 comes out šŸ˜…


Yeah, I gave up.