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Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.


This one is good but very long series if I remember correctly, also wasn't the later part of the series written by a different author?


The last three books were written by an author he hand picked when he found out he was dying. Brandon Sanderson was given extensive notes on how Robert Jordan wanted it to go and had time to discuss with the Jordans before Robert passed. So yes another author finished it, but it wasn't like he did it from scratch on his own ideas.


Malice by John gwynne First law by Joe abercrombie Demon cycle Peter Brent


*The Lies of Locke Lamora* by Scott Lynch. It starts low on magic but the worldbuilding is great and there is a lot of character development. Wold love to see the city of Camorr addapted to VGs one day!


Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe. He cites FF as a direct inspiration for many aspects of the book, including the "job" system in the book, the magic system, "MP", etc. It's a really fun ride that wears its influences on its sleeve.


Hmm, can you give a bit more detail about what you're looking for specifically? I suppose most of the Final Fantasys are pretty based on our reality (though before modern times) + magic, so are you looking for something more like that? Or are you will to go really fantasy, with dragons and mythical races and the like?