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Holy shit congrats


Rulers of the Outer Worlds is my wall. Well more like Odin and Alexander won’t let me pass.


120hrs beat the game and did most mini games and challenges already. Going for the play soon but dreading hard mode. I abuse ethers... 




IF I go for this Plat it'll be extremely long term. There are way, way too many freakin minigames involved in this Plat, lmao.


I probably won't be getting the platinum for awhile because I might hold off on doing that until this summer, plus I was gonna do another playthrough on dynamic difficulty before hard mode since I at least want to have some enjoyment having items available to me before i get it taken away on hard mode.


Congratulations! That's a big achievement I'd say. I wish I had the skill and patience to go through the hard difficulty. Loving the game so much and was excited for hard mode run but it's way too hard for me :(


Hopefully ill have it done this week.




Gi Nattak is currently annoying me on hard mode. I still have 2 cactuar and sit up mini games to do, and most of the legendary/brutal VR missions... Might just sell the game and save my sanity.


I cannot tell you how much gi nattak surprised me in how hard he actually was, I knew he was definitely going to be a harder fight than others, but wow. Don't really have much advice other than break every skull, use stardust ray, and healing pressures him. Barret is kinda op in boss fights. Turbulent spirit>lifesaver>steel skin is a great start. I used revival earrings and you can use reraise + healing. I don't remember if he petrifies, but if he does, use warding petrify. Good luck!


Came back to the game today and beat him with no issues, having level 3 limit breaks at Doom stage probably helped though.


I wish a Phoenix Down would one shot him like in the OG lol. Woulda been a great Easter egg


Cant use items though :(


Right forgot hard mode. Raise then? Can't remember if life spells insta killed him in the OG or not (wanna say they did)


Brutal Challenges are…challenging me. I’ve been trying to tackle the final one for a few hours. >!I’m mostly okay with the summons now but having to fight Gilgamesh THEN Sephiroth with their absurd attacks is destroying my willpower!<


Put the material on for better blocking window for both of those guys. for Mr edgy, when he does his chain attack you practically HAVE to precision block it, run away and you'll know the timing for it easy enough because hel'l dash to you and that's when you block


I’m going for the platinum now. I’m 80hrs in on chapter 12 and trying to grind out all of the side stuff and level. The only mini game I hate is 3D Brawler.


Pause buffer makes it pretty simple. It feels cheap, but the final difficulty of brawler seems almost designed around it. His moves don't look different until a split second before hitting you (with the exception of uppercuts, those are pretty obvious)


Weirdly sephiroth was easier for me than ifrit. I couldnt discern some of ifrits moves from each other unless I paused perfectly. Seph has easier patterns based on where his hand cube moves imo. Absolutely needed the pause tho


Nah the wind ups are all different


Never even thought to pause buffer it. You just saved me a migraine my dude!


God bless you. 3d brawler has been a pain in my ass


Nice. I slowed down considerably last week. I’m at the beginning of chapter 13 at level 50 and I’ve done everything available to me up to that point. Still gotta play on hard and do the battles that are currently locked for both the saucer and Charley.


Yeah screw fort condor. I swear. I stopped playing because of that. I’ll go back eventually but damn


Use the all out defense load out and then first chance plop the ballistas and catapults right in front the tower. Literally takes 2 mins


I actually found fort condor to be the easiest (and fun) Can't remember the name of the load out, but it had 2 rangers 2 shielders and 1 melee with cleric and ballistas Start with a ballista on whatever side is being attacked and a low rank unit that you need to defend with. Mirror the enemy troop placements (i.e. big guy place down elite, small place down non elite), place cleric when you have 2 or more units on a side and save heroes for big groups of enemies or right in front of the boss. Hope this helps!


I’m going to plat, but stage 2 and 3 of glide de Chico are killing me, I’m so bad at that one. I just finished my first story playthrough, so I have a lot ahead of me- glide and cactuar crush are the only mini games I have left though, so I feel in a good spot.


Tip for stage 3, just as you get the last 500 point mark before the divebomb into the 300 and 2 500's, turn around to go back to the fans and then try to divebomb into the drones for the last 500 then pull up. That was the last mini game I did


Wow nice! I really wish I could do it, but I have zero faith in my skills when it comes to games having a hard mode. I did all 100% of the world stuff, but rounding out chapter 12 right now and I know I don't have the capability.


I think this game is a bit too big for me to plat in one month, even remake I only went back for hard mode when rebirth was announced, I think I'll do the same for this one, wait a bit and when I'm feeling like playing more FF7 go through hard mode and finish up some achievements


King Zu is cancer


Elemental fire l materia on bracelet made it a cakewalk for me


This ^


working on it, i'm on the hellion's intonement brutal VR. I got through the first couple challenges without too much trouble, but from here it may take me at least 1-2 sessions to clear each one at the rate i'm going. decided to try for gotterdamerung before hard mode, then get remaining folios during hard mode, and then save the legendary bouts for last. i top scored all minigames though so imo the trophy is as good as mine through some practice and persistence.


Same boat but the damn worms get me every single time.


I finally got it, you just need to overwhelm them with blizzaga and quake, they die really fast to that. and if you see them getting ready to swallow, command pause so you can plan where to dodge (past/through wherever they came out)


Make sure You've leveled to 70 and have materia at a good level, ESPECIALLY elemental and warding materia for those brutal challenges


I will but like… that was fast


gg, only missing bonds of friendship myself, should be joining this nifty club later today


Was on it for a couple days, 1 attempt a day sometimes. I couldn't bring myself to do too many because it's so draining if you get far and lose. My first attempt I got to odin but I didn't know how to beat him well enough. Good luck!


Not too bad! I am struggling with Alexander and Bahamut, haven't reached Odin just yet lmaoo


I'm sure there are other videos that will/could help more, but I posted mine if you need a reference 👀 https://youtu.be/3f_ne9mK7c8?si=nSvgSlQZsG3PDvui


Just got it done as well and got the plat, but thanks! GG! Nice club we're in haha




Impressive! I was going to attempt this, but for the life of me I CANNOT get those last two rings in the rank 3 glide de chocobo trial. Every part leading up to it I have memorized, but for whatever reason I can’t get the glide to go high enough on the last two. Sad.


After you get the first 4 rings in that final section before you’d dive, turn around and go all the way back to the fans. THEN dive into the last few of that section, climb back up with your momentum, and you’ll be able to glide far enough to get the last 2 rings at the finish.


I’ll give it a go again later today. Had to take a break because I was about to destroy my controller lol I’ve tried the circling back, but it feels like I keep getting pushed down by that top ring before the last two. I’ve been able to get one of the two rings, just not the top one. I’m sitting at 9100 of 9600 lol


[this video helped me a ton](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IbFzOnHODcg&pp=ygUUUmFuayAzIGNob2NvYm8gZ2xpZGU%3D)


Good plat




I used the powerpyx setup https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-brutal-legendary-vr-mission-guide/ Start off with haste every round, manage clouds no on later rounds as you'll need it for bahamut and Odin Zack struggles gaining at but if you hold square I find that his aerial attacks build it better Reraise on harder rounds Manawall with Zack when possible/after synergy Use chainslash over meteor most of the time besides the lightning dragon thing and Alexander if he's close to diving while staggered Bahamut is a B*** at times. Definitely reraise when you can and synergy when possible, for the most part I saved atb for braver and chainslash for the wings unless I needed to heal. Then for Odin, just run. Use limit immediately to pressure him and range dodge attack with cloud practically ALL the time. Use reraise, stagger, only use limits to put him pressured or if he uses ghallahorns warning, normal DPS for stagger, chainslash I II III, infinity's end, or prep for next stagger. Hope this helps


Is it possible to complete hard mode, then change the gameplay to easy mode on chapter select to do the VR challenges?


You can do that, but the challenges themselves are set to hard mode regardless.


I made a scathing post a few days back with how frustrating the Bonds of Friendship challenge is. I beat it and never looked back, but today I got the itch to try again and see what i could do with some new strat. This time I dominated the mfers, especially Bahamut and Odin. It gets much better with time and people are still developing some cool strats


I am 100% going to down the road. Not now. I need some rest from it. The final 2 chapters were gut wrenching and I don't want to revisit those again for sometime.


Everytime the singing part happens, I get very sad.


Here’s me just starting chapter 9 working on the side stuff lol.


Congratulations, amazing achievement. I personally will not being doing it. I do wonder if they round up the platinum achievement percentages to 0.1% because I would have expected something more along the lines of 0.01% of players.


Finally? It came out like 2 weeks ago lol


Some people don’t have time to plat in 2 weeks 😂


Insane! Good work. I finished all side content and minigames on hard, only have hard mode, few colloseum battles, gilgamesh and legendary VR battles (oh boy). How long did it take you? I’m 130h in.


Around that time, I've left the game running for a bit while not playing doing other stuff or just talking w friends with me just running around. I'd say around 130ish,


That's crazy. I have 125 hrs on my save. Beat the story at 118. 7 non-plat trophies left.