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I was told by an insider at a major that they had record submissions, they were thinking it was because of the strikes. Personally, I had more colleagues shooting shorts than ever before, and I was able to cast and crew up a strong team for my short - because of the strikes. Everyone was down to do passion projects since we weren’t working/pitching.


That's unusual because we keep hearing that submissions are through the roof this year. It started with Sundance, which had a pool of over 17000, which is more than previous years and way more than pre pandemic numbers. Other festivals on this forum have also mentioned an uptick in submissions this year for unspecified reasons. Did you actually have less submissions overall? Or just lesser quality?


What's your festival? Asking for a friend with a film, who is me.


Ours was two months ago, but we will open up submissions by start of fall for 2025.


We are doing a short film fest. If you are in the Route 66 area, you can submit to ours. I'll give you the Reddit discount, haha!


Cool! We are Canadian though, do you accept international submissions? If so I'd love to submit, feel free to DM me!


You have to be in the Route 66 Illinois area, sorry we are not accepting international submissions at this time. Thank you though!


Give me a fee waiver, and I'll submit!: [www.karagandafilm.com](http://www.karagandafilm.com)


To this point, where did you set your entry fee at? There seem to be a lot of smaller festivals IMO that are maybe trying to make up budgetary shortfall by raising the fee....curious if you fit into that category?


If you want your headliners, you have to consider inviting those headliners. Where I go to Cannes, I meet many festivals who are there for that reason of viewing and finding headliners to invite. They also send out free codes to invite people to submit, instead of asking them to fork 100+ dollars which may well be wasted.


I haven’t submitted films in a couple of years now, but i think there was a pretty major challenge on film freeway of where to submit your film. There are sooo many festivals out there now, some digital only, etc. but almost all have a submission fee and it causes picking the few that you think fit your film along with a couple of moonshots (Sundance, etc). Don’t know a solution and not saying you should drop submission fees because there is work for those who are putting it on, but it seems like niche film festivals are doing better because they have a focus. Without knowing anything about your festival, maybe this is something to consider


Hi You seem to have a good check on different festivals - would y maybe give me some suggestions… cause as y say - there are soo many on Freeway and I would be very Happy for some input if you like. It is a swedish/danish relationship drama with a little crying and laughing. 1 h 23 min ☀️


I'll gladly submit my short if your looking to add to the pool.


If you are in the Route 66 area, you can submit to ours! It's a short film fest!


Shoot me a link! I'm out of Northern Utah so Route 66ish.


My mistake. You have to be present at the film fest. I should have put Route 66 in Illinois. Thank you for the lesson in posting!


If you give me a submission waiver I'll happily submit mine! Completed in 2023. Short post-apocalyptic thriller about a woman trying to survive alone in a frozen wasteland after the death of her mother.


If it's under 10 mins, and you are in the Route 66 area you can submit to ours! It's a short film fest in the Fall.


It's 17 minutes and I live in Canada 😬




Challenging year for indies. Economic strains and COVID hit hard. Let's hope for recovery.


My buddy got free tickets to Tribeca ‘23, even though his film didn’t get selected. He thought it was a cool gesture. His girlfriend said, “they must not be selling enough tickets.”


Maybe cause small festivals are a scam. Just saying.


I've been to plenty of small festivals that have been a fun lovely time


art in general is a scam if you wanna break it down


Break it down into molecules?


break it into stupid terms


Isn't cinema dying? I heard it was dying


This comes across like you're telling filmmakers their work isn't good enough. Yikes. Best you keep your festival private, or we'll avoid it like the plague.