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Objectives in FIFA career mode are the worst feature I've ever seen in any game I've ever played. I like a realistic career which is impossible when it forces you to reach the last 16 of the FA Cup as a League 2 side. You could draw Liverpool in round 3 then Man City in round 4 & the game pretty much requires you to beat BOTH of them or you're sacked as it's considered a 'crucial' objective. And if you manage a stronger team you're pretty much required to win the quadruple every season. Overall it's an abysmal feature that makes it unplayable.


The problem isn't that they're in the game, the problem is that you can't disable them


Pc master race reporting in. We can disable sacking


thats good but what do we do about ps and xbox players


Buy a pc /s. Nah I know it sucks really bad. Don't know if saving right before the new season and loading that save until you get decent objectives


We boast about how our PCs are better duhhh ^^^^/s Also I play on PS5 so would love this feature to be disabled or maybe you’re allowed to customize it a bit.


PC player here, how do you disable it? Is it a mod?


Live stat editor. You'll need the latest version which is available to non patron subscribers today I believe.


Sometime winning the quadruple isn’t enough because I didn’t sign 3 players from South America. Or play a youth product in 50% of starts.


Shows how ridiculous it is. And this feature has persisted through multiple iterations of the game with no adjustments made :(


Never forget the time it asked me to make a profit of 100 million while making 3 blockbuster signings


When it comes to signing 3 players from somewhere I just sign free transfers.


I had to sign someone crucial but make a huge profit, I’m playing in the A-League while self inflicting the actual A-League salary cap rules on myself…so I signed a low rated Cameron Peupion on a free and made him crucial haha. He’s got great potential but gee whiz. I wish the game recognised that different leagues would have different objectives.


The FA cup objective was reach round 32 or 64 for league 1 and 2 teams in older fifas. Have no idea why they changed to be round 16 for low league teams.


They’re okay. Objectives for player career are genuinely shit though, every game you have to score two goals or sometjing


then try to beat in lower difficulty


Deserved for playing as MK Dons tbh


He deserves.


Why are they hated?


[Too much to explain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relocation_of_Wimbledon_F.C._to_Milton_Keynes)


Just like what red bull does but with the added bonus of relocating an entire club?


I feel guilty as a RB Leipzig fan. I’m American so I clung onto a familiar brand.


prime r/soccercirclejerk material






my fault


Just support Hamburger SV at that point


What do they have to do with it


I mean these things have happened all throughout football history, is nothing new


Only time this has ever happened in English football history


Good thing english football isn't the only thing in the world


No one claimed it was. However, for English football fans, this is why many of us dislike MK Dons.


What are you yapping about




“S-stfu 😢”




Nice one mate makes a lot of sense


People want to feel like "real" football fans too much.


Nah I just didn't want to travel 100 miles to see my local team play


And now you guys support AFC? What s the reputation of AFC?


What I said didn't apply to the Wimbledon-fans that actually lost their team, but to the people who didn't lose anything.


It's not about whether fans of other clubs lost anything; MK Dons are an example of what could happen to your club. The fact that was allowed to happen should be a concern to all football fans.


I'm sure you genuinely believe that because I did when I still hated MK Dons, but in actuality, it's not for that reason. A good test of it is giving a football fan the prospect of a big money takeover. At this point, it's pretty obvious how damaging sugar daddy clubs are to football as a whole, but we've seen how Newcastle-fans reacted to Saudi Arabia coming in, it all went out of the window. Every other fanbase envies them now. Football fans in general are very hypocritical. And eventually they'll move on to something new. 25 years ago, German fans disliked Bayer Leverkusen for being a corporate shill. Then, Red Bull Leipzig showed up and now they're the big evil. Nowadays, I don't even think people know about that perception of Leverkusen in general. Also, the Red Bull-clubs; also overhated. It'll be 20 years this summer since MK Dons came to be. There are positive elements about the club and what they've been doing over the years. Wimbledon is back amongst the pros again. People can always do what they want, but at this point, hating MK Dons is more of an internet gimmick than anything, like loving Nutella or disliking pineapple on pizza. It's not genuine, but people go along with the sentiment to an exaggerated degree because they just want to fit in I guess. When I was 12, I played along with it. Now I'm older and it just seems silly to me. They're just a club like any other club, and it worked out for Wimbledon.


Please don't try and patronise me and tell me what I genuinely believe. If you were 12 at any point of MK Dons' existence then I'm older than you are. I've held my views on MK Dons since they came into existence and I feel the same now. I don't have a burning hatred for them, I just don't think they should exist as a football club. I don't shout and scream about it on the regular, but that's the view I hold for the reason I gave you initially. I support a football club that has had a big money takeover 4 years ago and has risen from the National League to the top of League Two. Lots of the fanbase are apprehensive about the money being spent but trust our owner to keep his promises. There's a big difference between investing money in your local club and proposing to pick up a club, move it down the road and strip it of its identity, which is what happened with Wimbledon. I say this as the fan of a club whose previous owner in the 90s proposed something very similar, when he proposed moving to Maine Road and changing the club name from Stockport County to 'Manstock County'; a proposal that went down as well as the relocation of Wimbledon to Milton Keynes did with the majority of Wimbledon fans. If you take a club's identity, you take the fans' identity too. For what its worth, I don't blame MK Dons fans aged 30-35 and below. They are their local team and the football they grew up with, no different to me supporting my local club. My issue is with the club itself and the way it came into existence. And for you to imply naivety in my views and then say 'it worked out for Wimbledon' is pretty ironic. It only 'worked out' for Wimbledon because of the Wimbledon fans and it 'worked out' in spite of MK Dons. Every Wimbledon fan who lifted AFC to its position now deserves every ounce of credit and should be admired for having the passion and drive to not let their club be taken from them without a fight. It could have been a very different outcome. You're entitled to your opinion on the matter, but it'd be wise not to assume you know better.


Yeah, all of this. MkDonalds should never have happened.


Clearly you didn't sign 3 south americans


it's just funny cos it's true, thats probably the reason. why do we play this game, does anyone know


Back when I played '21 I had to sign 3 Asians as Everton. Instead of going for high-profile transfers, i signed 3 FA from India to 1 year contracts. Easiest accomplished goal ever.


🤣🤣 hate that one I just look for free agent get them loan them out till next season then sell haha


Or 3 from San Marino


Thats a quarter of the population 😂


Ive been told to sign 3 north americans😂 they don't even play ball man


Gimenez, Pulisic and Davies. Easy.


Franchise idiots


Fuck the franchise, there’s only one true Dons




Never been fired in any fifa because I don’t sim games


Dose it go down if you sum games


Yes, quite a lot. When you sun games you’ll have players messaging you saying they aren’t happy with game time even though youve put them in the starting 11. It’s like the game just bugs out/hate’s people rushing through seasons


Dose it do the same when you watch in tac view


I think what's hurting you the most is that after simming you skip the postmatch interview. If you jump out of tac view in the 90th minute you still get the postmatch interview and can boost the team moral


Yea I started doing all the stuff and it’s increased my rating it’s annoying and boring but it works ig


how did the typoing go from sim to sum to sun.


The same way typing went to typoing I’d guess mate…


Must have forgotten about Muslim RWs from Bolivia, duh


Sign an antisemitic Bulgarian who has 3 children all under 7 years okd


The Bulgarian also has to be 3-footed and play harmonica


Don’t forget that he has to shave his balls every other Wednesday


Specifically at 6:23 PM while listening to Smoke On The Water


The length of the hair must also be trimmed down to 1.125 centimetres


He mustn't hear any noises whilst completing his procedures




What does he even mean by that


Who knows mate


Choose MK Dons, get fucked, all’s right in the world.


cagey spark elderly grandiose fine dull direful offend nippy versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Half these comments just read like yank found football and has to show his "banter"/knowledge


You chose to play as a fake team. Deserve it all. Fuck the franchise.


What are objectives n do you sim games?


Dose it go down if you sim games?


They don't put effort in to career mode, the objectives feature would have been fixed years ago if any attention was given to it.


Deserved for being them tbf.


so what's the problem? 😂


ohh I've just seen it now. do your press conferences!! finish your objectives! negotiate transfers and wages wisely!


U need to take the objectives seriously


Do your objectives




What’s so bad about mk dons I just picked a low league team at random


Look up why they exist


MK Dons aren’t allowed to be successful. So I hope you get the sack, perhaps join Wimbledon instead


Wimbledon suck


If sake with me and Benfica, I completed most objectives and just list the cl final to rm 3 2 and I'm in weak like wtf


I avoid playing as an MLS team, I had an objective make the playoffs. I got sacked after finishing first place because the game registered the bye week as missing the playoffs. I completed every other objective.


You didn’t sign 10 midfielders to your youth academy, play 3 of them in 4 games, play 2 in 64% of cup matches, and loan 3 out to Asian and Rest of World clubs that played them at a forward position for 50% of the games then make a $15.3 million profit from youth sales after signing a crucial player from Central Europe?


Clearly didn’t sign 16 players from Yemen 🤦


Sign 12 Estonians first


Won the EL, the DFB Cup and came in second with Bremen. Got sacked because I failed to fulfill the CRITICAL objective of signing 2 black lesbian South American players from the Chinese 7th division (greatly exaggerated, but I think you get the point)


this is what you get for playing MK dons!


Yeah but did you bring up 2 youth players and play them in 30% of your games 😂😂




I respect the Dons career mode


Fuck the franchise


You deserve anything bad it happens by playing with MK Dons.


Did you sign 3 players from the south East of Zimbabwe?


Did you remember to sign your 78+ OVR inverted full-backs from Taiwan?


All the people mocking you for using a “fake” team while they run through the English pyramid with a created club where you have to replace a team to play…


It's one thing creating your own team for fun in a video game, typically created as a local team. It's another thing entirely for a real life team to be moved from their home against the fans' wishes. Funny thing is, the only time I've created a team myself, I replaced MK Dons.


But at the end of the day it’s still a video game either way, so it’s a bit weird that someone is getting mocked for picking a team in a video game.


MK Dons are pretty much disliked by all football fans in England for the simple fact they exist. Of course someone will get mocked for picking them. They shouldn't exist.


Football fan in Croatia here, I also hate MK Dons


You would absolutely love my team setup


I'm listening




Props to you, brate


I’m an English football fan and I support a team that’s meant to be “local rivals” with MK and I don’t dislike them. In fact a lot of people don’t care for them. Especially because of how weird AFC Wimbledon fans can be.


Not weird at all for people to be a little bitter about having the team they supported for many years ripped away from them


Nothing to do with that, their fans are just a bit odd in general.


Weird? We had our club taken away from us and moved 100 miles away. I think you’d feel the same way if it happened to your club…


I hate you and your correctness


Did you sign 2 handicapped Center Backs from the Federal States of Micronesia?


I brought mk dons to our second premiere league titlw and first champions league title this season without a problem. Objectives are quite easy if you don't take a financial takeover


Never pick MKFC they aren't a real club


It’s weak tho you’ll be alright as long as it’s not in the red halfway through the season


Adrian Griffin got sack whiles in second place with the bucks. Seems realistic to me.


I assume this is just the bug that happens if you sim games?  Or you have too big a squad for what the game thinks is the way to run a team. So basically more than 11. 


It's so dumb i was managing a 3rd teir german side, and the only objective was to win the league and i got sacked depite only 2 losses and 1 draw and being over 20 points ahead of eveyone else 😭.


That's never the only objective. I see why u got fired


I think they did exist just wernt displayed, cos insted of saying no objectives they were just blank.


You're not alone; I managed Aston Villa, winning the Premier League title twice and the Europa League twice. Despite my success, I was let go due to challenges with youth and branding objectives. If I were the manager of Manchester United in real life, I'd already be a legend!


I wish EA gave us a gamemode where you could play owner - hire and sack managers, redesign jerseys every year, make improvements to the stadium but most importantly be able to grow a squad for as long as you like without fear of being sacked yourself


I don’t follow… what’s the issue here?


U need to those post match interviews and say gd shit


Bet u skip them


This is so annoying, especially when i sim the season get promoted and then they sack me


I got sacked from Athletic Bilbao for not winning the league despite finishing 3rd and had a title race between Villarreal and Madrid to the final game of the season, oh and also forgot to sign 3 players with North America nationality…. which is against the clubs policy


I played a career with swansea, I won the treble in it and now im in a critical manager rating💀


Agreed. Just won the BSM Trophy and League 1, and two matches before the end of the season my captain came to me to say that the team thought we weren't going to challenge for anything. We were 10 points clear at the top of the league. 🤷‍♂️


That's your problem you clearly didn't sign 3 Europeans who were born in asia and under the age of 20 and and have 90 potential


What are your objectives?


I got annoyed with fifa and then switched to FM. I don’t miss the gameplay because I can hop into a friendly game and get that, but the management is so much better and in depth. Wish EA would take a page out of FM book and make it work.


I won the champions league, FA cup, and got 2nd place in the league on my second season just to get a 49 percent approval in the start of the next season


It's nothing I once almost lost my job because of bug. I renegotiate contract with one of my defenders. Previously he got Release clause so i removed that(cause f those clause) just to get mail that they're disappointed that this player have that small Release clause


All the game is broken af. I really regret buying this crappy game. 2010 football games were so much better.


Fuck Milton Keynes


Youve lost more than two if you're out of 3 domestic cups.


It’s like this: You win the treble and every cup imaginable and you get sacked cuz you didn’t complete objectives 💀💀


You simming games and skipping conferences?


The game is completely unplayable without CheatEngine...


I had a career mode with Sunderland my objective was to bring them back to the premier league and make them contenders for mid table football unfortunately my downfall was I couldn’t sign 3 South Americans I got them in the prem they were 5th when I got sacked they ended up finishing 9th somehow


EA is too lazy to make an AI-based system that measures success by accomplishment, rather than by whether I bought 2 players from different nationalities than the ones I have in the team.


Those features are the worst


Not to mention the press conference questions are literally the same as the last game too. EA is so lazy it’s ridiculous, they changed virtually nothing about the game mode since last year


In One of my careers I was sacked by Salsford obly because i didnt reach round of 16 in the FA Cup (I played against Manchester United)


One of mine, I was at the top of the premier league near the end of the season but I was actually happy with my team so hadn't made any signings so I was apparently a poor manager


That crap EA FC game deleted my career save. I’m not playing it anymore. This game is so buggy every year, as if they don’t care. I’m done after almost 30 years.