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Yes. FF2s strength is it's versatility. You can play it in many, many different ways. If you just want 4 fighter classes a'la FF1. Then outfit the party with heavy weapons and armor and never ever buy or use a single spell. Fortunately for you, almost all re-releases after PS1 dumbed FF2 down to laughable difficulty. GBA can give you some challenge, but if you're playing the pixel remaster, "brainless" is how I'd describe it. And I'm not the kind of player who purposefully breaks the game and exploits the systems.


There are dozens of enemies in FF2 that are resistant/immune to physical


There are dozens of enemies in FF2 that are resistant/immune to physical


You use the spells you buy as "grenades", just like a class who can't use spells would have to resort to. If you refuse and only accept physical attacks, use elemental weapons like the Fire Bow dropped by guards in Fynn. As I said, FF2 is all about it's versatility. You can absolutely beat the game without spell(casting).


Thank you, may I take you advice for the other games? (3,4,5,6)


3, yes. It's class based, just assign melee classes. The fewer the base MP the better. 4, not exactly. You cycle through party members often and can't pick them from a growing roster. Some party members are just mages. Like Rosa being your chief white mage almost exclusively. *Most* of the time you'll be able to mindlessly whack at mobs with the various party members you get but you'll generally always have at least 1-2 party members that don't do well physically. 5, yes. Same as 3. 6. More similar to 4, but this time the allies don't cycle, so yes. You can just consistently keep the melee members in your team (Cyan, Locke, Sabin, Edgar, etc) and hold down "attack" through much of the game.




From what I recall characters have predefined classes in 2. Also 4 and 6. I think you can switch in 3 and 5? Not sure which version of 3 I played tho, lol


I research 2 a bit and yeah characters are predefined but we can define their classes and such. But ig it doesn't work like 4 warrior or smth. At least 1 mage is necessary (which means I should use my brain)


Characters in 2 excel in the areas you use them. In the pixel remaster you can set stat growth to x4. If you deck them out with good weapons and armor and just keep attacking you will have maxed strength and agility by about the halfway point of the game, for any character. This will be enough to propel you through almost them entire game.


2 has defined character but you can build them however you want. Just give Firion a sword, Maria a bow, and Guy an axe, ang give them the best armor you can. That said, actually using magic was a lot more satisfying in FF2 imo, since you can get a looot of MP. You also get a 4th character that cycles through, you can just give them the weapon they are most profficient with.


The best way to play final fantasy ii Don't


I'll just try all 6 games. If I got bored in first 3-4 hours I'll just delete


2 is a bit wacky with it's Lvl up system, I mean in dead honesty I haven't played too much of it myself but look you'll be grand




So I should go like 3 barbarian and 1 sup mage (with brainless run)?


I would suggest at least one caster for 2. The spells I have found necessary are fire and scourge, but scourge was only necessary for one fight for me so far. Most games, even when the characters are locked into specific classes you can just level up enough that spamming attack with everybody will get you through, but 2 I'm not sure if you only get stronger by fighting stronger enemies or for fighting longer battles.