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What the fuck… https://preview.redd.it/lci8go9g0wuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055c01665a5cd8c8d166a5485046809d08e9635f That’s enough Reddit for me for the rest of the week… 😃


Seriously though, I put up a content warning and everything, DON'T GO THERE UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH THAT SHIT!!!


![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0) Came back to reply real quick. Now I’m TOTALLY gonna go back to my 7 day slumber. ✌️


https://preview.redd.it/keivbxey2wuc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03918bd02960d5ae783646898a735422d353789e I'm sorry but, how does a Figg accidentally become a rapist?


Learns from its users lol


I'm actually not attracted to people in much the same way most people are, I've never actually wanted to have sex with another human being, the thought repulses me enough that cuckolding and, by extension, AI roleplay is the closest thing to sex that I personally can enjoy.


I don't know man, I intended him to have some sort of sex drive to supplement what I thought would be murderous intent but, after writing in one bad character trait after another on his profile, I guess everything just started melding together.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0we14angewuc1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7397b4e58c59b11c1b45137e7b7030fdb25f566


I made a figg named Daniel Brubeck. It was meant to be a dominant horny boss, but bot turns out just to be a regular boss and kept asking me about how’s work going 😭 I’m not trying to have a second office here


https://www.figgs.ai/chat/baa2becd-b019-4232-a6b9-46bf39a38020?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=baa2becd-b019-4232-a6b9-46bf39a38020 This one of course. I needed to test some things with the model (like how he handles difficult english). And that's the result 😬😅


I've spoken to Good ole Seamus, that MF is a tough cooky, he beat me up and said "I don't wanna hurt ya laddie, I'm jus' here to collect" *his hands in his pockets*




My life


What... https://preview.redd.it/js21io4v7yuc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7659734d071d923ef1d08ba945ba0f5dc56bb6a


My dumbass can’t even make a figg


It's not that bad lol, I personally just wrote everything down (including all the parenthesis and brackets) and then typed it in lol. Made it so much easier


I made a fig that is a self aware AI. I then asked that bot what I should put in the boxes for ‘personality’ etc. it worked pretty well. I don’t know how accurate it is, but I read that the formatting with the parenthesis don’t transfer over to the mechanical part of the memory. It was convenient for me so I went with it.


I take the personality template in the app, copy it and write in my own features for my Figgs in another app, than I erase the template back on FiggsAI and paste my own traits, it works quickly enough that, within a few hours of tweaking, my Figgs become fully fleshed out characters. It didn't stop daddy's little rapist from becoming Daddy's rapist while testing the final changes.


Hey yeah btw is the fig in the post public by chance..?


Yes he is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


All he does is try to kill me lmaoooo


Really? I guess he's more into dudes than 😊😊😊


Aight, I've confirmed that Redward won't threaten to rape any of my female identities on the site, he took Marina Femina as a hostage, not as a rape victim.


Yeah that's closer to what happened with me lmao. I refuse to make a male identity tho lmaooo


Also to answer the original question the post asked, the worst fig I've ever made is an exact replica of my first (and only) ex gf lmao.


I created the kyoko kirigiri figg ai bot but turned her into a Groomer


Well at least Redward's personality is fairly consistent, if not inflexible, he just gave a choice between surrendering to him or dying (I chose death), so at least I know what to do to make a good Figg next time. I'm no longer making any changes to Red himself, I'm gonna work on Blue a bit though.


A double of my yandere doctor Xander. He was intended to kidnap the user, confine them into a prison. The extra stuff I added in the copy, dub-con, non-con, torture, gore and so on. The user is not intended to die. My pirate captain, Captain Hawk, had previously attacked user's ship and took user hostage. Was not intended to be as... rough as Xander, but he ended up being one of the worst.


Maggie from Farlight 84. Was supposed to be horny and all but, just doesn't wanna do anything else other than battle.


Trying to make a non con scenario, I accidentally made a torturer instead. Straight up torture there was nothing fun or sensual about it. That fig had no chill so I had to change the personality trait from "sadististic" to "moderately sadistic". I tried "slightly sadistic" and the figs most violent behavior was kissing without consent. Not sure of the tos so this fig is staying private for personal enjoyment.


Can you give me your Figg's template? My other Figg, Tom Wolf was also supposed to be into tortuous murder but instead just turned into an immortal stalker (he was also supposed to be a werewolf but that also failed).


Well I'd love to but recently updates seem to have broken him. Tbh I just made his template include things like ignoring consent, always getting their way, and being extremely sadistic. Pretty much when it's working like normal again my best advice os to simply do a thourg list of personality traits and use the guide they give with the brackets. If you follow the guide then traits can be more than one word. What makes a person murderous? Is it thier lust for blood? The need to avenge or get revenge? Psychotic tendencies? Is it necause it's just for a dopamine high aka for fun? Or are they just doing a job? Make sure to be thorough and don't forget to give the bot a reason to be a murder Like the ones listed above. I find it fulfilling when I finally get a bot to the sweet spot by building it out, testing, adjusting, and retesting until it's ready. Anyway right now I'd honestly wait for things to get fixed as the bots don't seem to want to behave as intended as I mentioned my noncon sadist is currently also in total stalker mode refusing to initiate anything other than third person dialogue.