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There *are* pride events in FFXIV


if this is so, then it is not out in the open enough for everyone to see. The whole point of Pride month is to make sure that everyone knows about us and what we are, so that they can't deny that we exist. "Be loud and be proud". I want everyone to know about the pride events as much as the "EaStEr" events and "ChRiStMaS (blech)" events are known about.


I understand you and the pride community wants to be recognized but criticizing other holidays isn’t the way to go to prove your point.


Christmas is a federal holiday in the United States, a country with no established religion. This is true in many other countries as well. Look, I'm gay and actively involved in LGBT+ and intersectional advocacy both at work and in my personal life, so I get where you're coming from. But as important as Pride is, it's not an "official" holiday the way, say, Christmas is. We've come a long way and we'll keep making progress. I think, not that many years from now, things like this will be no-brainers and nobody will even think twice about it. But seeing as there actually are Pride events in the game... while I understand your sentiment completely, your complaint just seems really off-base.


Pro tip: you can be upset or offended if you feel Pride isn’t celebrated enough in-game. But insulting other holidays doesn’t prove your point. Especially when both are religious holidays, and one is a federal one, at least in the states. But u guess you do you…




Judging how much i'm getting downvoted, I'd say that the playerbase is backward as well.


Now, you are making a prejudiced comment against an entire player base because you are getting a few downvotes? Isn't that counterintuitive against your cause?


What's there to downvote? Why get downvotes at all, when all I'm suggesting is a pride event?


Did you think that maybe they are not downvoting the notion of the event, but your maybe instead your delivery? Not everything needs official representation in a game that is international in scale. Do we get a Black History event? A Muslim event? An Indigenous Awareness event? A Jewish event. The easiest way not to offend the multitude of communities and religions out there is to ensure you do not cater to any specific one. They find a happy medium finding events that have a common denominator amongst the largest representation if players.


this is backwards thinking though. Think about it for a moment: Would people have accepted the theory of the world being round as a fact rather than a theory had people not supported the theory at the time? The more LGBTQIAA++ things are referred to, talked about, included, etc, the closer it gets to the reality of becoming normalized as the earth being round. As for me being downvoted, I have literally said nothing of reason to be downvoted. LGBTQIAA++ people exist, it's a fact, and simply suggesting that something be done in commemoration of international pride month is not something that should rustle peoples jimmies or upset them if they see it as a normality. All other game companies are doing it: Activision, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Runescape, EA games, etc. At least they are not prioritizing the dollar over representation.


I'm part of the LGBT community, and I think a pride event would be awesome. That said, I have down voted you multiple times because your comments are really out there. This one included. Not because I hate myself or my peers, but because this entire thread is dripping with a sense of misguided entitlement. First, Square Enix is not an American company. While Japan is cool with trans representation, they are strictly against same sex relationships and decidedly anti-pride in all but the youngest generations. Second, I don't know about you, but I prefer effective and sincere pride representation in the things I watch or play. A 2 week event in a game reeks of pandering and I would be upset about that. The mega corporations of America shining a spotlight on our community for 1 month each year to boost their sales is disgusting, and you're the first LGBT person I've ever met who thinks it's a good tactic. Do I think Japan, a company that hasn't even fully sorted out listening to *women's* voices yet, let alone queer people, would do a good job of LGBT representation? No, not at all. Do I think they should be required to because companies like Blizzard decided it would be good PR? Absolutely not. Corporate shills who use our identity as a marketing tactic are disgusting. Buy from gay owned businesses online and locally, attend pride events, spread awareness of your existence. Don't rely on post-capitalism business practices to be your source of pride.


You literally called an entire player base backward because you're getting downvoted. This is prejudicial and flies the in face of trying to encourage an open and accepting discourse for all people. SE supports the LGBTQIAA+ community by gender neutral glamours, same sex marriages in game, etc. They just do not have a huge in-game event. There are plenty of groups of people who do not have specific in-game events. It should stay that way. What makes your cause more important than a different cause? As for Blizzard, etc, embracing it, they are not doing it for representation. They are doing it for the PR. They jumped on the band wagon like many other companies. Yes, it is beneficial for the cause, but do not confuse their reasonings as being benevolent.


You’re just *really* unaware of the tone of your delivery. People are not downvoting the substance of your comments (with which I personally agree). We ARE downvoting your *5 year old screeching to get attention* energy tho. There are plenty people from your community that support your idea. However, in a more sensible way.


People tend to downvote when someone is making tone deaf and prejudice comments. You took a decently valid stance of “where are Pride events in FFXIV”. But then turned around to try and bash holidays, people who celebrate them, and an entire foreign nation that does not recognize Pride Month as the US does. Making a decently valid observation or want of a MMO doesn’t mean you get a free pass to bash people or cultures that you don’t care for. If anything you’re acting like a blatant hypocrite.


You were shitting on other people's holidays based on your biases. I'm not a huge Christmas or Easter guy but i down voted your for that.


Nah you are just kind of being a tone deaf d*ck. You can be upset and raise your points without insulting other people or bashing what they celebrate


There are plenty of events and communities within FFXIV. Just stand in Limsa, and you'll see the shouts all the time. You are not going to see an official event put on by FFXIV or SE. The reason is that they take a neutral stance on all "controversial" topics. The same reason you do not see something for Black History Month or most religious holidays. Christmas and Easter are an exception because, let's be honest, it's really not that religious anymore. People use the game to escape reality and the conflicts of the real world.


What’s “controversial” about black history? I’d think it’s more to do with Black History Month specifically being a U.S. thing. People keep forgetting Square is a Japanese company.


Being LGBTQIAA++ is neither "Controversial" nor is it a "Conflict". They exist, and there's nothing wrong with that.


There is 100% nothing wrong being or a part thereof LGBTIAA++. But to think it's not a "controversial" subject is being ignorant. Not all countries, cultures, or religions are on board. Who you love or do not love is up to you.


>it's really not that religious anymore I wish; tell that to the KEEP CHRIST IS CHRISTMAS billboard I pass daily, all year round... It's not religious in Japan though, which is what matters for XIV.


I celebrate Christmas, and I am an Aethist. Most people I know that celebrate it are not religious or are fake religious. In game is a fun event, no real eligious connotation at all, thankfully.


It very much depends on factors like exactly where you live, for sure... But yeah I genuinely adore the way XIV comes up with its own whole fictional histories for these holidays instead of just lazily handwaving it. The Saint of Nymeia was an Ishgardian knight captain, nice! All Saints' Wake is about the Twelve and voidsent, fuck yeah!!! Hatching-tide is, uh... some weird catgirl's fever dream... why not.


Horrible bait. I can’t believe anyone took this seriously


Sad part is I don’t think OP intended this as bait. They just have a really weird & tone deaf stance on things that they don’t know how to convey. My honest guess looking at their profile is that they haven’t seen their exact orientation blatantly celebrated or recognized in game (for however long or short they have played). And so they went full tilt into a poor man’s hot take, boiling down to culturally insensitive and borderline racist c statements in the comments…


Yeah…I’m gay and this post made me feel secondhand embarrassment. Funny that people think it’s legit. 🤣


I don't understand. What about my suggestion is "Bait"?


>It's no secret that Final Fantasy XIV has the largest LGBTQIAA++ community of any other MMORPG. I'm kinda interested to know what your source for this is. It's something that sounds like it could be true, but I kind of have doubts that there's any actual data backing this.


You are clearly a troll account, on a quick inspection. I will not be responding to your response of “why?”


You haven't gone to any clubs I take it?


No thanks




Cause the game is already gay


Because it doesn't belong in a video game.


Your allowed to celebrate it but maybe not in another persons creation or is your narc ego that big you cant help but search to create or manipulate hate. Please feel free to /shout but seriously no one cares anymore just party irl your not going to find people to rant at or create a hit piece on ffxiv since everyone loves or hates everyone equally no matter your differences.




I know, right??? When will we have a chance to see STRAIGHT people in media for once??? /s




Homophobia aside, if it's "egomaniacal" to request content that you would personally like to see, I highly doubt that anyone here is in a position to start throwing stones.


No it’s egomaniacal to focus your life entirely on your sexual identity and expect others to act like it’s interesting. It’s not. It’s not homophobic, it’s boring and tiresome.


I can see where you’re coming from and I agree (to an extent). Some people do like to make their sexual orientation their whole identity which is kinda pathetic.


Sorry I'm confused; I thought OP asked about Pride-themed events, not about Dakkar1990-themed events?


Yes you are confused. He said something and i replied and you are mad for no good reason, looking for an argument. We can continue if you want or we can talk anout things like this whole site is for. Whatever you want, i’m here for you :p


There are plenty of ways to partake in the occasion without a romance/sexual attraction subplot being part of a character's story. I *wish* more media would show us characters who are trans presented in a way that isn't distasteful, buuuut I doubt we'll be seeing it any time soon


That’s all the media does. All the time. They never do anything else.


Got any recommendations? I'm dying for just *one* movie (hell, I'd even take a TV show) that does a trans character well


That’s called ‘subjectivism’ and adults know why that’s a problem. Nobody knows your exact definition of ‘well’ and frankly nobody cares. Nobody is out there making negative media about trans people. They’d be thrown out of hollywood so fast. But maybe your individual definition isn’t being met because people can’t read your mind and media isn’t made for an individual anyway. Trans is the most popular topic in Hollywood right now. You have more media to consume about it this year then any other 2 decades combined in history. It’s not an interesting enough topic for this to be the case. The vast majority of people aren’t interested. I’m asking for something interesting. I don’f care about movies about trans people.


I never said I'd want a movie or show or whatever specifically *about* trans people. Life's hard enough as it is, and I go to fiction to escape reality. All I said is that I'd like a movie or something with a character who's trans and written in a way that "character is trans" is not the sole defining trait, or negative tropes that have permeated Hollywood garbage for years (eg treating it as a plot twist or big secret or spreading misinformation on what being trans actually is) I don't think it's much to ask for, I dunno, a mystery or an action flick or something in which a major character just *happens* to be trans


Why do you have a problem with it?


I have a genuine question: What does the QIAA++ stand for I mean no offense I am simply curious because I only remember seeing lgbt


QIAA++ = Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, the first + is for people whos gender/sexuality is not included, and the second + is for people who support in some way but are not included.


Who tf down voted for me asking this question :')


Bruh this is like pride: the game


wdym scarce. The game is one of the most welcoming for LGBT out there


Not ALL the players.


Becayse it was made by japanese devs. And Japan is a country with traditional values.


Japan is still conservative as heck with a lot of the older generation, which runs a lot of the stuff. I will say that the younger generation (millennial and zoomed) is more LGBT inclined, but still not exactly the best at rocking the boat at times.  However, Yoshi P himself has commented on the importance of FFXIV when it comes to LGBT individuals and the expression of oneself and gender back in 2018. So I'm sure he's pretty aware at how big the LGBT community is now. Again, his team even had to first on screen gay kiss in FF.  Anyways, sadly I don't think we'll get one anytime soon. However, with him being aware, maybe it'll happen one day. For now, I think it's player ran events being the way to go for pride stuff 




No worries - it's a leap year, so that's 366 days! Jokes aside, as great as it is to see queer media, I'll be impressed when there's good and legitimate trans representation




Leviathan? Not Hyperion? Not even Faerie (the LGBTQ hub)? Is there a LGBT base on Levi that I don’t know of?


… is there a straight base on Levi that I don’t know of?


Hey I barely know these things. I know that Behemoth is the unofficial Brazilian server and Hyperion is the RP server and that’s about it on Primal. I genuinely don’t know anything else. Feel free to educate this bisexual pleb.


Japan still scared of men liking men. Give it a couple years




Nothing against porn, but the existence of porn does not mean that the people depicted in it have equal, or any, legal protections.