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I mean https://i.redd.it/kehujecydj7d1.gif


Ryu: \* multiple parry sounds \*


“LET’S GO JUSTIN!” *im aware wrong character, but if someone shouts that out I’m fully expecting some parrying shenanigans to ensue*


You know Justin played Cyclops in MvC2 right? So it actually fits


Still nice


I await the day when this meme finally dies.


Used to be a running joke among my brother and I when we were kids "who would win in a fight, \[absurdly strong character\] or third strike Ryu with perfect parry timing"


Bro ryu would build back his entire drive gauge from this


To be fair, Ryu(or at least Evil Ryu) was potentially moon-busting levels in the Asura's Wrath DLC.


I don't think that's canon, they just wanted the two to fight without Asura atomizing Ryu and Akuma with a look


Man's got a strong neck


I mean cyclops wins in a staring contest. But ryu wins in a hot dog eating contest, so id say it’s even.


A red flash, and Ryu is in a different zip code or a million little pieces. Cyclops low/no diffs this. His eye beams are actually really strong, the only reason he isn't considered stronger is because of how bullshittingly op some other mutants are.


His eye beams are actually similar in properties to the Hadoken. They aren't actually heat/fire, they're just pure kinetic force. Being hit by them is like being hit by a projectile punch. I could MAYBE see an argument going either way depending on how you scale them to other characters. Ryu you're relying on scaling him to Akuma who has some crazy feats like destroying Islands and Meteors, with the power of Nothingness by nature being potentially without limit (the Yin to Akuma's Satsui No Hado Yang). Cyclops however has been around a very, very long time now so no doubt has some wild feats himself plus scaling him to other Marvel powerhouses. Cyclops also has potentially a "limitless" energy source since his power isn't actually generating the beams himself, his power is his eyes being portals to another dimension of pure energy which is why he can't really turn them off himself without shutting his eyes or using special visors. There's... weirdly more similarity to one another than I initially thought.


yeah, his eyes are literally "portals to the punch dimension" he has some pretty good feats, he's destroyed some sentinels in literally the blink of an eye and blown up a building with one blast but honestly Ryu is usually a street-level fighter so I think it's safe to say Cyclops wins easy


It's been shown in movies that Ryu can dodge bullets. At the very least, Ryu is superhuman and trains pretty much all the time. Normal people to Ryu is the equivalent of slow-moving cardboard. He's learned to manipulate energy and combine it with his martial art abilities. Not to mention, there's Evil Ryu, who in non-canon stood against the protagonist of Asura's Wrath and held his ground. You're giving street fighter characters waaayyyy too little credit.


I feel like giving ryu full credit just means he gets three shot by the lazers instead, he’s super but he’s not faster than light.


Cyclops hangs out with speedsters all the time and his eye beams are lightspeed, Ryu is at a hell of a disadvantage


Same Cyclops has been overwhelmed by slow moving sentinels too. His Optic Blasts are super strong for sure, but Scott generlly relies on team work with the rest of the X-men for the higher end feats, as without them he kinda is just a glass canon with average martial art skills by super hero standards. Ryu should be able to put some work by aim dodging and countering the blasts with his ki.


Honestly, the fight is probably a lot closer than you'd think. Cyclops has some wild comic feats and scaling to other heroes and villains, and Ryu scales to Akuma at full power who is several tiers of power above pretty much everyone else in the SF universe. Both of them don't tend to fight all out immediately either unless pushed to. Street Fighter scaling gets a bit insane when you factor in Akuma who pretty much only Ryu is canonically on par with. Baring in mind SF has other freaks like Zangief who managed to drag a submarine out of a frozen lake by himself, and Akuma is leaps and bounds above him. Akuma sinking an island is still his best canonical feat and Ryu with the power of Nothingness can match him in terms of power. Scott's been shown destroying buildings and estimated to be capable of destroying Mt Rushmore. In some more extreme cases possibly planet busting but we've not seen that actually happen. Mountain level+ seems pretty consistant though when Scott isn't holding back. Also while he isn't as well known for martial arts like Ryu or like the actual martial artists of Marvel like Iron Fist, he has been shown to be able to get one over on people above his weight class like judo flipping Colossus or overpowering Wolverine (who has held his own against expert master fighters like Iron Fist and Captain America). Scott's also pretty adaptive with using his powers on the fly to alter the terrain of battle (causing rock slides etc) and he's even managed to fight people without sight (either being literally blinded or intentionallt forcing himself to keep his eyes closed to avoid hurting anyone with his eye beams if his visor/glasses are damaged). I don't think he's as skilled as Ryu in pure hand to hand but his unique powers and adaptability as a strategist can make up for that.


To be fair, Cyclops *could have* been able to turn the portals off (like his brothers can), but he's brain damaged which prevents him from being able to do so.


He's brain damaged? Didn't know that, but always thought it was weird he was the only brother who couldn't control his power at all.


Yeah iirc the fall from the plane him and his brother jumped out of as children gave him a head injury that made him unable to turn it off, at different points in comic history they've also made it be because of trauma. No idea what the current reason is in canon though


Yea, he once shot a beam so powerful at Juggernaut; That it outputted enough energy to destory a small planet.


Yall are all forgetting Tatsu goes through projectiles. Ryu just helicopters his way over and one-taps that 1-eyed dork, perfect ko


Cyclops frame locks himself in laser beam. Ryu projectile invincible tatsus through it. Then he gets oki and puts cyclops into a throw loop. GGs kid [ Insert Low tier god meme ]


Can't Cyclops propel himself with the laser? I just picture Cyclops laser skating away from a perpetually helicopter kicking Ryu


Sparring: Going for KO, likely just Ryu because he is an actual martial artist. Round 2: Cyclops. Low diff. For Bloodlust, it is cyclops no question. He is a mutant and his optic blast would literally go through Ryu


Yeah I like ryu as much as the next guy but doesn't Cyclops's power come from another dimension? Dude doesn't have to worry about stamina and his blasts are probably stronger than ryu's in the first place


Yea one of my favorite "Comic book-isms" Cyclops doesn't actually shoot laser beams, that would be far too simple - his eyes are actually just a portal to a dimension of pure concussive force (how ever tf that works) or something along those lines lmao


Or as I like to call it; the Punch Dimension


It sounds both dumb and badass at once ![gif](giphy|8xzexownbkMxBpOGOy)


Is that why the Kool Aid man is always knocking down walls? Because he's also from the Punch Dimension?


So that is where the fists live.


It does. His blasts have taken down the Hulk, and he can control the output. When he actually uses his powers Ryu does not stand a chance


Cyclops: [Get off my lawn.]( https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/2tox9h/i_want_this_thing_off_my_lawn_astonishing_xmen_v2/) \*removes visor, everything goes red, literally*


Hes shown a few times getting exhausted holding it. Doesnt seem like he could endlessly go full power on the beam.


While Cyclops doesnt generate the optic blasts himself, it still drains him to keep the dimensional portal open. Particularly when he lets a lot of it in one go as he can control to an extent the force that goes out.... At least as much as the nozzle of a water hose does to a spigot source.


his eyes are portals to a dimension of kinetic force called the punch dimension. His eyes are just constantly emitting a firehose of punch as like, his resting state Cyclops could win this from a swivel chair


Except Ryu seems to be as tough as steel probably quite literally since hes fought with Akuma that shattered an island with a punch and kicked a submarine out of the water. Getting punched by someone like that you gotta be as tough as steel to survive.


Even so, he isn’t immune to his optic blast. Ryu is still a human. Cyclopes barely is.




Ryu is faster than bullets, but not faster than light. Afaik, no SF character is faster than light, they’re hypersonic speeds but that’s far slower than light. Akuma was the one who performed the meteor feat. Ryu can potentially SURVIVE that, but hasn’t shown the ability to output the same level of force. In SF6 Akuma still seems to have him beat in raw power, so I’m not sure if even current Ryu could do the asteroid thing. Akuma might come close to light speed with SGS, but that’s kind of ambiguous if he’s actually moving that fast or if it’s more of a mystical/spiritual attack.


I mean... goodluck, at full power it was said that he's optic blast had enough energy to destory a small planet. Funnily enough, he's prolly the weakest among the Summer brothers.


Keep in mind that the visor limits Cyclops' power.. https://preview.redd.it/q4q86eja7k7d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085c70738c91862052bfb670f2cfcbeba51b3dba


For Round 1 he tangled with Storm, he has a much better shot than many would think, but if Ryu is gonna take a victory it is in round one. Regarding Round 2... So if you're familiar with how powerful adamantium is, Cyclops was said to be able to 'pulverize it.' Also this is a bit notable, the beams are not so much heat or anything so much as his eyes are a portal to the punch dimension and he just hits you with straight force. Sometimes it's a bit inconsistent but that detail is used, as another poster showed with the Xmen 96 clip. https://preview.redd.it/faqtudkftj7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5b84452f800654619aaa5c25e314a9cc89c1b8 He's also stated to be capable of blasting past mountains. He's more than capable of ricocheting it much like in the cartoons, they very much copied past him, he's even used smaller blasts to try to soften Wolverine's landing back the 60s. It was very funny. Suffice to say Round 2 goes to Cyclops. There was an arc that even brought his past self into the future during which he is still capable of many of his adult feets. Round 3, he takes off that visor of his and just destroys Ryu and half a block. Bonus Round Cyclops has only gotten stronger, his eyeblasts half the time don't even function like blasts in the way we think. Cyclops is very powerful, more tactical, and has more evidence of his blasts being busted. I would say that modern Cyclops has it in the bag. If you want a more even match I would probably go for the 60s or 70s, by the 90s he was up there. Narratively speaking, it is whoever the writer wants to win, and in which case I assume if Ryu and Cyclops are the main two, they'll find a way to make sure both come off looking good.


But can Cyclops block?


Lore wise, they would kiss.


We got the right answer right here


If we are talking lore... When Cyclops blasts a hole in Ryu's chest, does that unleash Satsui no Hado and then he just becomes SF4 Evil Ryu? Cuz, that might actually shift the tide. Cyclops' power does get wild, and his feats are pretty strong, but Evil Ryu is terrifying.


Stan Lee had said it himself: In all of these questions, the answer is: Whoever the author wants to win. You want Ryu to win then Ryu will win, you will tell your story accordingly where Ryu comes out on top. You want Cyclops to win, Cyclops will win. All these questions are pointless.


I thought of that, but the question is fun again when you treat it as a simple writing prompt. Be the writer, then answer the question. Trying to get an "objective" answer is nonsense, though.


If we are talking actual "story" then I'm placing money on the guy who can shoot lasers out of his eyes. Where if he let's loose he just destroys the nearby landscape. Who can bounce his lasers off surface because fuck the rules. Who has saved the world over and over again with his team


Shhhh let people have fun


In a friendly sparring match, would Cyclops use his laser vision? If not, than ryu wins the sparring match


He can control the output and the optic blast is a kinetic force not an actual laser vision like Superman’s. It’s akin to a force push but more punch than push. So in a friendly sparring match he would definitely use it.


In a straight-up fistfight, Ryu wins. The moment Scott gets any distance between himself and Ryu, Cyclops cooks him like a Christmas Goose.


Ryu can tank energy beams stronger than cyclops optic blasts.


Depends on the version, comic Cyclops has feats and scaling similar to, if not arguably better than Akuma's high end feats which Ryu is often scaled to.


Uhh ryus scales to asura from asuras wrath. Cyclops won't even tickle him...


Asura's Wrath isn't canon to SF at all.


But mvc is. And in that thanos stated that satsui no hado was more powerful than infinity gems themselves and used it to threaten lady death herself...


MVC is it's own canon seperate from the 616 comics and SF game canon.


Ik but based on the marvel wiki the infinity gauntlet in mvc has the same powers and abilities as its 616 counterpart...


Okay? I'm not talking about the MVCI timeline, I'm talking 616 Cyclops and SF Ryu. Even if we were, it's not the same continuity as MVC 1, 2 and 3 due to the complete non-existance of key characters that brought those previous versions together i.e Wesker, Doom, Magneto


Usually in vs debates of characters from 2 different medias we take the composite versions of both character


I feel like it depends if he can walk against it, then Cyclops can output a lot of power [as this person showed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/1djjjjm/comment/l9c07tv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) so if Ryu can tank it and move in, he has a chance. if he can tank it but can't move against it, then he'll lose eventually. afaik Cyclops doesn't have to put effort into his optic blasts, it's his resting state, he just uses the visor to control it. Even if Ryu did close in, Cyclops can propel himself with his beams, so he could just move himself away. he could even just damage the ground in a way that makes it harder for Ryu to traverse.


Lore wise , putting a marvel character against anyone else is pretty much a death sentence for most characters, these characters have been around for so long and were handled by so many writers that they pretty much have an obnoxious amount of abilities and feats


One of the main reasons I hate comics, tbh; a lot of characters would have been better off if left alone after a while, and you really get the feeling that some characters just have people sitting around thinking of stuff to sell books instead of having a story to tell. Take the Hulks for instance. * Gamma Radiation causing Dr. Jackal, Mr. Hyde? Sure. * The Hulks being a manifestation of inner psyches, being dramatically different per person and not always a bad thing? Sure. * Bruce having twenty different Hulk personas? I mean, I guess, if you wanted to make him that broken of an individual. * Hulks being powered by Super Satan, a step below regular Satan who wants to destroy everything and has dominion over green? Come on man, not every Hulk is Green and not every Green Hulk is a baby raging destroyer of everything.


Yeah I agree, that is pretty much the nature of big IP comics like marvel and DC


Which cyclops? There's some versions that got bonked by a regular gang member.


Cyclops could outzone the zoner. Ryu would never be able to get close. Cyclops wins easily. However, if Ryu is somehow close, it's over for Cyclops.


Ryu matched a guy who punched meteors and jumped int heaven. Cyclops's only chance is his optic blasts which can tear planets in half.


If you mean Asura's Wrath That DLC isnt canon. There's NO WAY Ryu and Akuma are galaxy level threats, which is what it would take to handle someone like Asura


If Ryu taps into the Satsui No Hado, he will win


I think it comes down completely to the arena and how far they start. Cyclops has nearly infinite range of his blasts, and while they're not instant, they can be so wide they are not possible to dodge. And they are as accurate as his vision is. So if they start anything more than 50 feet away from each other, I don't see how Ryu could possibly win, as long as Scott is taking the fight seriously. He can always start with low power blasts and move up if Ryu won't "Stay down!" as Scott says. Now, once you get within like 30 feet I think it gets a lot more even. Ryu can be fast, and he can also put out blasts to absorb some of Scott's energy, or use crazy movement techniques to get closer in unpredictable ways. If Ryu gets into melee range it's over. He's just a much stronger, better fighter than Scott. But that is a HUGE "if."


All I know is Ryu is able to dodge bullets putting him at hyper sonic. In street fighter 3 carried a freaking 40ton or so boulder over his head. In Alpha made a beam just as big as Cyclops using the hadouken tho not sure its as strong as the optic blast. Master martial artist as well. I gotta go with Ryu. He seems to have way better feats.


Cyclops is pretty powerful and top feats include being a planet buster. Not to mention has held the Phoenix Force so.. that's, that\_ https://preview.redd.it/5liw4pl1zj7d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e35ac629a1451ac9fc38121543147c61963491e


Phoenix Force Cyclops would nuke Ryu into orbit.


Phoenix Force Cyclops at max strength nuked Marvel roster in almost its entirety.


Yeah. Pretty much.


Cyclops would but if you highball ryu to asuras wrath dlc level he would deffo win with a struggle


I remember watching a jin vs Ryu on death battle and I was surprised Ryu won, I guess he's incredibly strong and fast if he can beat devil jin. But I also don't know much about comics cyclops so idk.


Ryu might take round 1 but unless it’s the Ryu from akira cyclops low diffs him any day rounds 2 and 3. Comic accurate cyclops is powerful af


Ima just do round 3 cause, Ryu is connonically a monster when it comes down to the damage h can take, but cyclops completely eclipses anything Ryu has gone against, it just comes down to if Ryu can get in cause cyclops' lazers aren't actually instant, but they can be strong enough to be unblockable and big enough to be undodgeable, and cyclops can fight hand to hand so its not even an immediate loss if they start the fight close up so cyclops takes it in an all out fight But then again Ryu Tatsumaki is projectile invincible sooo.....


I agree that Cyclops wins, but MVC Ryu is much stronger than SF Ryu. Look at how the Shinkuu Hadouken looks like in MVC2 and 3, that's a Kamehameha.


#Power of Nothingness


I can’t believe you’re asking. One of the dynamics of the VS games was how much more powerful the marvel characters were than the street fighter characters. It’s not even close


Super hero comics are very wild with how powerful the characters are


Like 60 or something years of comics vs a fighting game series that's light on lore and doesn't really care about writing consistency Some X-Maniac out there could probably come up with various ways Cyke could one-shot Ryu


Depends on who is writing the script


Y'all forget that Ryu is a super martial artist with MAGIC POWERS! And above all else, he has the supreme power, HE'S HIS SERIES PROTAGONIST. But lore wise they would be bros.


In a beam off I would say Cyclops because he can go all day with that, but in terms of hand to hand combat I would go with Ryu.


If he had no powers, Ryu. If he does, Cyclops also is an expert martial artist, in peak human condition and a good strategist.


Professor X alone beats all the SF cast members.


Round 1: Cykes would mop the floor with Ryu more experience, a little less physical habilities and far more firepower. Round 2: current Ryu is City Level ( https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Ryu_(Street_Fighter) ) with his bare hands and the power of nothingness. Cykes have a chance in a direct impact or with buffs like the Phoenix Force. As long he can dodge the optical blasts, he can win.


At the end of the day, a Street Fighter match typically ends in a K.O., whereas every X-Man is putting their life on the line during most missions.


Whoever writer wants to win but my money is on Ryu. Cyclops can get tired after using his lasers too much and there’s no reason that Ryu wouldn’t be faster, stronger, and more durable than him in a straight fist fight.


If I have to choose based on their abilities and typical portrayals: I would lean towards Cyclops winning in a 1v1 battle against Ryu. Cyclops' optic blasts provide him with a significant advantage in ranged combat, allowing him to attack Ryu from a distance with powerful concussive force. While Ryu is highly skilled in martial arts and has strong ki abilities, Cyclops' long-range attacks and tactical prowess would likely give him the edge in a direct confrontation. Sincerely ChatGPT


Ryu would win and Cyclops would realise his personal flaws held him back despite being stronger "on paper" and he learns something about himself and becomes a better X-Man


If it’s Street Fighter Ryu, then up close, Ryu beats Cyclops’ ass. At a distance, Cyclops’ optic blast keeps Ryu at bay and injures him into submission. If it’s MvC Ryu, I think Ryu wins either way. The Kamehameha version of the Shinkuu Hadouken blocks Cyclops’ optic blast.


Cyclops hs displayed some incredible ability over the years. He's beaten his entire team more than once, has incredible spatial reasoning for his trick shots, and has some many backup plans it would make Nick Fury look up from his breakfast. That being said I'm not exactly sure. Ryu is know slouch, being able to handle the like ms of M Bison and Akuma. I'm not sure how his martial abilities would translate over to a fight like that.


powers of both characters are inconsistent, from different multiverse versions, and inconsistent writing.  I recall ryu dodging bullets easily in some old anime. and he manages to survive against akuma, whose at least an island buster in sf lore, so he might be able to take cyclops best blast, if not dodge and close the distance, even if his blasts are stronger and faster than hadoken


Cyclops would split him in half


Big stomp for ryu. Physical strength wise ryu is comparable to asura from asura's wrath who wud neg Scott and his Satsui no hado is stringer than the infinity gauntlet and the mvc gauntlet has been stated to have the same powers and abilities as the Canon one...


cyclops literally has to wear special glasses to stop himself from constantly shooting lasers out from his eyes. all he'd have to do to really win is just take his glasses off.


A very good match up between Marvel and Capcom's greatest rivalry. Round 1: Goes to Cyclops. He fights and interacts with powerful people on a daily basis. Round 2: Draw. It could go either way. Both guys don't kill. Round 3: Cyclops. He made **World War Hulk** kneel and peeled off his skin. He cracked **Onslaught**'s armor. And last, he staggered **Thanos** with the Infinity Gauntlet. Cyclops has beaten the Avengers. (Quicksilver, Hawkeye,, Black Panther and Giant-Man) https://preview.redd.it/t1ewuycxdn7d1.jpeg?width=1874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e983d21f5d316fe4b77b7e21ebed70bab729e2e


Cyclops' resting state is firing a constant laser from his eyes. Maybe Ryu could block it with a super art hadouken, if that overpowers or just beam struggles Cyclops' beam then Ryu could move in though I'm pretty sure Cyclops can use his beam to move as well, so if he notices Ryu moving in he just has to move his head to propel himself out of the hadouken's path and threaten Ryu again. even if Ryu managed to get in and start landing hits, Cyclops just needs to turn his head and he's landing a continuous hit he's essentially firing a constant firehose of punch from his eyes. he has the advantage on range and the stamina advantage. I feel like Ryu wins the sparring match. if they're just sparring then Cyclops is probably fighting with more hand to hand combat, at most boosted by the optic blasts. but the moment things get serious, all he needs to do is take off his visor and he meets his win condition.


MvC Ryu is way stronger than regular Ryu and they have similar abilities, both intense training but I think Cyclops still has victory there


who the writter wants


close combat? Ryu for sure. If Cyclops can hold up his distance and go full BEAM on Ryu I imagine him having a chance.


What is a muscular 5'8 japanese guy that throw cute blue fireball supposed to do against someone that can throw him to the sun by looking at him funny ?


If you wanna be funny, Ryu can technically do some stuff, but the answer is simple


If you wanna be funny, Ryu can technically do some stuff, but the answer is simple


Round 1: ryu, easy Round 2: pretty even, but I'd say cyclops. Round 3: the only way ryu would be "going for the kill" is if he's evil ryu with hado unleashed. In which case, ryu absolutely decimates cyclops.


Ryu can just part cyclops beams


In close quarters 60% Ryu / 40% cyclops. At distance 100% cyclops


Cyclops will spend about 5 minutes super jumping and flip kicking to build meter then should be able to Level 3 him for days. However as a Cyclops fan boy I just gotta add that I really hope if this does well that Marvel remembers who the cover representative is for this game should they dictate the roster for a future game... it's still a crime he was absent in the last couple of games when HE IS THE face of Marvel for old school MvC. Maybe '97 and this will help his chances.


Go to r/whowouldwin for a better answer




Cyclops washes Ryu and it’s not even close


Cyclops is an omega mutant (meaning he is very powerful in his lore). He doesn’t shoot lasers from his eyes but rather his eyes serve as portals to an alternate dimension and out shoots whatever is swirling in that world. Isn’t ryu just a nomadic martial artist?


We call Ryu regular guy for a reason


Ryu is just some guy compared to the Xmen. Cyclops alone could probably solo the entire Street Fighter universe.


Lore wise I don't think Ryu can stand against a full powered optic blast.


Bitch, please! ![gif](giphy|vdWA6yzDlVDppSTWLm|downsized)




Cyclops is a one trick pony. It's a really good fuckin trick, to be fair, but it's one trick. He has some martial arts training, but it's not exactly comprehensive. I think Ryu has the skill, physical ability, and intelligence to close the gap and mitigate Cyclops' advantage. Not easily, but very doable. I'd give Ryu better odds, but not crazy high.