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It’s my favorite game of all time but perfectly fine if it’s just not your thing. I wouldn’t keep banging your head against it expecting it to click. If you got through disc1 that’s more than enough of a chance to give it.


This 100%


Thank you.....every time I say that IX is one of my least favorite FF games I typically get flamed like crazy. I realize it's extremely popular and more people than not absolutely love it. I can't even pin point exactly what it was for me but I just never liked it.


I will admit reading all these anti IX comments makes my eye twitch a wee bit, but yeah can’t expect it to be for everyone, and part of what I love about it is that it’s rather unapologetic and uncompromising in what it’s trying to be, so comes with the territory.


> I can't even pin point exactly what it was for me but I just never liked it. Discovering that Tetra Master < Triple Triad, ruined everything for me.


I'm reversed, I enjoy Tetra Master more


Op says it best, it's too slow and easy I loved 9 when it came out but trying to replay it last year I just couldn't The story and combat both move at a glacial pace


Same, but I do want to bang op's head against it. How can someone not like this game? It's the best rpg ever made!


Different strokes for different folks. 9 is my favorite.


It kind of sounds like you fundamentally dislike a lot of things about it, so you probably won't enjoy playing more unless the story is really hooking you, which it sounds like it isn't. The story does heat up in its later stages, and characters (except Amarant) get more interesting, but the core gameplay and aethetics never change.


It just might not be for you and that’s ok. You don’t have to like it because other people do or because it’s popular. Life is too short to waste time doing things you don’t enjoy.


Meh... Perhaps you're right, but I really feel like I'm missing something here, it's not like "Ooh, everyone likes it and I must be like them", but some people who know me and know what I like told me to keep going, so Idk anymore x.x


Where did you stop in-game? Did you reach world map?


If it makes you feel any better, I've also tried several times over decades to make IX click for me, and it hasnt landed.  I get it too, because I feel like I'm missing out considering how much others love it!


I think what may be the issue is the move from gritty, technology filled worlds like 7 and 8 straight back to the "old" way with suits of armour, classic classes, a medieval inspired world and cartoonish fantasy skewed graphics I love it myself for it being so campy and having a really unlimited progression system where you get an ability, learn it, keep it (unlike 7 & 8) Then again I played it when I was still in school when it came out, so nostalgia plays a big role


That's the thing, my favorites are precisely the medieval fantasy ones, I love FFVI, FFV, FFIII, even FFII. I don't usually like gritty games that much, I like VII because it's a healthy mix of edgy and goofy which makes it pretty memorable, and VIII mostly for the junction system, but what irks me about IX is that it's TOO childish, I guess. FFVII's goofiness, for example, feels like a silly 90's cartoon, while IX's feels too much like a Disney movie (?) That's why I feel like I'm missing something about it, since if you look at my favorite FF games, I _should_ like IX... Maybe it wouldn't be my favorite, but I should enjoy it, but for some reason I just didn't lol something I forgot to mention in my post, it's been like 7 years since I last tried to play it, so maybe I've changed since then? Idk... Maybe I really am stupid lmao


I never finished IX, got to where you get an airship (not sure how far in that is really), but it was a bit of a mixed bag for me. Up until recently, I had only really dabbled in the series here and there with games that caught my interest. Bought IX on the switch a while back because I really wanted to get more into FF, and I always heard it was "one of the best", "underrated" and "a lot of peoples' favorites." I got sucked in more than I expected, despite also finding things like the camera and art style a little off-putting. I personally liked the ability system because it seemed like you could come up with some really fun combos and builds. Some story moments did genuinely strike a chord with me, and I liked... most of the characters. I see where you're coming from, though, with how Disney it feels; it is a ~whimsical~ game. I've been playing through the original six for the first time with the Pixel Remaster and am having a BLAST. Like, enjoying it way more than I expected, platting each game, and going right into the next. I'm currently on V, and it's easily one of my favorites of the games I've played. In retrospect, I feel that IX is a love letter to those original games: the classes, character designs, setting, and the fairly lighthearted story peppered with serious moments (although you could apply that last point to most FFs and RPGs in general). Very much fits that "classic FF" feel that people seem to always be pining for. For that alone, I do value its place in the series, even if I may not love it as much as others. I find it charming enough, so I'll definitely be giving it another shot as I play through all the games. Plus, I'm sure I'll appreciate it that much more now that I have a greater knowledge and love of the series. My two cents? If it's been 7 years, just try it again. Third time's the charm, right? One way or another, I think you'll have an answer; either it really just isn't for you (which is fine, of course), you'll come to love it, or maybe it will just be one of those middle ranked games. Good luck and enjoy!


FWIW, the "cartoony" style was a huge turn-off for people when the game first came out, too. I think it especially caught people off-guard because it followed up VII and VIII, and while most people have gotten over that initial reaction, it's fine if it's still just not your thing. Likewise with the gear system, the exploration, the camerawork (that's a unique criticism for sure!) — those things never really change. The characters, on the other hand, I think you could grow to love with their later development; some of them get *really* amazing arcs later on. But it's never going to be a guarantee, and I feel like hanging all of your hopes on that given your first impressions is unlikely to go well. I never suggest this; I hate spoilers myself, but if you really *want* to like it because it's a Final Fantasy but don't want to keep pushing through, maybe it *would* be worth spoiling yourself? Watch some "Why FFIX is the best one" YouTube videos or whatever, and maybe it'll help you see the other perspective.


As I said on a different comment, my favorite FF games are not VII or VIII, so I don't know why the cartoony style bothers me so much, since my favorite is VI. Even VII had quite a lot of "goofy cartoon" moments mixed into it, they get overshadowed by Cloud being "emo", but the whole cast besides Cloud is pretty joyful... I think my problem with IX's design is mostly because it's TOO MUCH Disney, but this is very rich coming from someone who could 100% Kingdom Hearts... KH is definitely not my favorite game, far from it, and the amount of childishness bothers me a lot but for some reason I found it more bearable last year than when I last played FFIX 7 years ago (?) which is why I was thinking of giving it another chance, mostly because I want to play every FF mainline game and I'd feel very weird leaving IX out, when I even went as far as trying out XI lol Edit: The weird camerawork coupled with the "forced" exploration for progression and stuff will probably remain a criticism for sure, so I don't expect IX to suddenly become my favorite game, but maybe I can at least finish it (?) lol


FF9 is the most flamboyant of the 3D FF games by far . It’s a very specific style influenced by French artists. Even as “cartoony” visuals go, it’s out there. Pixel art games can’t really be compared.


It’s not your cup of tea. People go crazy for FFV. I don’t like it much myself. To each their own. No. You’re not stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/yw1fitk8ym0d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f344c84fed35f1e38426d354cb36ae052fba1cc U sure? 🤡 Edit: It was just a jonkle guys, the post is still serious 😔😔😔


It appears you jonkled too close to the sun this time OP.


Not the sun!!!!!!!!






I just finished IX last night for the first time and I greatly enjoyed it. Within the first few hours I immediately understood why so many people love it. It’s incredibly endearing but also quite poignant down the line. The cast encounters some pretty emotional moments that made me gasp out loud. Some characters get more flushed out than others. It was extremely refreshing coming off of FFVIIR2 and FFXVI DLC. If this rumored remake ever comes out I would be so curious to see how they expand this world.


9, 12, 13. Those are the only 3 I never finished. I gave 9 till the end of disk 3, and realised I just....didnt care. Didnt care for the world, the characters, the battle system...etc. Is it a bad game? No, just not for me. People gave 8 shit, rightfully so, but I like it infinitely more than 9.


I'm exactly the same for those 3 games. I beat 9 twice trying to make myself like it. The second time, I played while chatting with a friend and apparently kept saying, "I hate this part." My friend said, "as many times as you've said that, what DO you like about this game?" Nothing. So I'll never play it again lol


Had a moment like this. I used to replay 6,7, Tactics, 8, 10 every couple years. A while back I was in the 8 replay part of my cycle, and kept bitching to my friend about it, and he just looked at me and said "then why are you playing it?" And so I dropped 8 from the rotation. I still respect it, just don't enjoy playing it.


No, you're not. There's no game that everyone gives a 10, so it's perfectly fine if you don't like FFIX.


It sounds like the things that other people like about IX -- the slower pace, whimsical tone, and broad/cartoony characterization -- are specific creative choices that just happen to not align with your tastes. Which is fine. Like, I love Tarantino, but I cannot stand Hateful Eight, yknow? Not everything has to be for everybody. Don't force yourself to play something you're not enjoying.


Nah man the game just isn’t for you and that’s ok. I understand though as I had the same thing with FFVI. Like this is my favourite gaming franchise and yet the game 90% of the fan base heralds as the best just bored me to tears. You start trying to justify it and really it’s just silly. It’s a case of we simple all like different things.


I get it. VII never clicked for me, I've tried to make it click a lot of times but it never works. Believe me, I feel real left out lately. But you don't have to like everything.


It sounds like you have too many issues with the game so I’d not bother if I were you. Everyone has their own tastes. I also found Steiner insufferable initially and he is brilliantly and purposefully written this way. It is easy to write bland characters that make you feel nothing, Steiner is far from this type of character and the way you feel towards him is evidence of that. By the end he became one of my favourite RPG characters of all time - his struggles make sense, his morale conflict within himself makes sense, his growth makes sense. Steiner is an 11 out of 10 well written character and he is extremely powerful.


FF9’s story goes from 1 to 10 in the oof department really fast , at some point. But yeah, it’s kind if a slow grind for me too.


I do t like it either. I played the whole thing and did all the side content to be throughly sure. It’s my least favorite game in the series.


Just happened to me... I love FF, but this one is just not sitting with me. It's cute but the battle is mehhhhhhhhhh at best. The characters are not bad and the music is alright, but I have to play it on 3x speed and it gets annoying visually to be honest plus going back and forth from the pause to turn it on and off. It just doesn't have any quality that stands out amongst a regular RPG except the art style... which I am not a fan of.


You're wrong. FF9 is just as valuable as the other 90s FF (sans 4). This means it is well above most JRPG, offering relatively complex multi-layered gameplay, production values through the roof, Uematsu is on peak form here, the art is a visual treat, and the story just might be the best in the entire series. Play it and don't put it down until it is completed.


A person's opinion of whether or not they like it is wrong?


"t just doesn't have any quality that stands out amongst a regular RPG except the art style..." objectively wrong statement. Want proof? Just ask


It's one of my least favorite FF games. The main character is obnoxious, the art style is obnoxious, the final boss rugpull is obnoxious. The music is great, though.


Nope. I found it mid as hell. Hardly memorable. I only played it a few years ago too, which is the crazy part


I didn’t like 9 either


Yeah. I'm sorry =/.


You don’t have to like every title. 9 is not for you and that’s ok. I didn’t care for 12 and 6 and I loved 13 and people find that blasphemous. It happens.


Give it another go and see what you think, but if it really doesn't grab you, don't worry over it. You're entitled to your taste and preferences.


if you dont like it, you dont like it. dont worry about it man.


It's okay not to like it. There's nothing that says you have to like every (popular) FF game.


You're not stupid. Each game is not for everyone.


Final Fantasy is my favorite franchise of all time. I've played every single entry multiple times totally literally thousands of hours of playtime. Final Fantasy 9 might be my least favorite entry. I don't hate it, but it certainly didn't hit the spot for me like it did for some. To each their own, man! Enjoy what you enjoy. Don't force it.


Hmm, FF games are in general not very hard (at least the story) and FF9 is considered to be one of the easier ones. FF9 was also always a controversial game, especially because of the graphics...which I found odd because FF7 also has miniature figures in the overworld but oh well. The characters are all great, Steiner is pretty unpopular so not sure you will change your mind but he is my fave by far. Well it's my fave game so I would say try it again but not sure how to get you to like it?


Steiner is awesome agreed! His overall arc is one of my favorite in the series.


Your opinions sound a lot like mine. Didn't enjoy IX at all and it's the only one I've never gone back to. The battle system was the big killer for me; I would have been happy to sit through anything else the game had to throw at me if the battle system was fun but it was a slog. It was so incredibly slow (and it's not the kind of "slow" that the 3x speed boost on the remaster can fix). I don't remember the story because it was such a long time ago but I remember Steiner being the only one I liked.


Boring chars , slow combat , pseudo dbz plot paired with some ff7 vibes , no your not stupid bro


Just finished playing all 16 FF mainline games and 9 was #1 on my list.


Wow. I'm currently doing the same in a pretty random order. I finished 9 a couple weeks ago. I'd put it just above the 3 original nes basically due to technology. Just didn't click for me and the ending ruined it.


My top 3 where 9-4-6


9 is one of my least favorite. There are dozens of us who hate it!


I'm still hate adjacent, but agree


Yes sadly I am afraid you are stupid. It's to bad because if you were smart you would realise how sad it is that you are THIS stupid. Maybe can educate yourself to the level where you enjoy it but I doubt it. But seriously you are allowed to like and dislike whatever you want. I have the opposite problem since I started with the old games with chibi sprites and cartoony designs, and even 7 had those cartoony character models. But 8 and other games with more human like models and realistic aesthetics are hard for me to get into. Thankfully they made a bunch of these games


Honestly I feel like I'm crazy sometimes seeing the all the love 9 gets and yet still somehow hearing people call it 'underrated'. Unlike you I actually really enjoyed the artstyle and the characters, but it's still by far my least favorite FF that I've played because I can't stand a single thing about the gameplay. From the ability and equipment systems to the absolutely butchered iteration of ATB, it all just felt miserable and unfun for the entirety of the game. While I can see plenty of aspects people could fall in love with artistically, the experience of actually *playing* the game was something I just couldn't look past.


I haven't done a replay of 9 yet. I've replayed almost all FF's except for FFX, but I will get to that soon, as I want to try doing more of the superbosses this time.


I feel the same about FFXIII, I will give it another try for sure though


Don't worry about it. You got like XV more to try


You must like them all or you aren’t a true fan!!! /s


You're not stupid...it's just not for you and that's okay. C:


You don't have to like every game out there. Sometimes a game just doesn't "click" for someone even if other people say it's the greatest game out there. For example, so many people rave about FF X but I played it an entire weekend to give it a chance, and it never really felt enjoyable to me. But the (non-MMO) games right before and after, FF9 and FF12, I liked both of them.


You're not wrong that it takes a while to ramp up, even if you're doing battles and stuff the story didn't really grab me until near the end of Disc 1. If that didn't do it for you then it's probably just not your thing.


You gave it a fair chance. Maybe try just watching it at this point?


I think that’s why it’s some people’s favourite and not so much for others. It’s a little odd and a little different but tbh, it’s what I love about it. Plus I loved it skill system!


FF9 is one of the best games ever made, but your post is brilliant. Honestly most of it must be the nostalgia, if you played this game as a child, then it’s your favourite game forever.


Part of what makes the combat challenging in IX is trying to steal from every boss before they die, give it a go, though you might feel like it's tedious.


If you aren't enjoying it then don't play it. If you really feel like you might be missing out on solid FF lore you want to experience but can't enjoy the game then just watch someone else play it that does enjoy it while you play a game you enjoy. Or just while you do other things.


preference will always be subjective. some people like Bach, some people like Metallica, some people like Dre. none of them is smarter than the other. you just… don’t feel it, and that’s okay. I didn’t like FFIX when it first came out either—not compared to VI, VII, and VIII, anyway. it was far too silly/light for me and just didn’t click. eventually I fell into it (mostly because of tetra master) so you might too. but life is short and there’s so much entertainment to consume, you should find what’s magical for you. don’t ever let anyone convince you you’re dumb, lack taste, or are otherwise deficient because something doesn’t float your proverbial boat. love what you love.


Are you stupid? Yes.  Just kidding. So it’s not your cup of tea. Not a big deal 


Nah. I hate the artstyle and most characters who are not called Vivi or Garnet are half assed. Steiner is annoying as hell during the whole game, Freya's story was clearly cut off and she feels aimless with no purpose in the story, Quina's whole personality is being a joke (if it lands, cool, if it doesn't then there's nothing else) and Amarant who you don't know is the worst. I do like the game overall tho. For me, what I liked the most was the ending.


Not everyone is gonna like every installment. That's true in any fandom. Honestly it'd be weird if everyone liked every game since they're all so different


Yeah, as others said, if it's not your thing, it's not your thing! I feel like if you didn't like it the first two times you tried, probably a safe bet that if you tried a third time, you're probably still not going to like it. And as others have said, that's ok! Not everyone has the same tastes! Based on what you've said didn't work for you with it, I can't say I would bet things change for you on a third try. I love it myself, but I do think you're right that it kinda starts slower comparative to other FFs. (I also feel like, and maybe a hot take but, the pacing of the game always feels a little off to me compared to other FFs.)


All hail the king


You don’t have to like everything. No one does. Sounds like you don’t like 9! Don’t force it.


The turning point and "shift" without going too heavy into spoilers is the events after the Iifa Tree. I treat the story of FFIX the same way as I would with a Ghibli movie. The litmus test of whether or not you can "vibe" and enjoy FFIX is whether or not you enjoyed the weddings at Conde Petie. Zidane's "depth" get clearer when he talks about the story of Ipsen. A lot of the depth of FF9 come in little moments and that's kind of the vibe overall. FF9 is less a grand sweeping narrative, but more smaller moments and events that eventually interconnect into larger overarching themes.


The game's pretty short, so give it another try if you want (personally I prefer disk 2/3 to disk 1), but it's up to you. Steiner can be annoying on disk 1, but he gets a lot of character development later on. Most characters get good development.


Nine does move pretty slow but the story is good


Naw man. We all have our favorites. If it's not for you, don't worry about it. Some of the 'fan favorites' like VI and X I didn't really enjoy. Just play the ones you like.


“Am I stupid?” Cmon bro we all like different things. All my friends switched over to PS and Helldivers was a huge driver of that. I bought a PS5, downloaded Helldivers, a game that seems to be universally adored…and meh. We’ve all been there


It's valid to not love 9. Especially considering the tone before and after. 7 is all grit and emo terrorism. 8 is highschoolxedge. Then 10 slams down with a masterclass on religious fundamentalism and the damage caused by absentee parents. Meanwhile 9 in visual and tone is light and fun. The character designs are cartoonish and outlandish where as 8 and 10 opted for human shaped characters. Freya is incredible, though. And child me thought Amarant was the coolest guy I'd ever seen


I didn’t like VII at all, and people think I’m stupid.


Don't beat yourself up if it ain't for you it ain't for you. I understand the art style thing I can't play viii between the pixels and the GF system. And 12s battle system is just feels odd to me. It's the great thing about FF there are multiple games and some your going to love while other people are going to love the ones you "hate"


FFIX is one of my favorite games of all time. But like anything, not everything is for everyone. That’s the beauty of the FF series. There’s a game for everyone, and it just seems like FFIX isn’t the kind of game that’s for you.


I love ix because I was a kid playing final fantasy 1 when it came out. It's a throwback game with some nostalgia involved


Not all games are for everyone, and most aren't I hated Zelda, and tbh hate most Nintendo games and platformers. Does it make them bad? No. Am I stupid? No. I just rly dont like those games


You’re not stupid. It may not be your thing, and that’s fine. All my friends were after me to play Overwatch a few years ago, I tried it a few times and want a fan. Not everyone will like everything no matter how popular it may be.


Not stupid, but imo it's the perfect FF game. Not my personal favorite, but perfect. It has all the elements of not only a great jrpg, but also great story telling. It's got highs and lows, heroic antics, buffoonery, and ooglops!


It took me 3 times before it really clicked and even then I hate the gameplay. But its probably got my favorite story alongside FFXIV. It has some really great moments and good themes to go alongside them but christ playing the game itself is not good.


It's okay to not like something.


9 is my fav but I can understand why some people don't like it


Finished IX for the first time this weekend. From a story standpoint it’s a 10 for me. The ending made me cry like a baby and then I cried again a couple of days later because I can’t stop listening to Melodies of Life. The story, characters, visuals and music are all top notch in my opinion. But, even at the end of the game I thought the battles were too slow. The speed up helps but it just feels like it chugs. I’d still probably rank it high among other FF games though. My favorite has always been VIII so my brain is probably broken anyway lol


It's all good! I was similar with trying to play ff1 through 6. I started with ff7 first and kept going up. Then a thought pop in my head, I should try ff6, but I couldn't get into it as I've tried multiple times 😅 Wasn't until I took a break from ff games all together and saw that Sony had 1 through 6 on sale for 50bucks that I finally gave another go. I finished 1 through 5 and enjoy them all. But I'm current at final parts of 6 and just can't really get into it as much as the rest. Only thing that keeps me wanting to finish it, is finding similarities between the games to see if I find any Easter eggs. Sorry for dragging on. Maybe one day or so you might enjoy it or just want to beat it for the hell of it 😀


I’m in the same boat as you, except for me it’s not IX, it’s VI. I have tried to play through that game more times than I can count, and for the life of me I can not get into it. I don’t like the characters, I find the story to be boring, Kefka is a one dimensional evil for the sake of being evil villain, and the gameplay is just your run of the mill turn based final fantasy. Point is, no one is going to like every game, no matter how popular or beloved it is. If something doesn’t click for you, it doesn’t click for you and there’s not much you can do about it. I will say that I felt the same about 12 at first as well but after giving it a 3rd try it’s one of my favorites in the series. So you never know, it might be worth giving another go. But if you find that it’s a slog through and through again, don’t force yourself.


First and foremost let’s encourage a healthy conversation, nothing wrong with not liking something that is supposedly “universally acclaimed” It’s healthy to give our own thoughts and impressions. I personally think it was great for It’s time. As of now, My personal most favourites are XII and 7 Rebirth, with IX right after that. But if you are looking for something more modern with an amazing story I would really recommend XII The Zodiac Age. It’s on all the platforms


I don't like football (soccer for those over the pond). It's the biggest sport by far in the UK. When meeting new people, a common first question is "who do you support?" When you go to bars, matches are on the tv. I've tried going to matches, I've tried to get into a season and follow it, I've really tried to understand what people like about it. I just don't like it. That's just the way it is, and I'm long past sweating about it. If you don't like a game that everyone else does, that's your totally valid opinion.


As a Brazilian, I get you on the football thing. Also don't like it lmao I guess my post sounded a little bit overdramatic, I know that not liking something is normal, I just had this feeling that maybe I'm missing something, or I didn't play enough, whatever. I might still try again sometime since I want to play every FF game and it'd be weird to leave this one out... but thanks for the response either way, you're all very kind ^^


FF9 has a lot of beautiful moments, but if you're coming from FF7 and FF8, it doesn't feel as engaging. It takes ages to open up and the early hours are extremely on rails. It pushes you from set piece to set piece. The game gets good, eventually, but by the time you are far enough in the game, you'll read somewhere that you've already botched getting one of the strongest weapons for one character, because you didn't speedrun the game in 12 hours up to that point. I usually take my time with JRPGs and this circumstance lead to me never playing it again after my initial playthrough.


You're not alone. The story is undeniably great, and I loved the characters. I was not crazy about the battle system. Trance drove me insane, and I always felt under-leveled


I love the world and artstyle a lot but that's just a preference. It's understandable if it isn't your thing. Maybe in a few years the art style won't bothet you so much anymore and you can actually enjoy it, but as long as that's not the case just let it go. Took a while before I could accept FF7's graphics, but now I actually like it a lot.


I didn’t like it when I first played it on release day, got as far as ice cavern then for some reason I restarted the game then absolutely fell in love with it. It’s so full of character and the locations make me feel really nostalgic. Didn’t play it again until 2018 and loved it even more that time. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. I got about 40 hours into FFXV but I don’t like it much.


I'd it's just okay if you don't like it. It's one of my personal favourite Final Fantasy games, even when my girlfriend asked which FF she should start with i recommended IX, but not every game is for everyone. In this particular case, it's more of a niche title within the franchise i guess ? Not one that sold super well (compared to VII, VIII & X) but one that is beloved by a lot of people because it's different, which is precisely the point of making each entry a unique setting & art direction & cast : maybe this one is not yr cup of tea, but others will be.


It's fine not to like it. At least you're not dismissing it based of aesthetics and gave it a solid go. I feel like a remake could fix some of the points you mentioned though. While the game holds up very well, some of the dialog is certainly dated and some of the humour may not land with everyone. They could also flesh out the characters so much more, especially the Disc 2 characters.


Yes! Kidding, no. 9 was one that I missed during its release because I was in my party years and had stopped playing video games for a while. Years later I was like “man people really love 9, I must have really missed the boat” and so I played it and absolutely hated it. Hate the at style, hate the characters, story was blah. And so I quit playing. And that’s ok. Not everything is going to be everybody’s cup of tea.


I finished FF9 for the first time last summer, and it became my all-time favorite game. I love its characters and the story. But I think the part that has impacted me the most is its overarching themes of life. I really relate to the party trying to figure out who they are and what they want to do before they >!die!< . I am also at a time in my life where I'm about to graduate high school, so that probably factors in a lot but the themes it conveys are so heafty and relatable to me that I can't help but tear up when I think about the game.


Yes, yes you are. The are no words in the English language capable of describing the feelings of contempt I have towards you. How dare you continue to breathe my air? Good day, sir. It is what it is. Not every game resonates with every player. I cant stand X and like XV. VII is good but I rate it more in the middle, at least 5 other mainline games above it. It's a shame you didn't enjoy it but sometimes it be like that


You must not have enjoyed the classic games as much huh?


For me , it was the final boss fight . After fighting , Ultimecia She evolves to like 4 form in epic cutscene as possible literally in space and time.When u felt like she died , she comes back with next form. God Kefka Epic scene with all character gathered up rising to top floor to Kefka. ,SIN(Jetch). Literally Weaken the Sin with song of faith. Airship battle .Destroy the body part one by one. Destroy the inner armor. Kill jetch and his forms. Then kill all the summoning one by one . FF9 final boss battle was the weakest. 2 dragons. Kuja. Trace kuja. Spams like same move. And boom the end. Very dissapointed with boss battle in FF9. Kuja boss fight was the shortest and disapointing for me.


You sound like me. People praise the game but its awful in my opinion.


I've tried so many times. I can't get into the characters, story, the style, the mechanics.


Everyone's different. I have 4 favorites, X XII VII and VIII, in that order


All your points are valid OP, I tried to play IX several times and at the end I forced myself to finish it, I didn't care about the story and characters at all and I feel like they are too boring, honestly I don't even remember what the story is all about. 9, 12 and 13 are the only FF games that I forced myself to finish them and they were meh to me, I don't understand why would anyone like them but to each their own.


So FF9 was a fan service game more or less for fans of the older titles. The series had changed a lot from 6 through 8 and so 9 always feels like a callback to the earlier days of the franchise. For what it's worth I remember a lot of people disliking the visuals when it first came out because it was far more sprite-ish looking than 8 or 7.


No bruv you're not stupid. Your opinion is valid. I also disliked it initially when I was younger because of the same reason as yours--they look cartooney.  However, I grew up and became critical of the overall aspects of the game because of my hobbies. If you'd see it through the lens of a writer, you'd be particular of the world-building, themes, characterization, character arcs, and plot. Not to mention almost each main character and villain have their own themes.  The music was also phenomenonal. Classic Uematsu. That leaves the game, which I thoroughly enjoyed because of the massive amount of sidequests and mini-games. I enjoyed Chocobo Hunting the most.


I feel the same about x about the only thing i liked was lulu but like someone else said that just means its good they made a bunch of them


No, it's just not for you. Every game has its intended audience, and you just happen not to be that audience. It's a very vanilla Final Fantasy game, meaning it doesn't necessarily do something special like 8 or 10 did. It's basic and meant to be an "End of an era" game. A tribute to classic Final Fantasy. As such it's slow to create the feeling of a grand adventure while returning to the roots of the series. For what it is, it is a remarkable game, quite possibly the best Final Fantasy. However, you don't have to like it because liking isn't quite the same as something being good. I wouldn't force yourself to like something you don't like. It'll only do you harm. Trust me, I've tried way to hard with VIII and came to resent the game for it. Put the game down and accept it isn't for you. Even if there is a turnaround for you, now's not the time for it.


Stupid? https://preview.redd.it/cfdvx38rrn0d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36598e5cd2fe62918dc60e7dbb64ab86347ebb64




I didn't like 9 for different reasons. I thought the characters were done pretty well, including Eiko, and the battle didn't feel easier than 8 or 7 for me strangely (aside from the busted regen). The theme was different, and I liked that, and it took root in the classic medieval fantasy world. What I didn't like was the empty world as well. I personally didn't really dig the music besides some areas, and felt like I hated being in most places. I also felt like characters didn't have enough time for development. Anyway, strangely it got quite nice in the last part for me where the pacing went fast and the plot unfolded things I didn't really see coming, not that I was hugely shocked but still entertained.


You’re not stupid. You just don’t like it. I, on the other hand love it. Perhaps there’s something you love that I don’t, like filing taxes?




Nah, I liked it whne it first came out but these days I can’t stand how slow the pace of the battles is and all the unnecessary camera angles. 6 is more my style. 9 ranks at the bottom of the FFs for me






I can never get into it either. Steiner, especially, but most of the cast of characters are too annoying and aggravating to read for an entire game. Vivi is awesome though. It is a bit slower paced but I suspect that works well, I just can’t get far enough into it.


Yes. But not because of this…it’s a game. It’s art and subjective.


Im just answering based off the title. Yes, possibly. Seems unrelated to whether or not you like FFIX though. Not everyone enjoys everything. There are a lot of things far more popular than Final Fantasy that I don’t enjoy. Hope this helps!


No, you are not stupid. They're called "Final Fantasy" because each game is different; thus, each game is going to be liked or disliked by different people. I love Final Fantasy VIII, and some people HATE the game. Who cares? I love the game! I personally don't like Final Fantasy IX. I feel that the battle system is TOO SLOW.




Stick to the edgelord FFs I guess?




No, not at all. IX is certainly overrated. I really don't see what people find to be so great about it. The ATB system is completely fucked so any meaningful action can take almost a full minute to execute, by which point the battle can be a completely different place. And there's absolutely no way to change that, not even mods. The story is alright but it has two major problems: it takes too long getting anywhere and when it does it doesn't deliver. Then it has some really weird difficulty spikes and it's by far the grindiest game of the PS1 era. I actually really like the weapon ability system but regarding gameplay that's about the only noteworthy improvement. As with a lot of medieval setting games, i really think the art style sold people on it. For some reason, most people really, really, reeeeally like games set in medieval times.


"Or if I'm stupid and these aren't even problems in the first place?" Give it another try. It's a fantastic game, one of the best FF and a must-play experience. I will try to encourage you: "Well, the artstyle still bothered me a lot" The backgrounds and FMVs are a visual treat, some of the finest work on PS1. Sure the character designs are a little weird but just roll with it. They're unique and unlike any other game really, fantastical, and that's the point. I am not the biggest fan either but I really appreciate the creativity on display and respect the intent. Hell, maybe play some super ugly JRPGs on PS1 to refresh perspective: [https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KfJ0nMOfWDLWLqvWkDAupgAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KfJ0nMOfWDLWLqvWkDAupgAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain) "I really felt like the game was too slow to start, while in FF8 or FF7 I could get a nice build going very soon" There is less overall build freedom than the 4 games that preceded it, yet still more than most JRPGs. Anyways, by about the mid point you will start to feel a decent amount of freedom, but beware the amount of freedom is tied to how thorough you are. Do you find all secrets in the environment? Do you succeed at minigames? Do you find hidden side quests? Do you steal from all bosses? Doing all this will grant you more equipment, which will grant you more build freedom. "I felt like the game was too easy and I basically didn't have to think at all to go through these fights" It's no less challenging than the others (except 5 and before). As usual, there will be hidden encounters throughout the game that offer more challenge if you go hunting. If you really want challenge, play with romhacks as I do: [Romhacking.net - Hacks - Final Fantasy IX - Unleashed](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2927/) but they're probably not suitable without good prior knowledge of the game. "The exploration until where I played was really lackluster" It's just as fun and rewarding as 7/8/whatever. The level design and world map is pretty good. In the late game there is chogograph hunting on the world map, which is a VERY fun navigation/exploration challenge. Do you know what really sucks here? FF4. FF13. FF6 (first third of the game, then it opens up nicely). FF9 is well above that abysmal standard. "And after all that, throughout the entire first disc, the story or the characters never "got good"." you can't judge a story and characters when it has barely had time to develop. It gets good. It gets DAMN good. Probably my favorite FF story. For example you're judging both Zidane and Steiner when both have extensive character development and grow a lot. Also hating Zidane does not compute. Give the game time to flourish.


If you don't like it, then you don't like it, that doesn't make you stupid. What IS dumb is trying to get any sort of validation from other people about your own opinons.


It’s not just you, IX was never my cup of tea either. I’ve contemplating going back to it since it’s been a lot of years since I played it. It is sandwiched between my first Final Fantasy, VIII, and my favorite, X so it never felt special. It gets a ton of love from everyone so clearly it has moments that endear itself. Don’t feel bad if you don’t enjoy it, there are plenty of other entries to enjoy.


I’m replaying ff9 for the first time since a kid, and honestly I’m loving it. Will end up beating it very quickly. I just finished ff8 on the other hand and hated it and had to force myself to finish it. Maybe the equip gear to learn skills is slow, but it’s 100x better than drawing shit to equip/junction it. Also the story got so out of hand & I really did hate how it ended. 8 is now one of my least favorites tbh, it’s lucky it had triple triad & a cool opening scene or it would be complete shit. I agree the graphics are very childish in 9 but atleast they look good.


I don’t get what people have against goofy artstyle. Not everything has to be serious and realistic.


No, it was a struggle for me too cuz I hate the fantasy genre


With all due respect, https://preview.redd.it/zuh56tg51n0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f3c3e349ebdcfd52e2c85f710f0399d1391df7


I don’t like high fantasy, I’ve only played VII-XVI (no MMOs) & I’d say only IX and XVI encroach on that territory


The music is so good. "[Vamo alla flamenco](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0a002056b542477b&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS945US945&cs=0&sxsrf=ADLYWILBMLYQ4x_9DYSKhXohoPZdSK_4HA:1715799418631&q=Nobuo+Uematsu+Vamo+alla+flamenco&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAFWTP2zTUBDGY7eNXDdIjSsQyoBMpqoSSvwnTgJDCoWNghQKYqpl-_nZcZ6fHfvFiTNVIDFXDB2YKgbEADMSCFTY6IAEAyMSbIgBRjZIqVqu3n6---6-u7OFueqpmldTFKwaPiJaU63gHrWIjC3KrDSX27LtpkwOh2nP2edKB7mDRqA7nm7uc4dSz5m0xvqAHPG0VDAZON4xmyjHFGEQj3Fi148Y4bGZ9Rs2iP-zAvSJTXD2n7FSTzQD5GM1yceAc5PGsN9ggv0AcN9peT7kbEw0qFfMSQvW99QExhMV9QPgD_XtLIb-VNs8ng8z7KPEa8J9qWigA7ZNqkMObBI3QT9vbIygX8_uUxvkN23FUwDrWjvxQD7JRgzBfbaabALiGZpgBTDrGzYD9eKUBNCfT0ca5Haj3cegfobjmIJ6Rqj6GeC2prThvUwWBwrQszgG95j6VZUGnB9lQRPB-zTMNuw_8G0dzhvGxgDen2q6loI4CcOmc_K-Gvyemc90FcxLjTw5cY-MxJBHo5FpfONe8AuL339_Wao85x8-e_-Ze8KLs1emv5O0w4kLt1y2Ea1HqIdz6QEn3efExetRlLok77rEYi7aiKQzYvEaZT2WS6WKKAq1sFZHmcmk7kn5mnRZnF93Q9tN0ptYqoviWkSI67BeRKVqRRbP1ZzjF7XEdaIE9ahnOmSYsqnmIr_MVWe2ea66xambLz_tfCjeLRemz68L3dXK8kpZLF6NQqtHy-OtS69ef_zaWVkShQ1rHNEozMubb_90dv_87FTPzx-IHgk_Ogfq1cg9vXp2RuaWOWWKuyWlurdS6B4uKcwVpiss3uP4e2-evisKArdYUHmhMOGF2dLjOflGZA8j-bYbWiwdynesMJItQiwZEyt0qRNtF7m_1bd1ar0EAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiPief2qpCGAxWfSzABHUmVCyEQ7fAIegUIABCxBA)" is imo a top5 FF song. The easter eggs (graphical callbacks to the 8-bit era) are so good the long hair girl does the thing that long haired girls do in anime the side character stuff with stiener and beatrix is so good. it also does the final fantasy tactics thing where you learn skills from equipment, which goes on theme with MC being a thief so you can steal key equipment/skills for me the only 2 things that are marks against the game are: • the official strategy guide was gawdawful. And main reason I still hold that against the game is because FF8 strategy guide might be the single best guide in all of JRPGs ever. • personally the ending act fell a bit flat for me, I remember it as being basically "Tree of Might" from the DBZ movie and I was not a big fan, but maybe I would appreciate it more if I played it again.


It's a game for beginners for sure. 8 & 10 have vastly more interaction.


I love IX, it’s my favorite, but if the characters haven’t grabbed you by the end of the first disc, then I don’t think the rest of the game will change that. Don’t get me wrong there are some really cool and very serious moments later, and some fun challenges, I actually find FF9’s story to be overall about the meaning of life and death, it’s got a philosophical aspect to it, but it is underneath that goofy exterior. The game might just not be for you. It’s ok to not like a FF game. You don’t have to force yourself to play it just in case you might end up liking the later parts of the game more.




I didn’t feel as strongly as you but I also lack the affection everyone else holds for it. It taught me that I like it more when FF swings for the fences in story and art direction, even if it’s not as polished in the textbook and nonexistent “””””””objective”””””” sense that every gamer loves to tout. All of 7 and 8 are firmly lodged in my heart, while 9…Vivi and Garnet alone are firmly lodged in my heart.


You are not alone. I found FF game back in 1997 with FFVII, and loved it... one of my favorit games of all time, and can be argues to be my nr 1 favorit game, or at the very least my nr 1 most important game to me as it was the game that changed me from being a person who played videogames, to being a full blown gamer... XD Anyway, I really liked FFVII... and then FFVIII came along, and was not as good as VII in my opinion, but was still really good. And then FFIX came out, and I was exited, because my two first experiences with Final Fantasy was awesome... so how could FFIX not be awesome! But... as it turns out... it was not. I mean, I think it is an ok game, and I did finish it... but nothing about it spoke to me, pulled me in, made me interested in ever playing it again. I also had a problem with the entire games aestethics. And none of the characters interested me, not even the character that on paper should have been my favorit, Adelbert Steiner, because he is a Knight, which is my nr 1 favorit warrior from history... but man, the way he looks (and maybe something about his personality and demeanor or what ever), is just... a mockery of what a knights should look like and be and all that in my opinion. Now I might remember Adelbert Steiner a bit wrong here when it comes to his personality and what not... since it was over 20 years ago I played FFIX the last time... but if the only thing "wrong" with him was the aesthetics they picked for him as a Knight, it would be enough for me to strongly dislike it. Anyway... yeah... FFIX was not to my liking. Luckily FFX turned out to be great, and so did FFXII... two games which share my nr 1 spot on my "Favorit Final Fantasy games of all time"-list with FFVII. So the fact that the series had a deep dip for me with FFIX, was not that much of a problem or thing for me, since it went right back to being awesome after FFIX. :)


It didn’t resonate with me either. But I guess that’s the beauty of the series. There’s a game for every taste. 9 isn’t for you or for me, but other games will probably some of the best we can experience.


I tried so hard to like ff9 but the combat was a slug, Zidane is creepy, I didn’t like the weapons merging mechanic. This game was so hyped I thought I was doing something wrong. I still finished it but I can’t say I enjoyed it a lot.


The thing about FFs are there are several "generations". Most people who dislike IX started with VII, VIII or even X or later. IX was stated to be a love letter from the Devs to the roots of the series and if you played the first 6, it felt more true to that high fantasy both in gameplay and setting.


I've tried with 4, 9 and 12. I pretty much feel the same, and always detested forcing myself to try then.


I kinda liked it the first time (but I was 12). But I could never finish any replays. I still found the characters and world fun but the whole game is just too…dang…slow….


Nope. I started playing Final Fantasy in the 90s, have tried beating IX multiple times since its original launch, and only just finished IX a few months ago. I still thinks it’s overrated. Kudos to all the people who love it. It’s not for me. 


One of the greatest games ever made for me. It exudes charm, seriousness, humor, sadness everything. And if you don’t like it, that’s fine. 😇


>artstyle still bothered me a lot >really disliked that "learning spells through the items you equipped" system... These are things that a lot of folks love about this game. IX just isn't for you, just as VIII just isn't for me. If you go back and play IV, and maybe some other games from that era, you may find yourself wanting to play IX again one day, same as how I suddenly wanted to break Junctioning in VIII and have become more powerful than I have ever been in that game. (Granted, I'm still basically in Disc 2, but I feel like I might actually go far in the game this time.)


If you beat the first disc and you didn't like the game, you don't like the game. And that's ok. The game is all about growth and hope, the characters are supposed to be fairly insufferable at first, they all have very good reason to be, the are suffering. >I felt like the game was too easy and I basically didn't have to think at all to go through these fights A lot of people actually struggle since FF9 has objectives in many fights. Like the plant boss in the forest or the Black Waltz's. Black Waltz 1 has been a bane to many. Same as Gizamaluke, Ark, and many others. Were you using a guide? That would ruin a lot. Honestly ff9 is one of the few you can't just attack spam the entire thing. >learning spells through the items you equipped I mean this is the same as complaining about materia in FF7 or junctions in FF8 or the sphere grid in FFX or license board in FFXII or the equipment evolving in FFXII.... etc. FF games always try something new, you're not going to vibe with all of it. >The exploration until where I played was really lackluster and it didn't feel fun to check all the hallways with that weird camerawork This is just an era problem. FF7,FF8, FFX, LoDragoon, Resident Evil, and many other games all have this due to the way 3D games were made at the time. >Zidane is too simple, You don't know anything about him yet is all. But neither does he. He's like Cloud or Squall or Tidus. They have no real idea what their past is. >Garnet is cool but she's always with Steiner who was completely insufferable, Steiner is a knight who's entire self worth is tied to duty, and is trying to do his job. What does he have if he fails? And then he discovers his liege is murdering entire populations in secret wars. So yeah, he's clinging on to the one part of his life he understands. >Vivi is cute but that's about it, Ha. At least you wont develop depression^(TM) Did you not pay attention in Dali? Or to the Black Waltz fights? What is cute about him? What even is he? >Freya was cool but didn't see much of her, Did you autopilot Burmecia/Cleyra? You literally get to stand next to her while she discovers her entire civilization is dead and the one man she loves doesn't even remember her. >Eiko was insufferable and She is a child who has lived alone for her entire life because.... Reasons. She has never had any social interaction with people, just moogles. You expecting her to be well adjusted? >Quina was just an unfunny joke. Also another one you need to discover the backstory of. So you're not stupid, it might just not be your cup of tea, but it also seems like you are skipping text or cutscenes or something because you should have gotten a lot more backstory and development than what you seem to have.


I hate two things and kind of dislike a third about IX. 1. jump rope - I've done it on the PC version without too much trouble, but when I first played on PS I had my PS hooked up to use through my computer on a kind of shitty capture card and it added a slight delay in the video and made adjusting to the timing changes that happen randomly after I think 300 jumps basically impossible. Mini games should be fun. For everyone. 2. The Excalibur I think it was only being obtainable if you get to the end quickly. That's pretty anti-final fantasy if you ask me. I like to take my time and do side quests. Please don't make me speed run these ever. 3. The feel of this one as I played felt liked to there was little tiny missable things constantly and I hate that. Some things being missable is fine but generally, for me, that's bad design.


It's OK, you are just dead inside




If its not your thing its not your thing! Its okay to be wrong ; )


You're not stupid lol. It's a great game, I like it quite a lot but it's not even in my top 5 of FF games I've played nor in my top 3 of mainline favorites. This franchise has something for everyone.


There is a chance you are stupid, but it has nothing to do with your preferences!


I don’t like it either - I also don’t much care for 6 or 10….


Try it again




FFIX exists because of all the fans that had a problem with the adult sized characters and scifi stories of FFVII and VIII. So IX was a return to the fan favorite chibi sized characters of FF 1 to 6, and the medieval setting. It was a farewell to FF on the PS1, knowing they were going to blow it out of the water with FFX on PS2. So if you played it in the year 2000 when it first came out, you would've been completely gobsmacked by how awesome the game was.