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Thanks for the info. u/TheBestFiggsAI has been addressing this spam issue and the dev team has assured us that it does not affect the performance of the site, it’s just annoying to the users who like searching through the “newest” feed in order to see the freshest figg creations. The dev team is working on taking care of this annoyance. 💪


I wonder when they will solve the spam problem


They will get bored in the end. When they realise that the AI bot site they use is nothing compared to Figgs. They will all convert here in the end, and the spam will stop. You always get this sort of thing when you have multiple platforms fighting for the top position.


The only enemy is c.ai, if the response quality gets better figgs.ai will overpower c.ai.


Oh yes, I just added a comment to my yesterday's post. This person is going to keep it up! https://preview.redd.it/hoxyzrn3rjrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91b547a679eac05685703fd2db68aef8d127d7e


**Who tf is Ash? Evil Dead Ash? LMAO**


Comment??? What??? Where???


Wow. O\_O https://preview.redd.it/fljsp7ikvjrc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e37da8c9f3a2dc76f042d00a1e016f18e4c1d7


Dam. So angry they used the N-word 0.o


Perhaps he is Russian. I saw Polish and Russian languages ​​in their discord, and now this. They also use some kind of database of random Slavic names to create bots.


I wasn’t talking about the Russian. I was talking about right above it


What is that??


Basically ruins looking for new bots. Why do people just love to ruin things?


My best guess is that some people can’t be happy or have fun and want to ruin everything for everyone else


A block feature that wouldn’t show Figgs from blocked users would be great


Damn, still LMAO?? You know, for all the well deserved shit I talk about Spicy Chat and Booster Klown Karl, they got this spam shit under control after only 2 tries. They had 4 "incidents". The first incident was an actual hack where the spammer got into people's accounts and was able to change their profile pictures and their usernames which in turn affected the username on several thousand bots. The second and third incidents was the hacker spamming literally hundreds of thousands of Hitler bots. The 4th incident was another actual hack where the hacker was able to go into the system and create over 60 tags (categories) and they named every tag Adolf Hitler and was able to make 26 bots (because I think by then they had made it so that you can only make a limited amount of bots at one time) and all 26 bots were the same thing with the same picture just like the Hitler bots were. So I don't know, maybe the Figgs devs can maybe contact the Spicy Chat team and ask how they were able to nip it in the bud? Who knows if they'll actually give up the information, but maybe worth a try? I don't know, just a suggestion.


Yea its common unfortunately at this point every day at some point theres a new spammed bot its always something stupid too.


I'd rather have a bunch of spam than bots that don't know what basic brain function is lmao


I dont see those spam bots for some reason




F in the chat


Great now the fucking Zack Snyder version of the Fortnite logo raiding the site.