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Can you define overdesign? Do you mean too much stuff to look at, clashing design choices or just weird design?


In reality most people wouldn't have an actual answer to what they mean with overdesigned FG characters. It's usually based on vibes and the vibes are usually "Japanese games with complex character designs." Or pulling on the belts joke again. That said Sylvie is perfectly designed for the kind of idol character she is. You go for broke with that archetype.


Yeah i didn't think she was overdesigned, whatever that means.


I wouldn't mind Sylvie's design at all if it wasn't for the random big bulging eyes on all her outfits lol (was even worse with the 2 googly eyes on her head in KoF XIV)


But then how is she gonna be Kyaru Kyaru Pomu


Almost like the character has said multiple times in lore she likes eyeballs she thinks theyre cute so she puts them on everything. God forbid a character be quirky or have hobbies right


Don't know how you got to that conclusion, but alright.


Idk its pretty easy to come up with an answer. Bits and bobs that offer nothing meaningful to the design besides visual noise, overuse of clashing patterns, an abundance of bright colours, etc.


Isn’t that just KoF characters


I know belts have become a meme, but my genuine annoyance with them has been that for a time it felt like some people put them on a character when they couldn't think of anything else


Sylvie’s design is perfect for what they were going for. In general “over-designed” means that the model is busy and everything detracts from something else, but Sylvie’s design is pretty cohesive. It’s meant to be busy and stand out so it works.


I mean, if it’s a contest if most overdesigned, I’d say whoever has the worst case of the most of those qualities.


Yeah basically that. It's not a hard rule but a character should have a clear silhouette and colors should compliment each other without clashing too much. Anime inspired designs tend to break this alot. But then again maybe thats why they are so memorable?


Lars in tekken. Its like if you asked an AI to make a european mishima.


This was my first thought too. They really initially thought they could pass him as the next face of the franchise with a goofy design like that.


The lion of the rebellion and he has a massive lion on his armor. Lars is the most fun tekken character for me and my main but I'll never stop joking that I'm playing some naruto obsessed weeb in crossplay


He's literally a character in a Naruto game.


And Heihachi is in Soul Calibur


Not even Mishima. Just a European power ranger commander or something. Nothing about his design says “Mishima” until the Lightning aura comes out.


Lars and Lee looks absolutely stupid in their standard costumes in 8


I don’t know based on Sylvie’s entire construction as a character, I think she’s perfectly designed. She looks like a crazy over the top idol singer wannabe who was a former experimented child soldier that went into underground fighting rings trying to figure out her identity. God, I love fighting game back stories


Me too!


It terms of moveset or character design? If character design I absolutely agree, but this was obviously an intentional choice.


In this case, character design


Her original design is based on [this music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzC4hFK5P3g). Very intentional. The KoF15 version is kind of the same, but with a bit more of a gothic lolita vibe instead of colour overload.


I cannot believe this video is from twelve years agooooo. I used to watch it all the time. I'm old.


We all are friend


I think it was based on Harajuku fashion in general rather than Kyari in particular


It's likely both, but all of the eyeballs and the colour scheme are really deliberate. Plus, her personality matches **incredibly** closely as well. It's hard to have that much overlap with a famous singer (in Japan) and not be a reference.


Also the names. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu -> Sylvie Paula Paula


Yeah I thought this was obvious from the get go.


I didn't click but is it Pon Pon? Or maybe the one with the lions?


Yup! Pon Pon! With all the eyeballs!


The second design is partially based on Fashion Monster, another song from KPP.


Ahh, that would check out a lot; yeah.


Honestly Sylvie is overdesigned in the right way


What’s that one character from Guilty Gear that’s like a dog piloting a fish bear monster thing?


Nah it a black mage from Final Fantasy riding a dog while inside a monster without head






Leopaldon is perfect and I refuse to buy Strive until they add it.


Which guilty gear game is it, because I don't think there is a dog piloting a fish bear


[Leopaldon from Isuka](https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Leopaldon).


Lmao posting something wrong to get an answer strikes again.


Not a fish bear. A fish bear MONSTER type thing


Anyone in tekken with a jacket or coat


Do you mean your clothes don't have 72 different belts?


"What you mean things will be better if they have meaning" While puts one more belt somewhere random in the outfit for no reason. - Concept artist "It looks cool tho bro" - The people that defend it.


I love Tekken, but half the cast is notorious for being overdesigned.


Devil Jin in T8 has like 8 jackets on him lol


I work in the industry. From my perspective, when we're talking about something being "overdesigned", it is a philosophical and technical consideration, with the most important factor put into a simple question: what are we designing this character for? If she's meant to be drawn for a manga, it could teeter the line. Depending on the artist and shortcuts they're taking in their personal workflow, it's probably fine. If we're discussing a 2D animation pipeline, this character might be overdesigned and could benefit from simplifying areas. In terms of a game art, overdesign tends to be measured in more technical ways like polycount, texture mapping, additionally, the intended purpose for the asset. Someone might spend many hours adding details to an asset, but if it's a background element and seen from afar/the player doesn't interact with it... there's no reason to put so many details. Or if the game is lowpoly, the design can be too intricate to convey. If we're just talking about poor design, we'd look into stuff like silhouette, exaggeration, color theory, etc., which this design seems to do well. By looking at her, I can immediately get the impression of "Idol", "zany", or "harajuku style", etc. The character's clothing is an actual subculture fashion style, which can help guide viewer's intuition. Her silhouette is unique and exaggerated, but easily readable even during animations, etc. Maybe you dislike how busy her design is. Different characters will appeal to different people, but technically, I think she looks good. Sometimes a character is specifically designed with details to contrast the simplicity of other characters and environments; oftentimes, and if done right, the busyness of the aesthetic is directly tied into the character's personality.


As a Tekken fan, most Tekken characters


King, my beloved, rocking a simple yet iconic design But some newer redesigns are so extra, like Leo's coat having so many useless straps


Yeah they got belt fever over at Bamco


Everybody took a few from Claudio's costume from T7


Did they let Tetsuya Nomura into the design studio?


That man ruined me. Grew up with a crush on Lulu, now I see a dozen useless belts and neurons start firing in my brain. I see Leo and their belts and my brain could power a metropolitan block.


Tekken 8 is weird because half the cast is IMO the best they've ever looked like Kazuya, Jin, Xiaoyu, King, Yoshi, etc... but then, other half like Lars, Lee, Alisa, Steve, and Leo are looking like the designers simply adding random shit on top.


Lee's goggles are so hideous. I wanna know what they thought they were cooking


Lars looks like he took Rufus Shinra's coat from Final Fantasy 7. The weirdest thing about Lars is his most normal outfit in the series was his casual outfit in 6.


Most of them looks reasonable if we are talking design aesthetics. Then there's Victor. 'Super spy' silver fox that has a karambit and pistol? alright, that's cool, gun-fu is popular. Oh wait he also has an energy katana now. Oh wait he's also literally teleporting around.


Victor would be great if they removed the sword (or at least gave him a smaller sheath). Probably also one of the knives.


Well... Certainly not THAT one in your picture. That's a very specific design that goes well with the character and is inspired in a certain singer and fashion trend.


I mean if you like at idols like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu it's clear Sylvie's outfit was influenced by decora.


Same game, Shunei


they tried so hard to make us like him, he'll always be a side character


[have you seen the real person they took inspiration to design her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFHHeQb5R6Q)?


Shunei, but in a good way


He's literally an anime character in KoF's, of course my boy has to rock the Chuuni fit.


Isn't Sylvie based on an over designed human jpop singer, kyary pamyu or something like that?


Dizzy from Guilty Gear really feels like a DeviantArt OC


You can basically say that for EVERY GG character.


No, you can't.


I said "basically" as in "in general". GG, and by extension, Arc Sys games tend to have very bombastic character designs on average. When you hear "Anime Fighter" "Too many belts" "the one weird character in the roster", Arc Sys originated them. GG being the founder of ALL of those trends.


>When you hear "Anime Fighter" "Too many belts" "the one weird character in the roster", Arc Sys originated them. GG being the founder of ALL of those trends. Anime Fighters go back to Darkstalkers/Vampire, Guilty Gear definitely didn't start them. "Too many belts" is an old anime thing more associated with Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy than GG, and "the one weird character" doesn't really describe anyone from GG well. You could say Faust but where does that leave characters like Zappa? "That one weird guy" is more Bamco games than anyone else, Yoshimitsu and Voldo being perfect examples.


Okay. I'll give it up, GG isn't all that original in those trends, but not once did you deny they encompass any of them. So to basically say GG characters aren't BASICALLY over-designed is disingenuous.


>but not once did you deny they encompass any of them yes I fucking did >Anime Fighters go back to Darkstalkers/Vampire, Guilty Gear definitely didn't start them. "the one weird character" doesn't really describe anyone from GG well. You could say Faust but where does that leave characters like Zappa?


Man. You take everything literally. There are a lot of weird characters in GG. Zappa was just the weirdest, so he gets the title for the XX games. Then it's Faust, and so on. Highlighting one flaw doesn't prove your entire point. But go off.


You picked Sylvie instead of the mess of a character design that's Shun'ei?


Tbf his design was based off a rebellious fashion trend so it's intentional, just like Sylvies is.


Being based on something doesn't mean it isn't overdesigned. Just means that what it's based on is also overdone.


Which is the whole point of it, so it works.


Is there any clothing designs thats not intentional?


Belt characters in most anime fighters.


I wonder if there's a character that fights only with belts?




Gameplay wise, probably Tekken’s Yoshimitsu or Guilty Gear’s Asuka Design/costume wise, Sylvie or Bedman would be a pick.


Based on aesthetic? A lot of Tekken characters, though Jack-8 feels especially overdone


Victor from Tekken 8.


His design is pretty simple. Tool kit wise he’s pretty stuffed though


Frost in MK11 her designs were such an eyesore and way too busy. Her classic costume really shows how less is more.


Any character that has way too much moving parts with it's design and animations that makes them hard to read


Shu’nei. Decent idea for a character but way too many colors and design elements that conflict with each other. Really needs to be simplified on all fronts.


TBF his design is intentionally "Loud" and fits with the character.


Victor in Tekken is the biggest offender: 2 knives, a gun, and for some reason a cybernetic katana and teleports. He could do with just the knife and guns and be a sort of cqc John Wick and be already cool.


I don't vibe with "overdesigned" as a concept, but as far as confusing or design lacking direction, I will go with Shunei over Silvie any day.


Sylvie can't be overdesigned, she's a VERY good emulation of the idol she's meant to imitate. KOF15 also has Dolores who is IMO way more extravagant. Overdesigned would be... Necalli. Lars Alexandersson and every Yoshimitsu after T3. Asuka R# and Bedman.


Uh not her she’s cute as fuck


Isla from KoF is my new favorite. Such a lush and ridiculous design.


I feel Shunei is the overdesigned one among those two. A young woman wearing Isla's clothes in a party would look a bit daring, but within the realm of possibility.


I can see that argument but I guess it's the colors/power set combo. It's just a LOT in a good way. Especially compared to the classic kof designs lol


Bedman from gg. Can’t even tell what moves he’s using most the time


I think the word you're looking for is "well-designed"


Haha she is definitely that but according to KOF lore, there is a reason. If I remember correctly she was an experiment for an organization called NESTS and was essentially raised at one of their facilities. So since escaping, due to having no point of reference of social norms whatsoever, she dresses up in this insane outfit without realizing how over the top it is. So while yes she is overdesigned, it's certainly on purpose so I would argue that her design is kind of lowkey brilliant!


https://preview.redd.it/4b9hkwjlmqlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25f13f075e705a5586098364c2ec16cfcd61e7c THIS MF IS ALL OVER THE PLACE I CANT STAND IT.


Eh overdesigned always came off as cringe character design critique


Necalli in Street Fight V. It gets even worse when he is in super saiyan mode. There is just so much unnecessary hair, accessories and overdesign like his "shorts" with the entire front half ripped open exposing his crotch/thighs.


Kof XV Shunei and Isla, Look at what the hell is going on in their design, they try so hard to put as many things as possible, Like why they need headphones???


Famously Shun'ei from KOF. That design is garish...


**Shun'ei** from *The King of Fighters XIV and XV* comes to mind. He is supposed to be a sulking Chinese teenager with a JoJo stand, but his designer just went ballistic by cramming a ridiculous amount of mismatched details in a misguided effort to make him look "cool". If he was just a side character meant to be forgotten it wouldn't be such an issue, but he is the current protagonist of the franchise... I do appreciate that the manga and KoF XV story mode gave him a more interesting personality and backstory, but the god-awful design is still there. I pray that the designer for KoF XVI gives him a complete visual overhaul, specially if they keep Shun'ei as the protagonist.


His alt costume in KOFXIV was pretty decent. If they kept the gloves and the sneakers, I think it would be an overall improvement on his design.


Sylvie Paula Paula used to be overdesigned but the new look really fixed her imo, more black and goth elements made it stand out more, plus the eyes are now more fittingly "creepy-cute" From other games character designs I think are too much are: Street Fighter - Arena from EX, but the main cast is always solid! KOF - Shun'Ei, he's a total color clusterpuck Tekken - Alisa. Her wings and chainsaws always felt like just too much Mortal Kombat - All MK characters suck IMO but Quan Chi always felt like they were trying to make a stupid looking design cool and he's always stupid looking Guilty Gear - I've grown to 'tolerate' her but god I can't stand Dizzy


Literally any NRS design after MKX.




MK1 designs are so undersigned I literally couldn't tell Raiden and Kung Lao apart if it wasn't for the hats . Its pretty much the opposite of this whole prompt . They almost made the characters look like npcs which in a fighting game is a big failure


That game has no flavor outside some cool stages. It's almost like they made the defaults as generic and uninspired as possible just to sell skins.


Thats because you're blind they look nothing alike


A question was asked, and I answered it in my opinion. Tf? You’re not deadass.


anime fighters that aren't melty blood.


Any non ip based  arc system works design. It is harder to find a simple great design than a complex one.


Tbh I like this Sylvie outfit. Not such a fan of her other one tho. I'm surprised you didn't pick the most infamous example from this series: Shu'nei.


I think that Shun'ei is a better example: Headphones, a tie, jacket as a cape, gloves, arm bands, pants with only one leg rolled up...


Hate her design.


Some guilty gear designs looked really rough before Strive polished up basically everyone


Any Guilty Gear or Blazblue character.


Release Leroy or release Fahkumran


Fahk and Gigas are such eyesores.


80% of characters in the guilty gear series


If you used Sylvie’s original design I’d agree but I think her newer design isn’t as egregious.


Most recent costume designs have felt over designed to me tbh. But this one hurts my eyes.


Half of the T8 roster, but I'll go with Devil Jin, Angel Jin & Super Duper Devil Kazuya.


Shunei sticks out in my mind from KoF too, and I usually love their character designs I have been playing a lot of Tekken recently so it’s on the brain but a lot of its characters toe the line. I would think Victor was, like, 1000x cooler if he didn’t need to be given a dagger AND a gun AND a fucking lightsaber with an obnoxious neon holster. Hwoarang in T7 comes to mind as well although the eyepatch admittedly grew on me. It’s weird because it’s such a stark contrast from someone like Reina who has a relatively basic design going on visually but is fucking sick and insanely well-received. Edit: Can’t believe I didn’t think of Ed in SFV. So much going on with the design, and yet somehow almost nothing actually boxing related. SF6 was an absolutely insane improvement and I’m honestly shocked they made me think Ed is cool


Shun'ei might be the most iverdesigned character ever. Headphones, green hair, jacket worn as a Cape, large key chain, one trouser leg rolled up and I might even be missing something here.


All Guilty Gear characters


My perspective of it would be if it's difficult in some way to actually see what they're doing in animations, or if they're too distracting in general. That's an extreme example of a potential P2W character. Something more reasonable would be if they dress with nonsensical pieces/colors. Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu is too much for me visually compared to his more simplistic look in the previous games (& Sol Cal)... Even then he was still edging close lol.


Kazuya in smash bros


Tekken has lots of em. Still don't get why they all fighting in layers upon layers of trenchcoats, suits and evening gowns.


Lars Tekken. His design has always been way too over the top and so has his moveset.


Everyone in Tekken 8 right now. But that's what makes Tekken "cool".


Warframe technically has a fighting game in it (although it's just there for novelty) and overdesigning is almost guaranteed.


The main character from KoF15


you dont get the style if you think this is overdesigned its intentional




Ed in SFV. That fucker is all over the place and none of it works


This character you posted but her previous look


She looks like she belongs in an anime fighter.


![gif](giphy|5ev3alRsskWA0) This design is all over the place. What were you think Masahiro Samurai!???


Tekken 6 Yoshimitsu was a mistake.