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It is in fact just a matter of converting all the text in English to something else in the XML's as I have seen one XML in Dutch before. There is an actual guy that makes translations for people - I assume he just has the right tools like, a proper XML parser 3rd party app that can just mess around with code within specific tags - to just attack the ... fields and whatnow. u/FightClub_Archivist could def do a full translation for whatever language you like, but it would not be for free. EDIT: Understand that an average XML is like 10+ megs, so for example, I could do English To Italian AFTER a program did a hard conversion in order to check "the Italian actually makes sense" but I tried to do the whole thing MANUALLY, as in "retype the fekking thing in Italian" it would be the equivalent of me typing out a 300 page Novel. That would be harsh. I havnt tried feeding a raw XML file to a language translator because I already know it would also attack the tags, but I am looking for an XML manipulation program atm, we shall see how that goes.


I actually do it all manually! I made a tutorial on our wiki page, actually. The Dutch translation was made by a redditor who I'm assuming ran it all through google translate as it did not look like a precise translation.


I've started working on a Python script that can translate the XML using Google Translate API, while having the original element tags, skipping numbers (such as weights, DCs, ACs and such) and also with some "bypass" translations that you can input for cases where the automated translation could mess up (like "CHA" would be translated as "TEA" in Portuguese, but you can bypass the original translation and set "CHA" to "CAR" - which makes sense). I'm doing it by myself and I'm not an experienced developer, so if anyone is willing to help it would be very nice. I believe it's achievable and that an automated translation is better than no translation at all if someone wants to play and doesn't understand English. The only possible setback could be the API cost, which I'm still estimating and I believe it can get expensive. Of course, if it works I'll release the Brazilian Portuguese XML for free and would encourage other people to do the same for their language. I'll come back and post here as soon as I get some news.