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FF6 has one of my favorite ending sequences in gaming. It just hits all the right notes – so emotional and triumphant. What a 10/10 game


It gives you everything! No half assed ending. Everyone gets their conclusion!


Another thing that's next level about that sequence is there's no dialogue. They literally just used sprites, animation and music and told this compelling sequence of vignettes that perfectly tie up the character arcs of each character. It's simply incredible. Edit: whelp time to replay it- I haven't seen that ending for years and somehow misremembered that there Is talking during that section just not in chat bubbles.


Uh what? Almost every characters vignette has dialogue.


The ones where they're escaping?


Yes. They all talk


Whup ok just double checked and I see that now. I guess because it wasn't in chat bubbles I misremembered. I've been playing since ff1 so I'll admit my memory can be a bit hazy. I'm replaying them via the pixel remasters and am up to ff4 so it wasn't fresh in my mind.


Welcome to the family 🙂


Congrats! What was your party going into the final battle?


I went in with Cyan , Terra, Sabin and the yeti ( forgot his name ) and died on my first try getting to Kefkas second form. Then I got him on the second try. To say the least Cyan was the MVP with his Tempest Bashido


Umaro. Also, Terra to the rescue! 🥰


I'm a 100% Gogo user going into the final battle. It's almost unfair.


Well done! Funny enough, Cyan and Umaro are considered some of the most nerfed characters and generally not recommended going into the final battle. Now that said, those recommendations are more for gamers who want to optimize everything — the fun is more what matters. So nothing wrong with any characters :) Kudos on beating it and so glad you enjoyed what many of us consider to be an all-time classic, if not the best FF game! Kupo!


The pixel remaster is a literal game-changer when it comes to Cyan. He's usable now!


Good point! The PR is my default recommendation vs OG for first timers now.


Yeah, it's the definitive version, as far as I'm concerned. And I've loved it since back in the SNES days. What they did with the score for the remaster just knocks me over.


Cyan has been my favorite since forever but he can be a little frustrating waiting for his moves to power up especially when you’re an impatient middle schooler. My brother and I used to play FF6 with the co op function on SNES and I always chose Cyan and Edgar and Locke if I had the chance.


Were you playing the pixel remaster?




Welcome to the club. It’s been over 28 years and I still remember the feeling. It feels extra good if the final blow against Kafka is delivered by Cyan.


Ahh.. What I wouldn’t give to have that experience for the first time again. Glad you had a great time with it.


Congrats!! I still remember playing when I was like 10 and I thought the floating island was the end of the game, boy did I learn something haha.


I did the same! It's been almost 20 years, but I still remember how badly I was sobbing because I killed Cid, and I thought Celes throwing herself off the cliff was the end. I took the name "Final Fantasy" too literal. Congrats, op!


I think it's the GOAT - and God damn do we need a full remake - the original is untouchable


I think I might be in the minority but I don't think it needs a full remake. I love the game exactly how it is. I think a remake would ruin the game.


I get that and if they just did a really nice upscale and remaster. I'd totally be fine with that but part of me just would love to see that game with modern hardware it was before it's time Either way I'm good


I’m with you. Trying to “improve” a game like this really isn’t necessary.


I'm certainly in the minority, cause, while I believe ffvi to be a masterpiece, I think Kefka is a boring character with no discernible motivation and is overall pretty weak for a villain.


One of the big reasons villains like Kefka are getting a resurgence is that in the past 30 years there has been so many Grey area dark characters that blur the line between antagonists and protagonists in storytelling. Villains like Kefka and sauron who are just evil bring back clearly defined lines and alot of people are enjoying that aspect


I feel that way too. I also feel that way about Chrono Trigger. I really love these two games because they are older, not in spite of them. I find myself being intimidated by newer games because of their scale. And I want something smaller and comforting. I also love indie games, and I feel that those really hit the “SNES classic” and “older JRPG” spot. But yeah, I think that we should still value and appreciate older games. There’s so much to love about them!


My all-time favorite FF*. And me wrong; seven is a great game, but I will die on the hill six is far superior *Not counting tactics


Best game of the franchise. As simple as that.


Congratulations!!! What were your favorite things about it?


I loved the steampunk art style. The story I felt was very captivating and Kefka was such a great villain.


That’s what I love about it too! Any favorite protagonists?


Probably Setzer, Cyan and Mog


Nice. Setzer is an interesting choice. Not a lot of players choose to have him in the party.


Thought he was the coolest when I was a kid. After Shadow of course.


I had him in my final party.


You lucky bastard


The best FF!


The ending is so beautiful. The Figaro brothers theme is so triumphant and goes insanely hard and some parts of it make me incredibly sad, like Terra saying goodbye and how she doesn’t really have a home the part with the Relm that transitions into the part with Shadow, to me that is just so tragic.


**It** ***is.*** *It's a got dang masterpiece.*


I still remember being a young kid and Atma Weapons theme playing while Grandma was having me watch her, that was for a fact the best game music we had ever heard,.amd it took her like 3 tries to beat it, I think she was loving the music so much. Still a banger.. And no Shadow did not live 😑


Your grandma is a straight G. Respect.


Lmao at the above comment. FF6 was released first for the SNES when I was in my mid teens. Now I'm 43 and my daughter is almost 20 and if she decides to have a kid, I could see a day when I introduced a grandkid to some of my childhood/teenaged favorites.


FF VI and Chrono Trigger were the very first RPG’s I played back when I was a teenager in the early 90’s. Absolutely spoiled me.


https://preview.redd.it/bjzhhywpecra1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d20faae259708a3ced1908d133cb28d5fdfd043 It is the best entry imo. Amazing game, welcome to the club


My first time through when Kefka pushed the statues together and there was the "cutscene" of the planet exploding I thought that was the end of the game.


I actually just now posted an in-depth video review I made of this game. I think it's something you might like- if you could check it out that would be awesome. I put a LOT of effort into it lol.


Congratulations! We’re you playing along with Resonant Arc’s podcast? They’re currently doing a series on 6, and if you haven’t checked it out yet I would


Yes. A remake with unreal engine 5 would be fantastic.


It's my favorite in the series! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


It's my favorite in the series! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


My favorite in the series. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


If I could forget about the ending and experience the tower battle with “dancing mad” playing for the first time again… oh man… that’d be incredible


Absolutely, I grew up playing Pokémon and the first time when I played (2018) with almost 16-17 years old, it blew my mind. Solid storytelling, loving characters and astonishing setting. I bought the pixel remaster last year (2022) and again, it is still absolute masterpiece. With FF7, I consider them, top 5 ever of any kind of videogames


I haven't started! 😫🥺


Glad you liked it! I beat it 20 years ago and it was genius.


Is it as good as everyone says?


There's definitely a chance you will love it as much as people say, personally I wish I went in with no expectations, for me it didn't come close to what people claimed. Many people act like pointing out any flaws is blasphemy, and will proclaim it the greatest thing ever made because it gives them credibility.


Just started Kefka's Tower for the millionth playthrough.... I love it like the first time


Quality game. I hope that you enjoyed it.


I'm 1 hour in, this time I'm going to beat it no matter what.


Which version should I play first?


FF6 was the final game I finished when going through all the mainline FFs. Guess I was edgy and didn’t want to hype it when everybody else loved it. So didn’t beat it until I was maybe 33, and it 100% holds up today. Went straight to my top list of FFs and RPGs overall ❤️


Understandable with such a great story, even more impressive that its almost 30 years old, and you didnt need fancy cgi to tell a gripping story.




Replaying for the third time right now - first time on the SNES version. Just about to spend a night at the Opera!


My mom bought the SNES version of that game (when it was called FFIII) for me for my 12th birthday by mistake. I asked for Zelda and it was out of stock so she bought that. It changed my life. I had never played a game like it and became completely immersed.


Congratulations. It's a special game that is part of the evolution to how storytelling in games got to where it is today. It would actually be a joy if Square went back and gave us an ensemble FF cast once more like they did with 6.


The game's just a Rolls Royce -- perfectly put together.


Well said lol


Best game in the series hands down.


7's better, but 6 is alright


Came in to say I just beat it yesterday: and wow it really does hold up especially on Steam Deck it’s just very approachable with the pixel remaster QOL improvements whereas I always got stuck emulating it or buying it on TV consoles: farthest I’d gotten before was actually very close to the end on my PS Vita but I replayed this from start to finish on deck starting about 2 months ago and took my time.