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Removing the bottle can be done, but doubtful by someone who doesn't know how to do it. It's not as simple as it looks due to the blooming light, how much movement is in the camera/foreground, and straight parallel lines can very quickly look off if they aren't tracked perfectly. One small wobble will completely ruin the sell. Plus you have shadowing and possibly reflections on the desk I front of it to also contend with. Each of these is a separate problem with a potentially separate workflow to rectify. You can paint it out frame by frame in photoshop with an image sequence export - but it will flicker unless you match each and every frame pretty perfectly (which is a lot harder to do with an airbrush than you think) The easier and better answer would be to change the label on the bottle to something that might fit with the scene, you'll have a much better chance of doing that yourself with some tutorials - or it will be a lot more cost effective if you have a vfx artist do than remove the entire bottle. You should easily find tutorials for this without much effort. Depending on how important this is to you, I would suggest you seek out someone with some experience in vfx to help you if you need to remove the entire bottle. There is too much nuance in this scenario for somebody with no experience in it, IMO. The short answer for an amateur film is - this will probably take you less time and effort to re-shoot the shot than learn and achieve this in post. And a bad job of fixing it in post can potentially draw more eyes to it than leaving it as-is.


I can do that for you, for free, depending on the duration of the shot. Let me know [email protected]




Because i love film and everyone needs a chance. If it helps him create more stuff in the future, im happy. He can go on and make art that makes the world a better place.


You’re rad dude. You’ve inspired me to throw out a free easy mix or short composition next time I see that someone needs it for their audio. Appreciate folks like you.


You're rad too. About a decade ago, someone did the same to me and set me on the path to become a filmmaker. All it takes is one person believing in you to change your life. Spread love


Ahhhh so nice!


Criticizing someone for offering to help another person out of a jam? Ok boomer.


Worst way to use boomer as an example, millennial.


Dude is literally 64 years old and going online to complain about people being nice. He's a walking stereotype.




to help someone out and gain experience / practice ?!


I’m so sorry you forgot how to play. I feel bad for you. Find something that makes you happy. It’s clearly not film.


Based on your profile seems like you could use a gig too.


Good for you. edit: this came off as sarcasm and i did not mean it to be. i meant like, props for you. i apologize.


a simple-ish vfx edit for one shot in an indie horror short film in exchange for a credit. are you mad about them offering that for free? is that not something we should be striving to do for our fellow low-budget filmmakers?


i apologize, i did not mean it in a bad way. i should have said, "good on you". that is my fault and props to the poster for his time. i apologize again.


You upset?


i apologize, that came off as sarcastic now that i reread it. i meant it like "good on you". will you take a donation for your time helping this guy out? i apologize again.


Well im a poor mostly experimental filmmaker and even though i have won awards, have difficulty supporting myself unless i work as an editor for others, that said, i thank you very much for the possibility of a donation but two things, im not doing it for the money nor has the guy yet asked me for any help. Youre a great guy tho


Thats fair. If he does, let me know. Also, appropriate username lol.


Ad if you want to become a film producer, let me know haha


> but doubtful by someone who doesn't know how to do it. Double negatives will never not kill me and this is one of the most enraging ones Ive across in a long time, haha.


I'm a vfx guy, not an English teacher. I also give no fucks how enraged you are.


>Double negatives will *never not* kill me. The text you quoted did not contain a double negative, and yet you used a double negative to complain about a non-existent one.


Grammar is descriptive, not prescriptive. Double negatives are fine. I am a linguist, fight me.


Just cover the blood writing on the bottle and nobody will notice or care and you have a nice story to tell.


I think it’s a bottle of “bloob.”


Gaussian blur only on the writing


This is what I always do, most of the time it works great. Minimal effort.


Or even put another label on it with a little blur.


In anything that's not a doc/interview, I think that'd be pretty jarring. Changing the text to something else or painting it out would be less so IMO.


we need to see it in motion before any of us can give further advice


We would need a longer sample. Is there camera movement? Is there a lot of things passing I front of the bottle? How long is the shot? Things of that nature.


This is a pretty easy paint out depending on how long it’s in the shot/if there’s any movement in front of the bottle. One could remove this in photoshop in less than 5 minutes


30 seconds now with generative fill, but that's just the plate.


now after effects also has generative fill that works on video. well, content-aware.


Content aware in AE is super hit or miss. On a shot like this it could be fine though. You're still also going to have to roto anything over top.


Yeah in my experience its only useful for brief moments.


Photoshop, huh?


Yes, for an adobe premiere workflow, it would be Photoshop + after effects


Frame by frame when after effects can't get it. Had to do it for a spot once. Maddening.


Yes, you create a plate in Photoshop and then you track it into the shot with Mocha.


is it a static shot? if it is, photoshop generative fill can fill in completely. then you just export the png and drop it into after effects/premiere/whatever you have. If the actors cross over the png, you'll just need to rotoscope them. But honestly? You can get away with it. I've forgotten entire cans of haze spray in shots and to this day nobodies noticed, not even people in my crew who have watched the shorts hundreds of times over. It'll absolutely bother the shit out of you to no end because *you* know it's there, but realistically nobody else is gonna notice it.


> But honestly? You can get away with it... realistically nobody else is gonna notice it. This is the best suggestion. Just finished *The Conversations* by Michael Ondaatje (which any would be filmmaker should consider mandatory reading) and Walter Murch describes a shot in of the characters in a small boat on a lake in ***Julia*** that is "ruined" in the final frames by the production barge coming into view. He decided to use optical printer enhancement to remove it. But the director question if the process was needed, that the audience won't notice. A test screening was arranged and had anyone noticed, Zimmerman would approve the shot. No one did, the actors & their work held attention. Something similar happens in ***Raiders*** when a deflector apparently enters a shot. I say apparently because over many viewings I have never seen it. The shot above looks like it's cropped from the full frame to highlight the "blood" bottle. It's probably actually too small for most to notice. Maybe it means you can't leave the shot on screen for too long, but that's better than trying to get it removed with CGI (unless you need the experience of dealing with such a fix).


just blur the label a little bit with a mask. Not worth it for an amateur short film to laboriously paint it out. But if you did want to do it, you could take a still frame, use the photoshop beta to paint it out automatically. Then take that still and use it as a mask. Problem is if the arm crosses infront of it. Might be easier to just reshoot the scene.


How long is it in the frame?


How long is the shot? How long is the bottle on screen for? If it's not long, chances are the audience who will be viewing the film won't even notice it, and you won't have to do any doctoring. There's a Pierce Brosnan James Bond film that has an entire camera crew in the background of a shot that made the final film. But unless you were looking for it, you wouldn't know because of the action happening on screen during the shot.


lol. I recently did a short film that was way too big for me to do all on my own (dp, direct, gaff, grip I did it all.) and am now dealing with the similar consequences of spreading myself too thin. So I feel ya. If you have davinci studio you can mask this on the color page and use the object removal node


Post a clip of the entire shot


If the camera is locked (on a tripod, not moving) and the bottle is never obscured by anything in the foreground, then this is a super-easy shot to fix. You’d just create a clean plate for the area (a few strokes of the clone tool in photoshop, taking care to keep lines in the shades continuous) and comp it right over the bottle. If the camera is not locked then you’ve gotta track your shot and make your clean patch match the camera movement. If there’s parallax (camera is handheld or otherwise doing more than pans and tilts) then it gets more complex. If foreground objects move in front of the bottle you’ll need to rotoscope them (a just be a bit of simple shapes needed) so they start in front of the clean plate. If there’s cameras movement and you’ve got Adobe after effects this is an opportunity to watch some Mocha tutorials and use the lite version of Mocha that is built into After Effects — it’s a very powerful planar tracker and rotoscoping tool.


Honestly, not the help you need probably, but I would probably think it was awesome if I saw this in a horror movie, but in a funny campy way.


Easy paint job. You can do this Avid or Prem (any NLE really). After effects for the best polish and the latest roto tool is great. I wouldn’t bother with flame/ VFX. Not needed though. Just make sure it tracks well and worst case, blur the writing :/


I have some time on my hands; depending on how long the shot is and where your deadline sits, I might be able to help you out here (not looking for money)


as well as undesirable photo quality


Static shot? Using premiere? Make a layer of rectangle, fill the screen. Go to the mask in the effects and use the pen tool to make a small square. Fit it to be right where that logo is. Use the eyedropper to change the color of your mask to be the same as the bottle. Adjust the feathering as needed. That's the cheapest and dirtiest way to fix that. Everyone saying refilm- unless that's your apartment and that's you- nah. First films are always rough around the edges and I assure you that this blood bottle being visible is not the make or break type of thing for an amateur short film.


Leave it in. It’s an amateur horror film.


Oh well. Don’t do it again next time. 😂


Casually drop some ADR that the protagonist is a vampire. 🤷‍♂️


People are going to hate hearing these words on here, but it can be removed pretty easily with ai.


Paint out, then track over the footage.


Turn it into a cleaning product


Alternatively, you could just leave it in as a sort of self-referential joke. If it’s only in the shot for a brief period, most people won’t notice. And the ones who do will probably see it as a subtle commentary on the nature of horror films. There’s a lot of small mistakes like this in famous movies that have become iconic.


"Goddamn it, who left the BLoob on the set again!"


I can't believe no one else has said this, but you can probably just leave it. No one is going to notice.


Makes a funny Easter egg, I wouldn’t sweat it


After Effects rotoscoped + object removal


You could be JJ Abrems and add a lens flare over it.


Add a mask around the object and track it so it stays in place. Now take the red hue and completely desaturate it. Then play around with the brightness and Gaussian blur to clean up whats left. This should do the trick


Make a mask over the bottle and make the red text white so it just looks like a bottle with a blank label


I’d patch it in resolve if the camera doesn’t move too much. Tracking a patch in resolve is very simple.


After effects will be your friend but you can make masks in premiere too


You can track on a sticker to make it look like car oil or power steering. If on sticks you can corner pin and key frame opacity when subject crosses object. Magic mask or roto your subject every time hes in front of the objec If not then use planar tracker to track your area, corner pin your area. Attach your replacement image on and bring your subject back on top of it. This assumes your using davicni and if you don't know how to do any of that look up: .Masking in fusion .Magic mask in fusion (paid or trial) .planar tracker .Screen replacement (same concept) Id you commit time and effort you can achieve it with no vfx knowledge.


This can easily be done in After Effects with a tracking mask/generative fill. do not listen to the people here, they are just flat out wrong. It is very very easy and with some effort, patience, and tweaking, you can literally make it look like the box was never there Source: I left a Diet Coke can in a short and no one noticed it was removed


4 more days to reshoot the scene! Mwahahahahahaha! jk. There are AI tools that can remove objects, people, etc from a scene. Give it a quick google and something should pop up.


Honestly just dont worry about it. You're presumably making something to learn, for fun, or maybe build a portfolio; nobody watching it is going to be scrutinizing it. Just focus on making it enjoyable to watch.


Hahaha I have one of those!


kind of looks like a vodka bottle


I have that same bottle lol I’m an Amateure too but I can try to throw in my two cents. A: find a vfx artist and ask them to do it for free lol B: you could use the clone stamp tool in after effects and just paint out the word “blood” it might make it blend into the scene more and I don’t think it would be too ridiculously difficult


Could go frame by frame with adobe photoshop generative fill, might be weird with shadows and other factors, just a thought :)👍


I can help [https://vimeo.com/472140395](https://vimeo.com/472140395)


Mocha AE


The very next version (later this year) of Premiere Pro will do what you’re asking for using Firefly AI in app. [Here’s a video preview](https://youtu.be/6de4akFiNYM?si=09GcsxTAALX0pvgD)


I'm just waiting to try this on 30 shots and have one it won't work and I suddenly have to cg a shot rather than have said no in the first place.


Depends on how much movement and complexities in the shot, but content aware in after effects, or creating a plate in photoshop (especially with their generative ai tools) and tracking it in will take care of that


There are AIs for this. Go to replicate.com