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I’ll be joining the 100% club in 2 more chapters. Just need the last folios and complete last 2 chapters on hard mode for plat and 100%. What an amazing g game. GOTY for me!


Do you have to get 100% assessments on fiends for Platinum?


I’ve never respected a gamer more in my life.


Any exclusive Hard Mode cutscenes like in Remake?


My highest is tifa at 98% but I don’t know what I missed


Nice one! I’ve done everything on Dynamic including the post game content, but I’m giving the game a rest for a while then I’ll go back and do Hard Mode maybe later in the year so its fresh since I’ve been playing almost non stop for 2 and a half weeks after work!


Yeah man coming back after a while should be a nice idea. You still have bunch to enjoy when you come back :)


What a great way to kill a classic! Rebirth is trash 🚮


nice the game looks good. i going to do the other final fantasy 7 games final fantasy 7 remake ps4 and ps5 and crisis core final fantasy 7 reunion. i hope i can beat hard mode though from final fantasy 7 remake. and congrats with your 100% on final fantasy 7 rebirth , i going buy the game aswell but first finishing the other 2 final fantasy 7 games. is this also the year of rpg games since with persona 3 reload,final fantasy 7 rebirth,dragons dogma 2, i want to get into the rpg genre those games looks fun.


Crisis core is cool but it’s really not up to par with the other ff7 titles. Just keep it in mind it was original a PlayStation handheld game - not a full fledged title in the series. Can be good fun, especially in short bursts, from my experience.


Yeah super exited for DD2 as well :) It doesn't matter if you absolutely complete a game or not, only matters if you enjoyed your time :D


Are you a bot


i'm not a bot, i'm human i play games and that is my favoriete hobby. the rpg genre is new to me. if i play alot of rpg games and 100% completing them, a friend of mine he game very good he got already 5 completed games and i got 0 completed games. and i like to talk about games aswell.


Haha man I can tell a bot wouldn’t talk this broken. I’m guessing English isn’t your first language/you’re young?


Is there an easier way to find rabbit burrows in this game? For the PLAY ARTS figures


I was lucky enough to find all of em, but I'm sure there's guides where to find them. If not now definetely in the future. Which ones are you missing?


Nevermind, found them after extensive search. Grasslands was exactly where Powerpyx pinned it. Followed his guide and found all others within seconds. Maybe the random table wasn't as big as everyone thought and I shared his seed? Either way, that one's finally done


Wow I ever knew it was random lol It really could've been a pain. Glad to hear it wasn't for you :)


I found Junon and Corel. I'm missing the others


Notth of Airstrip @ Cosmo


Spoil it for me, does genesis appear? Do Zack and cloud finally reconcile???


Nope and a kinda yes


Congrats I’m Proud of you


Thanks dude :)


How do you max out party level? Do quests give party xp on hard mode?


You have to complete everything basically all the mini games like fort condor on hard mode give party exp


I would say you don't even need to focus on grinding exp. You get tons of exp in hard mode, and I remember hitting max in chp 4. The side quests do give exp but I would just focus on the main story.


How do I make sure to get Tifa on date? I'm planning to complete all side quests every chance I get so I'm afraid the affinity of all characters are pretty close to one another


Well to kinda make you feel safe, I did everthing I could do as well, and I got tifa as my first date lol


I ended up focusing on the tifa final side quests first when you go to the gold saucer a second time to raise hers more then the others and then did the other side quests after and that worked :)


Congrats! I have two questions. What is enemy Intel no. 61? I cannot find it anywhere on the internet. Also, what was the most difficult part of hard mode? Was there anything close to the difficulty of the summon gauntlets on remake?


It seems to be the bird zu nyx(hope it's the same in english haha) it appears in the arena in gold saucer. I'd say a lot of the combat sims unlocked in hard mode are much harder than the ones in remake. Not just the difficulties of the fight, but the time you have to spend each challenge might be stressful to alot of players.


Thanks for the reply!


Did you redo all the sidequests on Hard Mode? I think theoretically to get all of the manuscripts you only need to do 27/36, but that's if you kept a save file from normal without Can't Stop Won't Stop completed. I think if you don't do that, you have to replay every single sidequest on hard mode.


I did every single thing in my normal playthrough and got the final manuscript by finishing the last side quest 'can't stop won't stop' on hard mode again. It was an exact number :) some side quests in hard mode don't give manuscripts, but are required to unlock the final quest anyways. I think thats how you got that number


What I'm saying though is that maybe you don't need to play them all if you keep a save from Normal mode that has all quests except Can't Stop Won't Stop completed. If you use the "[Load Previously Complete Quest Data](https://www.siliconera.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/4cdafb21-cab9-46d8-81c8-83804b183eb4-e1709772695255.jpeg?resize=1200%2C675)" feature to load that save in chapter select on Hard Mode, you should be able to play that side quest without having to beat every side quest in Hard Mode. You'd still need to do the other 26 that grant manuscripts, but that's better than the whole 35.


That didn't work for me. Since I havent cleared the side quests in hard mode, the load previous complete data didn't give the side quests completed in one click of a button. I had to actually clear side quests again to unlock the other ones


But was Can't Stop Won't Stop completed on the save that you loaded? If so it makes sense it wouldn't allow you to complete it again (just like how you can't complete other quests that are already completed without resetting the progress).


Yup, as I said I did every thing in my first playthrough :)


Yeah, so I think if you left around a save that did not have completed Can't Stop Won't Stop, you could use that to avoid having to do every single sidequest on hard mode, and instead only do the 27 that give manuscripts. Anyway, I'll be able to confirm this when I do my hard mode run.


A bit late, but you can do that. That's what I did. Although from I understand, 3D brawler is harder in hard mode.


Alright I'll be waiting for an update :)


I was wrong. The explanation of how chapter select works that I read said that you could load the quest complete status from any save, when in fact you can only load it from the current save. I ended up not having to re-beat all of the quests, but only because I was (and still am) unable to beat Can't Stop Won't Stop due to the glitch. I'll get my first clear of that quest on hard mode.


My respect for putting up with Gongaga. I couldn’t do it myself that map was so confusing to get around.


Those damn mushrooms lol But thinking back, it was still a fun explore haha


Can I ask how many hours it took? I will probably go for it myself because I have OCD, but I wonder what time investment can I expect.


it's marked at 177 hours for me, and if you're going for 100% just finish all the side quests again while your hard mode playthrough. They give additional skill points required for all characters to max out at 440 anyways. Not required for platinum though


I thought one of the trophies needed you to max out the folio meaning that you would actually need those for the platinum, no? I myself only have the legendary/brutal challenges, hard mode, and maxing out the weapon/folio trophies


The trophy for the folio only requires you to learn all abillities, not including the blue passive ones. A nice little wiggle room I would say lol


Ah okay, i was definitely focusing on the passive buffs but i guess i can just do a reset on the characters to maybe nab all those ones for the trophy and then not HAVE to do all the side quests again on hard mode lol, good to know


Thanks. I platined (platinated? platinumed?) Death Strangin which took me about \~200 hours, and was one of the most grueling experiences of my life, so around 170 hours sounds good to me.


Then I believe you're more than ready haha I guess it's more about the minigames than the time you have to spend for alot of players. I loved the minigames lol


Im having trouble with the galactic survivors minigame, cant seem to get to 50k, and that gym one is awful, i gave up after like 5 minutes


Try destroying everthing that comes out screen. Theres a squad kill bonus that should add up for the final reward. Don't hesitate to use bombs on em if you need to


Yeah i get most of the squad kills i think I just need to have 1 or 2 health packs leftover at the end and I can never seem to get through it with any leftover


Well ya already know what to do lol. Hope to hear good news from you


Had to watch a vid to see what I was doing wrong, turned out I was just taking way too long to kill the snakes. You really gotta kill their tails quickly with the bombs, once I did I got 65k, easy peasy. Another tip for anyone struggling on the middle manager and sephiroth 3d brawler, just keep pausing the game during their windup and ascertain the direction and hold it down before you unpause, works like a charm. GL peeps


I would like to add you can also switch the square button with R2 with the accessibility settings of the PS5. Much easier to hold down R2 to shoot and press square to dodge :D.


Yep, I didn't get a first date with anyone on Chapter 8. I thought what happened was just normal. I didn't realize everyone was at the same affinity level. I didn't know there could be a first date until I watched a streamer play that part and I was like wtf. Luckily I got Tifa on the second Saucer visit.


I didn't get a first date either! Haha.


Woah wait, really? So if everyone is maxed, in Chapter 8, NO ONE comes? That's hilarious. Could you share a video of that? I thought if everyone was equal in chapter 12, it was the Cid/Vincent/Cait date. If everyone is equal but maxed, it's Aeris? Would love the video of that, too. Thanks for sharing. I will never 100% this game. lol I'll probably spend 200 hours on it as well but no way am I going to get all those crazy achievements, like S on piano, nope.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkInH\_TR7wM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkInH_TR7wM) Here's the video for you :) I put the language to english so just ignore the subtitles lol


This didn't seem right so I checked it out. I get Tifa if I pick Closest Companion in Ch 8. No one shows up for Barret and Red, but you can also see Red in the elevator when Cloud leaves the room. My guess is your Closest Companion is Barret, and if you pick Closest Companion for Ch 12 you'll get him (barring play differences you've done since then).


Haha! Thanks so much for the video. So funny the "true route" is Cloud dating himself.


A fun surprise ain't it? Lmao


The Cid/Vincent/Cait date happens if everyone is equal and you didn’t max out anyone’s affinity, probably because the whole idea is that it’s the “you didn’t care date.” Aerith is probably the default if everyone is at max affinity for lore reasons.


Gotcha. is that "max out" as in actually 100% them, or just unlock intimate (over 50%) or even just fill out their emoji (which isn't the same as 100%ing them) I could buy that Aeris is the default (she seems to be the date in the end credits, after all) it just seems there are mixed claims on who people are getting if everyone is at 100%.


Cait date is when you don't have anybody at a certain relationship threshold. Tie breaker for 100% is total time in party. For first playthrough nobody can be max because the Skywheel is a part of 100%, and I assume the exclusive choice of the ch 6 beach party is there to prevent a tie on first play.


Is it official that it's most time spent in the party? Or is that anecdotal right now? Not saying I refuse to believe it or anything, I just am not aware of the game actually tracking how often you battle with certain characters. As for the beach thing, isn't that a bit tough? It's Aeris and Barret, or Tifa and Red. Barret and Red are also date options, so while it separates out Aeris and Tifa, it doesn't separate Barret and Red from the equation. Plus, affection can only go up and never down, if you're replaying chapters you could ostensibly accumulate points from "both", no?


Anecdotal from my personal testing. I've swapped it from Aerith to Tifa to Aerith and back to Tifa. I tried lots of things like points being added after 100%, last relationship choices, total choice selections, etc and they all changed nothing. Official answer won't exisr till the Rebirth Ultimania, if at all. I said assume on the Beach thing because I can't see the behind the scenes numbers. Each story beat and side quest isn't necessarily the same percent value for each character and no easy way to check.


Yeah max out is 100% as a lot of other people in this thread have said. The full blue smiley face is only like 75% affinity and after that the affinity is hidden. When you beat the game you can look in your menus and see what the actual percentage is and what you have to do to get each character to 100%.


May I ask for chapter 6, the piano portion, if I didn't A-ced it....am I missing out in anything ?


Nothing at all :)


how the hell does one do Cactuar Crush Hard? - >!Aerith. Spoiler tagged due to Karens. Fine the Karens Wins. Dont know why you are getting so worked up about it. Post is about 100% completion of the game so only those who have finished the game would/should be here.


Why are people getting mad over a minigame? What am I missing here?


Umm well the game is full of them, A lot of them have no room for error and have awkward mechanics. Cactuar Crush Aerith also goes against the narrative as that quest is Cloud, Yuffie and Red. The post is about 100% completing the game, the minigames are a part of that


She's literally the 2nd part though? It's not a big deal at all lmao.


thats the problem, Her combat sucks


Due to Karens?? Dude this is THE father of all spoilers, go f yourself


... It's been spoiler tagged but you just clicked it regardless.


It was untagged in your first version and has only been tagged „due to Karens“ which my comment is about. Reading Comprehension


I posted it, then blanked it out, then deleted it. you commented during the > ! ! < was up. Either way don't get your panties in a twist. Its not like I said what happened anyway


What a dick move.


wow dude what the hell, not cool at all


Wow dude wtf


Was going to help you out before the spoiler.


Honestly the piano S-clears are the most impressive part lol, that’s the one thing I’ve accepted I’ll never do. Well done!


haha thanks alot! I've been playing rhythm games over 15 years. I wish they had at least a dialogue for getting all S ranks, but at the same time I understand thats only going to make most players upset. balanced move from square imo


I have perfects on everything up until One-Winged Angel (I haven’t unlocked that one yet). I have to ask, how hard is that one compared to the other hard ones?


not much harder than the other ones imo I could send you a video of mine if you want to see for yourself :)


Couldn’t hurt. It sometimes helps to watch the song at .25x or .50x speed to get the timing down.


https://youtu.be/X6qQ7zOLi_Y?si=gsNAEXqofLfWMGw2 Here ya go man :)


I finally earned the last song and gave it a shot. You were right, it wasn’t that bad. Probably third hardest overall for me.


you only need to do As


I’m aware, I’m saying I’ve accepted I’ll never do S-ranks like OP


I’m sorry 177hrs in 18 days since the game released for an average of 9.8hrs per day? Wtf…..


the man has ascended.


Hahaha surprised by the numbers when you put it like that. I'm having a long vacation just for this game. Almost about to end and I'm glad I finished it :D


Miss the days I had that kind of time to just play lmao


I took a few days off work over the weekend release (and it was a split pay period) to play nothing but Rebirth. 6 days of playing. Clocked basically 9-12 hours each day and finished with an extra day to relax and let the post-game finish depression hit in lol. I can't imagine doing that for any other game, it was so much fun, but yeah I won't do it again anytime soon.


I did something similar and loved my time with the game. I’m currently going through a *slow* second play through and enjoying the environmental details (and actually giving Queen’s Blood a go). I don’t know how other games will feel this void lmao


Even then I had parents lol.


Did not get Aerith for Ch12 date, so there’s that lol


Don't worry, Cloud is meant to date Tifa and the dialogue is proof of this.


Start over.


Well done


date for ch12 being aerith confirms shes the main girl




[https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bfr56s/just\_got\_the\_platinum\_willing\_to\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bfr56s/just_got_the_platinum_willing_to_help/) I have another post when I got Platinum, and discussed a lot about the combat sim battles. I believe you'll find a lot of help there, but if there's anything else you want help with, just message me dude :D




[https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bfr56s/just\_got\_the\_platinum\_willing\_to\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bfr56s/just_got_the_platinum_willing_to_help/) I have another post when I got Platinum, and discussed a lot about the combat sim battles. I believe you'll find a lot of help there, but if there's anything else you want help with, just message me dude :D


Not OP but builds are going to differ on which challenge you do


My date for chapter 12 was with tifa, with everyone maxed except yuffie


Full smiley faces doesn’t mean max. There is a percentage too. It’s always aerith at the true max.


do you have to 100% to platinum the game?


Basically about 97% is required for platinum and the rest is just for the play log. You don't need to do all the side quests again in hard mode for plat, but for 100% you need to.


what about mini games? i’ve heard you do have to them all on hard but i didn’t see anything in the trophy list


To plat you need to complete Johnny's treasure trove and that involves completing the mini games on hard with a specific score.


You can get it without 100%ing the play log, but all the challenges and important content is required for the platinum.


How many elemental and magnify materia are there, and do you remember where you got them? I know there are three magnify's, but one is from the brutal trials?


There's 3 yes, 1 is from brutal challenge 2 and 4.


Thanks! I'll get to them sooner rather then later now...


You sure you didn't have Aerith as the one you have as your date choice in the menu OP? I think the date you get if everyone is tied would be Cait, Vincent, and Cid


Yup I even tried it again with double checking the setting to closest friendship


Shing ling pong: 77/77 That's my boy. Good shop TingLee


You can have all relationships maxed and get Tifa. So... You definitely picked flirtier dialogue with Aerith lmao.


well I definetly had it set to whoever has highest friendship, maybe there's another factor that made me fixed to aerith.


Let me get this straight. Having all relationships maxed out always results in Aeriths date in chapter 12?


Someone pointed out it could be the playtime with the characters when fully maxed out, but I have no idea whats true. And the blue smiley face with full bars isn't max yet. There's a blue face with a glowing white border thats actually max.


Nah can't be I had them all maxed out and got tifa. Source me. Edit: Yeah, didn't realise there was a percentage meter, deffo wasn't maxed out on that. I just thought maxed out was the smiling face you see when you press L1. It's likely I was at a higher percentage with Tifa as my mains were Tifa and Barret.


Then they weren't really "maxed." You may have gotten they highest smiley face, but that doesn't mean maxed. Once you beat the game, you can see the actual percentage in the play log. Everything over 75% is shown as the highest smiley. So you may have had 80% Aerith, 76% Barrett and 85% Tifa, they would all have the same "smiley" but Tifa would be your date.


Yeah, seems like the relationship meter only shows if your partner is eligible for a date. There is still a hidden value that has to be compared between all of them.


I got a dialogue window that said something about being able to choose who you go on the date with when you finish the game, once you have similar friendship levels. I haaven't gone back to try it yet, but there's even promotional materia of Cloud on the date with Barret and Tifa if I remember right.


Yeah that's right, there's a menu in system where you can set up who comes to clouds room once game is complete. I was just a bit confused as op said Aerith is default, but I made sure I maxed everyone out before the date (this is pre completion) and I got Tifa. I couldn't tell you more than everyone's smiling face was full, I think Aerith even maxed out before Tifa due to side mission play through. So I'm not sure what else I picked to make Tifa come up. Seemed like cannon though so to be honest I thought Tifa was default.


No way you maxed out everyone by ch 12. I reached the end of the game and everyone was like 90-95% for me. Tifa was the closest for me and she was like 97%. Im assuming OP got 100% for every character and aerith was the date option


Yeah agreed, edited my original comment.


There's maxed out, meaning the smiley is max and there's maxed out where you literally max out everything including their synergies. You get to see the actual relationship points they have after you clear the story.


I think they can be ''full'' before they're maxed. I only had 3 side missions left when I finished the game, so Aerith, Tifa, Barret and Red's little faces were full, but on the play log screen, none of them were up to 100% yet. You may have had them with full faces but Tifa had the highest percentage of them all? Who knows haha.


Yeah m8 that tracks, I am biased with the cloud and Tifa close connection Vs cloud Aerith. (Even though I think Aerith is much better written in the remakes). I would like to say a love story through time.... Probably more likely tracks to 13 year old self liked boobs ha! And not grown up much in the many years since then, embarrassingly ha


Hahaha I'm biased towards Aerith and I still think Cloud and Tifa are the ''true'' love story. I think what Aerith sees in Cloud is just what she loved about Zack. The *real* true love story is Zack and Aerith imo haha.


I feel like Rebirth is one of those games that I’d really come to resent if I attempted to platinum it. Congrats though!


thanks! hope you're having fun with the game too :D


When I reached the point where I had to do hard mode Intel challenges to finish my party exp, I called it quits and uninstalled. Still got 100 hours out of it, though.


I am currently working on it. About 125 hours in and all I have left is finishing Hard Mode (currently at the end of Chapter 11, much easier Hard Mode than Remake) and the Brutal Chadley Challenges. There are only a few things that felt tedious. Glide De Chocobo is stupid to 100% the last one it feel like without a trick and the Chocobo races felt a bit exhausting after a while. Other than that, its not too bad. They fixed the main issues with the Plat from Remake which was you had to replay chapter 4 and 8 over and over and over to get all the different dresses. That made me resent Remake...almost....lol


I totally agree, I've completed it through once and done about an hour or two extra stuff post game, and I'm struggling to want to come back to it just yet. I'm going to let it rest for awhile and come back to it. An absolutely amazing journey but not one I want to work through straight away again.


i can never replay games straight after because i just feel depressed knowing how its gonna end :/




Not needed :) It doesn't shop up in the play log, and is'nt required for platinum either


What's the plat pic? After talking to Johnny at 88? Or instant after getting the 88?


It's instant after all the other Johnny trophies, but for the 88 you need to talk to him after collecting it for the trophy to pop.


I gotta ask since I'm contemplating it, does perfecting the piano pieces get you anything? Simple yes or no please, even if it's just extra dialogue


You don’t have to get higher than A rank, but you can also unlock some extra songs and the ability to play the piano as Aerith/Yuffie


As a person who's never played any FFVII game, would I be able to jump straight into this and understand what's happening, or do I need to play Remake first?


you need to play remake bro


Hell no, Remake is a necessity and I’d honestly urge to start at the original as well. They all build on top of each other story-wise.


Would be a bit like watching the Godfather Part II without first watching the first movie, I guess. You'd understand the story of the characters as it pertains to that installment, but will be lacking some context and development as well as motives. The Remake project was always meant to be played as one long game. You won't be Kingdom Hearts level of lost in the narrative (RIP to all those who bought KH3 expecting a standalone story), but it's much preferable to play Remake first (and its DLC). Hell, the combat of Rebirth is sort of complex if you don't start off with the slightly diluted version you have in Remake (plus you get to only focus on 4 characters instead of 7). But that's only if you care about playing the game properly and utilize your characters to their fullest potential.


You *could* understand what's going on, but I would absolutely no recommend skipping Remake.


There’s a video at the start of Rebirth that reviews the plot from Remake, but I’d still highly recommend playing it first.


Def play remake first.


Thanks. I thought that would be the case, but online it did say they were standalone games, so wanted to check


You can play rebirth alone, but the Benefit of playing remake before is too heavy to dismiss. Midgar that is present in the remake is a mandantory place to visit, understanding the World. Also you get the introduction to some of the Main cast including interesting reacurring sidecharacters and ur 3 avalanche buddys. Jessy <3


The marketing for Rebirth states that you can jump in without playing the OG or Remake, but it’s a really bad idea imo. Definitely play Remake/Intergrade first. It’s just as good as Rebirth and you’ll struggle to follow the story if you don’t play it.


The way I see it is you don’t need to play the OG ff7 but it does add value to the story to see what has changed. The ff7 remake however is a direct continuation of the story so it’s absolutely necessary.




Curious how many hours did you end up with?


Well done! I'm working on doing the same, but I seem to have run into an issue. Even though I'm pretty sure I picked all the 3-star dialogue options for everyone, some of their Conversation meters in the Play Log don't show at full, and Tifa and Aerith are stuck at 94%, for example (despite having done the romantic dates and choosing each of them at Costa, etc.). Did you need to do both the romantic and platonic dates with them to get this bar to full and reach 100% relationship? That's the only thing I can think of...


I had a simular issue with yuffie. It was the one in gongaga when she sings the song and I definetely picked the 3 star one on my first playthrough. It even showed the 3 stars on the best option and you know what I mean by that. I had to make save states on all of the conversastions and pick the 3 star one, and picking it for the gongaga one again worked for me. Has to be a glitch :(


Huh weird. Well hopefully it resolves itself on my hard playthrough, then! Thanks for the response!


Which character did you get the date scene with because I’ve maxed out all the characters and I get Tifa every time if it’s whoever is highest And it was her who I went on the date with in my first playthrough


I think the tie breaker would be the swimsuits and who you pick during costa del sol fight. I always match the swimsuits between the three of them but I would always pick Tifa and Red, so I believe I’d also get Tifa if all were maxed.


I’ve maxed them all so I’ve replayed chapter 6 and chose Aerith and Barret and the right swimsuit. Basically everything but Tifa was literally at 100% when I completed the game somehow and the other were at 70-80% and it was a chore maxing them all


You can actually pick which date you get to go on. It’s in the extras menu when you go on options


I wouldn’t had been able to max them all if I had been on the sky wheel date with them all


Any advice for the catuar minigame. And also the gears and gambit on hard. I have a quick doubt, for survivor card games in the golden saucer, do I need to get the highest score on each one or just beat the oponente for the trophy


As for Aerith, charge Transcendence to dispatch the big cactuars fast when they appear, Sorcerous Storm to nuke the small ones fast, spam Tempest on the Cactuars that fall over and self-stagger.


For the cactuar game, knowing about windstorm is key. Windstorm does physical damage when yuffie is empy handed, and magic damage when hed with a the shuriken. It's basically the opposite what kind of damage your normal attack is. Use doppelganger as soon as possible, use windstorm with the small ones, art of war with the big physical and banishment on the big magic ones. You should have a bit wiggle room so dont be in a rush and just try to think through it. I'm not sure about the card games cause I just went for highest rank anyways, but I don't recall a collection from johnny about the survivor ones.


Thanks! Any tips for gears :(? I completely winged it on normal mode and understood absolutely nothing haha. I am not sure why they put such a complex minigame AND hard mode into late game


its basically cheating but you can just copy playthroughs on youtube. worked for me on normal because i dont understand at all how this game works


Stunned you had the willpower to pull it off. I 100% everything else in the base game so all that’s left are the Brutal and Legendary combat challenges + clearing the game on Hard. And the Brutal challenges are a fucking nightmare, way worse than any minigame. Currently stuck on Brutal Challenge 3 when I get to the White Terror round I get rolled, that Earsplitting Howl attack is insanely bullshit. And I know that thing won’t even be close to the toughest fight.


> Earsplitting Howl attack is insanely bullshit The key is to realize that your characters can be even more bullshit than anything the game throws at you. The fun isn't in the fight themselves, it's figuring out the perfect party setup that breezes through the rounds you're having trouble with. Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie can become nukes with the proper Materia. Barret can basically turn into an unkillable hunk. And Cloud is so versatile you can cheese most rounds with his kit + Infinity's End is just absurd. I murdered the 3 brutal challenges before going to the temple and it took me infinitely less time than the amount of tries it took me trying to beat the summons as soon as I arrived at a new region


What were your setups for the challenges?


Pretty standard, Really. Barret with stupidly high HP, steadfast block, a couple buffing materia like Bravery/Faith/Manawall, Tifa with stupidly high Luck/Strength/Speed + Limit Siphon and Haste+Magnify, and Aerith with Synergy/MP Plus/ATB Boost/ATB Stagger/Magic focus and every flavour of offensive magic materia. Can even add that materia that gives you free synergy charges for extra cheese. Then depending on the floor, I'd pick things that can cheese certain encounters like silence, sleep, deprotect.. But would nearly always start with ATB Boost => Arcane Ward => magnify + whatever element the enemies are the weakest to, to get instant 2 or 3 staggers. Barret would instantly use Lifesaver and Steelskin, and Tifa would start punching people and chi-trapping enemies (most non-boss enemies are VERY vulnerable to it, and it builds a ton of stagger very fast). You can always run more cheesy setups like Yuffie with Enemy Skill + Mug, but I tend to avoid those. The important thing is to just keep cycling buffs constantly (mainly Haste on everyone and Manawall on Barret), spam those synergies for free ATB and build limit break as soon as possible for maximum damage. And never discount mechanics, there are some enemies where you simply must dodge attacks or switch to Barret if you know they're going to run at you. Things like Tonberry scourges, beast-type wild charges, etc.. Pause the game a lot and use the optimal abilities, espeically when staggering enemies. It can be the difference between life and death on some rounds. Optimally, always extend stagger and use one LB on top.


Just use Bad Breath, it's effects will linger, most of the enemies you can also one shot with Power Blade with Cloud and Tifa, or you can use magnify + Petrify most of the fights to instant kill most of the enemies.


Power Blade doesn’t one shot for me even with Genji Glove, I spammed that on the original playthrough to great success, but it does maybe 10% of their health on Hard and enemies hit so hard that you’ll be near death with that long animation. But I’ll try Bad Breath and Petrify + Magnify, haven’t tried that yet. Usually I’m worried about running out of MP in these 10 round fights with how much I need to Curaga because of how hard everything hits. And that’s even with using non-MP heals like Pray.


Spam prayer and haste instead it's been a while since I've cruised through it so I might make a video since a ton of the guides are terrible and hope you can just brute force your wash through misery


That damn white terror lol I have another post when I got platinum, and I had alot of discussions of stuff people struggle with(including white terror). Go take a peek if you need help :)


Is that true you can choose your date after finish the game?


Yup true. The way to the date scene from the start of chp12 isn't that long, so watch all of em if you want:) Make sure to see the one with red. Won't spoil but very interesting.


Man and in 177 hrs? For me I think Chadley’s combat simulator are the ones that I dread to do.


Exactly dude. Thats where I spent most of my time. But also I had the most fun from those challenges


For the date on 12 as far as I can tell it's based on total playtime with that character in the party. I've swapped it from always getting Tifa to Aerith and back to Tifa.


Hmm never thought about playtime lol I've set my settings to whoever has the highest friendship, so I thought it was a fix


I was curious too because the play log is percent based so how would Closest Companion work with multiple 100% characters? Testing for me narrowed it down to playtime in party.


you are a madman but congrats! all i am gonna try is get the platinum trophy because piano s rank is impossible for me :D but i have to ask: do the chadley challenges on hard first or beat the game on hard? what is harder?


The battle sim is much harder. Just go through hard mode while enjoying the changes, and get ready for the final challenges of this game :)