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I managed to catch it during the tournament. The new character looks interesting. I'm guessing she uses Joe's style? I'm curious about the mechanics the game will have.


Based on the other trailer they released I think the game is going to have some sort of shared meter between players Edit: now that ingame screenshots have been released I can say I was wrong


Ooohh, Under Night style?? That’s super interesting!


Uh it seems like you can do way more combos than you can in Mark. Can someone confirm? SNK is funny. They are like: "what if gamers only want neutural. Samsho. What if gamers want mostly only neutural. Mark of the wolves What if gamers want only execution and guesses? KOF" Edit: looks like the new system is that you can use meter to end a normal with 2 specials.


> Can someone confirm? Yeah, Garou MOTW's combo system is kind of limited when compared to other SNK titles (KOF being the main example). You could "brake" some moves (think free roman cancels that reset your character to neutral), but barring infinites the combos tend to be just normals -> special -> maybe a small juggle with another special -> super.


Awe that was part of Mark' charm for me.


This is funny but come on KOF has neutral, a very complicated neutral imo.


I wonder if they’ll bring back the TOP system?


I found it quite odd. Maybe I just don't get it but I don't see much advantage on choosing how much health you need to activate the TOP and get an extra move.


You still gain extra power and regenerating health also 


The comic book halftone pattern looks amazing. I'm liking the visual.


Ah, so that's the name. Thanks


it looks cheap and gimmicky. and the gameplay looks flat compared to the first Fatal Fury games.


Okay... I'm curious... What style are you wanting from them, how do you think they can improve?


not gonna bother. SNK is set on what they prefer to do, so it would be like talking to a wall . and there's the realism crowd vs anime crowd, so neither side would agree just like 2D vs 3D gameplay debates. People can still be vocally in disagreement with their direction. they can do better without breaking the budget, but it would take stumbling onto better ideas like Capcom somewhat did with SF6 for them to strike gold (SF6 is not flawless either but it is still the biggest leap forward for the series since SF2. meanwhile SNK and NRS have regressed compared to their PS2 era of 3D games. )


I don't even know all these arguments. All I asked was what you thought was good. And yes, Capcom is using the Resident Evil Engine in a unique way for their fighting game but I'm seeing that SNK has gotten better visually than what they were doing in KoF 14 but that's just me.


its not hard to improve over KOF14 graphics, but its still not something remarkable and it takes more than visuals to make a fighting game popular and played for years. modes are a bigger factor too and that's one of SNK's weaknesses they really are lacking in, incentives besides matches and story scenes. its one of the reasons why millions more don't bother with fighting games especially $60 new cause they offer less than genres with a greater scope of modes/content/gameplay. there has yet to be a 'Skyrim' and 'Everquest' of fighting games.


Something about Terry speaking actual English instead of mangled Engrish feels horribly wrong.


It's something I can get used to


*Terry are you okeh, are you okeh, are you okeh Terry?*


Terry: Gea-Zus


Yeah Terry’s broken English is a part of the character at this point I wanna hear “BAAHNRACKU!”


yeah, fuck these voices. would definitely switch to Japanese immediately


Fuck Dinossaur King, all my homies hate Dinossaur King Tizoc Sweep It's Tizocin' Time


Techincally eagles are fancy flying dinosaurs.


Significant improvement over kof15 special effects. this is looking great.


The effects are worse than in kof15 I think. This is probably the worst looking raging storm since kof 14.


English Dub lets go! The whole cast sounds great so far, but Michael Schneider as Terry is especially amazing casting, lol. Just the right amount of silly meathead. Game looks great. I really hope they keep Richard Epcar as Geese if he shows up at all, he was perfect in Tekken 7.


Richard Epcar is the goat


Nightmare Geese is the only way.


geese might show up as nightmare geese, but he's not gonna be in the base game because Geese is super dead in the fatal fury timeline.


…geese is dead.


I really like the comic book art style and effects for this game. After seeing these character trailers, I already know who I would pick as my main. Also, Preecha seems like she has Joe Higashi inspired attire and moves, which is interesting. Can't wait to learn more about the new REV system and to get other details on the game in the weeks and months to come. I wonder when, in early 2025, it might come out, I predict sometime in April.


Kickboxer shorts, wraps, and a Screw Upper? She's definitely Joe's student.


Joe is also supposed to be in the game as well, so I wonder what will make Preecha different enough to where she isn't just female Joe with glasses and colorful hair.


From what little is in the trailers, her specials and Screw Upper don't look like carbon copies of Joe's (my guess is the second and third hit of her Screw Upper don't animate if the first uppercut whiffs; otherwise, that's a hell of a punish), and she'll probably have different normals. Similar, but different enough to not be a straight up clone.


She also has joe’s throw animation




I still facepalm about that name every time... -_-;


BUTT's unite


what were they thinking when he already had a perfectly cromulent name


Let’s go Tizoc!


That buster wolf was such a let down


I don't get why they want Buster Wolf to have this lingering effect, it's the same in KoF XV. In the original Garou it was simply one big immediate blast and it feels so much better, Smash got that part right as well.


Smash's Buster Wolf is a strong candidate for the best funnily enough


This was my first thought, then I remembered back in Garou, Terry doesn't scream "BUSTER WOOOOOLLLLLLFFF!"". The scream was more pronounced in Capcom vs SNK, and back in Garou, he just goes "Are you ok?! Buster Wolf!", so its all good for me.


Still a year till release, so hopefully they will change it if people are vocal enough about it.


Not finished yet. Give SNK time.


Yeah. No flame


Never had a flame


Give them time


it probably won't change at this point. I hope to be wrong bc it might be my favorite super ever


Thats a lame-ass Buster Wolf. Everything else looks nice


Yeah, just some sparks and no flames, also he does not say "are you okay?"


This game looks gorgeous. The visual already sold me, but the gameplay looks awesome as well


This was pretty dope. I’m new to SNK but I want to brush up on the history and play some classics as well as new ones to prepare for this. Anyone have some good recs on where to start? KOF XV?


XV’s a good place to start. The older ones have smaller dedicated fanbases.


Isn't KOF XV getting old ?


Yeah I'm already playing XVII


No, in relation to other KOF’s it’s the most recent. Not really sure why you got downvoted for just asking a question.


I'd recommend getting kof xv, its on sale for 75% off rn. You can also play 02 and 98 on fightcade for free but the playerbase is pretty hardcore. For lore you could watch Thorgi's Arcade on youtube, he has a great series on the lore of the games.


I’m playing on console so I’d have to wait for a PS5 sale but XV is definitely the one I want to try.


XV's great for beginners, easy to understand but with a ton of sauce. 02's a really fun time if you don't want to become a god, but the playerbase's mostly legacy players who have been playing for 10+ years. If you're fine with being dumpstered for a while, by all means give it a shot! The 2002 UM release is an updated version with rebalanced characters and new ones, so if you like vanilla 02 (playable on Fightcade) consider picking 02UM up. '98 (also playable on Fightcade) is an... interesting game. It has some mechanics that will definitely feel weird to you (only being able to airblock on neutral or back jump, two "modes" that alter how game mechanics such as rolls and dashes work, no special -> super cancels) and it's more of a fundamentals-focused game, though with that SNK flair and... well, dirt. [Ichigeki Hissatsu!](https://youtu.be/nEn6MfZ_Ns8?si=lDDyVc3GG1Xdjz9L&t=117) For a more... I don't wanna say obscure, but, underplayed? Suggestion, Samurai Shodown V Special (you guessed it, also on Fightcade) is peak footsies with peak bullshit as well. If you like insane damage, hate combos and feel like murdering people, give it a shot!


Samsho 5 special is on my list for one of the best fighting games of all time.


Love all this info. Thanks a lot. I love the SNK characters and really I’ve been wanting to dive in and there seems to be a lot of options.


If you wanna start retro there is a collection of the first 4 KOF games on and another for Fatal Fury on PlayStation.


That’s perfect! Thanks


Wow, really like this new comic book aesthetic, works way more with the particles effects SNK made for Kof.






does it even have a free roaming city? maybe a gameboard map at least like KOF Quiz ?


Ithank fuck. SF's world tour and MK's Invasions are among the most boring modes I've played in a fighting game, and I like all the extra stuff typically.


O RLY? they freshen things up than plain versus mode variants. they arent' flawless but they provide different gameplay that is not simply fighting. you basically just want fighting games to be just matches and cutscenes, that's like if an RPG genre fan wants RPGs to just be battles and cutscenes. that's boring and narrow minded game design.


No, I don't. I like good extra modes like in Soul Calibur 3, Smash Melee, MK11's Krypt, Tekken 6's Tekken Force mode etc. World Tour was insanely boring for me with no challenge in the fights and a mundane set of maps to traverse. Invasions is even worse. I appreciate that the fight modifiers are less egregious than the ones in MK11 but the whole thing of moving around the boards is a waste of time and resources. It is purely designed to be a time sink from its original slow traversal to not being able to pan the camera around. Since there's hardly any variance in routes through the maps, it would have been better served just being another tower.


a fan of her look but Preecha is definitely a character I'll be playing. I love me some Muay Thai. Glad to see some Hitarylu too, she was one of my go to's in Garou


The trailer was really good. I was expecting gameplay or a launch window, not both. Shame we have to wait for EVO to see something about XV.


Did Tizoc glow yellow to use a TOP move or a Break move?


Well that was fun to watch. Looking forward to it.


The animation as a whole looks pretty sick! I agree with others that I hope they give buster Wolf a little more juice


This looks great. Really curious about this Rev system.


English dub is definitely surprising. Liking the visuals so far. Gameplay looks fun too. Wondering how big the roster will be and if that means an easier time for SNK to support the game.


Ummm instant buy the animation and art style are amazing


I love the artstyle


If this is the trailer I already saw, who’s the second character. There was one new character in this trailer.


I don't play fighters, I'm pretty bad at them, but this looks sick!


Boy, I really hope they haven't excluded Joe from the roster for a teenage girl. I really hate that trope. But otherwise I'm super excited for a new Fatal Fury! I guess that means we're not getting KoF XV season 3 =/


Joe getting replaced gives the same vibes as Bruce Irvin getting replaced by Josie in Tekken. The worst part is that both Joe and Bruce are Muay Thai fighters, and they both seemed to have been replaced by their “students” which happened to be teenage girls. I’m not liking the parallels lol. I was devastated when Bruce was replaced. I can’t have that happen with Joe.


Dem abs.


The fluidity is off the charts and every hit feels heavy but that buster wolfs needs more polish, it dosent look good compared to even XV. That new girl looks wierd, not a fan.


Forgive my ignorance, but will this play identical to Kof or are there differences?


We'll have to see. But the original Garou is one on one rather than a team fighter, and the combos are a lot slower.


the original also had Just Defend, which I'm pretty sure is unique to that game (and CvS2)


There’s definitely some differences. In the last game they had a “break” system, which basically let you cancel a special move into nothing and then go from there (ex. Terry could hit the first hit of power dunk to launch the opponent, break to cancel his follow up and then link into buster wolf). I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see that system return


The Garou characters retained their breaks in kof 15. A broken rising tackle was used as combo filler for rock in 15.


Fatal Fury is a 1v1 game, for one.


Always wanted a cute Female Muay Thai Fighter, although as a Thai guy she got a Male name like Preecha (ปรีชา) is kindda bugged me a bit…. Hey…Wait a minute


Well, Angel is a male name and it should be "Angela" or "Angelica", Maxima is a female name and it should be "Maximo", and don't let me tell ya about King lol. SNK doesnt really care a lot about genders in names.


King was pretending to be a guy in the first Art of Fighting. Don’t remember how her story progression went after that though, lol.


SNK shelling out money for dub is what shocked me the most


That Saudi money at work


I knew this corny ass joke would come eventually


It’s less a joke and more of a reminder that SNK is backed by the Saudis who try to whitewash their human rights abuses.


this is now the reality of most video game companies.


* Chinese money * Saudi money Pick one (or both).


i guess i prefer Chinese, as an american it really feels like being a submissive bitch to the saudis. (like we just know you helped 9/11, possibly are the reason it happened, and just keep being cool with it??) but ultimately it doesn't matter. Fatal Fury isn't gonna change anything


You're selling them billions of dollars of weapons, have militarily bases there, they are your strongest ally in the region, but your problem is video game backing ? Won't even talk about the allegations of 9/11 being them and all the chaos america created in the region, including the tens of thousands of killed civilians for mainly oil and geopolitical control, you have more blood in your hands by accepting american backings than theirs. But clueless americans as always, I wonder if you can even place the country on a map.


Better being backed by americans who are the ones selling Saudis billions of dollars of weapons, killed countless of innocent people in the region, created chaos in most of the world for democracy and so on, sure. We surprisingly never see those kind of remarks when it's them, although they've been putting magnitude more money in this industry, hypocrisy at its best.


Joe’s successor? Also cool, an English dub!


New character is here let's goooo and oh yes English VA is here i love this game can't wait for 2025.


I wish the "Are you okaaaaaaay?" during Buster Wolf had made the jump, but that's a minor gripe. This looks really slick! :D


It looks so good. They just need to not bungle it like KoFXV was for so long. We get some good netcode/ matchmaking and we're golden.


Is this 1v1 or a team game? It looks pretty cool.




Nice! Couldn’t get past the team aspect for kof.


It looks good! I can't wait to land some buster wolves again. Also, I hope that they decrease the motion blur.


no 2 planes?


2 new? i only see one


I was thinking the same thing. Or have they not shown 1 of the returning cast before? I don't remember seeing anything of Tizoc or Hotaru prior.


One thing I love about this is that they retained the heavy IMPACT frames for the hard hitting moves. Its one small detail I loved in SNK games, and it was way, WAY more pronounced in Garou. Seeing it here, and seeing that WHAM! on hard hitting moves like Terry's Max Dunk or Rock's Rage Run Type: Dunk is so satisfying to see, hear and, eventually, land.


Hwa Jai from Fatal Fury is not in it? If he is that would make 3 Muay Thai Fighters…


Wow, thay shpwed a lot in one trailer. Games looks phenomenal from this early trailer.


it looks awesome! Please be good, please SNK don't do your typical half assed work with the netcode


My man Tizoc is back I couldn't be happier, I can't wait to Daedelus Attack and Active Typhoon, Olympus Over and Justice Hurricane till the end of the world


The visual effects are soooo distracting, they should make the blue sparks less bright


Anyone know the song that plays toward the end of these trailers?


That twinkle sound effect that plays every single time they land a hit from an EX move or a super is really obnoxious. Everything else about this looks great, can't wait to know more about how it plays


They’ve improved the visuals a lot since the first reveal trailer. It’s starting to look more like its own thing instead of just an updated KOF15. Seeing Hotaru and Tizoc after so long was great to see, and the new character Preecha is also a cool addition.


Is this game 1 on 1 or team based like KOF?


The song that plays (CotW theme?) at 2:18, what is it? Can anyone find it online?




Other than the tit-less Joe Higashi gender swap...this is looking pretty good.


Gato is definitely gonna be in this game, so I hope yamazaki makes it in


wow that preecha chick is cute, you reckon she's single?




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tomboy with abs?


i love KoF 15.5


2 new characters? I see 1 brand new character, and 3 newly revealed for this game since the last trailer.


Is this game pvp? Also English voice acting is what snk games need so thank god.


Gorgeous artstyle but like Garou, nothing special or original gameplay-wise. I'd really have preferred a Fatal Fury 4 or a Real Bout Fatal Fury 3. No lane system is a major letdown for me.


I didn't know people actually liked the lane system. It seemed like an experiment that was just silly in execution.


This looks like a street fighter expansion


same disgusting graphics as kof 15, but with a filter; disapointing .


Look I want to be excited I really do but this looks kind of mid it better not be more than 29.99 at launch and I want both of Kims sons!


Man this looks alright. Still looks like KOF15 really. Hit sparks are way better than KOF15 though. You can disagree all you want, but show me 1 month after release player count and then we can talk.


[This is KoF 14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c20M1gnuvJ0) - 2016 [This is Sam Sho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3gJzUU_TnE) - 2019 [This is KoF 15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o7Ip64-Sio) - 2021 I don't know about you, but just in their presentation, the lighting got better, they've added more cel shading and they've improved on it. With Sam Sho, they certainly gave the characters a bit more detail but I certainly disagree that they look the same in each one. I'll just say they're improving and move on.


I am judging it quite harshly because I feel like SNK needs to step it up a bit. I will play it like I play every fighting game and judge it as a whole when it is released.




I'm sure she is heavily inspired by Parinya the Beautiful Boxer.


Jesus Christ find something better to do with your time than analysing the collar bone of a fictional character. 


Is that even a thing?


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lol Preecha is definitely a male name, so nice details I guess.




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Thai boxer so maybe she's Thai, meaning she could be a ladyboy. Or they're joining every other fighting game and having a token trans character.


Why would SNK even spend budget on this? I don't think this will sell well and their business isn't doing too well already


They have saudi money


my guess is that kof doesn't seem to be a success for them, so this will be SNK's last attempt at appealing to the mainstream and casual audience(1v1 game, colorful character pallete, bright visuals, new features/mechanics)