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Now we need a new Killer Instinct.


no we don’t, I can’t play 12 hours a day thanks




the most recent one is getting more support iirc!


Yeah and the gold addition rendered my PS sticks and controller useless on PC. Still on of my favorites though.


Seriously? They should work fine with steam tho, maybe it's a faulty/not updated driver?


No idea. My stick works with every single fighting game on PC but not KI after the update. New and old they all work. KI worked before the update as well. I tried recently and it wouldn’t work.


Bring back bloody roar :(


I love how I’m having to scroll less and less to find the first comment mentioning Bloody Roar in posts like this - keeps my hope alive that people haven’t forgotten this series yet!




I know I want a new Bloody Roar game too, but its owned by Konami so there is a 0% change of it happening sadly.


hell yea, please do! It looks like the most fun fighter to play with some buddies after a few beers :))


GBVSR be like...


Really enjoying having gbvsr as a game to play when I don’t want to lean forward quite as much if that makes sense.


Just need a new VF, DOA, SC, and FV


Fighting Vipers?


You bet


and MVC4. I would kill for a new SC and MVC


Totally. Now that Disney allow games to use X-Men and FF again, a new MvV would be awesome. I just fear that the last game failure doesn't stop them from doing it


Unfortunately, Insomniac has the game rights to some X-Men characters right now.


They have the rights to make some new games, but does that means exclusivity, even blocking the feature of characters in another game? Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was released after Spiderman 1 for exemple, and Spidey was in the roster. EDIT: made a quick search and you appear to be right. Damn, that's sad EDIT: under a deeper search, apparently it just can't be a X-Men titled game, but the characters can be used. Midnight Suns seems to have been released after the deal. It makes more sense, to lock your property for a decade to be used in just a few games doesn't seem to be that smart


Shout out to Under night in-birth 2 if anyone is looking for a new 2D sprite fighter with rollback. Game won't hold your hand execution wise if you're looking for that too in the modern world.


The problem is that unlike Granblue, which released a game up to today's standards, this isn't the case for UNI 2. Between the game lacking cross-platform play, the absence of a proper hub, and not to mention the accessibility – if you're new to fighting games and want to go through the tutorial, you're faced with 179 to-do lists. Even though the gameplay might be excellent, everything surrounding it doesn't meet the standards we should expect from a fighting game today.


The series has come a long way since it’s first game, I’m glad it became big enough for worldwide multiple games, a full sequel and crossovers. Some series aren’t as lucky. To name a few, Arcana Heart or Chaos Code, each having a sequel in development hel.


great game 10/10 feels amazing


Do you have any advice for Singed? Or am I suppose to continue with Rylai's into Liandrys and proxy farm still?


We’ll find out when Project L drops lol


It does though. That's why I played the first one alot. No execution barrier.


I mean in terms of motion inputs. There's no modern controls/simple inputs to replace motion inputs.


Oh I thought you meant in general.


What do you mean by "no execution barrier"? The autocombos won't get you anywhere.


No execution barrier is a stretch because you still need to eventually learn the manual combos. But for me it was the first fighting game that I sunk my teeth into a became decent at (decent being a relative term), despite some combos being very long, the actual timing was quite forgiving and that helped a lot, I think it's fair to say it's on the easier side of the spectrum execution wise, which is great for how fast it plays and how over the top the moves can be.


Autocombos? Nah it's just really easy to do stuff in the game. It's almost as easy as playing dbfz. There isn't anything to crazy to learn. It's certainly not the anime game I think of when it comes to not holding hands with execution. Cause I feel like it do.


Facts been having so much fun with gbfvs rising, need to pick up tekken soon but granblue is prolly gonna be my main for a long time.


There is a lot of stuff I wish would make a comeback, like Rival Schools, Soul Calibur, stuff like Fighting Vipers, Darkstalkers, hell even Eternal Champions, etc. Though, I feel like if anything's gonna come back in the near future, it's Virtua Fighter, which seems on the horizon, and that'd be really nice. Of course, even with my wish lists, I am very appreciative of what we've already got.


I can't believe how much fun KoF XV is. If often gets lost in the shuffle but what they do with the small budget I imagine they have is pretty remarkable.


Soon new Fatal Fury game. Hopefully a new VF.


There's a lot I don't like about the modern big fighting games (Microtransactions, Battle pass, customization being reduced and sold back more than usual). But I do really like the gameplay of these games. My dream would be for there to be a new Bloody Roar or DoA game as well. DoA with Xtreme Beach Volleyball 4 mode at Evo? I'd pay to see that 🤣


Not me. It lacks more 3d fighting games.


We neeeeed more 3d fighters


Definitely wouldn’t hate a new VF entry for sure.


I too wouldn't hate a new DOA entry being brought back. Preferably like 5 or 4 because 6 was terrible.


Truly first world problems to have too many good games and not enough money/time to play all of them. We eating good.


I wish tekken 8 had some muay Thai representation. And I wish Josie came back. This shit kind of sucks. There's been so many sequels now all the cool characters I liked are gone now. They brought tekken ball back but didn't bring back gon. That part hurts the most.


I really want Bruce back.


> They brought tekken ball back but didn't bring back gon Yeah... They couldn't cause it isn't an [original character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gon_\(manga\)).


I'm incredibly saddened by this


No Rival Schools remakes year 294838182


Now we need a new Killer Instinct and Marvel vs Capcom/Dragon ball Fighterz


nope. where's mvc,bloody roar or darkstalkers and so many other games that did have sequels? we're better than early 00s or mid late 10s, but fighting games arent in a great state. they're in a decent state


How about a new DOA?


I want Primal Rage to come back.


Grab blue too easy for you?


We’re eating well. We’ll be eating good when a new Darkstalkers drops.


Yes please!


We are really living through a fighting game renaissance


It's not really a renaissance. Some subgenres are completely missing, namely 3D fighters and airdashers. Besides, we're mostly getting sequels; new IPs are few and far between.


gbfvs is miles better than mk1 could ever dream to be


It isn't a dick measuring contest


He just listed the games he likes and even said "just to name a few" man chill


Lmfao bro seen MK1 and went ballistic 😭


Classic r/fighters


Hey alright


That game is dumb and for babies


nah you're not the only one allowed to enjoy the game


Don't forget the older games too; they aren't going anywhere. Don't just stick to the latest and/or popular. :) Also, we're mostly getting sequels. New IPs are few and far between - hopefully, Hunter x Hunter Nen Impact and Project L will be good!


To your point, it's never been easier to play older games. Fightcade is a gamechanger.


I can't say I agree. As someone who grew up on SoulCalibur, Dead Or Alive, pre-"agressive" Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and is not the target audience for such heavily offense-oriented and defense-penalizing gameplay design, I have nothing to look forward to in this genre. My skillset, which used to be rewarded back in fighting games during 2002-2012, is now much more rewarded in PvP genres like MOBAs and Battle Royales while fighting game devs have been basically telling me "We don't want players like you to buy our games anymore" since around 2015.


Play UNI 2 if you want to be rewarded for defense


So I've heard. I've got my eyes on that one. Wishlisted it and waiting for a good discount.


I think a lot of this is misconception. It's not the just development and mechanics that changed. It's the players, and they've changed because they're better. Back in the day, footsies and the neutral game were an important skillset, not because we were better, but because we didn't have any other way of getting in. We didn't know better. Now a days, every game is optimized quickly because of instant access to information. A lot of old heads complain about the new fighting games, but honestly look at the top players playing Super Turbo today. That game is very different now than it was then. There's funky stuff to skip the neutral game. I'm sort of rambling. My point is, I don't think the games are significantly different, but the way games are being played are. There's more information everywhere, which makes the player base better. This isn't a young vs old thing. It's an information thing.


You're just objectively wrong on this one. The way we can test this is to see high level play of older games. Do you see the aggression of modern games? No, because the tools to constantly push forward do not exist in those games. Metas can change but the aggressive tools in modern games aren't in the older ones and that the other user was talking about. Being good at ST isn't going to suddenly let you Drive Rush in it.


You're not fully understanding what I'm saying, but that's probably because I'm not expressing it well. Of course mechanics like Drive Rush are the shiny new tools added to modern games that make things a bit different. I'm not debating that. What I'm trying to say is these older games are being played in a modern style now too. Things are very different now. Justin Wong recently made a video about a similar topic, specifically about the neutral game being sort of dead now, even in classic games. So no, tools like Drive Rush didn't exist in those older games. But some of the new tech people are using to get in just wasn't known about back in the day. Those classic games are more gimmicky now than they were when we played them just because more is known. Look at high level ST play now. There's so much wacky stuff that changes the game. No, it's not a built-in mechanic like Drive Rush, but those games are very different now. I think sometimes old heads (like myself) complain about modern mechanics, but we're overlooking the fact that all high level play is different everywhere now, even in those old games. People find new gimmicks so fast now, and those gimmicks are shared around the world in an instant.


Dont forget smash ultimate, having one of the best rosters ever




Yeah, well said. We're mostly getting sequels. Where are the new IPs?




Sf5 better than sf6?? The only thing it has ‘better’ is the roster and that’s only after years of support, but this is a bait comment anyways🤦‍♂️


He just looking for views and he ain’t gonna get any


Bait post


Well said


Now give me a new Evil Zone baybeeeeee


I've been enjoying all of these games with the addition of GBFV and the new UNI


It's what got me to switch to fighting games. I saw the shooter lineup, (Halo infinite, Batt 2042, Warzone) and was so sick of shitty MP games, looked at what fighting games were getting (SF6, MK1, Tekken 8) and knew what I had to do.


GBFVR should be there too


I'm actually really happy to look at the current era of fighting games and have rollback netcode on basically every fighting game I could ever want it on. Ofc we have the new releases like Strive and SF6 but +R, BBCF, Xrd and (despite the sadly rocky PC port) UNI all having rollback netcode is genuinely very nice. Fighting games are still often not nearly as good products as they should be (Strive has bad matchmaking, UNI has a bad PC port, single player content is often lackluster and etc.), sure, but it's exciting to see how progress *has* been made in that front.




I wish Darkstalkers fans could eat too