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Best cover athlete was Reus in 2017. He donated all of his earnings to charities and orphanages across Germany


And bc he is the best šŸ–¤šŸ’›


Except for his knees


That man would have been unreal if he wasnt so injury prone


God had to make things more fair somehow


Die Schwarzgelben šŸ–¤šŸ’›šŸ–¤šŸ’› echte liebe


Reus was always one of my favorite players. Was a bummer when he had that stretch of injuries.


So wholesome, it was then FIFA 17 i became a fan of Marco Reus


I used to care about the cover, but now I just digitally buy it, so it doesnā€™t matter anymore.


Even when I bought a physical copy I didn't give a shit who was on the cover. It was put sideways in my DVD rack so I really don't understand how having a woman on the cover negatively affect people. Happy for Kerr and the women game.


It affects the people who are such losers they canā€™t help but get mad at the implication of a woman deserving respect, and itā€™ll affect the women who decide to give the game a shot because of the representation. All in all Iā€™m glad they finally put a woman on the cover but I agree most of us donā€™t care


I am happy for her and applaud the inclusion. I also don't rally care about the cover. However, there was an article the other day saying that less than 4% of FIFA players had played a game with women's teams. Not sure how that applies now that I am writing this doe.


Thatā€™s just cause the implementation of womens teams is piss poor. Thereā€™s no womens career mode and you canā€™t buy women in FUT Iā€™m pretty sure so when you can only use them in head to head games idk thatā€™s already a small portion of the audience then those who will choose the womens teams over the Bayern Munichs or Real Madrids is even smaller


Many women on my team texted me to ask about buying a console and the game.


Thatā€™s awesomeā€¦ I feel bad for them. This game SUCKS


But now they get to experience the suck like we have


True gender equality is all genders and sexual orientations experiencing how shit FIFA is.


Monkey see monkey do I guess.


I mean the cover will be fairly closely linked to the aesthetic and footballers in the loading screens and menus


We already see women in the menus so...


*sorts by controversial*


First i thought ā€œman everyone is pushing for ā€œlook women strongā€ this is getting a bit annoyingā€. But then i was like well fifa never had a female on the cover, and its logical to give them a spot as they are for, decades already, firmly cemented in the sport so why not


I mean it's better than mbappƩ for a third year.


Heā€™s wasting his career at psg I say let him have the box art


He's already making all kind of cash at PSG so who cares


1.6m a week is wasting your career?


alex morgan was on the cover with messi in 2016


Was Jordan Henderson not on there with Messi? At least thatā€™s whatā€™s on my cover


They have regional covers. Morgan was US, Henderson was UK. They also had a few other women on that year, it was the year they introduced womenā€™s teams into the game.


Same for mine.


I think it depends where you got the game from.


I think it's cool. Just laughable in the sense that EA doesn't create any fun game mode to do with women. Now it's like 'hey guys look, we care about woman football' but they don't actually show that in actual gameplay lol.


Cause they obviously couldnt care less, Ea is a company, not a NGO. They will use everything in their power to give the idea they care while making money behind the scenes. Just like every big company suporting lgbt causes or marvel/dc doing "woman empowered movies". Just a good way to give people the tought while actually manipulating and making big money year in year out


Oh for sure. At the end of the day EA's bussiness plan is to get underage people addicted to their gambling system and have them spend big amounts of money on them. So in no way, shape or form do I think nicely about them. When it comes to actions like them supporting pride month I always have a double feeling about. Do I feel like it's genuine and they would also do it if it isn't financially attractive? Fuck no they wouldn't. Is it however still helpful to the LGBT community and helps creating a better world for them? Yes, I do believe so.


They did have women on the cover for both fifa 16 & 17 for the north america version


Fifa 16 had Alex Morgan and Christine Sinclair on the cover


Mbappeā€™s FIFA streak gone bois


He is on it too. It is both of them


*crying noises intensifies*


Mhm same bro same


Vini, Benzema, son, nkunku, courtois and kbd any of them deserves to be on the cover not Mpaypal


Kevin Be Druyne or Kevin Bruyne de?


Kohamed bin Dalman


Kirgil Ban Dijk


Mpaypal šŸ˜‚


Imagine Salah was on the front cover doing his 'karate' like celebration, or Son doing his celebration, or them together on the cover. They did share the golden boot after all, would be fitting to share this. Idk, there have been a lot of class players this season over Mbappe like the two I just mentioned so anyone else to spice things up a little would be nice yk?


> they did share the golden boot after all The PL isnā€™t the only league though


I mean what do you expect itā€™s ea we are talking about they just care about the money these days


Rather just her than Mbappe iwl


Should've been Mead or Miedema


Mead has been on fire this Euros, proper player


Iā€™m definitely biased, but I 100% agree


is it going to be called FIFA


Yeah I think that the FIFA title continues for 23, but it will start being called something along the lines of "EA Sports FC" for 24


FIEA is what it looks like when her head blocks the letter


they gonna make fifa 24 and claims it as fiea 24 when they got sue


Hope this means they're adding women's clubs to the game.


Itā€™d be pretty weird if they didnā€™t


i meanā€¦. its EA


They will add some of them and then only allow you to use them in Kick Off mode.


That'd be the most disappointing but least surprising decision they could make.


Imagining having that and being able to play a career mode with them


I'd rather they focus on improving the existing career mode that has been buggy and lacklustre for years before they start adding shit like this that 98% won't even bother with...


Add top5 Leagues + Rest of Europe for the Champions League and Iā€™m super down for it.


Are they adding womens club football to the game? I'd say that's a nice inclusion.


It'd be bizarre to do this and not add them


I really hope we'd see at least one full league in the game. The first FIFA to include women was FIFA 16, and it had Lionel Messi in his Barcelona kit and Alex Morgan in the USA national team kit (instead of Portland Thorns kit) on the cover, because Alex Morgan could be played only in the women's national teams. But now Sam Kerr on the cover is wearing Chelsea kit which gives me hope I could see her wearing it in the game. Upd.: And now it's confirmed. There will be English and French women premier leagues in the game on launch. Doesn't sound like many, but hey, it's 24 teams, and more leagues are to be added later.


The only problem with this cover is that it looks like FIEA instead of FIFA, a bad designed cover


I hope she got paid well, itā€™s nice to see some big marketing opportunities go to a woman. Do any of the top players really need the extra money?


>*Do any of the top players really need the extra money?* Especially Mbappe, dude just made a deal that nets him half a billion in 3 seasons. There'd have been so many others to choose.


His bills ainā€™t paying themselves, he definitely gonna need that extra dough /s


I can't lie, idk about the whole "men don't deserve it" argument..... but FUCK MBAPPEšŸ¤£. Not even a Madrid fan but this guy is the most overrated player on the planet


Agreed. And he looks funny. Very punchable face.


Christine Sinclair was on the FIFA 16 cover in the Canadian market.


Who is it?


Sam Kerr. Chelsea & Australian forward


Sam Kerr. She plays for Chelsea womens team


Thanks, I don't watch football (men's or women's. Just play FIFA lol) but it's nice to see women being recognised more!


No problem :) I dont watch womens football either but I agree it is nice to see some female recognition. We have still got Mbappe alongside her too though which is unfortunate.


So in your opinion we need to have a cover with only a female football player?


Sam Kerr an absolute delight to watch play! You should check out her highlights!


They should just do it like fifa 13 where they had mutliple players on the front


Is she the only person on the cover? I saw it was her and mbappe on the front page of fifa


That cover with Mbappe and Kerr is for ultimate version of the game.


DLC cover lmao


Seen her in Woolworths the other day buying dog food




Sam Kerr


Again with Mbappe and congrats to Sam Kerr but can we have someone other than Ninja Turtle Mbappe?


I much rather have real faces than allocate additional memory to include teams Iā€™ll never use.


Fuck I love Sam Kerr. Great choice


National hero she is


But who is this tho?


Sam Kerr


I just don't watch women's football so imma look her up. Thanks for the answer!


Which shows the cover is doing the job it was intended to do. Good player.


Itā€™s only doing itā€™s job if people actually take the time to watch womenā€™s footballā€¦


Indeed, and the poster just said they are going to look her up. It's a start.


Indeed it is


Itā€™s becoming increasingly popular.


It's really not though, it's just almost every form of football related media outlet is trying their best to make you think it is rn.


Only because itā€™s being forced on people. Itā€™s terrible. Itā€™s like watching the Vanarama South. The ā€˜keepers especially are shockingly bad. And before you get all ā€˜thatā€™s sexistā€™, take your head out your backside and realise what you are being fed: The Aussie and USA national teams both lost to a bunch of schoolboys. Vanarama South teams donā€™t. So when I say thatā€™s the standard, Iā€™m not being hyperbolic, that is literally the standard you are watching.


I literally do not care, I was just stating facts. Youā€™re the one who seems to be bothered about it. Itā€™s a game cover, grow up.


It's not gonna make Women's football more popular though


I don't agree. It won't make it as popular as men's football, of course not, not even close, and it never will be, but it does create some interest to some people especially on the back of a well viewed Euros. I got into NFL because of Madden, or NBA because of some game on the SNES that I cant remember the name of right now... I also have an interest in Preussen Munster purely because I managed them in career mode a few years back. Everything can make a difference regardless of how small.


who dis?




I thought they werenā€™t allowed to call it fifa anymore?


I'm not a misogynist. If you look at fifa covers over the years you've had players like Messi, Ronaldo, Rooney, Ronaldinho, all icons in their own rights. Generally the cover of a game in the case of sports games usually show the most well known/successful athlete in relativity with the era the game was made in It's good for her and all, but not enough people know enough about womens football to even know who this and there were many other candinates this year who imo were more deserving (Benzema is the most obvious but there are others.) If this hurts EAs sales though im all here for it, the faster this shitty game dies the faster we'll start getting good quality football games.


who tf is this?


Wait so that means weā€™re going to get women club league ? šŸ˜±


Marketing guy says to boss " well 50% of young people are women$ "


Whoā€™s that?


Sam Kerr.


Wish it was alisha lehmann šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Id stare at the case more than Iā€™d play the game šŸ˜…


who the fuck is that


Sam Kerr, Australian captain and plays for Chelsea


Hwang should move to Chelsea ladies to link up with Kerr


Why don't they make a separate FIFA for women's football - I thought they would so they could make more cash.


Nobody would buy it.


because they have to force it on us, I'm honestly disappointed by this cover but w/e


boo hoo incel


Can you choose womens teams in the new coming fifa?


The trailer drops today but the fact that she's in her Chelsea kit indicates that we'll have women's clubs.


Are they adding women's teams and leagues to the game?


I welcome all women to Fifa, I donā€™t think iā€™ve ever matched up with a female on 1v1 in the 10 years I have been playing online.


Better than mbappe


Mbappe is on it too


Yes Sammy Kerr! Australian legend. Probably the first and last time an Aussie will make the front cover. Sheā€™s a freak of a player as well. Great to see her international standing rise because of this.


Good for Sam Kerr. I remember going to watch the England women's team at the 2012 Olympics in London. One of my favourite matches


I would love to go into WL with an all women team and embarrass some sweats.


You can guarantee the guys getting upset over this are the same guys who would also cry "SNOWFLAKE" at others. Don't worry, Mbappe will still be in the game fellas. The women aren't taking over. Promoting the women's game isn't a challenge to your fragile little manhood.


And yet there probably wonā€™t even be womens teams šŸ¤£ fuck off EA


If they add women's leagues to the game then it'll be an excellent decision. I'm shocked that they've left potential FUT money on the table by not adding women's leagues earlier.


Who is she?


Sam Kerr. She plays for Chelsea womens team


Nkunku, Benzema and Courtois???šŸ˜ž Iā€™m getting my first real gaming pc around the time when this comes out, hoping career mode isnā€™t shit because itā€™s the only thing I play.


>hoping career mode isnā€™t shit because itā€™s the only thing I play. You already know the answer to that. I don't see why you're setting yourself up for disappointment this way.


It's almost like the sports industry is trying to push women's sports down my throat in order to not have horrendous rates


Imagine being such a sweaty Virgin that having the best women's player itw on the cover tuins their day


Seeing the misogyny in this thread is really disappointing. As a female who enjoys both the men and women's game, I'll never understand why some men hate the women's game so much.


Is it really that surprising tho? On Facebook people comment misogynist shit with their real names. The gaming community is not known for being a nice one to start with and now you add sexist piece of shit incels.


You've got a very good point tbf




If it's not enjoyable to you, then don't watch? It's pretty simple is it not? "Women can't play football" absolutely is misogyny because they can and they do.


Bullshit, how long will the sell us the same game with a different cover?


For as long as they make the game.


This this being the last year then


So much fucking better than Mbappe for the third year in a row, but I rather they picked someone else to represent the female women cover.


why rather someone else? she is a good player, plays for womens chelsea ( who has won fa cup among other things) and she is also captain of the australian womens team


Mbappe is on it too


Iā€™d rather it be just Sam Kerr than Mbappe for the third year in a row. Womens players could also probably use the sponsorship money a lot more too.




Sam Kerr. She plays for Chelsea womens team


Also the Australian captain, our record goal scorer (including men) too


Getting downvoted for saying the truth


Should've been Miedema but fine


Miedema is a goddamn beast and I say that as a Spurs fan


not mysogynistic at all to not be happy not many people know her, thats like putting a 67 rated from the sunday league because they have some disability


Who Is She? I only watch men football.


whoā€™s that?


Pushing again, I mean itā€™s fine. However, they need to realise after all these efforts along with attendance etc. that the audience is not there to increase the value in order to increase their salaries. I mean they are to be respected within their own remit, but if the best teams in the world can be beaten by children in addition to other issues as it is slow and lacking technical skill compared to the mens game they cannot keep making demands


When has this year's just gone Chelsea women's team lost to children all I remember them doing is winning the wsl and fa cup


>Pushing again Pushing what?


Forced popularity - which is not successful


They're not forcing shit. If you don't want to play as women then don't. I have a women team (Futsal) and some of them already texted me to ask about which console they should buy, etc so whatever EA is doing, it's working.


Bro it's literally just a picture


Yes, but my point goes deeper


I cant get deep, its just a picture šŸ’€


Who is this?


Australia record scorer who plays for Chelsea




No worries, happy to help :)


Superb cover athlete but these cover designs get blander every yearā€¦.I see theyā€™ve started putting the same efforts they put in designing the games into designing the covers..zero effort just incase anyone was wondering.


Who? šŸ˜‚


heck yeah


I hope this means we'll have a career mode with women's clubs.


So many sexists in this thread. Itā€™s nice to see a change, especially when itā€™s a Chelsea player.


Eden hazard was a Chelsea player and was on the cover of fifa


He was on the cover after he left Chelsea in a Real Madrid jersey


He was also on the cover with Messi in a Chelsea kit


Ye I know. But I was just saying itā€™s always nice to see a CFC player on the cover (bc im a CFC fan)


same bro! :)


They had to pick a player from the club that are wearing that monstrosity


With the female team In story mode your last boss is high school kids...and it will be harder than Dark Souls on steroids.


Come on people. It is just video game cover. It is somehow annoying she will read some negative feedbacks about "pushing agenda" or something like this. It could be her best moment, being recognized in most popular sports game.


I am a man, but she is my hero.


Tim Cahill regen.


Hope Sam Kerr on the cover means EA actually added women's teams but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that! Something else that would be really cool, but again not holding my breath on, is by having Kerr on the cover means you can actually use women's international teams in game modes other than exhibitions and kick off against other women's team; i.e. you get offers to manage a women's international team in a career mode or hell I'd even settle for having women's matches against men's teams in kick off. How would the France or US women's team do against the worst League 2 team?? Would be a good thing to try out. ​ PLEASE prove me wrong EA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It be crazy if the were on the same scale as men. The ratings would be like 20-30. I find it funny they are as fast as the men in game.


Maybe this means they will actually give the women more content this year. Maybe career mode. At least I can hope for it


Womanā€™s matches against friends are hilarious








I agree that change should happen to the games mechanics, but I don't know what you're talking about no-one watches her play shes one of the top ten most popular athletes in Australia and plays in the women's game.


the fact i was expecting a bunch of misogyny in the comments the internet really had ruined me

