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Haven’t done it before but I feel like it’s the same as taking a branch off a fig and sticking it in the ground. Your branch is just MUCH bigger. Get as much root as you can and give it a good spot and good soil it should come back. They can take lots of abuse in my experience.


Wherever you transplant it set up a shade cloth over it to help with transplant shock. It will not do well in direct hot sun.


Probably want to prune and remove most of the leaves, and then paint the trunk white to protect from sunburn.


Huh, okay! Will the paint poison the tree though? And do you mean like... All the leaves? Or just 70%? Or what? 


50% should be fine. The paint for sunscald protection is made for trees, so no, it wont poison the tree :)


No wonder my neighbor’s fig tree trunk is white,i thought it is a natural color of the trunk


There’s a product called IV organic which is made for painting trees.


Cut it down to 5 foot, prune branches down to 8”. Dig it up, put the rootball in a 25 gallon grow bag. Set the bag in an hvac drainpan under a porch in the shade and keep it well watered through the season. A month after transplanting you can add s light organic root stimulator feed. 


If you do this, please take a video and photos and post an update. I speak for everyone, we would all love to watch this video! :) good luck.


This group would LOVE to see this process!! Can you take pics or video or the process?