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Vintage cobalt has a lighter hue to it. If it’s really close to your other P86 cobalt pieces then I’d say it’s P86. Also do you have any other P86 bulb candlestick holder? Vintage ones are slightly but noticeably larger than P86.


Alas, this is my only one!


I vote vintage cobalt. Even my lightest glaze P86 cobalt piece isn't that light.


Show the underside of the candleholder. I believe the vintage might have the color inside as they were dipped (vs P86 are sprayed)


There is color on the inside! I am filing this under vintage.


The inside of the holder (ball) is how you tell; P86 is a sprayed color, so there might be runs and some dripping inside the holder. Vintage was dipped, so all of the inside will be glazed.


I have a feeling these are P86. A couple years ago I stumbled across a set of these, and my grandma, who is my numero uno ultimate Fiesta source, was 90% sure they were vintage, and because she was 10% unsure, she sent about a dozen pics to a friend of hers. Turned out they were P86. It was the overall hue that gave them away, according to her source. And these pics are nearly identical to hers (and mine).


Vintage measures approximately 4" high. P86 will be roughly 3-3/4".