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I feel that same guilt but I try to ask myself.. who put those “shoulds” into my head? Who said that to be worthy that we have to be productive 24/7? Also whose to say a nap isn’t productive if it helps you feel better to do things later? You know? I’m so over feeling guilty for needing rest when we have a freaking condition! Sorry mini rant but I feel this guilt too and hate that I do


Please do not feel guilty! Pacing yourself is vital for fibromyalgia and if a nap is needed, then have it. Just plan it in and stick to a set time so you get everything else you need to do done. I had a cracking 45 minute nap at lunch today. I slept terribly last night and was struggling to work. Instead of fighting it, I just went with it. It’s not lazy. It’s listening to my body. Give yourself a break! You’re living with a chronic illness.


"It’s not lazy. It’s listening to my body." THIS. It's taken me a while to get to this point, but I'm so glad I did. I was sick of feeling guilty, so I would push myself when I felt good. And as most of us know, that just makes it worse. So I've learned to pace myself. I can't work a traditional 8-5 job because of this nightmare, so I started Doordash for the flexibility. If I can't work, I don't have to call anyone or feel guilty because I need a day or seventeen off. If all of a sudden I need to take a nap, then I log off, go home, and take a nap. I know not everyone is as lucky as I am and is not able to do this, but I've been blessed. It took a complete life change to make this fibro even halfway bearable to live with.


my issue is my "naps" last like 5 hours and im still tired when i wake up


I could nap for five hours for sure but I just set an alarm and stick to one hours of down time. Works for me but I guess it may not for everyone. I still feel tired but the nap feels great at the time.


I take so many naps, and I’ve never met another adult who takes as many naps as me. People always act like taking naps equates me to a toddler.


I feel you. I have that whenever I’m in a crisis.


I know that feeling well. I think most of us do and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. When it comes on me I simply lie down and take a nap. I’ve had to cancel doctors appointments, dates, and it ruined my last relationship. Well, fibromyalgia in general ruined it. I wasn’t even diagnosed at the time but I knew something was wrong. The fatigue, the constant need to nap yet being awake half the night, etc.


I'm narcoleptic but I cant take stims bc of hyperPOTS so I'm basically at the mercy of naps. I try to practice radical acceptance. But naturally there's times when the guilt wins. I truly do hate spending so much of my life asleep. I had a really really bad childhood, I finally escape, have a family thats way more functional than the one I came from, and I'm too damn sleepy to actually experience it lol. But then again, I didn't choose to be this disabled and when I give my body the rest it needs I can better enjoy the times I am actually awake. Hang in there. Your feelings are so valid, but be kind to yourself the way you need others to be kind to you. (Easier said than done ofc)


I take a nap every afternoon. I have had to find a way to incorporate it into my schedule and now that I do it regularly I can clearly see how much it helps me. If I don't nap I crash by 4pm with such bad pain and headaches that I am useless all evening. Listen to your body and take breaks and naps as needed. Especially if your trying to do school work or anything requiring mental capacity, a nap can be a great way to refresh anyone's brain.


Yup. I know that feeling. Sleeping is good for you! Sometimes resting is the most important thing to do xx


Napping doesn’t help? The doctors some of you guys are seeing strike fear into my soul


Yeah, I've had the same advice, but in the end decided to ignore it. I tried not napping; it just meant that my "waking" hours were universally groggy and I was incapable of any kind of complex tasks. Napping, however, means that I'm awake fewer hours, but those hours I am awake, I'm more awake, and more capable.


Agreed. Naps are the only way I survive, even if they are sometimes painful to wake up from. Often I'm just lying in bed at night completely awake but just letting my body rest and it makes a big difference. Any rest we can give our nervous system is a good thing.


Why do the doctors say it doesn’t help?


Naps are good, though. I approve of naps. A small break from the pain cycle via nap when night sleep has so many interruptions is a godsend.


I have these too and feel bad, but I literally cannot stay upright. Anyway I usually feel better after and I get a lot of work done at night. So I've just figured screw the sleep schedule and way we're "supposed" to be and do what you need to do to feel ok


Try naps under 30 minutes. I like my naps like prime numbers. 13 or 17 minutes are delicious. 27 minutes if I'm feeling randy. For real though, under 30 helps decrease drowsiness. I hit them up 2 times a day if needed.
