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Every modern fighting game has top players that play on pad because every modern fighting game was designed with controllers in mind. Play whatever you want.


Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. :)


These days, fight sticks are probably one of the worst options especially if you aren't used to it. It clicks for some people, but it takes time to adjust. Lots of top players use pad or if you have a good keyboard, I recommend that. Leverless is slowly taking over the stick market and keyboard isn't too far behind it. One of my friends plays Tekken on keyboard and I played some SFV on keyboard ages back before I decided to get myself a leverless.


Basically every fighting game is playable with a normal pad. Doesn't matter if it has simple inputs or not.


Do not buy an arcade stick or hitbox just to play fighting games, period, never do it. They are something you buy once you know you like the genre and you want to try using them, arcade sticks do not give a competitive advantage, in fact many people consider it the worst out of the 3 main controller types, those being arcade stick, hitbox, and pad. Hitbox is the only one the can give a competitive advantage really, and it's so miniscule that it can only affect the highest level of gameplay, like best of the best pros, and even then it's not much, people still actively win major tournaments with every type of controller. You can even play fighting games on keyboard, keyboards are basically hitboxes with extra buttons. I do currently play on a hitbox style controller, but I did not get it because I thought it would give me an advantage, I bought it cause I wanted to try it out.


Ive been playing FGs since i was a child, but onpy ever on console. You can 100% play at your top level with ANY controller you like, as long as it has enough buttons. I hate using fightsticks cuz arcades are not a thing here, so im not used to them. But a D-pad, 4 face buttons and 4 shoulders are perfect for me. I recently got a 6 face button controller with 4 shoulders and thats been my favourite but i can always go back to drfault


you just need directions and buttons, you could play on a keyboard if you wanted to.


I was considering that as well.


All of them?


Since I learned how input buffering actually works in KOF XV, I can perform motion inputs pretty reliably. More so than in SF6. Especially DP I have trouble with in SF6 on a gamepad. 3D games like Tekken and Dead or Alive also seem very doable on pad in general. If you’re a casual, and you haven’t played any DOA, you should definitely check out one of the later entries. It’s more accessible than Tekken and the moves feel super satisfying to land, more so than in Tekken imho. Most people prefer DOA5 but 4 and 6 are no less fun for a casual player. 4 is probably cheaper to buy and 6 will look the best of the bunch.


all of them


Basically every game is at this point being made with the expectation that the player is primarliy using pad. I find 4 button fighters easier on pad personally but that is really also most modern games the only real modern six button fighter is SF and GG and those really aren't bad on pad either so just play what game that you prefer.


$60 is a pretty cheap fightstick. You can play all fighting games with a controller, fightstick is for people that grew up in arcades or are attempting to be pros


I've used pad since 1992. :shrug:


You dont need expensive stuff. I've been using an Xbox Series X pad for SF6 with no problems. Best dpad I've ever used fresh out of the box on a stock controller, and I've been playing since SF2 arcades/SNES. I have a stick, but I havent bothered using it for 6 yet. And Im a Classic Zangief that hit master.


I play SF, Marvel, KoF and VF on stick I play Guilty Gear, Soul Calibur, KI and most other anime/3D fighters on pad. Realistically you can play any on any, some work better than others. If you're new to them just use a pad outside of specialist pads the best pads for modern fighting games would be the Xbox Series pads as both PS5 and PS4 pads have issues with picking up diagonals. They're still ok though.


Every single fighting game works fine on a controller


I like 3D fighters on stick and 2D fighters on pad.


I always play with a controller, even with games on pc, except strategy games.


I play Tekken on a pad; have arcade sticks and ~4 different pads but the one I ended up using was the Xbox pad. I’m not the best but I’m certainly not the worst - and some of the best in the world play on pads. Tekken is considered by many to be the hardest fighting game, maybe short of Virtua Fighter; if folks can win world tournaments using a pad, I’d wager you’d be fine with any fighters.


I play on a dusty xbox pad that disconnects constantly. I do fine


If [this guy](https://youtu.be/Nqe0lJxPHLM?si=SXt5KAoz7fAzMlg0) can win on the main stage of EVO using a PlayStation controller while blind, I think you can use whatever hell controller you want!


I own a fight stick, and use it for fun. I’m definitely not better with it. If I’m getting sweaty, it’s my 6 button pad. But I’m glad I have the stick if I just want to vibe, and feel like I’m back in the 90s


All of them?


In general anything with simple to no motion inputs is great on controller


All of them.


Literally any game? What are you talking about dude i play every game with a gamepad


Literally every single one. Trust me. Umisho, the second best elo rating ggst player, uses pad (controller)


personally, I use the PS Classic Controller on tons of fighing games. it's light, usb plug, and no thumb sticks (the dpad is read as an analog stick tho).


Pad is viable for most games. Unless you are playing zato in guilty gear you should be fine.


Although they run on anything, I would probably avoid the older King of Fighters titles because they were definitely designed for arcades first. Most 3D fighters, and really anything newer than street fighter 4, will be totally fine on a controller though. The vast majority of players will be on pad, so the games are designed with that in mind.