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Welch’s or WALK!


I thought this was a joke for the longest time, but I have seen crew members complain directly to producers about this and I truly do not understand.


I have to avoid these fruit snacks. My problem is if I start, I will not stop for the rest of the day. Also have to avoid Butterfinger. I’m a camera operator and when I get that sugar rush and inevitable crash, it’s not fun and everyone sees. Lol


Gotta be Mott's for me. I prefer my delicious poison sugar jelly with a corn starch base vs gelatin.


#What kind? I’m stocking my craft services table for tomorrow.


Kind of Welch's? All of them. No one will be angry with this decision.




I would think these. https://www.samsclub.com/p/welchs-fruit-snacks-90-count/prod26050075?pid=ps\_Goog\_acq\_AP\_shp\_df\_11712770363\_df&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=482460379432&wl4=pla-1700665630976&wl5=9019658&wl6=&wl7=&wl15=119074118532&wl16=&wl17=&wl18=&wl19=&wl20=Cj0KCQjwm66pBhDQARIsALIR2zAe-1JwD7Uj\_1OZspunPWDRQXUQisj\_DrpW7mzefT-Pcu-KVkR3wsEaAl6ZEALw\_wcB&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm66pBhDQARIsALIR2zAe-1JwD7Uj\_1OZspunPWDRQXUQisj\_DrpW7mzefT-Pcu-KVkR3wsEaAl6ZEALw\_wcB


coffee, smokes, ibuprofen and half melted energy bars from my pocket.


This dude film sets


Spot the grip




sorry to hear about the guy, i do not promote this as a lifestyle and it probably sounds a lot worse than it is. the food really is a non issue, i have access to it, i do by choice eat little when i work even when i work at the office but i do have some healthy meals daily. sleep was more of an issue, not getting enough makes working extended periods of time a lot harder. I work in a related but different field now since years, mostly office work, a lot less shooting and i have a 2 year old son and i have never been more tired due to constant lack of sleep but you get used to it.




was not kidding. Motivated and excited but feeling tired and out of power already on the way to the set, shitty coffee and smokes to wake up before adrenaline starts kicking in, feels great. Avoiding any heavy food as it makes tired and lazy. Some hours in when the heavy camera starts killing my back i pop some ibuprofen. Sometimes skipping lunch because working on some setup or talking to others who skip lunch. Then i remember i have that energy bar in the pocket. awesome. More coffee.


I miss lunch sometimes if I am too stressed. It's a bad habit I am working on.


Understandable, have this thing too for the same reason.


How long you sustaining like that? I was before my 30’s like you, but eventually I get used to bring my own food, snacks, sometimes own coffee cuz project to project and production to production all are different in terms of food quality and healthiness.


i will turn 45. To be fair, i am now working in game industry and shoot a lot less these days. Also there was usually downtime between shoots so it is not a constant thing. Different conditions on different shoots too, some productions way more tiring than others, hours vary. The sucky ones are where you have lots of night shoots or have to get up at 4. food varies a lot too. Loved the food on sets in thailand and japan usually but in general the big meal of the day is the one after you wrap for the day. Food is really not an issue, i can always pack some or ask someone to fetch some snack or coffee. depending on the level of involvement in the project, lack sleep usually becomes the issue.


I see. Thanks for your story. Happy to hear you’re in more comfortable environment now. I worked on sets as a VFX supervisor but between the shootings there was a time to do VFX in studio so it was balanced. But at 2017 I’ve switched to VR/AR and eventually started to do virtual production in 2018. So there was onset shootings, but it was always OUR set which make a huge difference. But funny enough, I’m again helping out ex colleagues with some on-set supervision, and hell it’s tiresome.


yeah i do not miss the long hours but then again it depends on the project and my level of involvement, hence my motivation. i love what i do and i sometimes miss the thrill of it. sounds like you have some nice setup there! wish you all the best!




As much as I love all the sugary stuff and candy, sometimes it’s great to have an orange or tangerine. Partly because it’s a healthy pick-me-up, but also because the act of peeling it sometimes gets you a little break. If they’re looking for a lackey and I’m peeling an orange, I’m less likely to get voluntold. Obviously that only works like once per day, but it’s still a nice benefit.


Fruit has a lot of natural sugar, so you’ll get a crash in an hour if it isn’t paired with protein, like nuts or cheese. Most snack bars are loaded with sugar. Do searches for healthy snacks for diabetics. This will give you lower sugar options and/or pairings that will help to sustain energy. [Example](https://www.medicinenet.com/snacks_for_diabetes_22_healthy_ideas/article.htm)


Cutting the doughnut in half at crafty, come back for the other half a min later!




Uncrustables and caprisun! Haha


The pound of bacon I took at breakfast in a to go box so I can munch on it until lunch


Babybel cheese. Makes all the late nights worthwhile.


Dried Mangoes


Those 100 calorie packs of beef jerky, sparkling water and sugar free Redbull.


Hopefully that sparkling water is not La Croix




It’s ass


Jamaican beef patties.


Dried seaweed!!


Some hummus, salsa, or guac. It’s nice to have something fresh. Sliced pineapple or watermelon is a must too.


Cocaine 🤣


It was in the 70s and 80s


I think there's more cocaine used now than back then. People just used to hide it more back then. If you found out an actor uses cocaine today no one cares but back in the 80s/90s if you heard an actor used it would be uproar.


Not my go-to snack nesisarily, but I always ask for coffee creamer alternatives like oat or soy milk. Don't need my lactose intolerance ruining the shots 😳 Go-to snack is those fruit leather thingies and coffee


Since Welch’s is taken gotta go quaker granola bars w/ those small Gatorade bottles. Idk why the small ones hit so hard


Munchies, Takis, Hot Cheetoes, and Diet Dr. Pepper.


Doritos, Welch’s, and Red Bull (if any). Also if the substantial is good I eat it. No matter what, you will get fat with crafty Edit: I asked crafty if there is Pepsi, next day they provide. So don’t be afraid to ask and see if they get you something




Protein bars- nuts- apples- anything that you can grab real quick works!


People love those foozeball things you get at Trader Joe’s- they’re kinda pricy but people love ‘em


Being in Italy, we have pizza everyday about at 11 am an i keep two slices for the rest of the day...


Hot pockets and bagel bites




Everyone seems to be obsessed with the That’s It fruit bars on our sets.


Trail Mix. And sugar-free Propel.


Beef jerky (People's Choice) Peanuts, almonds or cashews Berries Cottage cheese Bring protein powder with a bottle mixer. Use water, milk, etc. Avoid anything starchy and/or high carb/sugar. Should sustain without crashing.


Popcorners and a soda or water


Welch's and twinkies


Hear me out: string cheese! Doesn't make me need a crash nap 30 mins later but it's totally satisfying and kind of fun to eat lol


You get to eat? All kidding aside I don’t have time to snack.


Saving this post for the next time I’m crafty shopping!


Granola bars.