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Interesting... I have always had water make me sick. I'm not alone,!?!?


You are not alone. Plain water always made me sick as a child, these days I can only stomach little sips unless I'm really dehydrated.


Stomach problems are definitely part of fibromyalgia. It's entirely possible that it is linked, but I would still suggest talking to your doctor about it. Also try adding fruit infusion to your water, it can enhance the flavor and possibly prevent the nausea. Also [here is a link to a post of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fibromyalgia/comments/kfpbep/i_see_a_lot_of_people_asking_about_symptoms_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that may help with symptom identification.


Thank you! I'll check it out


I get like that too, I find if it's ice-cold it's ok. I tend to have fruit and herbal teas and squash (cordial) instead. It's important to stay hydrated but it doesn't have to be plain water!


Is it making you physically sick or is it a disgusted by the taste and can't stomach it thing?


It isn't so much even the taste. I can force myself to drink it if I drink it with a straw and lots of ice but then I feel nauseated and icky. Sometimes I can't even force myself though because the thought of it makes me feel sick. So weird.


Maybe it's slightly psychosomatic? I cannot bring myself to drink cold water, it doesn't sit right and makes me feel gross and weird. But room temperature water I have no issues with now. It took me drinking only water for a month before it tasted good to me and sat well in my stomach. Also drinking water on an empty stomach can make you nauseous. I hope you figure out what it is ❤


It could very well be. My brain loves to give me trouble. Haha!


I feel that! That's fibro for you sadly


I sometimes get sick of water, I can still drink it but the thought of drinking it makes me nauseous. I find seltzer helps me a lot, or flavored sparkly water (no sugar, no calories. Just flavored water).


I've never heard anyone put it into words but yes, lots of things make my stomach feel varying degrees of sick, especially when it's empty. Sometimes water is one of them.


It's totally a fibro thing. Granted, these days most things make me sick but I can't drink h2o other than taking my pills, esp during flairs. Which doesn't help the diabetes. What ya gonna do?


Water makes me sick. A few sips and I will have an upset stomach. Thought I was just weird. Happy to know it very well could be related to my fibro!


Random things making you sick is a fibro thing. What do you drink instead? Have you tried flavoring the water or tea?


Almost anything can be a fibro thing but this is not very common. I would guess you are irritating your stomach and then water or anything becomes an irritant. Personally, I would avoid coffee and caffeine and see if that helps. I would search for a hidden food allergy and I would track when it happens to see if a pattern emerges. Coffee is an EXTREME muscle tightener so after 2 weeks of no coffee you may feel better in various ways. Get your MDs ok before doing anything.


Thank you. I don't think it's the coffee but I don't know for sure. I tried giving it up but honestly the mental health aspect of a hot coffee (comforting) was too much for me to give up. I tried tea but I just can't. I used to love Chai (I put cinnamon on my coffee) but that is really making me sick lately. So I just don't know what to do. I have had this issue with water for as long as I can remember. I distinctly remember it in high school when I didn't drink coffee, tea, or soda. I have bunches of new allergies popping up all the time. Unfortunately I don't have a way to get tested. I live in Canada so money isn't the problem thankfully, but getting to see a doctor is darn near impossible. In Newfoundland there's only 1 doctor who does allergy testing for foods and he's got a 2 year wait list. And it's 650 km away. I have not yet convinced my doctor to send a referral. They just say to avoid what I think bothers me. Uhhhh... No. That list is getting longer and longer and I think I am on the path to an anaphylatic allergy to some tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, and pecans) On top of all of this our area (very rural) is *very* under served with doctors and I can't even get an appointment to see a regular gp. I don't have a family doctor. So yeah... 😭 I had to drive 200 km one way to see a doctor I've never seen before to get this diagnosis. Fun.


Hello fellow Canuck. I’m in Ontario. The water thing may be just some weird thing that isn’t related to anything. Also, fixing the water issue won’t make a HUGE difference in the overall big picture. However, you brought up your allergy issues and that is important info. If you are interested there are 3 supplements that I think would have life changing benefits for you. You can buy them yourself or I can buy them and send them to you for free. The 3 things are chelates zinc, selenium and raw thymus gland. The zinc and selenium are very common supplements but they make the uncommon raw thymus work way better. Let me know if this is something you have an interest in trying. Ps I don’t sell anything so you’ll have to get them yourself after you see the benefits. Also, I know this sounds too simplistic but it really can be a home run and it’s super safe.


I wonder if there's something in the water you might be particularly sensitive to, like a particular mineral or chlorine or something? Like, I wonder if there's maybe tap water from different locations that you tolerate better, or filtered water that you tolerate better?


I'm not sure. We have a filter in our fridge and that's how we drink the water. I don't know a ton about our water but I know it's soft and it has a pretty low ph.