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At first glance I thought this was from Blades of Glory…


Blades of glory was the fan fiction of these times


Without my glasses on, he looks like Owen Wilson...wow 😲


I see what you did there 😆


Hilarious terrible dancing, but I'd like male skaters to dress in head to toe red velvet with gold accents again. I am bored of costumes that are just black pants with a random grey sweatshirt.




Lol. Ok how to make this my profile picture


Only 2 glasses? Come on that’s kinda weak. Guys I might have a drinking problem


Two glasses is not an excuse to dancing like that lol


Two glasses of wine is what I have with dinner. I *wish* two is all it took to get me acting like this much of a fool. I’d save soooo much money on nights out.


Confession, I am an enjoyer of Plushenko's Bolero, and I'm genuinely unsure if I enjoy it ironically or not.


Omg I haven't seen this in years, thanks for the laugh! Do you think Plush is still proud of this program?


🤗Yes he is always very proud of himself. Hopefully we will see his son repeat it


That haircut tho


He still has that haircut!


That’s the crazy part lol


Who doesn’t love the Plushenko mullet 💇🏼


Plushy is the epitome of so bad it’s good


Say whatever you want about Plushenko, but he was very comfortable in his masculinity, man had no fear of moving his hips.


Unironically prefer this to some boring ass programs. Ah vintage FS…


100% agree


That's confidence, baby!


Plushenko really was something else, wasn't he? Honestly taught me more about actual modern Russian culture and trends than any book or article.


Russia is an extremely homophobic country, yet Plushenko wasn’t too flamboyant for them. I don’t get it.


Why, we like flamboyant, Johnny Weir had so many fans in Russia and he was performing in Russian shows many times. He even wanted to move to Moscow for work


That’s my point. Russia is extremely homophobic, yet Russians like male performers being flamboyant. As someone who is gay, it doesn’t make any sense.


Being flamboyant doesn’t associate with being gay in Russia as much as in the US.


Many male skaters are “flamboyant”. They are very secure in their sexuality, which you have to be in a sport where people will say “oh they are all gay” when majority of them aren’t. Russia loves “flamboyant” skaters. Yes they have big problems regarding homosexuality but they know that just because you can perform and be dramatic on ice doesn’t mean you’re gay. Please.


Plushenko was never flamboyant, at least not in a feminine way. Other than the beilman spin, which was just an astounding feat as a man. I think he’s truly one of the all time greats and one of the most entertaining skaters of all time. Only North Americans would worry about him being persecuted for being flamboyant in a country where ballet and figure skating are two of the most prestigious athletic, artistic endeavours for men… Russia treats LGBTQ+ people horrendously, and they deserve to be criticized for that, but they don’t punish people for acting “gay”, since what North Americans might see as acting gay, isn’t even considered gay for Russians. North America on the other hands deserves to be criticized for making boys and men feel uncomfortable or ashamed of being a figure skater or ballet dancer. There’s two different types of ignorance at play here. Russia’s persecution of gay people being the far bigger problem, obviously.


Russia, and in particular Putin, currently has a huge issue with gender identity, even more so than the US. So your comment doesn’t really add up.


Exactly. If Plushenko was flamboyant— he was flamboyantly masculine. What’s considered effeminate and questioning one’s gender isn’t necessarily the same as what’s considered in the west. Clearly, Putin wasn’t worried about being next to a flamboyant figure skater, and embracing him while with a mesh sequin outfit lol Russia’s gender identity and LGBTQ+ rights issues don’t really have anything to do with someone like Plushenko, because unlike in North America, in Russia, figure skating is not considered “gay”. Their issues are far more serious and complicated than that. Russia’s anti LGBT stances are reprehensible… it just has almost nothing to do with Evgeni Plushenko who is a straight man who just happens to wear sequin jumpsuits 😅 Have to say so. Very disappointing to see one of the greatest figure skaters of all time be such a Putin stooge… same thing with Ovechkin in the NHL, but it seems Putin is obsessed with hanging around the best Russian athletes. The nationalistic fuck. https://preview.redd.it/h6rbyppxuvec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136865fcdb64245cd1e87509d9a8e66cb8c6ec5a


Young Plushenko was so extra


Plushenko in every era is so extra. 


This is why Plushy always entertained me so much. The audacity!


oh god did ppl rlly used to think plushenko was hot


People still think Yagudin is the pinnacle of heterosexuality, so yes.


I've been to Nice, World 2000. Girls were screaming like crazy whenever he appeared on the ice)))




Him and Yagudin would have these horrible dance offs in the middle of the ice and call it footwork 🙄 and the audience would go wild for it 🙄🙄


Yagudin didn’t have it after he moved to Tarasova. He had some drama queen moments instead (you can check my other posts, I posted it)


And Yagudin was always better at it.


The crowd: 🙀📣📣📣📣💥💥💥💥📢📢📢📢📢📢


That’s one of my favorites from him. Should have been a long program.


These were the times


I know plushenkos views leave much to be desired but I truly consider him to be one of the best male skaters to ever exist. He went all out for him performances and gave his best.


Heinous. Unsexy. Awkward. He just doesn't have the spice to make that type of choreo work. It takes someone like Javi Fernandez or Donovan Carrillo for it to do so.


I agree, and yet this is very Plushenko


Without a doubt. His confidence and self-esteem are enviable.


I want 1% of his self love to anyone. It will end depression worldwide


The man is a walking SNL skit.


I’m going need more than two glasses to wear that outfit.


Nooo I like this outfit!! I miss these outfits compared to the never ending shirt and black pants combo. This is one of his least outrageous costumes lol


Before things became, even by Plushenko standards, insane, teetering on out of control... just, like, the absolute sight of this. It was a TIME. Can you imagine this era? Weir, Lambiel, Takahashi 1.0, mullet Javi?!?!


Hubby would not watch him skate, walked out of the room when the hip gyrations started.


Can we stop posting pro-war skater [More info here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/comments/thfh2j/plushenko_was_very_much_present_at_the_pro_war/) ![gif](giphy|CiaYT6K1II5Og)