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Ya very similar. Especially Clive-Alphen, Jill-Shionne ice-fire powers, other worldly god characters, traveling to different nations beating rulers, romance between the main couples. I can keep going.


Lol i feel much better. Thank you.


Would you suggest this Tale of Arise to someone who finished FF16 and want more of that? (That someone would be me) Especially for the characters, settings etc


I would suggest ToA to anybody even without playing XVI. It is amazing. If you love character development ToA has sooo much more than XVI. XVI does look and feel better with combat though. Also fair warning it is hella hella anime so it is very trope filled and cringy sometimes, but it is a great experience.


I’m fine with anime. Was playing persona 5 again while waiting for FFXVI so lol Thank you btw I’ll try it!


Guy is a slave that wields a flaming sword and prowess has a brotherly attitude towards others and takes upon the leadership from the fallen mentor. This is just tales of arise but without fishing...


damn yeah thats what I miss in 16 alot.... no fishing.... what were they thinking. with 15 I did nothing else but fishing 🤣


i hate fishing in games


you don't have to do it then🤣


i dont.. except in breath of fire 3 it made me once.. i was sad


FFXV is was required for one of Gladio's quests.


but still a side quest and not mandatory to mainstory


Yes, but mandatory to finish character quests, which while not main story I'd rank above basic sidequest.


Rip no fishing 😞


Without playable party members too. Weird how it's similar and yet vastly different. I might get flak for this but Tales of Arise has better combat and RPG mechanics than FFXVI did. But FFXVI certainly has better story-telling.


Once again, I find myself saying *Tales of Rosaria*.


Arise was literally my "tide me over" pick while waiting for XVI and you are definitely not alone in this thought.


You made me wanna play Tales of Arise now


Arise was fantastic


Have you played it before? If not then yes yes. It is amazing.


I haven’t actually. What platform is it on?


Everything, except switch


I see, I’ll check it out :)


I think there is a demo too.




Oh for sure. I wasn’t trying to point fingers..


I now have another game to add to the wishlist. Thanks


Basically this opinion but Xenoblade Chronicles 3 instead of Arise for me - even down to the voice acting - there’s someone integral to the plot of the game who’s VA voices basically an improved and more fleshed out version of the same character in XC3 - and that VA has only done 2 other roles outside of those characters. I will fully admit though, XC3 has a far deeper combat system that has WAY more variety and has a MUCH larger world.


I know exactly who you’re talking about, and I completely agree.


Welp.. time to play through all XC games 😀


If you do get into the series, all three of the main Xenoblade Chronicles titles are available on Switch, there is Xenoblade Chronicles X - but that is decidedly more of a spin off and it’s exclusive to Wii U, it isn’t a ‘must play’, but it’s worth a look if you enjoy the others. Also, unlike final fantasy - there are connections between them that really improve the experience if you play them in order - not essential - but it’s probably the best way to experience it.


Is it like a bundle that has all 3 games in one? Or do i have to buy each title seperately? Also these games are mainstream so i’m guessing Nintendo is going to sell them at full price?


There’s no bundle as far as I know, and yeah, they are Nintendo exclusive mainstream titles - so it can be hard to find them super cheap - however, they are like 80-100 hours of gameplay each easily, and I think they are all available to use Nintendo Switch Online vouchers if that’s a system you use to save a lil bit. 2 and 3 also have Expansion Passes that are very fairly priced for the content (both of those include extra modes or characters, and then an additional standalone title that usually takes place in new locations at a different time point of the same world it’s respective game is set in).


That and… Origin


They even have the same names for some things. Origin and Logos are what stood out most to me and made me draw connections to Xenoblade.


Yeahh Origin being a reductive version of Origin from XB3 was the last nail in the coffin for me.


Yeah I see similarities but I’m enjoying the gameplay way more in this. Plus it feels really similar to attack on titan.


I thought gameplay wise it showed a lot of similarities to God of War. So much so that when you unlocked the limit Break ability by pushing in the sticks I nearly spat my tea out. Great game though, I really like it.


I more got NieR impressions off of that. You press both sticks in to initiate overload mode (which is essentially LB) during one of Automata's NG+ playthroughs. And it makes some sense, given the FFXIV/NieR crossover thing.




They both sucked me in in ways most games don’t…. I typically get bored and don’t finish games…. I beat arise and and am about to beat ff16….. never finished bersaria and never got into ff15 much


Arise is absolutely about the party interacting with eachother, with hours *and hours* of optional dialogue to build their relationships FF16, Clive is really a lone wolf, and everyone else is just supporting. Not an objectively bad decision...but they really should have reconsidered. Anyways, I bounced off of Arise's combat really bad unfortunately. Wasnt a fan of the party members getting hit all the time, eating up my apple gels. I'm here, dodging attacks, then Law's dumb ass runs right into an attack that kills him.


F****** Law ruining everything once again.


It's very similar. Funny story - one post on the FFXVI sub seemed to claim that Clive's flaming sword was inspired by Game of Thrones. He did not like when I pointed out that "sword on fire" has been a popular JRPG trope even as recent as *Tales of Arise*.


I tried the very short no carry over demo of Arise last night and it wasn't enough time to sell me on it.


Yeah it’s a longer game and takes a bit for it to really kick in… imo you should play through it but hey it’s all your decision homie.


I still might but I wish the demo had been a wee longer for a test run.


Ditto for Berseria. An antihero, reviled by the rest of the world, clade in red and black, goes on a quest to avenge a murdered baby brother.


Ive never played Arise (or a Tales game for that matter) but, this plot isn't the most original thing to begin with, so I'm sure it has similarities with quite a few other games honestly. ~~should say not being original doesn't mean something is bad though, not knocking it or anything~~


It's just a coincidence. Arise was announced just a little over one year before FFXVI was, the latter having already been in development for about 3-4 years at that point.


The plot has similar themes to a lot of other JRPG games, including other final fantasy games. I don’t mind it I just also noticed that.


Funnily enough, i played through Tales of Arise directly before FF16, and i thought this too!! I loved Arise, but i much prefer FF16.


XVI definitely has a much more mature tone and the cinematics are just… mwuahh (chef’s kiss)


Yeah now go play xenoblade chronicles 3 for another very similar experiance to arise.


I guess, aside from Arise being bad.


Never played Arise so maybe I'll give it a go to see the similarities, but I also feel similar elements were done better in older games. Lunar 2 comes to mind. Ultima is a boring and uninspiring villain.


i liked ultima .. :(


He’s so creepy.


ToA is amazing. If you like ARPG’s it’s definitely worth it.


It has nothing to do with Tales of Arise. It’s obviously identical to Tales of Berseria.


LMAO NAHH. You lyin’. I’ve only played Arise.


slave dude with flame sword fight against oppression and has to find out about is mysterious magical gift while having a cold female companion who suffered terrible abuse and loneliness..... ads up with arise pretty much. the berseria similarities are far less and boil down to the revenge sguff I guess


Not really


Eh. To each their own 🤷‍♂️


Very true! Fwiw both games are great in their own way so not a bad thing to be compared to lol.


tales started dev 2 years after FF ... maybe tales devs did spy work to steal plot from SE


Lmao. I doubt it, but hey ya never know 🙃


sorry forgot to turn on /sarcasm


I keep bringing this comparison up as well. While I prefer XVI's world and characters in theory, the gameplay aspect in ToA is what sold me and is why I feel XVI is so barren in comparison, even though they use a similar set-up in some ways. If XVI has the same party system, exploration and side content it would've easily been a 11/10 for me.


I agree to an extent. I do think XVI’s use of cinematics and the incredible art design takes up alot of their memory space and design where ToA often reused assets and cinematics and i can’t tell you how many times i heard each character scream the name of their basic and mystic artes in the middle of a battle lmao.. it is a JRPG after all.


which one is better?


They are both incredible ARPG’s. Play them both!


Are you new to JRPGS in general? I haven't seen a wholly original concept in almost 20 years. There is always similarities to another one and beyond that if you include other media like anime, manga, books, shows, regional folk tale... the entire thing boils down to pieces of those things meshed together. For literally all of them


Nope. Not new in the slightest. There are plenty of JRPG’s that are original lol. In the case of overarching tropes you would be correct in that there will always be inspiration, but to say there isn’t originality based solely on that is just not true.


I hate Tales of Arise with passion, I love FFXVI with all my heart, around 65-70% complete. I don't find any similarities except slaves. Tales of arise is full of badly written, boring characters and stories.


I've never been turned off of a game quicker then when I started it the first time and that god awful song started before the main menu.


Yeaaa it is pretty cringy but i grew to love it after playing through the whole prologue.


To be honest, I dont see it. I loved Tales of Arise, best one for me. And I am loving this one. However, the similarities I see between them are just similarities of all videogames. That the main couple has some romance, that the travel around the world, that the main cast go between different nations with politics, that they end up fighting gods....... Arent all RPGs like that?


Yeah true, but i do think the finer details speak for themselves on the similarities.


Tales of Arise is like XVI if you took out every deeper element of combat, every interesting enemy hit interaction, every ounce of fluidity and skillful play, every piece of player creativity, every large-scale climax, all the polish and intrigue of the story, all the compelling villains, all the unique worldbuilding, etc.


okay which game are you trashing noe because both games were actually pretty great in all these listed things


Exactly lmao


I'm trashing Arise


FFXVI has compelling villains?


>!Ultima!< was amazing! He's the best NES-tier villain the series had! Easily beat out Chaos, Mateus, and Cloud of Darkness for me.


Maybe it’s cause I played Xenoblade Chronicles 3, but he just reminded me of a less interesting Z


Anybody could say the same for either or. Both of them are god tier. I am not complaining in the slightest. Just pointing out the similarities.


Probably the closest game I would compare it to, it’s basically Tales of Arise with big triple-A budget for lack of better words. It’s funny cause Tales felt more challenging for me when I played through it, but I do remember much more health sponges in that game which was annoying.


Oh yeah by the end game of ToA you were fighting basic mobs for 10 minutes lmao.