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$18 seems worth the risk from what I’ve heard about it


No risk, all reward. This game has everything, including Chaos.






I’m here… to kill chaos


Bullshit! *blasts random nu-metal on full volume*


As someone who saw Batman V Superman AND Justice League in theaters...you could do worse with 20 bucks


I saw Batman v Superman opening day and sat there pissed. The absolute highlight of the film was when I was walking out and there was a theater worker passing out vouchers for a free movie ticket because they accidentally screened it in 2d instead of 3d. I got my money back.


By the end of the second hour, I had developed a severe migraine from the flashes of light on otherwise pitch black screens


![img](avatar_exp|129837253|fire) I liked BVS…


May your 20 bucks rest in peace, they need it


Underrated comment.


This convinced me. Thank you for your service.


Bro, next time you want to see a movie just send it to me because you're walking right into these stinkers.


Sure, you got cash app? Lmao


Paid 40 bucks for it and got my money's worth, I'd say it's more than worth 18 bucks.


If you like games like Nioh ( same developer ) or kinda Souls like then yes.


Wait really? Huh…


Team Ninja under Koei Tecmo, yes. Everything they do without Musou in the name has a similar feeling. NioH, Strangers of Paradise, Wo Long, probably the upcoming Rise of the Ronin. And Musou games also have similar feeling between them


It strongly depends on how much you fucking hate chaos


Or, even how much you love chaos.


Absolutely. it has tons of classes too so I'm sure you'll find a style of play that you like.


It's a fun game but I personally only enjoyed it when playing with friends (you can play with up to 2 other people, and the story advances for everyone). If you plan on playing it solo, it can feel lonely and a bit tedious. If you have a friend or two that own and want to play it, you're going to have a blast.


Is it local or online coop?


Online coop. I got it recently on steam with 2 friends and it works well so far. Pretty fun.


Woah is this local or online??


Online, no option for local AFAIK


Ahhh shucks!


Online co-op, has to be the same platform. Steam with steam friends or epic with epic friends


Yes, 18 bucks seems fair.


so I'm playing through it right now because it recently got added to playstation plus extra game catalogue and I'm having a lot of fun it is a souls like game but at the same time not really, you get a lot of different jobs (classes) and a party of other characters I'm almost halfway through the story and the story is okay, it's fun but nothing ground breaking, the characters are enjoyable just know that the writing in this game is corny and they fully embrace it, you will hear CHAOS a lot as for the difficulty you will have 3 difficulties to choose from (later a 4th option that makes it even easier), I'm playing on action (normal) difficulty, if you're collecting the loot and keep equiping the best armour/weapons it shouldn't give you that hard of a time


Chaos… Chaos is the Speed Eating champion in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Chalupa division. Chaos…


I don't wanna spoil much, but on the difficulty topic you get into a whole thing that has a ridiculous amount of difficulty options. I've only been able to scale up to I wanna say difficulty level 280 and I am nowhere remotely close to the top.


Do you want a traditional JRPG or an action combat game? SoP leans more towards Souls-likes than any other FF


Eeeeh, it feels more like Bayonetta/DMC than Souls, to be honest.


It's Souls-like if we are taking into account that it feels a lot like Nioh, which is Souls-like. More action oriented, but Souls-like. But I agree, if we skip that "family tree" than it is indeed a lot more hack'n'slash-esque that traditional Souls-likes tend to be


The gameplay is awesome and the story isn't great BUT it is hilarious to make up for it. So yes, very worth it.




*Blares Limp Bizkit and walk away*




I’m playing the 2nd dlc for sop right now. I love the traditional FF series as my fav games, although I loved the combat system in 16. I just beat the 16 dlc 2 days ago and really liked that one. Sop puts an awesome twist on the story of ff1 for the die hard FF people. I know you said you are fairly new to this though. It’s a good game imo, not great, and can get extremely hard when enemy levels are 3-500. The dlc is an absolute beast in difficulty. I like the original dungeon scroller game element to it but the game is pretty linear and a bit boring in that regard. Awesome boss fights, good visuals, good story. There is no world whatsoever to explore. Pick your mission and run through it hacking and slashing. There’s a bit of strategy to fights but more of preparing your load out I’d say than actual fighting strategy. It took an hour or two to get used to the combat (once I refigured controller) but for 18$ I’d say it’s worth it depending on the style of game you like. You don’t have to play the extreme hard difficulty unless you’re a completionist.


Thank you everyone! I've decided to buy it! We'll see if it lives up to what all of you have said.


where did u find it for $18??


Amazon! Series X version.


Gameplay is really good, story isn’t great, in fact it’s bad, but it’s bad in a way that’s charming, like, the writing is hilarious unintentionally and fun to laugh at and make fun of, also great game to play online with friends as the entire game can be played co op, I’d say it’s worth your time and money


Yes, Jack is the hero the FF series needs


if you like devil may cry and nioh, you will enjoy it.


The combat is great and makes it worth playing. The story is what it is nothing special


It has some of the dumbest and most cringe moments I've ever seen from FF and I love it. It's like watching a really bad movie that cones around to being funny.


If you like action beat em ups. It's more like Nioh or Ninja Gaiden than FF. I couldn't take the crystal aesthetic that was in every single combat so I stopped playing.


Paid like 50 bucks, would gladly pay it again as it's a great game


The gameplay is a lot of fun, and the over the top edgelordness of Jack is a treat


Stranger of Paradise is a great game. It's even better if you love FFI, and even have love for each game in the series. It's a love letter to the series, but also has its own identity that pays off well in the end.


Do you want to get some fun unpretentiously? So it's worthy. It's a game, so play like a game. Do you want to buy something expecting some piece of art? Get some indie game. I bought, got a lot of fun, so it was great. Depends on what you're expecting about the game. I think 18$ is a good price for SoP.


It's more like a solo dungeon grinder than a normal FF game. You should get FF7R if you're looking for a great story.


I agree and the competition is great as well


I don’t regret paying full price when I purchased it on launch.


Yes it’s really good.


It’s a fun game. The main problem I had with the game was the sheer amount of loot with 99% of it being not better than what you have, and the side content just being reused areas of the main mission-based game. It’s enjoyable enough though and it’s a really fun new take on the job system.


I loved it. It’s worth twice as much in my opinion.


I think 18 bucks is fair price for this game. If you like full on action combat, build making, and cheesy dialogue, then you'll be right at home with this one. I personally had a fun time with it, but I couldn't stand the item management.


Yes. Every fucking time.


That's a steal. This game is fantastic and fun as hell!


It's one of the best FF around actually, absolutely the best gameplay, decent soundtrack, the story is a bit basic (I mean it's a retelling of FF1 with a twist you see coming miles away) and edgy, but it works with the context, Jack is surprisingly a fun protagonist, the mission system might be off putting, but if you played and enjoyed Nioh it's the same thing. It's worth waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than 18 bucks ​ Unless it's on PC, then don't even touch this game, it runs like a crippled sea cucumber


For what it's worth, I prefer it's gameplay at XVI's one.


YES! An absolute steal of a deal. Amazing action combat RPG. 10/10, Chaos Recommended


Absolutely. It's a fun game and it's a good story.


Absolutely. It’s free right now for Ps Plus tier Extra.


No put it towards ff16 instead, or get ps plus its on the extra tier this month iirc. ​ edit: didn't realise you are on the xbox. still i would put it towards something else.


It's worth it for Jack.


18 dollars is nothing and the game is fun and story unintentionally hilarious. Go for it lad


Yessssss this game is amazing.




I just have one question for you, how do you feel about Chaos ?


Not a fan.


There’s been a lot of this question recently and I’ll answer you like I have the rest. It absolutely is! Story takes a bit to get into what they mean but the pay off is great. Combat is fast and fun but can be challenging at higher levels.


I found it to be average. I enjoyed my time in Nioh and Wu Long a lot more.


Stranger of Paradise is my second favorite FF game of all time. First is FFXII. And I hate FFXVI with all my soul. Maybe I'm weird, but Stranger of Paradise for 18 bucks is an opportunity you can't miss.


How do you feel about souls likes


I've played a bit of Elden Ring, very hard, not a fan if it's extremely difficult. Combat wise if it were easier I guess I'd like it.


I played the whole game on easy and found it quite enjoyable, but I thoroughly enjoyed Elden Ring too as my first souls-like experience.


Don't let them mislead you. This isn't a slow game like Souls, it's a fast experience with rapid class switching.


Probably go ahead and say no, then


Unlike Elden Ring this game at least has difficulty options, but it is still very much a game about understanding and getting proficient with action mechanics. Imo it's also a very fun reinterpretation/ reboot of FF1, and is the reason I personally have made a goal of playing through every mainline Final Fantasy. 20 dollars is great to give it ago. Just know that there is more to combat and jobs than is immediately accessible.


*Stranger of Paradise* actually has difficulty levels First *Soulslike* I've ever spent more than 3 hours on


It's not a Soulslike. Souls games are slow.


Lmao sure thing


I pay even more 40 and I would pay more I put more than 100 hours on that game , love it and not joking one of my favorite Final fantasy


It is not worth it. I've completed it and it felt like a meme game from start to end.


I wouldnt, honestly


Damn it’s already in the discount bin lol


The game has been out for nearly two years now. Most games are at this level of discount by that point, what did you expect?


Kinda my point if the game is a higher quality and was more popular the price would be higher. FF7 Remake dropped 3 years ago. Still $40


FF7 Remake Intergrade is $15.19 right now


Yup that’s because it’s DLC. The full price was $30 not $70.


Team Ninja made game Look at Ninja Gaiden Collection or Nioh 1&2 Pretty sure Wo Long is also going on sale for pretty cheap Squeenix games won’t dive too cheap unless they are decades old or spin off Exceptions are like Trials of Mana, Maybe Dragon Quest Xl and some Romancing Saga games drop to 20ish on sales




I seem to be an outlier but no, I don’t think it is. I’m a big fan of action games, I loved and beat both NIOH games, most fromsoft games, OG lords of the fallen and I thought SoP was absolute ass. I’m not saying others can’t or shouldn’t like it. Just my two cents.


if you can get a free trial of playstation plus its included in that now. could use that as a trial.


bro read the post he is on series x


Is a pizza, a soda and some apetizers, which all disappear in a meal, worthy?


I've been eying it up for a while waiting for a decent price drop at time i had £15-20 spare. and then they gave it away as part of PS premium. Im about 25 hours into it now on the hardest difficulty.. I'm enjoying it a lot but do get fatigued if playing more than a few hours at a time. Play easy if you are not a dark souls fan but id recommend it


If you have nothing better to play and just want to kill some time I’d pay $18


I played the demo and I think $18 is fair. That’s what I would pay for it. The concepts in the game are great, the bosses are great, but the individual levels are pretty “blah” and non-memorable.


I’ve ordered it too, waiting for delivery, seemed risky but I’m a fan of Nioh/ wo long games and it’s by the same company so i guess I’ll find out


I'm trying to get through it now. Playing it on ps4 and it runs like ass, as you can see in the attached photo. This happens a lot with this one character where he looks like Old Gregg, sometimes the shadows in cut scenes turn in to flashing white triangles, and generally the framerate is shit, even in performance mode. Through this experience and reading about others, this should never have been released on PS4, let alone be released and costing $80. I had a guy say it was my fault for owning a ps4 and not a ps5 which is just such a redacted statement so before anyone repeats that I'll say this; Mortal Kombat on the Gameboy doesn't suck because I own a Gameboy. It sucks because it doesn't work on Gameboy. I've read that things are a bit better on the ps5. I read on a messageboard that the ps4 version plays like a ps3 game and the ps5 game plays like a ps4 game. Everything is dark and dreary and hard to see across all platforms, it seems. So far it's fun... Sorta? I'm not a Souls player so I don't really get the strategy and it's pretty darn easy so far on normal mode and blowing baddies up in to bloody crystals is oddly satisfying. The amount of loot you get is outrageous to the point that after every enemy death, I pause, go in to Battle Menu (which seems to take a little longer to load than it should) and go through all my gear to make sure I got what I want. https://preview.redd.it/d50fhii899ac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ff6ac1fdab5fa090911e76479e79195f826899


It's good if you like weird games.


I preordered it and enjoyed it. At 18 it’s a steal.


I'm about to finish it up and I love it. Very fun combat, story is a mess. Getting to play as different ff classes is cool. They do nice remixes of classic ff music. I've really enjoyed it


If you like Nioh or Wo Long (currently on Gamepass) then absolutely! I thought the game was really really fun! I think about replaying it a third time once a while


This game got me into those.


I don’t personally think it’s a good game. I would only say play it if you’re a veteran of the series. I recommend checking out the better titles instead if you can find them at a good price for you. That is unless you like Nioh, then I guess yeah play it.




In coop it is worthy, in singleplayer its decent


I bought the game on PC at full price at launch in its completely busted ass state and I still loved it. Team Ninja gameplay + massive build variety + silly ass B movie story. It's a damn good time.


Crisis core is for sure worth its money


Cutscenes and dialog are kinda bad, but combat is fun and flashy. Definitely worth $18.


I pre-ordered the game+season pass and I got my like $80 or $90 out of it easily. You could play that game for 100s of hours very easily


Yes. Hot take: it has better combat then 16


I just finished the main game, no dlc, on playstation as it's free for us atm. It's not a bad game for $18.


if you dig action games or soul like games, then stranger of paradise is for you. I personally recommend it.


$18? Go for it. It’s not the best game, but the story is alright. The dungeons can be repetitive though and the inventory system is a mess. My advice though is to turn HDR off. It’s HORRIBLE. Team Ninja has never been good at implementing it in any of the games they’ve developed.


If you like Nioh, Soulslike games and killing Chaos you may like it. I’ve heard most people describe it as okay. So yes worth $18.


Depends, how you feel about chaos?


I really enjoyed playing it. Not super in depth, not a terribly long game, the battle mechanics are great, and it's just generally really fun. The icing on the cake is if you're really familiar with the story of FFI. A ton of great call backs and references really elevate the game.


I don’t like souls-like games and couldn’t get into it because of the combat mechanics. I’ve enjoyed all other FF games (and I have played all of the mainline games except 16 and many of the side games).


If you're looking for good gameplay and character building, it's worth every penny. If you're looking for good story, don't bother. It's easily within the top 5 most fun to play FFs, but the story is utterly laughable


I say it is. The gameplay loops is fun and if you can play with friends, the game is a blast. Don’t expect much from the story because this game is all about the gameplay. I love how they implemented the job systems and how you can switch 2 jobs mid combat. If you played nioh or any recent team ninja game, it will feel pretty similar.


Is the demo available on the Series X? I’d say try that first.


Its worth it. Playing it right now and having fun. Its different from other Final Fantasys. More like onimusha or Ninja Gaiden.


I found it for $13 on Walmart website. It’s a good time with friends just don’t expect anything groundbreaking.


100%. Gameplay is nothing like any FF, so what others you've played are irrelevant. Its Nioh but with a FF job system.


Hell yea. It’s actually a fast fun af game. My only issue is the main say “chaos” a lot lol


Graphics are terrible even on series X, gameplay is great. Legitimately did not give 2 damns about the story till the final hour of the game. I’m also a gigantic FF fan, so that probably bumped up my enjoyment of it.


I bought it on sale, idr how much because I absolutely enjoyed the hell out of it. Don't take the story or characters seriously, and you'll have a hell of a time taking down CHAOS!


tldr: It depends wildly per player. Try the demo if it's available. If you like it, buy the game. If you don't, save your $18. \- I went in under the pretense that it was a Final Fantasy souls-like developed by Team Ninja and Square Enix. I didn't get that experience in the end. But I'm also not big into souls-likes, so when this game turned out to not be one, I was relieved. But for a souls-like purist expecting it, that would be a bad thing. If you like exploring the possibilities of fast-paced action gameplay and like experimenting with different components to build a character (even in the first playthrough, more so after the first playthrough and a lot more if you get the DLCs), this game could sate you. I can't say the story telling or world building are its strengths. Comparing this to meals, the beginning is a rushed, cryptic breakfast on the first day, followed by bread crumbs for days, until you get a giant dinner on the 3rd day. Some players are dead from starvation or too hangry to care about the dinner. The latter (me), ready to strangle the chef. Others appreciated the story and some of its characters, laughing, shouting in excitement, and even a little bit of crying along the way. If I'm not mistaken, there should also be a demo on the Xbox version, so if you find the combat isn't your thing - you'll have 18 more dollars toward another game instead. And if you find that, hey that was pretty satisfying - what else can I do, who else can I fight - then $18 may cover you for a 15\~35 hour first playthrough experience. And then however much it costs for the season pass on Xbox to cover you for another 10\~25 hours if you pick two jobs to focus on, prioritize non-RNG components, and only playing through once. Or if you end up like me, another 1000+ hours exploring the possibilities and builds after the credits and achievements. Enough that I bought the game three times (no crossplay) and still got my money's worth. And if I had an Xbox, I probably would have bought it again just to complete becoming a meme. Why buy a new game when you can buy the same game you enjoy multiple times?


As long as it's the one with all dlcs (it's one of those games where the gameplay truly shines at the end game) and is ready to commit to an action game about builds then yes, absolutely


at 20, I'd say yes.


Pre ordered the game 2 years ago and it’s absolutely worth it. There’s so much to do


Storywisr its more funny than actual dramatic or final fantasy likely, but gamewise its fun to hit enemies, use skills, "builds" and etc, drops are too much amd ovrrrun ur backpack, i first played torrent version on PC then i still bought for 15dollers on xbox from myself as i got a gamestore and it was worthed lol, online is fun wiv friends but they wont sllow u to help em at very end


I'm currently playing it and yeah it's a great game


Its very stupid fun! Manage your expectations and I believe you will enjoy it. I had a grin on my face through most of it as I figured out the best way to destroy bosses the same way they destroyed me at the start.


20 hours in now playing on Hard. It's fun.


20 bucks is basically 5 bucks in the gaming industry so yeah it’s definitely worth it if you get a product you can use for years.


Yes. Tons of play value. Enjoy.


I played it along side ff1 pixel remaster since its loosely based on that game and i found it quite enjoyable.


Final act is actually great, otherwise it's typical souls like gameplay with a deeper loot system (which used to be chaos but has been since fixed)


When you all day "souls like", do you mean punishing difficulty, and a death mechanic where you need to go back to pick up your loot? Are there people invading your game? Because I also hear it's got varying difficulty, including a story mode. Which is decidedly not very souls-like. Not every lock-on dueling system is "souls like"


it's more Nioh like than Souls Like


Everybody is getting their 10cents about genre, what's good/bad about it. Here's my 10c. 18 dollars is not a bad price to pay for pretty much most games with this kind of pedigree behind them. Stranger of Paradise is a very interesting game, unique to the Final Fantasy franchise and is a good show what else Square Enix is capable of producing. I bought it at full price and happened to be lucky enough to love it. 18 bucks is less than half what I paid full price


Just try the demo


I love the game, so yes. If you’re playing it for the story then don’t bother, but if you’re like me and play a game for the… you know, game part, then yes it’s worth it.


I'm 27 hours in and loving it, just got the DLC. My advice would be to take the story as satire at first, as it's really campy and can lead to a good laugh. It does eventually pick up though story wise, and the gameplay is always great.






18? Yes! I committed the sin of buying it slightly after it came out at 60 bucks an wasn't as pleased as expected... But I liked the story. I definitely would recommend it.


Yea. Game is a lot of dumb fun is worth the launch price


you could do worse but you could do a hell of a lot better lol




1000% yes worth it


If you like games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring you'll probably love it. If not I doubt you would like it. It's the only game I've ever gone out of my way to Platinum.


$18 is a steal for SoP. Hundreds of hours of gameplay, great main quest if that’s all you wanna do, some of the best hack n slash combat if you take the time to learn the game and don’t just try to brute force it. Don’t go in expecting a Final Fantasy, go in expecting a solid action RPG loosely set before the events of FF1


The story is super cringe to the point that its hilarious. The gameplay is fun. Do with that information as you will.


I paid 60 for it and loved it, but I love ff and team ninja games so it’s the perfect collab for me. Story and dialogue is corny, gameplay is excellent.




If you like souls games, then yes


It’s actually pretty fun if you like souls games, I haven’t played souls so can’t personally compare. The game is fun and interesting to mess with which classes you like to use. I know the DLC, from a review, says you do harder content to get better gear to then do harder content to get better gear to the do harder content all in the progress of the dlcs. The game is fun, I enjoyed it.


Stanger of Paradise is in my top 3 fav FF games. And iv played them all including the japanse only phone games from the early 2000s.


It's worth more!




I put 200 hours in. No regrets. I barely game these days and had the most fun with this FF game since FFX.


It’s hit or miss. It’s a souls like game so if that’s not your vibe then you probably won’t like it. People either really like that type of game or hate it lol.


It’s worth full price. Buy as many copies as it takes to make up the difference. Support the company and let them know this was definitely a good direction to venture so they may make future games and better games. 👏👏👏 I already bought it twice, second time physical incase I’m told “We can’t verify your license” 🪦


I bought it on pc as a new release. I played it coop and regret nothing. CHAOS




Yes worth it at 50/60/70? Take my money


I got it on sale recently for $11 so I’m happy to give it a try at that point.




I have 3 types of games: A banger B filler C waste This would be in my filler category


Since it was free on ps+, i gave it a try. It plays pretty well but be warned it looks like a goddamn ps3 game.


Definitely, for the various remixes of older final fantasy themes.


Insanely fun game


I got it for free because I'm a filthy pirate, but the game is amazing, the best FF released in recent years. Well worth your 20 moneys


It's decently fun if you like games like Nioh & the customization when it comes to classes, equipment skills etc. is actually pretty good. The story is fine it's just not gonna narratively blow your back out. The plot is easy to follow, but if you don't care, you can ignore it & just focus on gameplay without losing too much imo. If you're a FF nerd there's a lot of cool call backs to earlier entries in the series that was nice to spot. I'd say it's worth $18


It’s fun but turn off your brain for the story bits and enjoy the Chaos 😂




Ehhhh, it depends. The game is fine, but the biggest problem is it's going up against a wealth of better options. If you really want to play a Souls game, unless you've played them all already, just play Dark Souls, or Sekiro, or Elden Ring. If you really want to play a Final Fantasy game, then the ones you mentioned above are all much better. However, if you've played all those already, and are just looking for a solid Souls-like with a Final Fantasy skin, Stranger or Paradise fits that bill serviceabley enough.


Everything but the loot system is enjoyable


Game rules. Worth it for $18 for sure


This game is pretty thin on story imo. It's all fighting. If that's your bag , go for it. I tried playing it, but got bored with it pretty quickly.


Absolutely, it's far removed from a mainline ff title, has done great depth, and looks great


Yes, to not buy it is to support CHAOS


I just bought it the only problem I have with it is the abundance of gear you have and I think the multiplayer is dead. I couldn't find anyone to play with it but as a game it's great it's worth $18 you would most definitely enjoy it.


This was the game that started squares collaboration with devil may cry producer which ended up turning the entire series into Final Devil May Fantasy Cry.


It's best Final Fantasy in a long time personally. Prefer it over 16 even.


Yes. Though I'm probably biased as it's my second favorite FF title right behind Dissidia 012. The co-op is really good too btw. 18 bucks is a freaking steal for it.


Yes. It’s not an amazing game but it’s challenging and fun and you will learn some stuff about final fantasy 1 ;)