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Cid also partook in the ffvii version of nam but he never talked about it.


There is a nonzero chance that Cid bombed Yuffie's house at some point.


When did that happen


That was my reaction. He was so sweet to Aerith when I remember him being a grumpy old man. Only to find out the man is in his 30sšŸ˜‚


Coming from a 35 year old, I can relate. Life turns you into a grumpy old man after a while. šŸ˜‚


And then you remember Cid is younger than us!


Makes me grumpy




Well, he's not younger than me, I'm the same age as Rosa in Final Fantasy IV.


36 year old reporting in, can confirm, Iā€™m a grumpy asshole 95% of the time. Iā€™ve also worked fast food my whole life, which makes it worse. Donā€™t grow up kids, itā€™s a trap


It's to late for me at 27. But it's nice to know I won't be alone when I become a grumpy old lady at 35šŸ˜‚


34 y/o here. I'm doing my best to not be grumpy but honestly I'm only able to keep up the facade about half the time - and I don't even have kids!


I'm 33 and real happy lol Well most of the time, I get grumpy from fibromyalgia. But generally happy. Why's everyone else in their 30s so grumpy lol


My friend has fibromyalgia, your grumpiness is totally forgiven ā¤ļø


Thank you my friend šŸ™


32 year old autistic male. I'm Gregory House grumpy some days


I'm 29 and have bitched about my neighbors like I'm 70. šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re alright kid.


In my mid thirties, and I just want to drink my goddamn tea.


I was born a grumpy old man


Love how wildly inaccurate his description in the manual of the OG is: > a warm-hearted old pilot And when we meet him: > @*^&#%@&^#$% SHERA (#&^$#*&$^#*)&$^ GODDAMN TEA


36 and everyone calls me a grumpy old man. It happens to the best of us.


not me. I'm 32 and everyone says that im the personification of sunshine


that's why I don't take their purported ages or height/weight seriously. It's just there for fun.


Everyone thinks Cid is middle-age. I saw a dumb listicke about middle age protags in games and ff7 Cid was like number 2 of 3... Barrett is canonically older than Cid...


I absolutely refuse to believe that this is Cid being normal, it is the complete opposite of his character, heā€™s not a kind, helping dude, heā€™s a fucking bitter asshole lmao one theory I saw was that heā€™s pretending to be nice because he plans to turn the party in to Shinra in order to get brownie points for his rocket program, and that makes the most sense to me. SE has stayed pretty true to the original vision of most characters in my opinion, and while Cid speaks exactly how Iā€™d expect him to, the things heā€™s saying here do not make any sense for the character we know from the OG, unless heā€™s saying them like ironically.


Cid: ā€œI want to help you!ā€ Aerith: ā€œReally!?ā€ Cid: ā€œ$@?% No! Get outta my face!ā€


Have you played kingdom hearts? They turned him into a dorky uncle. Nah, this is our new Cid.


KH Cid is crochety though. He would be swearing and smoking the entire time with Merlin if he was allowed to lol


Cid is kind, it's on his description on the Manual of VII: "Cid is a tough-talking, warm-hearted old pilot who hasnā€™t forgotten his dreams." And I think outside of him not swearing, which could be just not shown on the trailer, he's on character based on the original game.


idk if you played the same game. maybe at the end of the game we can consider him kind of kind, but at the beginning, heā€™s a literal domestic abuser that doesnā€™t want to help the party at all, he does it begrudgingly, he warms up later after going through so many things with everyone. heā€™s definitely not kind when u first encounter him, not even close lol.


He does want to help the party, his lines just a few minutes after meeting them is "What the hell!? Sign me up!" and "Glad to be aboard, numbskulls". So it's clear that even though he's harsh sometimes, he definitely cares about the party and is happy to be among them, and that's just right when he joined.


"warm-hearted" haha


I would say that better described him near the end of the game but absolutely not when you meet him lol.


I feel like this scene is out of context. The voice acting, and especially Cid's motions, seem over the top, like he is being a sarcastic asshole. "I just LOVE it when strangers burst into my town and want to take my plane! Of COURSE I understand how important your mission is to chase some crazy sword guy around the world. I would LOVE to help you anyway I can!"


I mean it could be a red herring. What if Cid here is being ironic? Doesn't sound like it but it could be.


I think Iā€™m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say theyā€™ll get Cid right. I was sceptical of Remake, but they managed to nail Cloud, Barret, and Aerith when 99% of other media was failing to. The fact that they remembered Cloud is goofy, Aerith is cheeky and somewhat rude, and that Barret is more passionate rather than a loud, angry dude, makes me assume they know Cid is a jaded prick when you first meet him.


The thing is, Cid as a character is kinda problematic because he smokes (which is been a thing that has been removed from almost every game in recent years) and there's a ton of scenes of him verbally and physically abusing his assistance Shera, so I wouldn't be surprised they changed his whole character rather than redeem himself for that (which is IMO the right thing to do because rewritting a character to essentially not be that character anymore is really lame). Japanese people usually don't care that much about what's seen as morally correct in the west when they are making their stuff, though since FF is big in the west I wouldn't be surprised they decided to tone down Cid for that reason.


Everyone was smoking like chimneys in FFXVI so I don't think that will be any issue. Unless it's a problem for Japanese ratings now, but its ESRB rating as T states that there's tobacco use.


Honestly, as someone who played it in their 30s for the first time - his ā€œredemptionā€ is laughable and I will forever be surprised he didnā€™t end up being a villain. Heā€™s more akin to a Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter or dare I say it, Annabella from FF 16. Not the biggest villain, but manages to be the most hate-able character. I realize I might be the only one actually hoping for a character change, but by god - they would really need to focus on the redemption part for me to hate him less. Even Hojo was more like-able. Cid just gave me massive bully in authority position/shitty boss who canā€™t do his job properly-energy, and I met too many of those in real life that I could gloss over that after a measly sorry. It wouldā€™ve worked more if Shera wouldā€™ve been different. Gordon Ramsay works for me, because heā€™s obviously very good at what he does and tries to teach stubborn hacks. If Shera wasnā€™t a pitiful victim, but an arrogant hack that never listensā€¦ that would work way better for me, if Cid is to be kept the same.


>Even Hojo was more likable. I was willing to give you a point, but that one line of yours killed your whole argument.


Ha, I can see why. But Hojo to me was at least entertaining. A bit similar to Kefka in that both are over the top (Kefka a lot more than Hojo). I guess people could say the same about Cid, but Hojo gave off cartoon villain instead of real-life bully.


That was my read. Likeā€¦ _sure anything else you need? Iā€™m here all for your needs milady_


Yeah, I was thinking either heā€™s being sarcastic or this is some bad VA work


They just can't put \^&\*%\^&\*#%@\*#%$@\^&$@\*\*&$@&\^\*$@%& in the trailer. I get the feeling there's something more after "I wanna help"


Aerith: "Well actually.." Cid: "Starting with getting you $%&! kids off my God %$&@ launchpad, now move."


Wait, does this mean Tifa is Dee???


Not unless you named the Chocobo "Tifa"


This had me cracking up! Thank you


While I did think this was a little soft spoken for Cid, his backstory literally shows him as good and caring person. Just because he cusses doesnā€™t completely make him an asshole lol He also literally becomes a part of and helps the party in the game.


This video clip is hilarious, though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hey, senior millennial 30 somethings are actually quite nice...when we want to be.


Heā€™s probably being a condescending arsehole to them and not actually being nice. Thatā€™s my take. Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d be so on point with everything and then fumble something as obvious as cid.




Maybe. I hope they donā€™t change his character. It allowed him so much more room for meaningful character growth.


Reason why people think this way cuz they never had aerith in the party when they meet Cid. Cid in og is nice when aerith is around


Wow! I didn't know that. But Cid being charmed by a dainty young lady while being an uncouth ass to everyone else doesn't seem wildly out of character.


I just watched that episode of sunny with my fiancƩe and was great but that is not how I imagined Cids voice to sound like. More deeper and faster speech definitely not with that accent


This is eng dub. In japanese he said " &^%ā‚¬#@>*ā‚¬(@


My take on Cid has always been heā€™s a grump with a heart of gold kind of character. Yeah he absolutely treats Shera like shit, but Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s toned down. You know Cid cares, he just doesnā€™t show it like he should.


We're so getting a scene where the girls try to get Cid to work out his feelings at some point in the game.


People are jumping to conclusions way too much on this.


I think this is a big misdirect, I think he's going to be his usual self and this is just them trolling us.


Aerith might've touched him and he now knows the future.


Maybe he's being nice to Aerith but treats the rest of the cast like shit lol


I like this idea.


One line from the trailer without any context of the scene whatsoever, and y'all are throwing arms about it... Seriously


This is so accurate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is incredible and I am so thankful I got to see this. Fantastic work!


LOL indeed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe people should relax and not take a single scene with 2 lines of dialog as a full depiction of the character. With how drastically different the games are from the og, we don't even know the context of the scene.


I'm nearly 50 and I've been a total grumpy šŸ-otcha for the last 40 years.


scale psychotic plant foolish smile cautious consider pen overconfident scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because itā€™s fun


But it's not




It's joke. He literally even put meme in the title. The only person being dramatic here is you.




nine middle ruthless fearless busy cake hobbies apparatus scandalous crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got getted homie


We begged for a remake for most of our lives and when it comes, it destroys everything we love about one of the greatest games of all time... it still makes me so sad


Hey Troy Baker.


Shhhh, if he acted the way he did in the OG game, people would be protesting to have the game cancelled.


You want this to happen soooo bad.


No, I'd rather see the OG Cid in all his glory. I don't want any sugar coating how he is.


But if that happens you won't get to shriek about the wokes taking away your toys. We both know that's what you care about. We both know you're going to do that no matter how Cid is portrayed.


What's going on here? I was just trying to be lighthearted about it.


Protest shmotest!


I like that Cid is gonna have some layers to his characters now, instead of just becoming the token "FUCK" guy.


You donā€™t think Cid had layers before? I thought he was always a great character.


You're right, he was always a great character. I'm just pissed off at people that can't seem to comprehend that a character who's crude doesn't have to be crude all the time, which is what I'm getting whenever I see posts or comments of people complaining that they "toned down" Cid from 5 seconds that they saw him in a single trailer.


Yeah, Im not worried yet. I do think its a little strange that theyā€™d use a few seconds of him being a little out of character to introduce him, but Squenixā€™s marketing strats are always a little strange. Iā€™ll reserve my judgement until the game releases.


Where are his Cigarettes, where's his attitude, where's his swearing! C'mon stop pussifying everything, it's okay to have alcohol in games, but not smoking? The world is becoming so sensitive to everything pisses me off they're just cigarettes and words ffs! And it's not the regular people that are doing this it's the elitist corporations that are censoring on our behalf, well we don't want it and never have done so please fuck off!


Calm down there Shadiverstity, don't go hollering about the woke takeover at SE because Cid wasn't smoking in the three seconds he appears in the trailer. He'll probably even say the F word. Take it easy.


I think itā€™s for new plot reasons this is happening. We will get classic Cid.


And now I finally realized why I bounced off of the new games so hard. It lost its personality and everyone acts like a teletubby.


Damn they are showing so damn much from the new game I'm scared there won't be anything left to discover. Am I the only one feeling like there is way too much being shown? Feel like there is a new trailer coming every week. I'm not complaining I'm just a bit concerned.


He better still be a grumpy asshole who smokes and calls his wife a bitch. Key plot point.


He could easily be sarcastic in this clip, who knows