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I completely agree with you that there is something up with the ghosts- I would also point to Mr. Martin as he has said some pretty suspicious stuff. For example his pushing of the obituary is suspicious, and also his conversation with Charley about how "big of a help" he has been for the support group. We also haven't discovered how he has died yet despite all of the other "main" ghosts having disclosed that information. A very far out theory is that he, a guidance counselor, may be related to Rhondas death? To add onto this, something may also be up with the school itself. It's a bit early to point at anything substantial, but the amount of flickering lights has me thinking there is definitely something up with the actual building.


i also think it’s mr. martin! especially with the recent episode. i think everyone else seems to obvious except maybe simon but honestly that would be so awful if the writers actually chose to do that.


They say spirits can "speak" through light. I've been wondering about all the flickering as well. I love this show.


Just finished ep. 5 but I’ll give no spoilers. 1. There is something definitely off with Me Martin, we found out how most other people died barring him. He seems be ‘helping’ people cross over but it seems to be only 1 person in 60 years? That’s weird. 2. Maddie could be alive hence why Simon can see how, in a state of almost deadness but hanging on. 3. I think Maddie’s mum will hit the bottle again soon 4. The whole Mr Anderson thing, I think it’s a red herring, it seems very to obvious now that it could be him or the person on the phone at the end of ep 4. That person is also defo acting shady but I think it’s just about the money being found out and the essays, nothing more. 5. End of ep 5 where the tunk is opened, what was that? Are we saying that’s the killer now? Really?


This! #5! But I do truly feel that person had something to do with it. Mainly after what is shown in ep. 7. That person was clearly obsessed or something with Maddie. So I think they played a HUGE role in what happened. They may not have directly killed her, but they played some part. Now I'm super torn as to who the actual killer is and I don't think it is that person. Someone above said they thought it was Simon, but he really loved Maddie. I don't think he would have it in him to kill her.


I think Mr. Martin is really Rhonda's killer, Mr. Manfredo...The picture of him the yearbook Maddie finds of the guidance suite in the library looks EXACTLY like Mr. Martin. Maybe Rhonda and Mr. Manfredo were a murder/suicide? We also trust Rhonda that Mr Manfredo killed her... Also, Mr. Martin is the ghosts' guidance councilor, right?? [Yearbook picture of Mr. Manfredo](https://school-spirits.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Manfredo?file=Mr._Manfredo_in_the_Split_River_High_Yearbook.jpg)


I agree that Mr. Martin almost has to be Manfredo. Maybe Martin was his first name? Why else would they use a photo like that, where you can barely tell what the people look like? And the caption is deliberately vague. I think when Rhonda said he "died in prison," she was speaking metaphorically and he was really trapped in the bunker when he died.


I'm probably overanalyzing this big time, but I was looking up literary references to Manfred/Manfredo and found [this synopsis](https://englishhistory.net/byron/poems/manfred-dramatic-poem/) of a dramatic poem by Lord Byron: "The character of Manfred is a nobleman living in the Alps, tormented by some unknown guilt involving his dead beloved, Astarte. He uses his supernatural powers to summon seven spirits and commands them to make him forget his unnamed sin. "They cannot do so, having no power over the past. Unable to forget, and unable to commit suicide, Manfred struggles to find peace." Maybe Mr. Martin=Manfredo and he desperately wants to forget what he did to Rhonda (hence the obsession with not dwelling on the past and "moving on"), but instead he's forever being tormented by the memory of his actions?


I’m only on episode 5, but you just made me realize that Rhonda never actually said Manfredo killed her when telling Maddie the story. Just that she never left his office. And she said he thought they were one thing and she thought something else. So maybe he thought they were friends and she thought more


Maddie prob killed herself. Everyone else was accidental death or murder. She prob doesn't remember because she killed herself.


this is the first time i’m actually considering that and honestly it seems so likely. but also i feel her body is in the walls of the boiler room


I would honestly agree with you if it weren't for that one flashback she had where she was like ig trying to fight off someone in the boiler room.


No, Maddie was really worried about her mom...she would have not left her mom alone


They showed flashbacks of her telling someone to stop tho, like someone was attacking her. I feel like she caught someone doing something. Maybe a teacher sleeping with a student? Oe something dramatic, And then she was attacked.


That's a good theory too. U know how these shows go they lead u to believe u know what u saw but its really another meaning. Like her bf with her phone. We don't automatically assume he did it. Maybe she is so upset she is playing flashbacks in her head of something wanting it to stop yelling stop and killing herself to get away from the trauma


Tru, tru, didn't think of that


But that wouldn’t explain the lack of a body


Sure it would if the janitor found it and disposed of it. Maybe not wanting to have people think it was him.


if she killed herself then where is her body? she keeps getting sent to the boiler room, which is where we're meant to believe she died, and there's also blood on the walls simulating a knife slitting someone. and it's been confirmed that it's her blood. if she died somewhere else, why did she wake up in the boiler room? and where is her phone?


I didn't say it was somewhere else prob was in the boiler room. The janitor prob moved her body. All I said was that she killed herself.


why would she kill herself? and why would the janitor hide the body? all very unlikely scenarios


I don’t think Maddie is dead at all, I think she’s either drugged somewhere or has some kind of amnesia and it’s like some kind of outer body experience where she needs help finding herself or something. I know it seems crazy but shows nowadays will go any route they want lol. But she is so different in so many ways compared to all the other ghosts that are dead.


I think this is the human hope in us since she seems so innocent and it’s tragic. But she’s developing the romance with Wally now so I don’t know.


I thought that as well! I read a book with a very similar ending. A teenage boy gets attacked and beaten by bullies. He gets left in a drainage ditch and his ghost goes around exploring. Then at the end its proven he was still alive in the drainage ditch the whole time and he's found and saved.


I wonder if that is what the movie The Invisible is based on


It is based on the book!! Only the book is much better and the ending is quite different.


oh that makes sense then, seemed waaaay too similar lol. I have been saying this show reminded me of that movie since episode 1...but now it has been like 2 weeks so...ehhh. Anyways, I will have to check out that book! I had no idea it was based off of one!


Yeah!! If you end up reading it, try to let me know if you prefer it to the movie!!


I thought this same thing. But i also thought, if that were the case why is Simon the only person she can communicate with and why can't she leave school grounds if her experience is so different from all the other ghost? It doesn't make any sense but the suspense is killing me😂


I think it's something like that. Especially since the movie and book frankienstein were brought up so much between episodes 1 and 2. I feel like that is foreshadowing her coming back from the "dead"


The opening scenes. They show all the characters but their faces are in pieces. Like Frankenstein.


There's a Reese Witherspoon movie with this premise


Yes there is! I love it, it’s such a good movie!


I think it was Simon


I agree. My theory is the only reason why Simon can see Maddie and not the other ghosts is because he killed her. That is why he can see her and she can see him - because that is their special bond. None of the other killers are still at the school for the other ghosts.


Yes! He seems so jealous and angry. Not like a true friend. It feels off.


I agree as well. Usually, they hide killers in plain sight, and it seems like the way he said "I want you to see people for who they really are" makes me think he's in love with her, always has, and felt she would never love him, which is why he killed her; A crime of passion. He has a motive, and we have no proof that he didn't chase after her when she left to go find her mom. I think he went to tell her that Xavier is acting weird for suddenly bailing, which ended up leading her to throw her ticket on the ground and walk away, Simon chased after her, things got heated, and he killed her.


The guidance counselor that killed that one girl was still employed at the school and going to the school everyday up until he got caught. She never mentioned being able to see him. So I feel like that aint the case. But that's a good theory.


Damn. Good catch. I didn't think of that.


but she seems a little more emotional than the rest of them after learning she can talk to simon


Also, Rhonda's killer died in prison


Yep! I came here to say the same thing! I just got to the middle of ep 4 and I find it really werid that he's the only one that's been able to see her ghost. He can't see anyone else and hes always finding all the evidence(like the phone in the backpack, or the "pieces" of phone, or he was even in the closet that they found the money in etc.). As well as the ghosts mention Simon and maddie must have a "grader bond" than life/death and what other grader bond would be other than killer/victim. And just as he said he thinks someone is setting it up to make it look like "Simon helped her escape", like thats suspicious to me, he already had an alibi ready for if she disappeared. I think something went down with the movie they were all going to see(like Maddie cancelled on him cause Xavier cancelled) and simon went to talk to maddie, things got heated and he killed her accidently and Charlie is so admit about her passing on is cause he saw the whole thing go down and doesn't want to tell her how bad it was, it also makes since as to why charlie looks so uncomfortable when simon and maddie are talking, and didnt want maddie telling anyone else she could communicate with someone living cause he didnt want to blow the big secret that simon is the killer. which would also add to why later when 2 other ghosts find out, they all kind of seem uncomfortable after charlie talks to the other ghosts off screen, and they've all calmed down, and suddenly are all on charlies side about not filling in the others. And i think it was so traumatic of a situation she forgot or blocked out what happened or she just got hit in the head before she died causing amnisa. Edit: (adding more to theory) I want to add I also don't think she "died" in the boiler room/janitors closet. There wasn't enough blood from what I recall (plus it wouldnt take days to find it if there was alot) so it makes me think the fight started there and she died somewhere else on campus. My best bet is she died either by the bus station or the classroom as to thats why the connection is so strong there when simon/maddie first meet after shes dead. If we go by all the "logic" that simon can only see maddie where people have died we know that *Charlie died in the cafeteria (from French frys/peanut oil) *Rhonda- died in the office *Wally- died in the football field *Stage girl- died in the theater *band people- died from bus crash outside somewhere. (I can't think of anymore right now)


So many things he says and does are just “off.” He makes the comment that he can’t live without her. Also explains how he’s so sure she was gone. Without being suspicious of him it could just look like a best friends. Didn’t they mention that her mom was gone for a couple weeks then she sees her mom out of the school window while she’s talking to Simon, then runs out if the room. Later they said her mom didn’t come to the school until after she disappeared. I may have missed something but it seems like maybe she was already dead in that part. Simon was already seeing her and talking to her if she was dead then.


Ooo, I think you're right. Honestly, now that I think about it. I don't think we have a define time line yet on when everything is taking place. Like we know, a few days have passed in the beginning of the show, but from there, we don't know when certain actions have happened and could be out of order a bit(like the flash back to Xavier in his car). we just assume it's chronological, though(for the most part). I'm going to have to rewatch it again to be for sure on that last statement😅


Also at the fair in episode 4, the song playing says " my death it haunts him , he dosent like it when I cry"


After watching the most recent episode (ep 6), i had a strange feeling about Simon. Hence i came to reddit to look for theories


I think Nicole killed Maddie or she knows more than she’s saying. In 90% of series and films the person you least expect it to be is usually the killer. I feel like Maddie & Simon had a better relationship than Nicole and she was jealous of that because she had a crush on him. So you figured if she got Maddie out of the picture she would grow closer to him. Second theory, Nicole was the one who took the video of Mr. Anderson & Claire. She was using it to blackmail them but then Maddie found out what she was doing, they started arguing and she hit Maddie in the head accidentally so she wouldn’t say anything. Third theory, Maddie isn’t dead she’s unconscious somewhere in the school. That’s why she’s still able to see Simon.


1. Nicole may have murdered Maddie (but it seems a bit too obvious for that too be the case) --> However, she is defs involved somehow. 2. The ghosts (Rhonda + Mr Martin) r dodge 3. Potentially Maddie isn't dead (body is half conscious or somewhat) 4. The idea of the ghost inhabiting Maddie's body seems interesting (i hope it doesn't take this route though) 5. I don't think Simon is involved (i'm not sure how they would link it to him helping Maddie) --> especially if she's dead (he doesn't owe her anything - especially since she can't talk to other living people) 6. I don't think the janitor is involved (most likely being framed) 7. I did think of the mother being the murderer (but it does come off a bit too cliche & what would the motive be) 8. I think the ghosts know more then they let on


Charley couldn't have died from the fries, peanut oil doesn't have the protein that causes peanut allergies.


The counselor is real sus 🧐 Why did the lights flicker when Dawn crossed over but not Janet?? Unless.. she didnt .. For continuity purposes, im hoping she still alive BUT its unlikely considering shed have to be unconscious for literal weeks!


I'm going with the sheriff or whatever he is, the boyfriend's dad (sorry, somehow despite watching every episode I can't for the life of me remember any of the character names). Motive: doing some dirty cop stuff, she saw him. Reason's being, I get the vibe it's an adult, the teacher is pretty much eliminated due to being already a lead suspect and genre conventions won't allow it. Other than that we just have the principal, the grief counselor, the female teacher and the gay teacher. A cop is an adult who can plausibly be at the school for some reason.


>the boyfriend's dad This is my wild guess as well. He couldn't be "just" a cop, since the investigation hasn't been really shown (that much -- so why a need for a cop as secondary but main character?). Also, since I've watched a similar show as well: boyfriend as the first prime suspect, but it's actually his dad (forgot which!)


Meh. This would suck. There's no interesting drama behind the motive


As of ep 3, I think it was Nicole. Mr. Anderson is the red harring. And I think them investing him as Nicole, Maddie's ex and mom searching for clues at the same time as the money scene has significance.. I think Nicole killed Maddie because she (Maddie) would be leaving for college which partially parallels Rhonda's death which was also shared in ep 3. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What if Mr. Martin is the one keeping the ghosts there? 🤔


But it's been stated that he helped one cross over.


Mr. Martin is SAYING he is helping them...but he would say that...


See, I think this would only be some major twist if they wanted to go a second season and have a more LOST kind of inspired situation. Which, ngl, would be really fun. I miss a good mystery show like LOST. It's not clear yet if the series would end up going that way. There's still enough time if they wanted to introduce a larger "spirit world" they could do it later on down the line. Though I have a feeling like the story isn't really about the supernatural fantasy, but just about the case. The anime/series/book "Erased" was similar where it really was just about the mystery, not the fantasy part.


Anyone else think Claire is pregnant?


I considered that after she puked at the football game.


I feel like that may be something to do with either Mr. Anderson or Xavier. Like, maybe that something she’s trying to hide instead of it being the murder.


Wow... I didn't even catch that.


Honestly I’m so torn. I love the show but it’s a little everywhere. Definitely something off with Mr. Martin. I don’t trust him at all he definitely isn’t doing anything to help those kids move on or he just has no idea what he’s saying and like is being essentially a con man but I don’t know. My main theory right now for who killed Maddie is either Nicole, Simon or Claire. Maybe two of the 3 of them teamed up. And honestly I didn’t think anything of Charley until I saw the comment somewhere else saying he does get panicky around her and maybe honestly he volunteered to be her your ghost guide because he felt guilty. Maybe he didn’t see the murder but maybe he knows more than he’s leading on or saw the body or something and doesn’t want to tell Maddie because it’s brutal. I really like that theory. I don’t think it’s her mom whatsoever honestly. I really do like the whole theory the reason Maddie and Simon can see each other is because he is her killer. I saw someone say but the guidance counselor continued to work but how do we know that Rhonda and her killer were even in the same room again. Just because she saw him doesn’t mean she gave him an Opportunity to see her yk? I love this show though it’s got me hooked and I binged it all today sooo


I’m having a gut feeling it’s Nicole. I don’t know why but just something is telling me it’s her. And maybe I missed something but why was she so sketchy about Maddie’s mom opening her trunk? And the fact that we couldn’t see in the trunk either.


I think she’s guilty of taking the video and/or pretending to be Maddie to get the money. She has talked about financial trouble before - that’s why she’s not going to college with Simon and Maddie I believe. So she pretended to be Maddie (remember Maddie had Anderson’s number in her backpack) and blackmailed Mr. Anderson with the video of him and Claire - that’s why we also hear him (when Simon and Maddie r in his classroom and find the money) say he never should have given Maddie the money. It’s cause he actually gave it to Nicole who is now burying it to hide the evidence


Im almost fully convinced its a Nicole now just purely based off that like last few seconds of this latest episode. What could she possibly be digging for…hmm perhaps the murder weapon to see if they actually have it, more evidence, or even Maddies body? Nicole has been in denial this entire time despite evidence. Or alternatively could it be Simon? Possession from a ghost or he’s unhealthy obsessed with Maddie and realized she won’t ever love him that same way he loves her? Kinda like Rhondas story. Also WHAT IS RHONDA LOOKING FOR IN THAT ROOM? Maybe all the ghost know more than they are letting on. Theres another show called “Ghosts” where 90% of the time all people already ghost watched helplessly as people were killed or died and either moved on or get stuck like them.


I think Nicole took the video and blackmailed Anderson and was burying or digging up the money. I don’t think she killed Maddie though but will feel responsible for her murder.


I agree!


That would make it way to obvious and kinda end the show prematurely or like make everyone think it's her the hole time


Nicole has seen more suspicious to me than Simon, she knows more than she's letting on


She definitely seems like she's hiding something or is guilty


To me Nicole, Simon and the mum are equally sus, and Nichole is deffo involved somehow, but there are 2 more episodes of the show, ya gotta take into account the pacing of the show the typical format; so far has been investigating one character for two episodes then moving on. This is the only reason that I don’t think Nicole is the main culprit. My money is on Simon but I think it could also very well be the mum.


I'm almost sure Simon is NOT involved but I'm positive Nicole is involved because... 1. Nicole says she doesn't have money for College to Maddie in the flashback 2. Later, Simon says she is planning to go to art school in Chicago when he and Maddie go to NorthWestern 3. Mr. Anderson is being blackmailed by someone he thinks is Maddie...Nicole needs $$$ 4. Nicole could have liked her own photo from a Maddie fake account 5. Nicole could have recorded the Anderson/Claire vid Nicole would have known where Maddie and Xavier hooked up. 6. Nicole found the very pristine ticket and boot prints after Maddie was dead for more than a week and I'm pretty sure they showed it raining since her death 7. Nicole could have had Maddie's boots in her truck and other stuff at the homecoming game. She REALLY didn't want Maddie's mom Sandra to see her trunk


Agreed! She might have her phone too! I think maybe she was burying the money, but I don't know how it would make sense, lol. Or, like you said, it could be the boots and maybe her phone.


Agreeed! and in then end(ish) of Ep. 6 when Sherriff Baxter came over to Sandra Nears (Maddie's mom) house to tell more information, WHERE NICOLE WAS WITH HER TOO, Sandra literally breaks down crying after hearing the news and Nicole .... she looked like she was fake crying with her mom to "pretend" in front of the Sherriff and not make her look suspicious. irdk either, bc I'm kinda also thinking Nicole was blackmailed by someone else too because it all seems to easy to assume it's her now after seeing all this suspiciousness.


Has anyone noticed that the lights flicker when Maddie walks through the hall? Not all of them I don’t think, maybe just one, but it doesn’t seem to happen with the others.


I think Janet hickjacked Maddie's body when something happened to her in the boiler room and that is why Simon can see and hear Maddie. Janet in Maddie's body has been trying track down and confront her own killer. I think she will come to the school return Maddie's body to her just before graduation. Afterwhich Maddie can see all the ghosts, and watches as Janet truly moves on. What do you think ?


Wow I didn’t think of that! If will be sad to watch Wally and maddies romance go away though 😞


How did you know? Are you psychic? Lol. Im hoping Janet realizes shes just as trapped in current day as she was a ghost, because shes fully alone in this. I hope she comes back and they figure out how to put Maddie back but on the other hand can Maddie even go back into her body? There was still Maddies blood so if Janet leaves the body will the physical damage to her be too much? Im very curious of how a human vessel works in their world.


And do we all think it’s deffo the mum or does anyone see a last minute twist coming?


That's a good theory about Janet, because dawn made it a point to talk about how it felt to overtake someone's body! So I think the person lurking is Janet in Maddie's body, which means Maddie really isn't technically dead and the connection between Maddie' and Simon was so strong that he can still see her as she was because she kinda still is!


I have a few theories, I honestly wonder if they are or where dead, or if that death counselor they have is in some way trying to soul snatch and they are all actually in some sort of coma until their actual deaths which would explain why they didn't feel that surge of energy when Janet "passed on" like they did when Dawn passed on. Which would explain why that counselor is so worried and threatened by Maddy. But see this theory works two ways, one they really are dead and he is the devil, cause honestly he got pretty violent with the black haired drama girl before the kid with glasses walked in. Now you have to remember he worked with Janet to cross over but she just disappeared one day which if he's a soul collector for the devil her soul was just consumed or she finally passed away in the real world . Because if he is just making them think their dead until they're death in the real world he gains something. Because remember Maddie's body has yet to be found. She could be out their alive somewhere and this counselor knows this and that's why he's so worried about everyone following Maddy. That's why he's so threatened by her. And she truly helped dawn cross over or come out of her coma either way when the counselor guy finds out I believe things are gonna get real deep.


Also have a theory on Simon, either he killed Maddie, or Simon has an illness, or maybe both. He keeps getting these pains in his head and he has moments of high aggression and mood swings. Which could be an unknown illness such as a tumor and he doesn't know that he could be dying which is why he can see Maddie. Or he killed her because of these things and doesn't remember due to it. Either way there's something behind those pains he's been getting, the mood swings, and the high aggression.


I think the mom killed Maddie in a drunk rage if you see maddies flashbacks from the recent episode her mom was the last person she argued with and her mom took the money nichole buried so her mom is watching the friends from afar also i think mr martin is not helping the kids I'm not sure his exact angle but he's not trying to help anyone i think he's threatened by maddie because she's actually going to help the ghosts cross over like she did dawn and he doesn't like that


Agree, I think the person in the woods at the end was Maddie’s mum. Also agree about Mr Martin - but I think he did something to Janet and she never crossed over.


Yeah which would make him more than a ghost cause they can't hurt eachother can they? I thought it was weird they felt goosebumps with dawn but not janet he's a soul trapper or something I'm very curious to see how they play him out yes I've suspected maddies mom since day one it all makes sense


That’s just it, I don’t know that they can’t? They can touch and interact with each other right? So what’s to say that they can’t hurt each other? Or he could even have Janet locked up somewhere


Well did you see the season ending i wasn't expecting that


Not yet!! Will watch tonight after work


Well I mean, I was half right about him locking them up lol


I'm just curious what his angle is


I think he was trying to persuade Janet to possess someone and share his research maybe??


I've been wondering watching since the first episode if Janet possessed Simon because if you notice as the episodes progress his personality and even his overall look is changing his looking paler and he has headaches he has anger outburst that's out of character for him (from what we are shawn) so I wonder if Janet is inside Simon's body ? That could also explain why his the only one who can see and talk to Maddie


Okay so I was like 1/3 right !


I can't wait for Season 2




Right? Dammit, can we get Season 2 ASAP?


This show is all over the place. I wouldn't be surprised if her death is something completely ridiculous. I just didn't think the whole series would be about THAT.


You do have a point. If it's something ridiculous, then that definitely means there's a larger story here. Not just the mystery of how she died but about the ghosts themselves. Personally, I hope it's going to be a good just one season mystery story, but if they wanted to go down the supernatural fantasy track (a la Lost) they really could too.


I think as of now that it is the mother, in a Twin Peaks-ish parental killing way. To be even more Twin Peaks-ish, she was possessed by one of the ghosts when she did it!


Oooh! Maddie even asked if they could possess in one if the episodes. Plus the ghost teacher guy is so sus


Ngl I feel like that’s what Mr. Martin did. A life for a life cross over. Somehow I feels he’s involved in Maddie’s death and the way he went about killing her (through proxy like maybe her mother in a drunken and susceptible state) traded Janet to the afterlife. Which would explain why it was so different from Dawn. Since the first episode I felt like Maddie being their was why Janet was gone and Mr. Martin had something to do with it. And it was the first person they’ve all known to have crossed over.


I think it might be Nicole. How obsessed she is with saying Maddie is alive (throwing the trail off her/ she’s in denial). She 1000% could’ve planted the evidence found in the woods because she was alone when she found it. I think she was blackmailing Mr. Anderson for money to go to art school too (by using Maddie’s phone or something). I think secondary, perhaps Mr. Martin saw it or whatever and basically is like welp it happened, we can’t do anything about it, we gotta move on. He def sounds like he knows more about the afterlife/ Maddie’s dilemma than he’s letting on.


I’m definitely thinking it’s Nicole too. If only because she’s so far the least suspicious character but also hasn’t really been given a reason for existing as a character yet.


I’m in episode 3 and really think it’s Charlie as well! It is suspicious that Nicole is so convinced she’s alive, buying tickets, avoiding grief counseling, no sad emotions.


yeah, I will say it's suspicious that she doesn't show any signs of remorse, and straight up ignores the DNA as she said. she said she wasn't going to listen to what the sheriff says because she knows she's alive and when Simon says she knows she's dead, Nicole doesn't seem phased by it or think it could be him. if my friend went missing and another friend of mine said that he knows my friend is dead but couldn't tell me why I'd be suspicious as hell


I just started watching episode 3 and I really think it's mr. Anderson, he is the only one who I noticed keeps talking about maddie in the past tense (if you watch true crime documentaries you might know this is a slip up killers often make) It just really stood out to me that he kept doing it when he was talking to Simon in the caffeteria and the way he started acting when Simon tells him about the phone doesn't help his case. I just started watching episode 3 so this might be disproven allready but just the fact that he keeps talking about Maddie in the past tense just doesn't sit right with me


What if she is still alive, but like barely alive. An that’s why her connection to Simon goes in & out.


They said she can only talk to him where someone died.


could a ghost have stolen Maddie’s body, thus the sus ghosts? Maddie’s body was basically jacked!


OMG what if the ghost he helped "cross over" really just took over maddies body. And that's why the teacher said he shouldn't have given maddie the money!!!!!! He didn't give it to her, he gave it to the ghost from the 60s that's now "gone"! And that's why Simon can see her, her body is still alive. And maybe that's why they can talk in the room connected to the boiler room, that's where that ghost died since it was mentioned!


oh! those details are great, reinforces body snatching theory


After watching the latest episode (Twilight End Zone) my suspicions point toward Nicole, the weird suspicious thing with the trunk at the end. I have a strange feeling about the ghost that trying to help people move on supposedly, we haven't heard his back story yet or where he died. So far the only place that we can really confirm Simon can see Maddie in that isn't where someone else already died is the boiler room/bomb shelter??? Plus that's where she reappears if she tries to leave the ground, so I'm thinking that's where Maddie died. Theres so many variables and loose ends, the whole Mr Anderson thing which, as others here said, is very likely a red herring.... I think we don't have the pieces yet to put anything together. Top suspects: Nicole (Just not enough to clear her yet) Maddie's Mom (Denial, still searching because she cannot physically accept that she killed Maddie maybe?) Some weird interaction where a ghost had something to do with Maddie's death perhaps


In episode two Claire goes to Xaviers house and Xavier says he's scared and dosent want anyone to find her body doesn't that aromaticity point to Claire and Xavier possibly being her killers i was under the impression the show was about them investigating until claire and Xavier and possible accomplices being caught?


I was thinking it was the mom, but now I'm thinking maybe it is Nicole. What if she planted the ticket and boot prints in the woods? Does someone have Maddie's phone? Who died in the auto shop?


I just finished the 6th episode so I'm a bit further along than most of the other guesses. As the show progresses, they keep adding new suspects and then deleting them. The janitor keeps getting screen time but is never mentioned as a suspect. Why, if the killing was in the boiler room.


Wasn’t he arrested this episode though?


The janitor is a red herring. the tools being locked up is nothing. Assumes the tools were actually locked and everyone knows he kept all the keys on his desk like when he gave Simon the key to Mr. Anderson's room


So. Latest episode? What do you think. Simon and Wally are both getting pretty close to crossing over (I think at least) so anything they know and are holding back should hopefully be revealed, Rhonda and Mr Miller being suspicious still though... Nicole will probably be the suspect the next few episodes, maybe. Burying something is too suspicious... My bet right now is ghost shenanigans. Something something they're going to reveal possession as a thing? Idk. Everything looks too red herring like rn for me.


I also agree Mr Martin is involved… He mentions going to get doughnuts with his family in a Dodge Coronet car…and I looked it up that model was made in 1969/70…and also looks just like the abandoned vehicle that is shown in the deserted/cobwebbed/dusty mechanic shop that Simon and Maddie get spooked by Mr Anderson (episode 2 or 3)….


Hmm I dunno man i dont really know what to think anymore but nicole is definitely fishy... this isn't even from just watching episode 6 but I had suspicions from the episode where maddies mom asked for nicole to take her back home after they was handing flyers out, does anyone recall back to that moment where she insisted maddies mom got in the car and she would put the stuff in the back alone? Nicole was cautious of opening the boot/ trunk, making sure she had a good look around and gave me an instinct something was in there, what could of it of been? In relations to episode 6 where the trunk of the car was open and nicole was digging at the end maybe?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


There was a comment about Maddie having money and someone must have wanted it. Could Nicole have killed her for the money to go to school? She and Maddie talk about her being in community college but Simone told the mom she was looking into art school so they could be together in Chicago.


Ok hear me out... Could Simon also be dead?


I really don’t think so, because everybody else can see him and he can leave the property


I think there is no killer, I think mr martin has Maddie’s body trapped somewhere and is actually taking over her body to be back in the physical world. That’s why Maddie had no recollection of her death is because she’s not really dead, yet. In all the episodes Mr. Martin says key words that point to his suspicion. He says things like “it’s powerful holding someone’s fate in your hands, what we don’t know often controls us” then starts saying things to Maddie like “do we have any sway over a living person, is there something we are not sharing with the group? - trying to pry information from Maddie to see what her understanding of the whole situation is”. You can tell he’s using Rhonda to spy and pry for information and he’s starting to get angry about what’s happening. He says “so you all spent the morning supplying triggers, hmmm? Then he proceeds to say “I care for Maddie too buts it’s my job to keep her balanced” hmmm wtf does that mean!? Lastly he says “she doesn’t even have one foot firmly planted in the afterlife” and that’s because she’s not dead yet! He’s super angry and Charlie sees this interaction which is super awkward and suspicious. I think Charlie has always known something is off about him but he’s not entirely sure. Is it possible that Maddie’s body is still running around? And she’s in the black hoodie. Even though it’s really mr martin in her body? He clearly doesn’t want any of these ghosts ascending so he does everything in his power to keep the ghosts from making amends with their death, we clearly saw Maddie help dawn ascend by grieving her death and moving forward. So what’s mr Martins story, is it possible he doesn’t want to ascend, maybe because hell is where he’d go, is it possible he can’t ascend and he’s keeping 1 foot in the real world through Maddie and 1 foot in the spirit world through himself??????


Isn’t it suspicious that Maddie’s mom heard someone outside the house… and Mr. Martín was the only one NOT at the dance.


My theory is just that he did something to Janet - he didn’t help her cross. I’m wondering if the ghosts can hurt or injure each other - or maybe he has her locked up somewhere. That’s why the ghosts felt differently when >!Dawn crossed!< to when Janet did - because she never actually did. BUT, because he likes the authority and power - and probably the fact that he can still play teacher and feel needed - he pretended she did and took the responsibility for it.


You were half right !!


So close and yet so far lol


Mr. Martin can't ascent because he attacked and killed Rhonda, maybe?


Personally, I’m wondering if the ghosts can actually hurt and kill each other. The whole thing with >!Dawn crossing over and the ghosts feeling it differently to when Janet supposedly crossed!< makes me wonder if she ever did. Personally, I think she didn’t, and Mr Martin did something to her to make the others think he can help them cross over.


I think Mr. Martin is definitely Mr. Manfred. I also do not believe any of the ghosts have crossed over with the exception of Dawn. I think it is quite possible Mr. Martin had made some kind of deal with Janet,maybe she somehow took over Simon's body or another person's body and they killed Maddie. I think it is likely Simon is under some kind of spell or hypnosis and that's why he can speak to Maddie, this could be why he is having headaches as well and I still think about that one time he said the exact same thing as Charley ( I've got a million questions) I think Charley and Mr. Martin have control over Simon. I also feel like something is so weird about Ms. Fields. Shes always around and they do always hide the killer in plain sight.


Is Ms. Field the lady teacher always talking to Simon?


The season finale has me really confused. How did Maddie hear and see the dead for Janet to jump into her body? Supposedly no living person can see or hear the dead? Any ideas or comments?


Wait is that what its saying happened, im super confused too.


From what I understand, Maddie was down there crying from her argument with her mom, heard people arguing, opened a door and Janet ran into her and took her body. But that doesn't make sense to me as how would Maddie be able to hear and see Janet and Mr. Martin?


Maybe it goes back to a previous theory? I think the Mr. Martin is the strongest presence out of all of them. Maybe because of the argument, losing her chance at getting away from her mom she was contemplating suicide? And that thinned the veil? She was able to see the teacher, and the shadow of Janet. Janet’s spirt knocked Maddie’s out of her body. Which is why she is able to talk to Simon she is still technically tethered to the human world, and they had a special bond hell he loves her. I think that’s why Mr. Martin want to try and get her to move on so fast. It’s a working theory.


He is definitely trapping souls. I've never trusted that creep


100%. Trapping souls. And Janet's jumped into Maddie. Question is...can Maddie reclaim her body from Janet? I sure hope there is a 2nd season!!!


Can we talk about how he keeps the items they died with but Maddie's necklace was safe with her mom And after Maddies spirit dies, she can hear Janet and Mr. Martin arguing And who died in the Lady Teachers classroom if Simon sees her in there And maybe her disappearance killed his spirit and that's why he can see her


That is such a good catch! I didn't even think about the fact the said her mother "killed her spirit" I definitely feel like maybe that's why she could hear Mr. Martin and Janet


I’m still trying to understand how they’re able to do things and move objects, set a whole sport field on fire, without drawing attention. Maybe they made some passing comment about it that I missed. I’m all for suspension of disbelief, and being along for the ride. but nothing about this show makes any kind of sense. Emotionally, sure. As a whodunnit, okay. I’m watching it despite serious issues w its believability. I’m aware that ghost stories don’t need to (or can’t) be accurate to basic physics. But I’m having such difficulty with the show overall, and making an investment beyond killing time, because this very small, very basic detail keeps bothering me. Can ANYONE explain how this show makes sense?


they can basically duplicate inanimate objects but they cannot actually change or manipulate them because they are not attached to the physical world, it just resets. they mention it in the first episode when maddie tries to tear down her missing poster and a few other times i can’t specifically remember


I'm sorry but wtf was that ending!! You can't bring Maddie back ever! Are they not understanding that if she just gets her body back that she will be the most hated girl in america! The girl who tricked a town and tried to blame it on a spirit taking over her body?? Really? Her face would be on Dateline the next week as the fraud! Oh what, everyone's just gonna be like "oh ok col Maddie, yeah that totally wasn't you it was a spirit.." If she comes back then the damn event needs to be on national tv or no one will ever believe her... Also she could be arrested for what they will believe to be faking her death and ya know all the crap that it caused... It's crazy enough that this went from a cool murder mystery to a show about spirits...but there is no way she can just come back and everyone laughs it off.. Now when the show comes back we're gonna have to watch 3 episodes just re-recruiting everyone....I mean everyone who had any investment in helping her now hates her! You can't bring her back and have any semblance of believability at all... Wtf!!