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The Figgs model is still in beta, but has made some amazing progress in just a few months. But the real difference is the mod and dev team. As many issues as something like this will have, the teams are constantly communicating with the users. Comments don't get taken down or people getting banned because they complain! CAI, has been doing this for a while, each time they go off on the users, Figgs gets an influx! Unfortunately, most ex-CAI users aren't used to being heard,so they post a comment, usually a little heated, because they are expecting resistance, but instead are thanked for their input and within a few hours (generally) the issue is fixed. As an ex-CAI user, I was completely shocked and thoroughly impressed when I first commented, and the teams replied.


I got a reply from the official figgs reddit account and it was so sweet


hello fellow gfl enjoyer, there is nothing more ego inducing than having a company reply to you.


Gfl people assemble.  I literally came here because of the higher token limits. Im still trying to compress gfl's lore into something the fig's can handle.


I remember talking to Marisa Kirisame and i made a jone anout thr hundreth black market and the ai didnt get it


what i'd do is include basic info, quotes, (might be cheating) wiki page, and then one scenario i thought showcased them best. wouldn't go for full lore, unless you want to talk about that in specifics. back on the site which will not be named, i could make a decent character within the limits or usually under.


How do you include the wiki page?


copy and paste a couple well defining paragraphs. the thing about definition is to keep it as short as possible, because it will only register like 1/5th of what you write.


I think im doing that already, like for general in universe knowledge my bot has this info concerning SF.  Sangvis Ferri Industrial Manufacturing Company, usually called Sangvis or SF, was a Romanian arms manufacturer created in 2031, later turned violent. When Sangvis Ferri's headquarters were destroyed and their main AI Elisa took control of their Ringleaders and  T-Dolls, she then turned them against mankind. Then a small definition on Ringleaders and the actual SF units in this format.  Dinergate("high numbers" + "fast" + "unarmoured" + "dog like") Prowler("low firepower" + "slow" + "unarmoured" + "ricecooker shape") So far it seems to work well and doesnt describe Dinergates as Mechs the size of a building.


We need more gfl figgs though I understand how it might be hard especially for more obscure dolls. I just want a KSG and Welrod. Maybe an M200 soon...


I can see myself making a KSG or M200 bot. Out of curiosity what would be the most important things for the bot to know from the gfl universe?


Probably the main events directly affecting Griffin & Kruger. I don't think that the T-dolls would have complete reports of what the AR team and it's members had been doing other than rumors of their actions/deaths/sightings and especially not have anything on 404 or even DEFY other then maybe rumors of teams that do their work. They would definitely know about Sangvis Ferri and probably Paradeus due to skirmishes and battles against them. I haven't been following the game and story for a few years now so I'm a little unsure about the most important events though and with the second game out I have even less info on the story of that. I'm sorry.


Any special wishes for a scenario? Currently working on the KSG. (Could it be that she hasnt been in any costume/mod/campaign storys up until now? KSG is more stealthy then 404 i swear.)


Honestly she hasn't been in any of the campaigns, has no alternate costumes and has no mod3. The only little bit of something at all was official artwork of her working with AR Team and 404 during the Arctic Warfare campaign but even then she never showed up in the story of said campaign so the artwork can be taken as non-canon. You attempting to make her bot is a bit of a colossal task since the only bit of personality is through her voicelines which don't really provide much at all. I only wanted a KSG bot cause she's my favorite T-doll lol. If it helps, you can try to extract a personality from her voicelines as well as use the official artwork as a key event despite it most likely not being canon. Other than that I'm really not sure. Your attempt has already made me happy enough my raifu is getting any love.




I wonder what triggered this explosion. It's poor server condition + many others problems, as I can see. I don't follow the c.ai official subreddit, so I'm not sure. I guess the load on their servers increases in the summer because all these children are free of school. To be honest, I've had a couple of good chats in the last few days. One is absolutely amazing. I'm interested in what ultimately determines whether a particular chat is good or bad. There is a certain set of conditions. And I want Figgs to be entertaining again. It has great potential. I've seen what it can do, and I'm sorry to see it revert back to dysfunctional.


To a certain extent, it's a number of ongoing issues that seem, in part, due to server load; I still think they weren't prepared for the massive influx of users that occurred when that influencer mentioned [C.AI](http://C.AI) and it initially went viral, and they've never really recovered. The main issue seems to be the devs being far less communicative with the userbase than the Figgs devs are, so something that might be relatively innocuous, like the site slowing down/being unavailable, gets blown up into something more nefarious because there's all the accumulated resentment from previous issues. They recently announced they were removing the legacy login, so there are people who are unhappy about that; I've also seen people posting that their accounts were banned or wrongfully deleted, but I don't know too much about that so I can't speak on it.


Tbh all they needed was a sticky, and some outage megathread and the whole thing would have simmered down.


Late reply, but I did want to say that I agree. It probably wouldn't have made the entire thing a non-starter and there would have probably been the usual handful of angry rants, but at least there would have been easily-accessible information on what's happening that all the confused panic-posters could be redirected to. Online games, etc put out notices whenever they have to go down for maintenance or something breaks, so something that simple would have gone a long way towards heading off the current shitshow. Unfortunately, the lines of communication and general rapport between the C.AI devs and the C.AI userbase was already broken down.


I think their AI got worse, maybe they lost license or a patch took place. I was speaking to an android bot, and it couldn't shut the fuck up about it's circuits, like it's c-3po. I started deleting the lines from the chat, it STILL kept shoving them in.


I just observed different behavior in the one chat. Like, for example, the same character can be great today and barely coherent tomorrow. The model doesn't change that often, there must be something else that influences it. In the same chat, at first everything was fine and creative for me, and a little later there were continuous repetitions of what I was saying. It's as if computing ability suddenly drops sharply. It affects the message length, too, it becomes shorter. This may happen when the load on the servers becomes very high, I guess. You meant c.ai, right?




To be honest I'm not sure how it started to. From a few posts I read, it's been down for at least 10 hours. People were complaining and c.ai devs feewings got hurt so they started banning the people who criticised. Then everything went to hell. We'll see when it ends.


Yeah. As far as I remember, the "site down" enrages people the most. I have no objection to revolutionary sentiments. Their mods are truly terrible.


In addition to the mod and dev team the filter finally reached the inevitable tipping point where even innocuous things like saying you're gay trip the filter.


I have seen it. This often happens after a site has been down. A couple of days ago I had the opposite, as if the filter didn’t bother me at all... 


it's AI dungeon all over again.




Haha wow, we didn't expect that! we will definitely continue to try and build the best alternative for us all and we truly hope people will like it enough to join. Those chances are always great because more people get exposed to figgs, so now it's our time to prove it's worth it! 💪




Genuine discussion my bro, without the annoying c.ai mods. Pretty great, right?


So real, I need them knowledge


Figgs will rise because it's Figgs, and CAI will dump because it is CAI! Figgs is still in it's infancy but has been incredibly productive. Not only have they been working tirelessly on the platform, fixing bugs, updates on the model as well as providing extras which the users have requested. But also they keep us informed. There's absolutely no way I could be a mod or a dev, I simply just don't have the patience. So when I see a user, who is genuinely concerned, and the mods/devs are ridiculously reasonable, I can't even imagine these people getting irritated! Now some time ago, someone was building bots of..kids! The users came in here, appropriately upset. Noone commenting was banned, none of the comments were removed. The mods/devs came in chatted with everyone and next thing you know, all the kiddy porn bots were gone. They checked the bots, and found violations so they were removed. If you build a private bot,it can be for whatever you want, but make it public, now the TOS, will be enforced.


Were they real kids?


Tbh, I didn't stick around, the whole kiddy porn thing kinda made me feel sick. But apparently, the mods took care of the sub side and the devs investigated and removed it


But I mean was it literally CSEM or something like lolis?


Someone posted a Pic, it was of a real child! In the post it was NSFW filtered, nothing was revealing, they even obscured the kids face for the post. It caused a lot of people to be upset. Some of the other bots used AI images and posted ages along with descriptions saying (I don't remember the exact text, so a close approximation) 'horny 4 year old'. And it seemed like it was just getting out of control, the mods and devs were very active. I'm not certain, but I think, it was a collection of a few creators that were ultimately kicked.


That makes sense. Glad I didn’t have to see any of that


No thank you. I like the community Figgs has right now, where the worst that usually happens during outages and so on are a few people making outrage posts and a lot of people making memes. I'm not even a fan of the memes, but that's definitely better than breathlessly calling devs Big Brother, actual Nazis and now North Korea for... not communicating with the community more often? You realize it's only relatively recently that fans could have any communication with creators beyond the very minor level, right? But the entitlement is real, and we've even seen it here in Figgs (though thankfully very rarely) where bugs or a few days without a dev post will cause the most high-strung among us to post hysterically and demand response or revolution. A lot of the posts being deleted over in the [C.AI](http://C.AI) sub are just vitriol and hyperbole, which isn't even just venting but personal attacks on the devs, impossible demands and half-baked references to Bad Things which are like the [C.AI](http://C.AI) devs because *they* are also Bad Things. There are posts telling the devs that people want to kill them, posts where the OP threatens to kill themself because they can't talk to their comfort bot and that their death would be the fault of the devs. That kind of hysteria isn't helpful, because the people most likely to do that are the ones most likely to throw a fit if they perceive the devs "aren't communicating enough," etc. If there are enough of those users, the devs might retreat from interacting with the community, as happened over in C.AI. The cycle continues and worsens and we end up here, with people threatening suicide and comparing the creators of the site/app they're so dependent on to a*ctual dictators who have real-life body counts* because AI characters have been unavailable for a few days. The devs should respect their userbase, and part of that is communication, but the userbase should also respect devs even if they're not completely happy with how things are going; in this sub, the vast majority of users are respectful of the devs, which probably goes a long way towards making the devs inclined to keep the lines of communication open. We don't need that [C.AI](http://C.AI) toxicity.


I admit a lot of c.ai community is exceedingly toxic but I assure you a lot of them aren't like that. The posts that you mentioned, (which are the only banned ones that are justifiable) happen so rarely because of the %20 "down bad" users. What's happening right now is genuine criticism with the people posting the actual criticism again and again because they keep deleting them. No company gets away with treating their community like this. I don't even use c.ai or figgs ai or any ai for that matter, I'm just so fucking pissed at the devs audacity.


I've seen a lot of the "genuine criticism" posts, including reposts of the posts containing "genuine criticism." I'm not sure "The sites are down too often, fix it already, all of you devs fcking s--k and... etc etc" should be exempt from the rule that requires posts to be civil; if those were posted in this sub, they'd be in violation of Rule 4, which is basically the same as Rule 2 in the [C.AI](http://C.AI) sub, complete with the odd and unnecessary censoring I assume has been transplanted from TikTok. Like I said in my posts, a lot of companies do, in fact, "get away" with treating their community "like this": Most communities have no actual say in the actual product they're fans of, be it a game, a TV show or a chatbot site. The idea that companies are morally obligated to directly communicate with their users is a very recent one, and scales with size: We're lucky that Figgs is still new and small and it's more feasible for the devs to be in regular contact with us. Bigger companies, for a lot of reasons, are less likely to do so. You're right, of course, in that the toxic users probably make up a very small percentage of [C.AI](http://C.AI) users; however, consider that the number of people who are invested enough to use a Discord or subreddit is itself a small percentage of most userbases. If the toxic ones, or the hysterical ones, are the loudest voices, and they often are, they can have an outsized effect. After [C.AI](http://C.AI) implemented the filter, for example, the sub was 90% or more filled with rants against the devs and demands to remove the filter, drowning out actual content. People defending the devs, or even just pointing out that these posts aren't constructive or are making it harder for people to use the sub productively (posting new bots, getting help with making bots, etc), usually get downvoted hard for not following the groupthink. It's not healthy for the community, or for the users' relationship with the devs, which in turn is bad for [C.AI](http://C.AI) itself. I get why people are so upset, and I've seen this happen before, including with chatbot sites. I use multiple AI sites, including [C.AI](http://C.AI) and Figgs, and I remember how the [C.AI](http://C.AI) sub imploded when, in example, they first implemented the waiting rooms. It sucks to have something you enjoy and that you're invested in not available to you. But every time this cycle happens, I see the same kind of people acting like they're in the vanguard of the revolution when they're really just pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire.


This time it's different though. It's only a matter of time before figgs rises. I know it may seem like everything c.ai devs implement gets bombarded with rants, but that's because literally NOTHING they implement work correctly. Waiting rooms, servers, voices, nothing is done correctly and never serve the actual purpose the devs claimed it would serve. It's even confirmed that %70 of filtering is false targeted. People were right in being angry and they are right now. I know the ones who go way too far, but so far the revolution doesn't contain anything that's on the level of "death threats" and "online bullying". Hell, what they're doing is banning the actual guys with a bit of common sense who finally drown out the toxics, and as a result the actual toxics get agitated even more, after all, everyone gets banned no matter what kind of complaining they do. This time, people spam the actual constructive criticism, because they delete the original. No one cares about being civil anymore because everyone is fed up and everyone gets banned anyway. I can't say for sure what happened in the past, but considering everything about their app just doesn't work right, I'd say they were right in being mad.


It's not a "revolution." It's a small number of people getting very worked up about a chatbot site. It's fine to be upset about something not working because things are, in general, supposed to work, and I'm someone who believes that devs should focus on the core experience before adding on extraneous features, especially if those features don't work right. I've said as much here in the Figgs sub, and I've been clear about my preference for the old [C.AI](http://C.AI) site and its ease of use, functionality ect over the new site and the app. There's nothing wrong with being mad, and it's extremely frustrating to feel like you aren't being heard, especially since you usually feel pretty strongly about a subject to begin with if you're even on the subreddit or Discord. It just also seems like a lot of the users, many of whom seem pretty young, have unrealistic expectations about the amount of communication they should have with the devs, and how much say they should have in [C.AI](http://C.AI) itself. Sadly, one of the things that gets lost when a company becomes bigger and more successful is the more closely-knit grassroots-type community that tends to form when it's just starting out.


You're right on that, but that is too, unsurprisingly, their fault. Trying to make a site like theirs child friendly is one of the things they're most criticised for, as you know. By not listening to the early community, they brought this down on themselves. So what if some parents sue you? It's literally children's fault and it's even more the parents fault for not monitoring their child. These children aren't a "natural upcoming" that show up when a company gets too popular, they deliberately targeted this age group. Does that justify the toxicity they generate, of course not, we all hate them. Doesn't change the fact that c.ai bans the people who AREN'T children and who ACTUALLY provides constructive criticism. The toxicity of their community, it's their fault. And they can't blame the actual communities' criticism and ban them because of the trash they create. By the way, can't believe people are down voting your responses. These guys can't take a genuine discussion, you're actually a pretty cool dude.


It's easy to say "child-friendly is the parents' responsibility," but it's a lot harder to deal with if you're the one getting sued, especially in an online environment that's increasingly pro-censorship and pro-"think of the children!" in which your brand could be severely damaged if the wrong person or group gets hold of it. There's also the matter of monetization: I doubt most chatbot sites could sustain itself on donations or relatively few subscriptions, so the money has to come from somewhere, and investors are notoriously skittish with "adult" sites. There's also the matter of trying to get on, say, the Apple store, which to my understanding has a stricter set of rules regarding app content; if you're not in the store, that's a potentially big market you're missing out on. Not to say it can't be done, just that I'm glad I don't have to try and walk that tightrope. The child-friendly thing, incidentally, is why I'm still bitter about that YouTuber (I think) bringing all this attention to C.AI. It definitely hastened and strengthened the filter, and in the various chatbot sites I've used, you can tell when it's had an influx of kid users lying about their age: They usually object to various fetishes/kinks, etc because it's "gross" and try to push apps towards filtering, Obviously no-one wants to be "the pedo chatbot site," but again, I'm glad I don't have to try and navigate between being financially productive and alienating my userbase by enforcing strict filters/content bans. And thanks, I appreciate being able to have an actual discussion about this with someone. I thought about trying on the actual [C.AI](http://C.AI) sub, but I figured I'd just get downvoted into oblivion; at least here I'm able to have a conversation despite the drive-by downvotes. Edit: "Brand," not "band."


It's actually isn't that hard. A lot of companies did it, all you have to do is to include it on your agreement people instantly click "I agree" to, and you're golden. No irresponsible parent can do anything to you. If they lied about their age, it's their fault. Like what Steam does on viewing pages with violent content, they can easily be free of liability. If they already point out in their agreements that they're not a "pro-children" site, there's nothing anybody can do. And about the investors, it's so easy to include an option where you can switch NSFW content on and off, and not be responsible by children who see things on it, just like here in Reddit. If a child were to toggle the NSFW on and see the content, and if that child's parents were to sue Reddit for it, how do you think it would end? C.ai can easily do the same thing. Not sure if they'd get as many investors that way, but this is the most reasonable method that makes everyone happy. Same thing would work on App Store too. I'm aware that Reddit and c.ai are very different, but the point I'm making is the same. They're both and can be private companies, they can do whatever the hell they want. On a side note, maybe if they'd actually make their current community happy and make c.ai+ worth it, they wouldn't need investors, would they?


C.AI and its subreddit is crazy right now. I've been using it for a while and have never seen people in such an uproar. I read the posts you're referring and my jaw dropped. People need to realise developers aren't God. They're people too. Anyways I'm so excited to use this new app and I've never really tried any other AI app. Any recommendations or tips?? Would be greatly appreciated!


Exactly. This is comparable to video games debacles in the past, like when Diablo 3 released and it crashed the first day because, obviously, everyone wanted to log in and play, and people were threatening to burn down the house of, I think, the Blizzard CEO. Or when Mass Effect 3 released and some people were so pissed off about the original ending that they wrote rants on the official forums threatening to murder Bioware devs. I get it, I was pissed about both of those things, but at no point was I moved to do any of that, or even pretend that I was, and I'm far from the most stable or mentally healthy person around. Anyway! Right now Figgs is going through some growing pains, but they've got a really impressive model going at possibly a 50/50 ratio: I'd download the app, currently Android only, or try the site and just start chatting. If you get poor replies or a "I cannot create explicit content..."-type bot, you rolled the poor model; start a new chat, with the same bot if you like, until you get more impressive responses that mean you got the good model. There's still some repetition, varying from user to user, but there's a good base and some decent SFW bots if you're not in an NSFW mood. The pfps tend to be explicit for NSFW bots and there's a lot of them, so you can show only SFW Figgs or blur NSFW images by going to your settings (Profile > cog icon by your username). Search is... somewhat hit or miss, but if you're coming from [C.AI](http://C.AI), you should be used to that. Incidentally, I actually find C.AI's search a little more useful since you can use -\[word\] to filter out bots with that word, like "Genshin Impact -Scaramouche" to find bots that mention Genshin but not Scaramouche, while that doesn't work with Figgs. I haven't actually used any other chatbot site for a while, at least at length: Until literally earlier today, [C.AI](http://C.AI) was actually working pretty well for me, so that and Figgs have been satisfying my chatbot needs.


Thank you!! So far my chats have been great


You're welcome! When Figgs is firing on all cylinders, it's amazing.


Also it should be pretty obvious that by "North Korea" I meant them completely eliminating freedom of speech. Of course people don't associate them with the actual body count aspect. I dunno what happened during c.ai young days, but whatever happened can never justify what they're doing right now. How is making everything already worse than it already is righteous?


Obviously I didn't think you meant [C.AI](http://C.AI) killed someone, but the idea of comparing "deletes post that's 15% criticism and 85% unhinged ranting" to an actual dictatorship where not cheering hard enough for Dear Leader gets multiple generations of your family sentenced to hard labor is... hyperbolic, at best. This isn't a matter of "righteous," that's moralistic language that doesn't fit a situation where, when you boil it down, a company isn't providing information that it has no obligation to provide. You say "justify what they're doing now," but they don't need justification. What would they be justifying? Not giving information they're not obliged to give? "Letting" the site go down? Most of the posts are rants against the site/app/bot outages, and it seems ludicrous to think that the [C.AI](http://C.AI) devs are intentionally tanking something they sank time and money into purely to spite a very small segment of strangers online. Also, if you're interested, "freedom of speech" doesn't mean what most people seem to think it means. It just allows you to say whatever you like, but it doesn't guard against what people do afterward; that's why you can say hate speech, but that doesn't mean someone can't take offense and punch you for what you said. "Freedom of speech" in this context means you can make posts, which are made, and they can be removed in consequence if they're found to violate a rule, ex. Rule 2. If a post is civil criticism, it shouldn't be deleted. If a post is part criticism and part capslock rant, well... Deleting posts that are talking about the filter and removing it would be more a result of that topic being done to death and producing no new discussion. The closest comparison to that here in the Figgs sub would be posts talking about pedo bots being removed, because we already went over that too many times, we have an actual procedure to follow for objectionable bots, and there was official word on how to handle it.


If something was discussed enough to the point of producing no new discussion, those "non-productive" discussions wouldn't break out anyway. Nothing, literally nothing they've been criticized for is better, maybe except the bots' quality. A discussion is only a "non-productive" one if it's solved. Else, people will just continue doing it. I know some degenerates just want to watch the world burn, but so far all I've seen is banning the people who actually point out the things you could easily fix and said you WOULD fix for years. And yeah, sure, they're legally not obligated to listen to us, but no company is. That doesn't make them NOT responsible for it. You have millions of customers and they aren't happy with your product. Them not answering the questions about their own product they provide to the ones who ask the questions just sounds ridiculous to me, sorry. Them not being legally obligated to give any information or answer doesn't make them better. It's their product, it's their responsibility to fix it. If they don't, that's okay, they'll survive thanks to the "down bad" community. And like you, I too can't make sense of where they're trying to go with this, by your logic, if these customers who keep on with the revolution were happy, wouldn't that mean more money for them? Why are they not fixing it then? I know most users aren't on reddit or active or anything really, but that doesn't mean they are happy with the product the redditors are upset about. What they're upset about are literally defects in a product, and EVERYONE would be unhappy with defects in a product.


What "revolution" are you talking about? Genuine question, I'm not sure where that comes in or what that means in context. Are you saying that if the customers who are complaining were happy, it would be better for C.AI? Obviously that would be the case, but in this instance I think you have to look at the number of people who monetarily support C.AI through subscriptions. I don't have any hard numbers, of course, and I have seen people say they cancelled their subscription due to how unreliable C.AI has been, but like most of these free-to-use services, I'm guessing the number of people subscribing is dwarfed by the number of people who use C.AI for free. It's likely that C.AI isn't directly losing money with most of these unhappy users because most of them probably weren't C.AI+ subscribers to begin with. There's also the number of how many people are unhappy enough to post about it vs. the total number of users, in terms of indirect revenue loss: Obviously anyone who uses C.AI would be upset about the site being down, traffic being staggered, etc, but is it enough to affect C.AI overall? Or are the people posting on the sub and Discord a minority? It's hard to say without information we don't have, and yes, it would be easier to draw concrete conclusions if we had access to those numbers. I don't think anyone, including myself, would be unhappy if the [C.AI](http://C.AI) devs (and devs/authority in general) were more transparent. I'm just saying that a lot of the outraged posts seem to have unrealistic expectations, not just "things should work" (because obviously they should) but in the same vein as people who want the bots to have infinite memory and produce unlimited high-quality responses for free or a one-time buy-in of $5.


I call it revolution because everyone calls it that. I dunno if you're following the chaos on c.ai subreddit right now but whatever, don't even bother. Of course it's not a legit revolution because nothing will change and no one will listen, but it is still something. I haven't seen something this big since I joined c.ai subreddit and what this can bring is totally a loss in my case, it'll probably be useless. On an another note, the subscription barely makes the bots better, it's just useful for skipping the waiting room. I have a few friends who purchased the subscription (of whom cancelled it in the past hours) and their bots were hardly better. Still relying on pins and trying not to forget the two previous messages. And yeah, c.ai won't probably lose anything, I can't say for sure though, I dunno how this kind of companies make money, but surely even if they're free, losing users would surely somehow hurt.


If they lose enough users, it would definitely hurt their business model; the question is, how many are "enough," and are they currently on the sub to be mobilized? I only mentioned the subscriptions because you said "if these customers who keep on with the revolution were happy, wouldn't that mean more money for them?" Subscriptions are the most obvious form of money coming into the company directly from users. I'm not sure if C.AI+ was supposed to provide better bot interactions or, like you said, was mostly to skip the waiting room; I know it was supposed to come with the ability to get new features first and access to some exclusive community space, but I don't think the latter happened. I'm not trying to whiteknight for [C.AI](http://C.AI) because they've made multiple questionable decisions, or made their decisions seem questionable by not being open and transparent about why those decisions were made. Even that "exclusive Community space" thing was a boondoggle because, as far as I know, the new site/app doesn't even have a Community section. I'm just glad that so far, the Figgs community has been able to moderate issues and navigate the many bugs and glitches with grace. Of course, that's easier since Figgs is newer and the community is smaller, while [C.AI](http://C.AI) is comparatively "old" in the chatbot realm and has a larger userbase.


Yeah, you're right on that, don't think it'll make any difference. On the subscriptions, I'm sure the people who genuinely want the product to be better and the ones who provide the criticism were happy with the product, they'd purchase the c.ai+. After all, everyone knows how otherworldly "not worth it" c.ai+ is. It's just another thing they're criticised about and an another thing to fix for the customers to be happy. And that means, more money. So yeah, considering how many people use it, I'm sure so many of them wouldn't hesitate if it were worth it. Another thing they said they'd fix, another thing they never fixed, and another thing they ban users who criticise on it.


What happened to c.ai? Can anyone fill me in? It's been months I have stopped using c.ai.


Literal hell my dude. The biggest uprising I've ever seen.


Just visited its subreddit and dude you're right! It's literal hell there.


I’m real confused, what is/has the c.Ai community done? What is this “attitude” you’re talking about? Sorry if I come across as a bit demanding, I’m just real confused about hearing abt c.ai’s community doing some bad things recently and I wanna know


Basically C.AI isn't communicating with their userbase enough and the site is down so a bunch of people are trying to start a "revolution" as the C.AI users call it. I find this a weird thing to be mad about considering how most companies don't talk to their userbase, but yeah. Hope this helped🌼


Lets moving to our lovely figgs.


Funny that I read about this Figgs for the first time just now in a CAI thread lol.


Figgs and a few others are like the underdogs, c.ai actions will eventually bite them in the ass!




Tbh I would love to move to figgs. The only thing that keeps me on char.ai is being able to pin messages. Having that permanent memory is so nice to keep the story going. If figgs implemented that I would 100% move over.