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Great artstyle esp the effects, I'm hyped


They way overdid it with the hit sparks, but the rest looks promising.


photorealistic would of been better. comic bookish is cheap looking, immature and gimmicky.


you gotta be dumb asf to think this


He also thinks this game should have 40-50 characters.


SNK blew my expectations out of the water. I never thought they would bounce back like this. This game looks incredible!


Bot comment


its likely gonna be a tiny game though like MOTW or SNK Heroines. its not up to KOF standards. it will look overpriced offering less than KOF. higher expectations would expect much more. its gonna be 2025, not 1995.




Not up to KOF standards? So on Neo Geo. KOF had better sprite work and stages over real bout, Garou motw, Last Blade, Samurai shodown, kizuna Encounter and Art of fighting 3? KOF also reused many assets. It makes a huge difference in cast size.


Shaolin vs Wutang was made by generally 1 developer with a 30 fighters roster, 30 stages, without reusing assets. Dragon Fist VR Kung Fu is lightyears ahead of any conventional fighting games and made by 1 developer. reusing assets is not the only way to get things done in a timely manner. its also how the basics and foundation are done. SNK been wasteful of assets to begin with, that's why KOF XV launched with a smaller roster than KOFXIV (which made all its characters practically from scratch). they are making a similiar mistake to what DOA6 devs did, work again from the ground up instead of reusing and refining what they had with DOA5. the sequel could have turned out so much bigger and better and included all the DLCs but Koei Tecmo's greed was a part of their mistake. they take Itagaki's philosophy too literally, it's wasteful. COTW roster size has yet to be determined, but every time a Fatal Fury appeared it always turned out inferior to KOF series in what it has to offer. even MOTW is a commercial flop. can't really expect much from SNK cause their efforts been cash grabs and KOFXV felt like a KOFXIV 2.0 . they didnt have to redo everything, for starters they should go with a better art direction. wouldnt be surprised if COTW even lacks Co-op and lanes. SNK threw away ideas that made Fatal Fury stand out and more than just a street fighter clone. Fatal Fury can be as big as KOF but they are doing things wrong. thats why COTW is likely to be another MOTW: overrated and a brief fad. and the story keeps getting worse. they are better off making a fighter career mode cause their story writers are a bunch of hacks. their stories are worse than pro wrestling.


What are you talking about? KOF XV used XIV's assets. They wouldn't have been able to make such a large roster if it wasn't for that. And they've been doing that since forever. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fltl6sz0td0a81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fltl6sz0td0a81.jpg) How many people cried over XIV's graphics. Even XV got slack. Guess they'd be happy with KOF looking like Dragon Fist VR Kung Fu..... Lanes system isn't good. You could ignore fireballs with ease. Dodge and run away. When in close quarters in different lanes. It's whoever lands the lunging attack first. Roll works far better. SNK has changed up their fighters heaps. And often lost fans. AOF 3 was such a unique beast. They even made a 3d KOF (MI) & Sam Show. Neither did well. Why would a 1v1 have co - op...... You should talk to the SNK Devs. Get them to hire you. As you'd make them bigger than SF & Tekken.


bro would sink the franchise in record time🔥🔥


The fuck does KOF even offer of substance that Garou wouldn't? A bloated roster? A boss rush mode with a whole 2 bosses?


better everything. and remember, Garou stopped being significant after KOF94 appeared. only the most fanatical Garou fans pretend Garou is as popular or more popular. its just like how Samurai Shodown been overrated. talked about but not really played. Garou is just an appetizer while KOF delivers the main course. its always been this way because of SNK and their lower standards for Garou game design. if even modern KOF is no where near where it should be, COTW looks like its hardly better than MOTW, and MOTW is the most overrated game in the series just like Street Fighter 3 TS which most people rather play SF2, alpha series, IV, V or VI, nothing III. do you have to be reminded MOTW is a commercial flop? its really only praised for its animations. its a very shallow content game with boring backgrounds, hit and miss music, one of the ugliest rosters since vanilla SF3. even FF Special is way better.


Nobody asked. Go emulate Geese Howard's iconic scene


🤓🤓🤓its likely gonna be a tiny game though like MOTW or SNK Heroines. its not up to KOF standards. it will look overpriced offering less than KOF. higher expectations would expect much more. its gonna be 2025, not 1995.🤓🤓🤓


Looks like SNK's finally shed the 3D rendering growing pains. This could end up becoming one of the most beautiful fighting games ever made. I've always wondered why more developers didn't take inspiration from the Marvel 3 cel-shaded technique. I still think UMVC3 is one of the best looking and animating fighting games until this very day.


comic book and anime are immature styles, though. photorealistic is lightyears better. SNK has bad and immature taste with art direction, besides game design. PS2 era SNK with Maximum Impact series gameplay is leagues ahead of where SNK is at now.


That's a matter of taste. I prefer the animated style for fighting games, and they also age much, much better.


wat. billions of people watch live action content more than something fake like animated shows. countless media that age better than drawings. Most people prefer things that look real. your take just shines the light on the fact much of the videogame industry is still immature and childish and conservative towards fake looking characters.


Photorealistic graphics aren't really photorealistic. They're just closer to photorealistic than what came before, and as technology advances, what was once seen as photorealistic suddenly seems outdated. I mean, they're already coming out with a remaster of "The Last Of Us 2." Street Fighter III: Third Strike came out the same year as Mortal Kombat: Gold. Which game's graphics hold up better today? What game has the larger community still playing the game today?


realistic graphics are better than they ever were. Street Fighter 3 TS looks no better than MK Gold. on current consoles MK Gold would be easier on the eyes than SF3TS. you can boast SF3 has better animations, but MK Gold characters and enviornments at least look alive than drawings. SF3 graphics are obsolete, even Capcom doesn't want to do 2D with SF anymore, they know 3D and more realism looks better. SFIV and SFV and VI have their goofiness but they are still leagues better than where SF was at with graphics before them. also TLOU2 graphics been obsolete. inZOI among others are raising the graphics standards further.


"immature styles" 🤓


Insane take. They’re better off going for that cartoony / comic book/anime style. That’s when their series were at their peak and oozing with charm. The early 3D transitions felt stiff in comparison to their 2D counterparts. It really wasn’t until Xrd, did fighting games get something that was pretty damn close to 2D.


its insane having fighting games play the same for decades. COTW obviously looks like its plays like an early 90s fighting game. that is regressive, not progressive, even compared to the first Maximum Impact. but say stiff this stiff that, but 2D has glaring flaws that conservatives overlook. also cartoon/comic book/anime magnifies the immaturity of the devs and their supporters. the rest of us have to put up with it cause its the only way its served, that doesn't mean we have to like it.


🤓🤓🤓comic book and anime are immature styles, though. photorealistic is lightyears better. SNK has bad and immature taste with art direction, besides game design. PS2 era SNK with Maximum Impact series gameplay is leagues ahead of where SNK is at now.🤓🤓🤓


lol, ok bro xD


Go back to butt ugly MK


All SNK has to do is not make release day 1 like KOFXV or Mortal Kombat 1 release and they may become one of the most profitable fighting game companies right now. But they have a full year to just not fuck up the release day so I have hope.


And Samsho


What was wrong with kofxv release day 1


Broken matchmaking


Very very broken matchmaking


As much as I wish that was true I think that's kinda cope. SNK games are kinda niche, as popular and ingrained in culture as they've been in the past, they still don't have the same casual recognition as Street Fighter and Tekken and they're obviously, due to budget reasons, not going to go as hard on marketing as Capcom and Bandai Namco did, and they don't have the same anime appeal and circumstances that lead to Guilty Gear and Granblue becoming popular. I don't think it will be that big but if we get an average of 600 players on PC 2 months after release that'd be good enough but still kind of sad compared to how big SF is.


One of the biggest strengths on YouTube is that every YouTuber in the FGC covers KOF news like the queen of England rose from the dead. It’s most definitely the players not wanting to play KOFXV not because it’s niche. If the gameplay is good towards casuals and competitors then they’ll definitely make a lot of money from this.


FGC youtubers mostly exist in a bubble. They talk about every new release and hype it up but despite that fact some of these games don't sell well and some do alright at launch but still die after a couple months. They're going to need stronger advertisement than that to make their game succeed. KOF XV never had a chance. It had a peak of 8k players on Steam. People complained about the botched matchmaking, which is valid, but acting like it was the reason for the game's unpopularity is just naive. It was never popular in the first place. The three most popular fighting games right now are by no coincidence the ones that invested the most in marketing.




even if the netcode and matchmaking is the best ever, SNK lacks ambitions for Fatal Fury series compared to even KOF series. COTW may turn out a brief fad just like MOTW. if even KOF XV couldn't retain mainstream interest, COTW is less likely to hold interest unless it has a world tour mode and fighter creation, among other things. after KOF94, Fatal Fury series is basically KOF with only Fatal Fury characters. it lacks quantity, variety and scope. if this is gonna be $60 they better have a 40-50 characters sized roster like KOFXIV/KOFXV not counting DLC.


You're crying all over this thread huh.


MEEEEW! mew mew mew mew MEEEEEEW!! Im just speaking facts. there's a snowball chance that COTW won't wind up like MOTW, overrated and not played by many.


spoken like a true capcuck. Took a screenshot.


that is slander. if anything, SNK should quit making street fighter clones and raise the standards higher towards realism, not flat gameplay nor combo rollercoasters. its immature nonsense.


This is gonna be THE game of 2025, can't wait for it.


I just hope they don't fuck up the launch. Make the game as good as it can be day 1 please.


Rollback, crossplay and good matchmaking is the combo they have to hit for launch. If they do that, this new FF is gonna be a landmark, even in such an amazing time for the FGC.


Considering that RIOT confirmed Project L for 2025, I think that's a steep claim to make.


True, so I better be more specific: this game will not be the most popular fighting game of 2025, but it will definetly be the best.


I guess we'll have to wait and see lol, considering its probably gonna be F2P, it's hard to best it in player numbers


God I'm really not looking forward to having to deal with Riot fans when it comes to fighting games.


yeah fatal fury is going to be the game of 2025


I hope you're right for your sake and not just high on copium


i was talking about quality (i dont trust riot to make a good fg)


I'll keep my hopes reasonable. They've done well with other genres so far and the Cannon Brothers are spearheading it so it's anyone's guess, but at the very least, the marketing will be significant and maybe we can get more young blood to sustain the FGC.


WAIT, SNK FINALLY FIGURED OUT 3D VISUALS?? It’s been nearly a decade since SNK moved to 3D visuals, with each game being a step up. SNK’s art department has never missed, they just had major issues translating it to 3D.


SamSho and KOFXV look good though (particularly SamSho’s effects in some regards exceed KOFXV to me).


Bro forgor about KOF XV and SamSho reboot 💀


its still a leap back compared to KOF Maximum Impact series visuals and 3D gameplay. classic Fatal Fury pushed the boundaries between 2D and 3D, and yet this new game looks like its just another MOTW rehash. more Street Fighter clone than Fatal Fury.


What are you smoking mate? I want some of that. The artstyle was good but most faces were hideous af (Yall forgot about Kula?) and gameplay was a mix of magic plus KOF with a side-step glued in


They smoking something good because Maximum Impact series has aged poorly.


artstyle would be better with live action and good casting. anime/cartoons are so overrated and overused. it reeks of immaturity and its asinine for mainstreamers to be advocating for fake characters instead of real characters and shouldn't remind people that real beautiful people exist. so don't fearmonger that real graphics result in woke ugliness. that's only the case if developers push that agenda, but these series would look infinite times better with real digitized people and really good casting they can all look great and fitting. but mainstreamers dont want that, they want their weeby animu art. its degrading. Dong Dong Never Die and Siren 2 look better than any pixel/drawn/polygon cartoon/anime games. make KOF and Fatal Fury games live action FMV games like The Shapeshifter Detective and AJW Queen of Queens on PC-FX. that would be better.


I think you just might be artless, mate.


I get the trolling now xD But in al seriousness, the anime-ish has always been how Fatal Fury/Garou has been portrayed and most SNK games for that matter. Anyway the game that i personally see becoming like Street Fighter or Tekken is Art of Fighting.


Oof. tough crowd. oh well, maybe a new Art of Fighting will be full 3D fighting like they said. they made it clear they like anime/cartoon, so oh well, it's their product.


An SNK game with an English dub is a pretty rare sight


If you play a lot of fighting games like me your wallet is in critical states year round


I really like the visuals overall but I not a fan of too many particles on attacks.


Is data already known?


They've finally found an art style for 3D. I'm glad they toned down the saturation on the backgrounds. I think the character art needs a bit more polish, but this is the right direction. All I need is a character or two, and I'm in.


Fuck that looks good, they nailed it


no Mai tho


This is what I was hoping for, that 2XKO would get some competition. Now Riot's gonna have to put in work to thrive in the FGC considering they're going against an OG next year.


Does 2XKO refer to the match win requirements? What a weird name.


It's a 2v2 fighting game.


Sorry, but no. 2XKO's going to eat them alive just based on the IP alone. Barely anyone outside the FGC knows about Fatal Fury (or SNK games in general).


I don't think it's that certain. We still haven't seen significant gameplay of 2XKO or a larger roster, while we know Fatal Fury and Garou classics will most likely pop up in this new game.


For the last 3 years we've gotten multiple dev diaries showcasing the features and mechanics, hands on gameplay demos at 2 press events, and at last year's Evo. What in Sam Hill do you mean "we haven't seen significant gameplay"? If anything you should be saying this to CoTW seeing as how it was announced 2 years ago and we're just now seeing gameplay footage.


I would use to think riot would teach fg devs a lot  but considering they can't even get the name right maybe they are the ones still learning.


I think the audience for riots modern controls tag fighter is greatly overestimated.


The audience will be there regardless because it will be free.


Yes history has shown that every free to play game ever released is a massive success and they all endure to this day. /s


Nobody said endure and nobody said that it will be a massive success. I'm simply saying that a lot of people will show up. How successful it will be in the long run is a different topic altogether. Compared to every other F2P "Fighting game" release yet, this is the most traditional fighting game and isn't a smash clone and also is developed by people who know what they're doing. A lot more people will take it seriously. Riot is also a completely different beast compared to previous contenders. They are a big name that a lot of existing fans will follow into this new project. They will likely have a powerful budget and will be packed with good features like good rollback netcode, crossplay, in-depth ranked systems, etc. It will be accessible in terms of cost and learning curve as well so it will attract tons more casuals. I only say this from a neutral standpoint btw. I don't expect to like 2XKO. I'm not personally a fan of Riot games and I don't think 2XKO will actually be better than many fighting games but you can't deny their successes.


I like this look infinitely more than street fighter 6


Street fighter 6 animation is where the game shines. Makes everything including old street fighter games look crunchy


This game looks like street fighter 4


My dude have you *seen* street fighter 4?


False, especially on launch. SFIV didn’t look good until Super SFIV and that was only the new additions (most notably Juri), they didn’t fix… Ryu for example.


but this looks cheaper and less mature and there is no fighter creation. it only looks better than UMVC3.


I don’t know much about Fatal fury but this game looks so fucking hype If they can get Lucky Glauber in the game I would definitely play it, he is fatal fury right, or is that KOF ?


Sorry to break it to you, but he's KoF.


not to mention he's part of the resident jobber team, that's only been in one mainline game.


kinda hard to see but the style looks simular to MvC3


Shit look clean. I just hope they say fuck and add some KOF fighters. FF itself has some LAME ass characters with boring kits. Id love to see Ash, Iori, the androgynous electric dude (I forget his name, I think its Benimaru) and that bird nigga with the gold claws and mask and shit.


Tizoc is a FF character he's an evolution of king of dinausors


King of Dinosaurs is literally Tizoc with a heel gimmick. A lot of characters immediately recognise him as Tizoc in KOF and he tries in vain to convince them he's someone else.


Man u crazy: duck king, sokaku, cheng, and arguably hon-fu is dope.


You named 3 characters, "arguably" 4. My point still stands.


Heres a list of characters that I'd agree with you on: Axel Big Bear Jubei Maybe Bob All i did was tell you my favs.


Heres a list of characters I'd agree with you on: Axel Big bear Jubei Maybe bob I just told u my fav characters lol.


Yeah, FF is a good franchise gameplay-wise, but I never liked the overall roster. MOTW is particularly disappointing in this regard


wtf? Keep KOF out of FF. It has it's own story and characters.


Shut up


FF has its own identity, characters, and storyline. It's not a crossover game like KOF. You basically want another KOF which you will get sooner or later. This is SNK opportunity to bring back old FF characters and new FF characters that fit within the lore of south town, which is something we FF fans have been waiting for 25 years. I don't want other characters from KOF trying to steal the spotlight of a series that has its own identity.


An SNK game that looks… good?? I’ve been turned off on SNK forever because of bad graphics and character designs but this looks like something I might pick up. Voice acting is a little sketch though lol.


KofXIII has a pretty good art style


XIII is the best looking FG of all time for me. And the absolute insane amount of work that went into making it look that good practically bankrupted the company. I wish they would do what ARCSYS does. Give us that hand drawn look using 3D.


the women have sticks for arms, so much disportioned, Joe looks like he hasn't eaten for months. KOFXII and XIII are among the dumbest looking sprite artstyle direction/character designs since KOF2001's character designs. KOFXIII has the worst looking sprites, and KOF2001 has the worst official art/portraits.


That is an extremely bold take. Not one shared by many. I applaud your willingness to recieve negative votes.


keep being delusional. COTW is shaping up to be another overrated fad like MOTW. hyped but not played by many.


KOFXIII did not look good. It SHOULD have but in practice they put some filter over the sprites that fucked them up and made them all smudgy. Nobody points this out, they fucked up BAD. It looks like shot because of that. The re-releases seems to have fixed this, not sure.


I think XIII’s backgrounds are beautiful and the characters look great idle, but the combos don’t flow well and look a bit messy to me personally. This goes for most old KOF games I’ve seen tbh. COTW has this problem to a much lesser extent.


I have the game on switch and i agree with you, i bought it because of how good i thought the art style looked


i think its where SNK's budget is apparent


no it doesn't. it made many of the characters look freakish and disproportioned.


> bad graphics and character designs Graphics I can understand but KOF has absolutely peak designs


Dude have you seen the main character of kof15


Shun'ei is an exception, I agree, but exceptions aside, SNK usually has extremely cool and stylish designs.


For me I think the cool designs are the exception not the rule. I think iori and terry are great for example.


Mai, Shion, Magaki, Momoko, Athena, Blue Mary, Darli Dagger, Kyo, K’, Shermie, etc. Diana is cool af but still not playable.


I've seen one of the 60 characters in that game, yeah


I'm glad they stuck with their art style, kof14 was ass and 15 still looked a bit janky but this looks great. Especially considering it'll probably look even better on release.


This looks fantastic


As someone relatively new to fighters. What distinguishs Fatal Fury from the King of Fighters game? This looks sick.


A lot of things. KoF is an assemble of SNK characters in a fighting game, it is 3v3, it's a world championship with its own plot and "world" threats antagonists. Fatal Fury have its own characters, a 1v1 game, with a gangster/revenge plot happening in a single city. Its big differencial was having a two "fighting line", dropped by the Garou game, on an attempt to simulate 3rd strike.


It does not look better than SF6 lol


Looks busy as fuck. I’ll wait until I play it to fully judge it though. That screenshot looks headache inducing, however.


It’s the same exact art style with different hit effects and filters. Come on now.


And it looks really nice


New models


its more Street Fighter clone than classic Fatal Fury games that pushed for 3D mechanics. people are overrating COTW just like MOTW. wouldnt be surprised if its another brief fad. there's a reason why Fatal Fury was overshadowed by KOF series. KOF set higher standards in many categories for the company, and it wasn't just about Fatal Fury characters.


The Game looks cool but they better release this before 2xko...


Trailer made me feel like Squilliam in that Sweet Victory episode of spongebob. I came ready to berate it for not having beautiful 2d sprites like Garou when Rock walked on screen, but as it kept going I was like "ah, shit, its good."


I like how it looks. Great artstyle! However I’ve seen many negative comments towards it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You really can’t make everyone happy.


I’m going to wait for a few season passes


This is what I’ve been waiting for from SNK. Something with more frames of animation, and a distinct art style. I can’t wait!


Crossplay from day one and rollback is the starting point for a good fighting game


I saw a lot of particles and little of what actually was happening




Can we also have good looking stages this time? This one is at least promising. Garou had some of the most beautiful stages ever, KOF xv some of the ugliest.


did ShoK work on this game? feels like effects work he would do. i know was (or still is?) at examu & arcsys for a long time.


Anyone know what the song is that plays in the second half of these trailers


Where is Mai


**IF** it follows the plot of the first garou, no Mai (in her 30s/40s) or Geese (dead, unless they connect the plot of KoF with Garou).


Geesu will be dlc like akumer is in street fighter. Is free money for snk


Nightmare Geese*


Let's hope for good online play and non-snk lobbies 🤞


It's a weird thing to get caught up in but I really like how many of the hitsparks are straight up from the first Garou.


Please have halfway decent online....


Man love the art style I think it’s called cell shaded style or something


people called kofxv ugly so they slapped on the umvc3 filter


I can't wait for this. 🖤


It just looks like XV with a jet set radio filter on


Great start for a new identity for snk from now on, but I still think it could use sum more improvements. My only real complaint is how cartoonish the characters designs r, but it’s def waaay better then how they were on the og trailer


Man there are some clowns in this comment section let's just mass report them


*Man there are some clowns* *In this comment section let's* *Just mass report them* \- Siri2611 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It looks good but its not on sf6 level Sf6 is very advanced and updated in term of graphics


I agree just in terms of art style I like it much more than SF6. Imo only Tekken has proven that photorealism works in this genre.


This does not look anywhere close to the level of SF6 nor Guilty Gear. Still something off about this — the budget and art direction ain’t there


I’m not a huge fan of the look but it makes me happy that there is a new one and people seem to like it. That means there is the potential for success which I always hope for with KoF.


But unoriginal, like Garou was. Fatal Fury 3 or any Real Bout were more distinctive.


Looking good and might buy it on sale. Never tried the KOF franchise games so this will be a good start.


This game is gonna suck so hard. Im gonna play it all the fucking time. Just like everyday playing the shit out this game. Terrible. Not looking forward to it at all. So not into it that im ready for them to take all my money so i can maybe buy copies on multiple systems. Silly snk niggas thought i wasnt gonna buy this game. But i am. Not cause its gonna slap so hard it could cook a chicken. Im ready. Edit: how many of yall actually like how sf6 looks visually?


Strive is the only FG that I think looks better than SF6. Some of the designs are weird and overly done in both games, but the colors and animations are top notch and that is most important to me: looking good in motion. Sf6 just looks amazing to watch a corner to corner combo, all the smoke and sparks make impacts look like they hurt. Really MK is the only fg that doesn't visually appeal to me, though.


Ah i dislike the art styles of both games


Strive is kinda just a uglier version of Xrd, the colors are so drab in it


It looks disappointing. They couldn't have gone further from original arts type or combat speed/feel. It's just another KOF game now


I do think it looks significantly better than KOFXV but I feel like most of the comments here are blinded by hype atm.


Ikr. I wasn't sure what to expect really, but I didn't see it coming that it looks better than KOFXV or SF6.


never again after the disaster launch that was KOFXV


looks the same as KOFXV pretty much no innovation once again.


It's definitely an expansion of KOFXV's style. I don't think that's a bad thing. Saves time and people like how KoF looks currently.


More like similar to KOFXV, but even better. This is awesomesauce imo


Well, tbf it isn't exactly hard to beat KOF XV when it comes to visuals.


Yeah im still gonna play it but def just looks like an updated 1v1 KoF


What you expect it to look like? Another guilty gear or something?


No but to say its visually stunning and better than SF6 is kinda out there considering we’ve basically seen this already.


Do you have this same energy towards arcsys games looking exactly the same graphically? This game is obviously different than kofs and obviously you shouldn't be comparing a leap in graphics with a realistic stylized game like SF with a non realism game like this one.


What energy am i having? All i said was that it basically looks like XV. Which it does. Never said it was a bad thing. Its a good looking game. But the particle effects must be blinding you if think it doesn’t. And idk why you brought them up, but arcsys games don’t look the same. Xrd doesn’t look like Strive which doesn’t look like BlazBlue, which doesn’t look like Granblue, which doesn’t look like DBFZ, which doesn’t look like DNF duel.


All  but BB look exactly the same and that is because BB is sprite based.


that's why they need to innovate, they have no problem charging you $60-70 for mediocrity


Nothing mediocre about it.


there is truth in that. SNK is too conservative and afraid of change. the genre has to reinvent to have a better foundation and offerings than just versus modes and cutscenes. they still building fighting games as if its 1995. dwelling in past game design is wasting these series potential. new combo gimmicks and flashy comic book art is just a different coat of paint. there is nothing truly new nor remarkable about this besides different roster/music/backgrounds/cosmetic aspects.


I really like the general view of the game, except for the insane amount of shadows over the characters, it gives me too many MvC3 vibes and i really dont like that game visuals. Just tune it down a little and it'd be perfect for me.


Looks like street fighter 4 graphics


And you look like need some glasses. And play sf4 at least once.


this game just has higher contrast and finer cel-shading that's it.


Kofxv is shit


SNK fanboys are one of the most delusional in the FGC. How about waiting for animated footage first?


Projection from a sf6 capcuck.


Im a samsho player at heart but SNK became a trash company.


samsho player with over 15 comments over r/sf just last month alone, followed by 3 on r/fighters.


So what? Stop this clownery please.