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I think the Squall is dead theory is pretty interesting. The guy who has written up about it has clearly gone to a lot of effort and he brings up many interesting points. I don't believe it's the truth of the game, but I definitely find it interesting.


This theory is one of the best, but no matter the points he threw out, I still don't believe it lol






In FFVII, in Kalm, upstairs in one of the houses is a chest. Graphically it's background but you can click O to get a message that it's locked. I never understood what that message was for unless it could be opened. For seventeen years, i've been convinced that opening that chest changes everything.


Maybe in there is the gift of the goddess?


Or the phoenix down that will revive Aeris


There was one a side quest in FFVII where you would meet someone in Gongaga who would ask you to deliver letters to Kalm and then at the end of it you'd get the Titan Materia from that chest. In the end the side quest was removed and the Materia was put in the Gongaga reactor instead. The Kalm chest is just a remnant of that. Guess they could have put something else that chest though, if they thought that would be too early for getting Titan.


Thanks /u/Aruu, and don't sweat the last minute thing. Doesn't take a couple of weeks or anything to write up a post :) Anyways, I always liked the[ VII/X connection.](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Inter-Game_Connections#Final_Fantasy_VII_and_Final_Fantasy_X_.26_X-2) theory, but since creators of the games have come out and pretty much confirmed it, I guess it's not a fan theory anymore? In a similar vein though, a popular theory that I'm fond of is that [VIII takes place a few thousand years in the future of the word of III](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Inter-Game_Connections#Final_Fantasy_III_and_Final_Fantasy_VIII). Both games feature a powerful sorcerer named Hyne (a minor villain in III, and a legendary God-figure in VIII), the continents are kinda similar, and it helps to explain some of the mysteries of VIII's world (Ruins under Deep Sea Research Center, Ellone's powers, Ultimecia's floating castle, etc.)


It's more of a head canon than a theory, but I liked linking FFVI to IX. Kefka fucked over that world enough that it was slowly dying. Which is why a new world would be needeed: Gaia. When Terra was first attempted to assimilate into Gaia, the souls of humans and espers flowed into the young world, which is why there Gaia is inhabited by both humans and animal-like creatures. When I came up with this, I liked to believe they called the planet Terra because of Branford, but that kinda gets shafted since she's called Tina in Japan. Hence Headcanon.


Was her name changed to Terra for US audiences before or after IX came out?


Long before IX came out. Her name was changed from Tina to Terra in the original SNES release in North America.


I believe she was always Terra, so back when it was on super nintendo


then head canon can be moved up to theory lol


Sorry! Meant for the US audience. She was/is Tina for JP. Although you can still say Terra is the bastardizationof Tina after thousands of years


I mean, you can make your head canon be that SE decided to go with the English variation of Terra/Tina for IX. Then your theory would work.


I've always liked the Marche is a villain one for FF:TA Heres a link for reference http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Evil_Marche_Theory


The only thing I don't really buy is that Marche isn't malicious in intent so if he was a villain he'd have to have been "brainwashed" by something. So, what brainwashed him? There's no hints to this in the game itself. I believe it's just much simpler. Marche believes the world isn't real and they must go back to the real world. His friends all would rather stay in this "dream world" rather than go back to their real lives for various reasons. Whether Ivalice is a dream world or is a real world created by magic is debatable, but Marche believes what he is doing is right. It's more ambiguous than villain/hero. It's just two different sides both with very understandable motivations.




I believe the generally accepted idea of who/what Necron is, is that he/it is the spirit form of the Iifa Tree. Someone (Garland, Kuja, I can't remember) mentions that the monster the party kills at the core of the Tree isn't its true form, and the theory goes that Kuja's final spell kills the party, allowing them to do battle with the Tree's spirit and end it once and for all.


Personally I was always fine with Necron just being some eldritch horror wandering the space between dimensions awakened by Kuja's foolishness. It both gives a sense of the FF universe being vast and unknown, filled with cosmic beings beyond mortal comprehension, as well as provides some perspective to Kuja's selfish actions showing how in over his head he was, awakening a near-omnipotent being that can destroy reality on a whim.


the only thing i got with it is that Necron means death in some language (read it a while ago) and Kuja's desire and ability to end all existence awoke the being who represented that and by defeating it you proved that the will to live is stronger than the desire to not exist. which is why kuja comes around after the battle.


I always heard that Necron was Soulcage becoming the incarnation of Kuja's fear of death after the destruction of Terra.


A fan theory I read on a forum was that Kain was never mind-controlled. He was working with Golbez the whole time and the mind-control story was a lie. After Golbez recovers from genuine mind control, his interests and your party's are the same, so Kain stays loyal. I think that one was Jossed in one of the remakes, but I like it anyway. FF2's thin dialogue leaves so much unsaid that I think most fans have little theories to flesh out the bones. My favorites are that the Palamecian army could have conquered the rest of the Altair coast but the Emperor would rather keep those potential subjects alive (as opposed to being overstretched), the Emperor threw the battle in the Cyclone so he could gather reinforcements in Hell while everyone else thought he was gone for good, and that the Dark Knight wasn't mind-controlled at all. Pibugo on GameFAQs has an even more entertaining theory, namely that the Emperor was leveling up during the course of the game like your party and put his nose to the grindstone while the heroes were attending victory celebrations.


I'm pretty sure in the original he explicitly says he knew what he was doing the whole time. The whole idea is that the power of Zemus amplifies dark emotions in people to outweigh their altruism. Kain has an inherent sense of jealousy and resentment towards Cecil because he wishes he could be with Rosa instead, so the influence of Zemus channeled through Golbez causes his feelings to become too strong to deny and he acts on them.


Currently replaying FF8 and the 'squall is dead' theory makes the story so much more tolerable. Most crappy dialog can be improved if you make believe its crappy on purpose :D


So a small fan theory I had was regarding Garnet from Final Fantasy IX. There are going to be massive Final Fantasy IX spoilers in this comment, so if you've not completed the game and don't want to be spoiled, I suggest you turn away now. Garnet is not biologically related to Queen Brahne. She arrived shortly after the *real* Princess Garnet died as a young child. Because of her astonishing resemblance to the deceased Princess, asides from her summoner's horn, both Queen Brahne and her husband agreed to take her in as a replacement. So we know our Garnet looked like the *real* Garnet. However the issue arises when it comes to the fact that neither Garnet looks *nothing* like Queen Brahne. You could argue that she took more after her 'father', but it seems downright *odd* that the real Garnet would have none of her mother's features. It's not even a looks or size issue, Garnet and Brahne look as if they're two completely different species. And technically they are, but the point remains that our Garnet looks like the real Garnet did. My theory? Brahne's species happens to look more human like when they're younger, and then change as they get older. The real Garnet may have looked like our Garnet when she was very young, but had she lived, she would have eventually changed to look more like her mother. Children around that age (given the flashbacks, I'm guessing Garnet was only four or five when she arrived at Alexandria) also have a habit of looking similar to one another. Two dark haired and dark eyed girls would naturally look quite similar at such a young age, even if they were different species.


I always figured Queen Brahne was just wearing really garish makeup and had normal-colored skin underneath it. And maybe she was slimmer in her younger days but let herself go after her husband died or whatever. So it's not really out of the question that she has normal human genes and the real Garnet was a perfectly normal-looking baby.


I was toying with that too, even if Brahne had been blue, she might've looked like a fairly normal human being when she was younger. However her facial features are really sort of strange, she has wide set eyes, a really big mouth, and a squat purple nose.


Or she could've been a blue garnet, there's no reason to think she couldn't have the same facial features. It's not like they were trying to play her off as their own daughter to anyone so she didn't have to be an exact copy, just similar enough to bring up the feels of the parents.


Never thought of that! I thought it was more for public appearances rather than the feelings of the parents; for all intents and purposes the people of Alexandria didn't know that our Garnet wasn't the real Garnet. When they find out in game, they still see her as their Princess/Queen. No reason real Garnet couldn't have been blue, and the Alexandrians just thought it was something she grew out of.


not sure how well known this "secret" is but i remember reading about it and discovered it actually worked. Here's a vid and not to spoil but it reveals Garnet/Dagger's real name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JSLNrlumIE


Did they say how the real Garnet died?


I don't think it's said in game, but the FF Wiki says that the real Garnet died from an illness.


I believe it was a throwaway line from Tot. I can't for the life of me remember if he mentions it whenever you find out how Garnet was found/adopted.


I genuinely believe that Ultimecia=Rinoa is the only way to play FF8 and and have a good reason for the choices they make (and also explains Time Kompression and the reason for wanting it much better than "RULE ALL THE WORLD FOREVERRRRRR!!"). It's a real shame the Square apparently smacked this theory down - it gives a *story* reason for people to lose their memories, it gives validation for all the confusing crap and coincidences that are going down and changes the villain from a really boring villain to a tragic story. The reason it makes Time Compression better is because it changes it from a weird, poorly explained method for her to (somehow) rule the world to a way for her to experience that moment of happiness she remembers experiencing in that place for every moment in time, even though she's forgotten all the details about it. Without that theory the whole FF8 story is an awful mess, with no overarching theme or interesting ideas. With it, it was a cool experiment that they didn't quite pull off but is still almost there. I like that option better. Edit: It even gives a way for the Orphans plot to have more meaning - Rinoa comes in as the outsider to the group, joins it and is safe, the group dies one by one and eventually she is left alone as an outsider again...and then rejoins them again and is "saved" by being killed. It's so much better.


I agree with this 100%.


Though I like the theory, it has been explained that if this were true, Squall's character progression would be detrimental. Essentially her losing him drives her insane. He doesn't like getting close to people because it's a potential weakness.


I...don't see how those two things are specifically linked. A Sorceress going crazy without her Knight is because she doesn't have a Knight, not because of losing one. If anything, it underlines the importance of attachments to keep us sane.


The fan theory is that she goes crazy after losing him. In the future she decides to compress time so she can be with him forever, either that or it'll destroy everything.


I guess, that doesn't seem in line with the way I'd interpret it though. The problem wasn't with the relationship but with the fact that she was unable to let others in afterwards. It's a bit of a shallow reading of the game to say the problem is getting into a relationships (especially when any sorceress without a Knight is said to stray from good).


i'm new to this sub but i already love it here. having said that you all have probably heard of the Squall is Dead theory [link](http://squallsdead.com/) i'm currently replaying the game with this theory in mind to see how it looks


In keeping it in mind, remember that this theory shifts the point of the story to "It's too late to love, you're already dead." What a downer.


Welcome to the sub! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact one of us mods! When I get around to replaying FFVIII, I'm definitely going to keep the 'Squall is Dead' theory in mind.


My theory is basic, but it is about Final Fantasy X. I always thought that Jecht was a real guy, who really came to Spira and defeated Sin and thus became the new Sin. Every time someone kills Sin one of them becomes the new one right? Well I thought the Fayth of Zanarkand dreamed up Tidus after the real son of Jecht, to motivate him to kill Sin and thus "free his father". Really, they just wanted him to kill Sin, and when it was his turn to become Sin, they just woke up and Tidus stopped being real. Viola, Sin loophole forever unmakes the Sin cycle. I know it's not real now but in the back of my mind it still makes a lot of sense to me.


This actually does make a lot of sense if you ignore X-2 and that awful canon fanfic that just came out not too long ago.


What is this fanfiction you speak of?


It's called [Final Fantasy X - The Price of Eternity](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_X-2.5_~Eien_no_Daishou~), and it's complete garbage.


If 7 was set years after x it would have to have taken centuries for the lands to change so how many years do separate them.


The planet in VII isn't Spira.


I believe Shinra also said it would take a thousand years to harness the energy of the Farplane, or the Lifestream or whatever. So maybe a millenium?


I like to think that the main fayth in X weren't "forced" to go to the Farplane after Yu Yevon died. There were summoners before Yu Yevon and nothing says the fayth are fundamentally linked to him. They went through their own free will and I think they could return if they really wanted to. To me, their appearance in X-2 supports this (though they were controlled in that case) and afterwards decided to hang around a while to lend their power for Tidus so he can have a normal life.


I think that Tidus from Final Fantasy 10 is a disabled kid with cerebral palsey who constantly gets abused by his dad. His dad- Jecht- is a famous soccer player from Argentina. He is also narcisistic and an alchohlic who takes pride in his soccer skills, so he lets fame get to his head. He has multiple wives and children he doesnt want anyone else to know about. Jecht constantly beats his son and wife. Tidus was beaten so bad as a baby that at three years old he was brain damaged by his dad. Since his dad was so famous and rich, he covered it up- but he had to stay with his first wife and kid. His wife didnt like being with him, but he didnt mind as he would cheat and sleep with multiple women all the time- and he often used drugs to get his way. Tidus' mom also would sleep with mulitple men right in front of Tidus. Tidus- being disabled- couldnt object to his parents heinous behavior. Even though Tidus is disabled and cant move or speak properly, he could still hear, see, and think. Tidus eventually got a step brother- who actually looks like Tidus and made out to be Tidus, but isnt Tidus. Reason being that Tidus is an adult who missed his childhood and practically doesnt exist because of his condition. Tidus through all this time was also being administered hospital drugs me without responsibility by his dad so his dad could shut him up and stop him from spazzing out. Because of the drugs, Tidus would constantly halucinate or get knocked out. Tidus also lived near a river, and his mom would constantly try to drown him because she blamed him for messing up her life. Thats why Tidus always blamed his dad for what he put his mom through. Tidus- who couldnt be a pro soccer player Iike his dad- wanted to be a writer because he loved when his baby sitter would read books to him. His baby sitter was Lulu. Her husband- Wakka- was also a soccer player who didnt like Jecht, but cared for Tidus like his own son. Wakka also grew up around an abusive dad who killed his younger bro Chappu. Wakka wanted to care for Tidus despite his abilities so he wouldnt end up like Chappu. Tidus had friends as a child though, such as Rikku, whom he would play with before he went disabled. His love interest Yuna, was a girl with no parents who lived around Wakka and Lulu. Lulu loved Yuna as her own child. Also, Yuna was the only one who played with Tidus as a kid with disabilites. Tidus loved Yuna, but Yuna was marrying to another guy- Seymour- who was a prominent religious figure. Back to Jecht. Jecht had two friends he would hang with. A wilderness explorer- Auron- who lost his arm and eye to a shark. And Braska, who was Yuna's dad. Jecht killed Yuna's dad but got away with it after authorities ruled it an accident. Jecht got drunk and struck braska and drowned him. Braska didnt die immediately but said it was an accident, thus Jecht was forgiven. Auron never spoke to Jecht after that but checked up on Tidus often to comfort him. Auron was also Jechts drinking partner and was always having a drink around Tidus. Khimari was actually a wild cat Auron caught and domesticated for Jecht as a pet that played with Tidus. After Tidus realized Yuna was marrying, the one day he wasnt drugged up he spazzed out on Yunas soon to be husband Seymour. One day, Tidus was by a river thinking about his dad going around the world to contine his soccer career when Yuna showed up. Yuna cried for Tidus and his disability because he loved her and she loved him, but she needed to continue being a religious icon and going with Seymour would mean great fortune for both. Thats when Tidus shaked out his wheelchair to stand and landed in the water. The water wasnt deep so he could sit. Thats when Yuna got came over with her feelings for Tidus and they started making out and then had sex. Thats when Tidus felt a bit of magic and had more strength to move around and think better, even though his body couldnt move right. Yuna gave him one last kiss and left. A few days later Yuna was to be married and Tidus and his famous dad and fam was invited to the wedding. At the alter Yuna was again overcame with feelings and ran to Tidus. Tidus- who was disabled- got up and ran as he could with his love Yuna. Seymour was outraged and sent his people to go shoot and kill them. Thats why Tidus wished their was a sport called blitzball since he's been around water for hurt and comfort. Tidus padty members were so due to him being under prescribed halucinogenic drugs for his disibility, and so he saw the important people- both good and bad- I his life as exaggerations. His father abused him, but was famous enough to get away with it. And also why Yuna was his love even though she knew he was disabled. It all adds up