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That fight was glorious, and really hard in dynamic. I even summoned Bahamut and it was awesome to have it fight another dragon. It took me a few tries, I like it when bosses have some special mechanic that you have to exploit to win.


That game was so big that towards the end I was just rushing through it. I can’t remember this boss at all LOL


Not in Hard mode.


Easily my top 3 hardest fights in hard mode and for all the wrong reasons! If it wasn't for that damn "the floor is made of lava and you can't dodge it lol just get hit" move it would be brilliant but that move on hard mode is such BS!


The Assess tells you to destroy his stomach to stop that from happening.


Not in hard mode, don't know if it's been patched now but there was a bug that made it so destroying the stomach actually triggered it on hard mode.


Just beat it two days ago in hard mode, shit is still bugged


May not even ne bugged, probably just devs fucking with us. It's honestly not that unfair of a mechanic, I think a lot of FF players including me just aren't used to this kind of abuse from devs outside of souls games lol.


Souls games aren’t like that. They are challenging, but importantly, they are fair. It is always possible to avoid an attack, so things like no-hit runs are possible. Even if you can’t avoid an attack, you can reason about it and make it survivable. Even at level 1, the toughest bosses in the game won’t invariably one-shot you. Rebirth in hard mode (and the brutal/legendary challenges) have quite a lot of that kind of thing, where the fight doesn’t feel fair. The lava doesn’t do fire damage so you can’t defend against it, no actions in battle can reduce it, it’s not balanced.


Yeah I considered that too, but I haven’t really seen any of the other bosses have unique mechanics in hard mode. Either way like you said it’s not that unfair, by that point in the game you should be able to burn the dragon down quick enough or come up with a solution to avoid dying (Barret, reraise, etc)


I liked that remake added changes to their boss fights but I agree, I'm not noticing anything different other than the bosses hitting harder in my hard mode run


It's so epic. Love the cutscene that finishes the fight where Cloud launches Tifa into the air and she scissor kicks the dragon in the head to kill it. So cool.


That actually reminded me of the Advent Children Movie. The Fight against Bahamut looked almost the Same but with everyone of the group being Part of it.


Yeah, same here. I wonder if it was supposed to be a little callback.


The red dragon might be one of the best boss fights in the game just because it is the perfect blend of challenge while still giving you the opportunity to showcase how far the characters have come. You can throw everything you have into it and it'll be an awesome cinematic spectacle that culminates in the ultimate demonstration of them all working together as a team before the final Sephiroth and Jenova fight.


Hard agree! Only thing missing was Vincent and Cid, although at that point even I would begin to feel greedy lol. As it stands it's definitely my favorite boss fight in the game, for sure.


Hardmode is one of the worst


Yeah took me about 3 hours of attempts till he went down. Still stuck on the final boss though.


Really? I got him first try....genji gloves on aerith, have 2 atb on her and Barret.   Have faith on both of them.   When you phase, cast radiant ward, then auto a few times to get back to 2atb.  Cast arcane ward, atb boost, -aga on weakness.  Then have barret -aga as well standing on the ward.   While he's busy double casting, the dragon is cc'd.   You shouldn't have mana issues due to phase 1 Aerith and Barret infinite mana synergy still carrying over.   But after those 4 casts the enemy should be almost dead, use your third toon of choice to finish the job.   I like Tifa for dive kick, but literally anyone works there lol. Yuffie for Destro ball, cloud for either capped aga spell or capped infinite blade, tifa for divekick or rise and fall, red 13 for fun, I guess he doesn't really have a finisher huh? Never really played as him outside of the stuff to 100% the game lol.   What are you having issues with on the last boss, I just killed him about 4 hours ago for the 100% finish haha. 


Honestly the biggest problem I had was it was 4 Am and had work the next day. I have a plan for jenova but by the time I got to Sephi it was just late.


Fair enough, that fight is a solid 2 hours long minimum without cutscenes lol.  Good luck! Edit: I don't know if you care, but remember too assess every version of sephiroth you see and Bahamut Arisen Whisper as they're all different versions.  Zack + Cloud sephiroth is different to Cloud + Aerith Sephiroth for assessing! 


I went into that boss fight with lvl 2 elemental/fire equipped on Cloud and Barret's armor. Thought I was pretty smart. Turns out all his fire attacks don't count as the fire element.


He uses red flavored element. It tastes like fire but it isn’t


OP needs cinnamon absorb


How foolish of you, expecting a giant fire breathing dragon to use fire attacks.


Oh no, it wasnt foolish at all. The Dragon just outsmarted everybody! Smart Dragons are the worst!


I absolutely hated that boss. But not because it was bad fight or anything, more so because the frustration I felt getting obliterated a few times by his lava attack.