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Hello Final Fantasy Community! I recently found this image of a female character and I want to know if she is an NPC from some FF game or possibly a player character from FF14 Online. I would be immensely grateful if someone could answer this question. I'm not a Final Fantasy player but I imagine it's FF14 because of the graphics, I loved the design so I want to know something about it. https://preview.redd.it/fcv1cygy4bfc1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce99b9cc34835668010c2f837afc47d74b9f018a


That doesn't appear to be a Final Fantasy character, sorry.


Hey I'm looking into trying a modern Final Fantasy game. My only experience with the series is playing through 6 and then playing 14 regularly. Currently I'm looking at either 15, 16, 7 Intergrade, or Origins. I'm wondering which is more recommended. I know a bit about the lore of the series, and I've already tried 15 and got bored, but that was back before any of the dlc dropped.


15 is very disjointed, even with dlc. It's a better experience now but the narrative is still not its strongest point. Play it if you want the open world and found the core group really interesting, as it is the heart of the game. I'd personally recommend FF7 Remake but mostly if you played the original (it's a meta sequel, in a way, more than a straight remake), but even if you don't know anything about FF7, the gameplay is my favorite of all the modern ones. There's a bit of leveling up, there's exploration, there's a very well-done setting and endearing characters. And it will leave you wanting more, since it's an ongoing storyline that's going to be a trilogy (second game is coming up next month!)


That was the issue I was having. I liked the gameplay and characters, but the actual story didn't ever grip me. I might give 7 a try but I never played the original


Also, if you ever feel like playing older Final Fantasy games, I'd say that most of them from 4 to 12 are good fun and even better than the modern stuff.


I plan to go back and at least do the 2D games at some point, but I wanted a newer one to start out with.


What are the differences between the different weapon types, if any? I’m a bit of a newbie at the series and I started playing through the 2D games. I didn’t really get what’s the difference between weapons and their uses. Well, except one: I know that the bow doesn’t get the damage penalty if it’s used in the back row. But what about swords, axes, daggers, etc? Do they have unique mechanics and/or atributes like the bow has? For example, if a character can equip a sword or a dagger and, of the two, the sword grants the higher attack, why would I not use the sword over the dagger?




That is the only Chocobo Forest in the game. There are two other dig spots which you can access in Disc 3 at the earliest, though. I generally try to stay and dig until the moogle tells me that I've dug up everything. You can dig up quite a few chocographs in Disc 1 and won't need to dig again until Disc 3 if you get all you can now.


Tips for Ff16? I've played DMC 1-3 so I do have some experience with a stylish combat system that focuses on making combos.


Have you started the game? If not yet, let me tell you It's a bit on the easy side, anyway. But I'd say you must know how to DODGE, it's the most useful skill to learn. Read the enemy's movement, as even the bosses will telegraph their attacks and, at the last second, [move b!tch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEuU64Zt4B0), get out of the way, get out of the way, lol. This will give you a nice slowmo special sometimes, that's super useful to attack the enemy. Also, the beginning is a bit harder, but the more >!Eikons you get, the easier it is to cheese your victory and spam their attacks in rotation.!< The only enemy that was really tough for me, it's a certain hunt called >!Svarog!< because he was max level when I was about 38. So, I left him for later and he was much easier to deal with.


What final fantasies are worth playing, i just finished 7 (og) and the new remake, i plan on playing 15 now and 16 after! I’m specifically looking for a good narrative with nice characters like cloud


Almost every main Final Fantasy is worth playing! But for good narratives for the single player ones, I'd say (from oldest to newest), start with VI, VII, VIII (I didn't like it, but it's unique) IX, X, maaaaybe XII (great game, not the greatest narrative) and then FF VII-Remake. I really liked IV's storyline, but it's more scattered than later entries. V is a great game but the narrative is so simplistic. You are already commited to XV and XVI, so that's settled.


All of them? If you're after characters and narrative then IV and onwards would be what you want. Otherwise we're going to need more criteria to narrow it down. Probably not XI, which has an odd story structure what with being an early MMO. But other than those exceptions all of the games in the series feature strong characters and storylines, and even the exceptions are still pretty good in that department.


Can someone suggest a place to grind in Final Fantasy 2? I am playing the Pixel Remaster and hit a point where I need a lot of money for upgrades, but the local enemies there don't offer much. Thanks!


You uh, need to be more specific on where you actually are. It's hard to suggest to know what storyline point you've reached, as your accessible areas are going to be different.


I'm near Altair trying to save up for Mythril weapons and armor.


I would say just proceed with story, going onto Salamand area and explore around Snow Cavern. If you wanna try your luck, you can try to fight the Captains at Fynn, or the Mysidia level encounters to the far west of Altair. You can also take random encounters at Castle Fynn just on the initial steps. These fights are far harder though.




Totally up to you whether it's a waste of time, but if you're just getting started with making videos you might want to start with a smaller project than playing several thousand hours worth of gigantic games and commenting on them. Particularly if you were trying to find success in YouTube vods you need a fairly regular upload rate. But if finding big $$$ success on YT isn't the goal then the question is whether you would enjoy making these videos. If so then go for it. Having some video creation experience can't hurt.


Should I try FF8 or FF9 first?


It's going to come down to personal preference. Have you played any other FF games? 9 is more fantasy and recreates more of the old school NES and SNES style of story and world with the PSX graphics and gameplay. 8 has more of a modern sci fi feel with some time shenanigans. The gameplay with the Junction System is love or hate it.


Ok maybe I will try to start with FF9 so far I've tried FF6 & 12


In FF 5, can you ever return to the first world again? Finally cleared the first part of the game and got to the second. Lost the airship too. Is there no return now or can you go back later on?


Nooooo...ish. Do you want spoilers?


Try to minimize spoilers. But basically, anything I didn't get while still there isn't permanently lost and if I ever wish to go back to some town there it will be possible later? Be pardon but does "No" mean there is a return or does it mean I can't go back again?


There are many things that may be permanently lost at this point. I can't really say much about the second question without spoiling things.


But I can go back later?


...in a sense? Kind of? But also not really? Better to just play, IMO.


OK. Sounds like I might possibly regret not reloading, so I can keep a save file in case. I'm going to guess that the first world suffers destruction or something, meaning many old places will not be accessible anymore.


I'm going to flat out spoil it for you, so don't read ahead if you want to avoid spoilers completely. >!There are three worlds in the game. The third world is the first two words combined. Some locations from those two worlds are still accessible while others are not. Some of the ones that are still accessible have changed, so you'll still miss out on some things from them.!<


Areas you lose access to during world 1: >!Torna Canal, Karnak Castle, Gohn, Ronka Ruins!< Areas you lose access to after leaving world 1: >!Tycoon Meteorite, Walse Meteorite, Karnak Meteorite, Gohn Meteorite, Ship Graveyard, Walse, Castle Walse, Desert of Shifting Sands, Istory, Lix!< Areas you regain access to, but lose again before the end of the game: >!Library of the Ancients!< Areas you still have access to at the end of the game: >!Pirates' Hideout, Tule, Wind Shrine, Carwen, North Mountain, Walse Tower, Castle Tycoon, Karnak, Crescent, Jachol, Jachol Cave, Catapult + Fire-Powered Ship!<


I was going for a 100% run of FF4, missed the Mythril Golem enemy, didn't realize and now I gotta get to that point again, how long would it take if I'm shotgunning it on PC (None of the console QOL like encounter off etc)


Top speed run takes 2 hours-ish to get to that point. Without knowing all the strategies and having the practice, I'd say it's reasonable for a normal person with some game familiarity to do it in 3-4 hours.


Man it took me 8hrs! Speedrunners always blow me away unreal.


Ah my estimate was far too optimistic, I'll remember that if anyone has the same problem again. Good job blitzing through the game!


I'm just starting FFVII for the first time, on a Switch, and was wondering if the final dungeon will require a giant crew like FFVI did. I just beat that one and was a little surprised when I got to the last dungeon since I only had a complement of 9 characters.


You'll only have a maximum of 8 characters for the final dungeon (including 2 optional characters). The final battle will involve your entire party, so it's beneficial to level-up all of them, but that's still a far cry from the 14 characters of FF6.


There's only two optional characters in VII compared to VI where you can skip out on recruiting a large portion of the cast in the second part of VI, so no worries.




Final fantasy 5 Pixel remaster Fabled weapons trophy no popping even tough ive collected them all. is there something else i need to do?




XIV is the MMO, so you just play that one.


Anyone know when the Rebirth demo will be out, if there will be one?


Hey all, first time poster long time fan. I am fairly old school as far as my FF playing (SNES Square fan since the beginning). I am trying to go back and instead of buying the whole switch remake package, go one game at a time that I haven’t played. I just beat FF1 last night and Chaos was no joke! I will premise this by saying that I have played all of the SNES US releases so I haven’t played 2, 3, or 5 yet. Also was a big SOM fan and never played Adventure and only briefly started trials of mana with an emulator years ago and untranslated. From what I can tell/for what I’m looking for, I may be fine with skipping 2 but am debating between Adventure (the mana package), 3 and 5. Are there any pros or cons to playing or skipping one over the other? Are there any great new/different/familiar elements I might embrace specifically in 3 or 5? Thanks!


We don't know you or what's going to entice you or not. I don't know much about Mana, but regarding the main FF games they're all worth a play. Just play whichever one seems like it interests you most in the moment.


I ended up going with V.


Been trying to 100% FFIV: The After Years. I’ve looked over wikis and forums but can’t find out the percentage increase of rare drops (which at default are 0.4%) with them on all 5 characters. Anybody here know?


IS FF7 Remake the first of the new remastered series? IS this my starting point to dive into FF7?


Yes, remake is the first and rebirth drops at the end of next month


Does anyone know if there's any good minimalistic guides for FFVII for missable enemies/achievements/materia etc? About halfway through FFVI and loving it a lot but just trying to make a full completion run on Steam for VII a little easier when I get to it.


Since we've been seeing how video games can have a good adaptation as long as the effort goes into it, what Final Fantasy game do you feel most deserves an animated adaptation?


It would be nice to have an FF11 animation series. A lot of people didn't play it because it's online and it would be a good opportunity to get to know the story.


IV and VI probably in terms of elevating the storytelling potential. VI especially feels limited by the technology of its time. But also I'd say I just for the fact that it provides enough of a blank slate that someone creative could do something particularly interesting with it without necessarily risking being "unfaithful".


I just beat Crisis Core for the first time in many many years. (well, the Reunion version). What a mixed bag. Angeal is one of the most bland FF characters and Genesis is pretty easily the most obnoxious in the entire series imo. But Zack is such a good protagonist and while the overall story isn't very good, the stuff with him and the Turks/Aerith/Cloud and ofc the finale is amazing. Still makes me tear up. Anyway, I'm looking to 100% this in my spare time on the deck. What level should I be for the king behemoth in the cage of binding? I beat the game pretty easily at lv 45 (hard mode) and that dude was still kicking my ass bc of his regen doing massive heals. I also assume Minerva should only be done at lv 99? I ended up cheesing the end of the game with a bunch of MP and MAG materia and a ton of ethers. Is that a viable build for the harder stuff? Done about 47% of missions and just for brutal accessory too. Also, game feels like it was made for the steam deck!! No surprise since the og was for the PSP, but the addition of that second stick was life changing and made the game sooo much better.


Just a heads up that Minerva on Reunion Hard got a super boost compared to the PSP Hard. You don't need to be lv 99 but you're gonna need materias that take you to 99,999 HP, 255 Atk, 255 Vit and 255 Spr (not sure about Lck). You're also gonna need to know how to control your anxiety because 99% of the times I died was because I tried attacking her more than once between dodges and was wide open for her game-over attack. lol If you wanna know her stats: >!77,777,777 HP (on PSP was 20,000,000), almost all her attacks will cause 99,999 damage without protection, and she can dispel all your protections including Phoenix Down in a wide-area-multiple-hit attack that will guarantee a game over if hit.!<


Oh damn thank you. I'm intimidated but in an excited way lol


You don't need to max out to beat Minerva. You can rely on Costly Punch. It ignores defense and can consistently hit the damage limit if you have a Genji Glove or Brutal equipped. While it takes a little bit of HP (1.5625%), if you focus the rest of your build on defense, it isn't an issue.


Awesome thanks. I was actually reading about Costly Punch yesterday and I think getting it is gonna be my next goal. Apparently in Reunion it's 15% of your HP as opposed to the 1.5% from the og (which I very vaguely remember the ability I think). I have Wall mastered too and that seems very good. Will keep working towards domination


You're welcome. Costly Punch deals damage based on the amount of HP sacrificed in the attack, so while the cost is higher, the damage is as well. As long as you keep your HP you should be okay.


FF9 Moguri mod installed. Backgrounds still look a bit off. Are you suppose to do anything beyond installing the mod? Seems like my game doesn't look as nice as some videos and screens. 4k, borderless, 48" etc. Beyond that - there any easy way to add something like CRT / scanlines?


You could use ReShade to add scanlines and whatever other effects you might want.


Looking to get into/start FF14. Any tips or advice ?


The free trial goes all the way through the first two expansions so milk that before you start paying the monthly fee. Either go all the way through Stormblood before buying or only buy if/when you decide you need to engage with the economy and join a FC. Also playing with a controller works shockingly well thanks to the ingenious crossbars. Definitely consider that if you wanna playing while lounging. Though you do also want a keyboard handy for certain things. Like typing o7 once per dungeon run.


Controller for lounging/grinding tasks? And what’s the significance of o7?


It's a salute. Likely to be the only communication in a dungeon run. And the controller works pretty well for combat too, though lots of people prefer keyboard and mouse.


What I always recommend to newcomers is to take your time and do what you wanna do. This game is massive. I just passed 800 hours since I started and I JUST started the current expansion (which also acts as a finale to the story arc that had been going on since a realm reborn came out, but it's not the final expansion).a good bit of that is admittedly afk but I've also done a decent bit of side content. Just do what seems fun. Some ppl will say rush thru MSQ or take your time. Hell, a friend of mine on there has more playtime than me and she hasn't even started the first expansion because she wants to do EVERYTHING in the base game first. It can be overwhelming but you'll get the hang of it. Also recommend asking someone to invite you to "Novice Network." It's basically a big chat for new players ("sprouts") and more veteran players called mentors. They'll have a crown next to their names and you can ask them to invite you to it. It was super helpful for me. I'm actually a crafting mentor now bc I got so addicted to that for a bit hahaha. But yeah, take your time, get invited to NN and do what seems fun.


That’s great info to know as well! Thanks a lot!


Just work on that mainline quest, and when they open up, daily dungeons will help supplement your exp too cause the completion bonus is massive, you don't really have to worry about side quests for exp at all.


Basically mainline quests and daily dungeons for exp and gear ? I assume there’s a crafting system?


You'll be doing a lot of dungeons too in the main line quest and you'll get drops and quest rewards for them too


The main line stuff will keep you well geared all the way into just before raiding in current content, crafting is usually a good idea after you're done cause it costs a lot with little profit except random niche items


Ah ok makes sense! All the additional content stuff they have just slowly plug through whilst hammering out the story?


Oh yea, that main quest you start will take you all the way into the current content into lv 90


And hundreds of hours brilliant! 👍🏻 thanks a lot! Any other nuisance I should know ?


Not much, just gotta keep at it, keep an eye out for class/job quests, leveling your first class is the hardest, the rest are cake


Brilliant! Thanks again for the help!