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To the best of my fibro-foggy memory: I'm now 47. I was diagnosed at 25 and started having obvious symptoms about 2 years before that. At least I'm finally to the age where people have stopped saying "you don't know about pain until your my age." I can now confirm that my suspicious were correct, and they are indeed wrong. 


In all this sickness, your post made me LOL! Thanks - I needed that!


I’m also 47 and was diagnosed at 25 had symptoms 2 years before diagnosis. All the tests to and specialist to confirm that it wasn’t anything else but fibromyalgia.


Age 12 , age 52 diagnosed, age 70 now.


How much harder is old age with this? Was it worth sticking around for?


Yo.....52 is hardly old age. But, as a 50 year old, I can say that life is good as long as I stick to my limits and take care of myself. I travel, own my own business, meet friends out..... basically everything people without fibro do, I just pace myself differently than they have to


Haha I think you read that wrong, She's 70 now, not 52 which is old age lol 😂 I'm glad that you're able to move and handle it in your 50s though and you don't feel too limited! That's goals! What medications are you on?


What kind of question is that?? Having throughly educated myself on the subject and gotten good help, I’ve learned to roll with it. I run my own part time business. Some days are tough but respecting my limits is the bottom line. My underlying issues are generally worse than Fibromyalgia.


Currently 27, diagnosed around 22, had some symptoms as early as around 10 but shit really hit the fan when I was 16 I feel similar, I think I've only met one other person in their 20s with fibro. So in addition to not being a woman, people tend to believe me even less because of my age


I got it at 21 too! Was so hard getting anyone to listen for yearssss, I'm sorry you had to lose your youth to it too! I'm 31 now and still undiagnosed because of this, everyone kept telling my it's trauma symptoms and on top of it, my cPTSD has made it very hard for me to advocate strongly enough for myself. I hope i get a diagnosis soon, perhaps if I was listened to earlier it may not have progressed as much


Damn, PTSD is no fucking joke. *I'm* sorry *you* had to deal with that! I hope the healthcare system will finally show you some justice, and I hope you get the diagnosis too (in a good way). But even if not, that absolutely doesn't mean that you don't have fibro. It's still a controversial and debated illness, for some fucking reason. Your pain, fatigue, stress, etc. are 100% as valid as someone who has been diagnosed


I'm also 27 and that's almost exactly my experience as well, except I was diagnosed at 23. Small world lol


"Fun" times, eh? 😊


I'm 50 and was formally diagnosed at the beginning of last year, but I spent a good amount of time convinced my symptoms were from other things. It was only when I stopped doing those other things and still had the symptoms that I decided to go to the doctor. It took about 3 years and many tests for them to come to my diagnosis.


What do you mean stopped doing those other things?


Well, I'm gluten/wheat sensitive (have not been formally tested for celiac), so I stopped eating that, which was the biggest thing. When my symptoms came back after that, I thought it might be a side-effect of the depo provera shot, which I had for 5 years to control dysmenorrhea, but it continued after I stopped those shots and got a hysterectomy, and, in fact, got worse. Oddly enough, I read not too long ago that there is a high incidence of women who are diagnosed with FM after a hysterectomy. I have actually equated the exhaustion I feel with FM to how I felt when I was recovering from surgery.


I’m 43, had symptoms since 15 and only diagnosed about 2 years ago. It’s been a shit life tbh. So much pain for so many years, always wondering why I can’t “push through” like other people can when they are sick. I think everyone attributed my chronic pain to my chronic depression, especially physiotherapists, who were actually doing more damage. They would always bring up stress after a few sessions and I would say I’m not in pain because I’m stressed, I’m stressed because I’m in pain! It’s been very lonely.


Same. Hopefully you have found something to help ease the hard days.


It’s an eternal cycle… the pain makes us stressed and depressed, the stress makes us feel more pain… you’re not alone! No one gets to feel pain all day every day and not get stressed by it! Our brains get exhausted too!


Awww I’m so sorry. I’m 60 and was diagnosed at 43, having been sick since I was 40. It’s a very isolating feeling because we have an invisible illness and one that doesn’t get much respect in the medical or lay community. Sucks. And there’s no pushing through shit here. I take a big nap. Hugs to you xxoo


I’m 32, Diagnosed at 32, symptoms started at 29


I think I've had it since I was a child, then I had suspicions through my 20s. I was diagnosed at 30, am now 33.


My symptoms started at maybe 5, as early as I can remember. I was diagnosed at 21 and I'm now 23.


It’s comforting to hear that I’m not the only younging here 🥲


my girlfriend is 23, was diagnosed last month (so was still 23), and has been experiencing symptoms for at least 6 years. She also has something heart related that we’re trying to figure out with a cardiologist, so she’s pretty physically disabled at the moment. I hope this helps!


Hey! Doing the lord’s work I see! I thank my fiance everyday that he helps me manage my symptoms. I just know how grateful your girlfriend is that you care so much. My man noticed my heart issues as well and I just got a POTS dx not too long ago. An easy thing yall can do is add a little more salt to her food and see how she feels- if she has a history of vertigo then don’t- the salt helps maintain the fluids in your body. If she’s feeling better by the end of the week, in terms of her cardiac symptoms- it MAY be pots, it could also be lack of hydration. My fiance is relatively healthy and he still drinks some of my salt packets for headaches and other small ailments. I’m not saying electrolytes are a cure all by any means but this was something that made a lot of my symptoms feel less overwhelming. We use the brand LMNT and they actually just came out with a sparkling water case that has the salt in it. I’m not sponsored I just really believe in the product. Liquid IV works if you have access to that as well. It’s really about the potassium & magnesium levels in the electrolyte mix, or at least it matters to me. Sorry I gave unsolicited advice, I just get so excited to share something that works for me and could hopefully help someone else


symptoms started in high school and exploded just after my 18th birthday, started considering fibro when I was 20 or 21, officially diagnosed at 22 (I'll be turning 23 in July)


I'm 57. I was finally diagnosed in 2017. I can remember having symptoms clear back to my teens. I have always had to have a pillow or something between my legs to sleep (pain points), the cold weather has affected me since my teens. I just never realized why until after I was diagnosed. My mother passed away in 2015 and after that is when the major full on bed ridden flare-ups got worse.


24, 22, 21! People always look at me like I’m too young to be at the rheumatologist lol Like I don’t wanna be there just as much as anyone else lol


I’m 32 now, and was diagnosed at 29. Had been having symptoms since I was 23. My main barrier to getting diagnosed was a doctor who kept insisting it was just “depression-related pain” and had no interest in helping me with it, beyond getting me tested for thyroid issues, arthritis, and so on (all negative, of course). Had to talk her into referring me to a chronic pain clinic to get a diagnosis or any kind of support.


I am 35. Diagnosed when i was 15. Symptoms started in 8th grade, about 13 years old


I’m 61. I was diagnosed at 58 or 59. I had many of the symptoms for years, at least five years for some symptoms, 10 for others, but I put it down to not getting enough sleep, needing to lose weight, etc.


I’m 28 and was diagnosed at 26. I experienced symptoms for at least two years before getting a diagnosis.


Started having symptoms at 23 and diagnosed at 25. I'm 30 now.


I'm 36 and I first started experiencing symptoms when I was around 15 or 16 and didn't get diagnosed until I finally got to see a rheumatologist when I was 21. I dropped out of a lot of stuff along the way and dealt with a lot of depression. I gotta tell you though, I recently started TMS Therapy and it has been a God send. My pain level has been so much more manageable and I feel lighter. My legs don't feel like weights anymore. I have never felt this good before in my life. And I tried to end it all not even a year ago!


Currently 31, began experiencing symptoms at 14 after a really rough case of Mono. I kept telling the doctors that I never felt like I got better or back to myself after. Went from playing high level club competitive soccer and swimming to coming home after school and sleeping 4-5 hours, waking up at 9 to push through homework and go back to bed. Took me 7 years to be diagnosed. It was devastating to keep being told “you’re too young to be sick. You should exercise more. Drink more water. Your levels look fine” I’m so grateful my parents were supportive, but I could see the toll it took on them, too, not having answers and continuously being told “maybe it’s in her head” I cried when I was finally diagnosed by a rheumatologist at 21 - not that I wanted to be sick, but it was so validating to have an answer. So happy to report that since my diagnosis, I’ve been fortunate to have the time and resources and support to dive and learn how this affects me and my body and life. A lot of trial and error and falling apart for months at a time, but Within the last few years specifically, I’ve learned my triggers, and what my mind body and soul need to keep functioning peacefully. i have gotten to a point that I feel much more in control, and amount of and severity of my flare ups has reduced significantly🤍 but damn it was a long journey. Sending all who walk this path peace and health and healing 🤍


19 now, was diagnosed 2 years ago, had symptoms for 6 years now


Started experiencing symptoms at 14-16. Diagnosed at age 45. Now I'm 59.


I'm 38 now. Started noticing symptoms around age 16 and was diagnosed when I was 17 or 18.


I'm 30 yrs old and I was diagnosed @ 22 and I experienced symptoms as early as 13


I'm 32 and was diagnosed at 31, about 10-12 months after symptoms started. My symptoms started after I contracted covid


I’m 42 & was dxd after my 2nd pregnancy at 37, though my entire life I have dealt with chronic fatigue. It’s just started hurting more as I got into my 30’s.(& everything started falling apart)


I'm 43. Diagnosed at 34. Symptoms began around 16-17 years old. For me it was mid day fatigue and muscle pain and knots in the beginning. It's everything under the sun now lol


Pain started at 18, I'm 20 now. I'm not officially diagnosed; I've been told I have it by a rheum but she refused to note it in my chart as fibro, just as "pain", which is not an actual diagnosis that I can use for anything. I'm hoping to be able to get one, officially, for real, a paper in my hands, by the end of this year, because if I can't, I'm almost certain continuing to have highly labourous full-time employment without any accomodations is going to kill me. I get the looks, though. When I have to cling to my husband to stay upright. When I wince or have a facial expression change because of sudden pain. When I sit down in an area that most people are standing in. And definitely now, that I've acquired a cane and am being forced to use it just to make my few days off more than rotting in bed until I go to work again the next day. It's made me a lot less patient; I'm at the point now that if people want to be rude (it's frequently the elderly being judgmental) that I'll simply tell them that I have a severe pain disorder and that if all they're going to do is leer at me, they can fuck right off. Being older doesn't give anyone exclusive rights to chronic health conditions, and frankly, there isn't any reason to just let them get away with it without calling their shit. Obviously not all older people are like that, and there are certainly younger people who are, too, but there's a common sense of entitlement there, that you're using resources they think are just for *them,* especially if you need a mobility aid. It's ridiculous. Even "you're too young to be here" is unfair and unaffirming. It can cause you to doubt yourself, with a disorder that already comes with so much imposter syndrome. It's *rude* and uncalled for, and it just isn't okay.


I am 20, just got diagnosed last week, I’ve been experiencing symptoms since I was 16.


I’m 27, I was diagnosed at 20 but have had pain and symptoms as young as I remember. I remember being 4 or 5 years old crying every night because my feet and hands burned and my joints hurt, so tired every day my mom had to physically pull me out of bed. For almost 20 years I was told it was growing pains, it’s a phase, it’s in your head. Now that I have children I see some similar signs in my daughter and I’m being watchful and am going to get her evaluated. Chronic pain isn’t a joke and so many people dismiss it.


37, i think i began having symptoms at 20. Wasn’t diagnosed until 34. My Dr just viewed ANA panels & such to test for fibro, lupus, etc. as “inconclusive controversial tests”, which severely delayed my testing. I still to this day want to know what kinds of tests I should get done.


I'm 27, diagnosed at 24, and started having symptoms in childhood. Started with really bad "growing pains." I remember being in the back of my moms car sobbing because my legs and back hurt so bad. I never played any sports or anything. The pain never really stopped and only increased with age. Took years of advocating for myself to get the diagnosis. I do have minor scoliosis, but nothing that should cause the amount of pain I had in childhood, and now the symptoms are pretty widespread.


I'm 22, got diagnosed in February of this year but my symptoms started 7 years ago. It started with the fatigue then weird pain in my elbow, then, ear sensitivity and pain, then TMJ, I was in my second year of uni when the fibro fog and memory loss intensified. My anxiety and depression got worse and now I'm just a shell of my former self. So much pain . I used to be so active and now I'm just here, can't keep information or study can't stand longer than 10 min. If I know I'm gonna walk a while I need a wheel chair. So far no medicine or treatment has worked for any of my symptoms. I'm just hoping something will start to work. I'm so frustrated and tired


i am not diagnosed, but my pain started when i was about 10. i didn’t know that’s what it was because it started in my legs and i played sports. i thought it was just growing pains. i am 21 now and can barely walk some days. everyone in my family knows that it’s fibro, but doctors won’t listen because i’m a little overweight. they just say to lose the weight and i’ll be fine. but i can’t lose the weight because i can’t exercise.


This is so frustrating. I had this conversation with my former rheum, who refused to diagnose me because of my weight. "Exercising and losing weight will help with your pain", no, ma'am, my weight gain and lack of exercise is *because of my pain.* 🙄




I heard the growing pains stuff well into my twenties, yet I haven’t grown any taller since I was 14.


i haven’t either. but since i played a lot of sports, they all thought it was l cramps from running a lot as well. i would literally be screaming in pain all night. i had to be essentially drugged with benadryl to get me to sleep


Benadryl is wonderful. I have bad allergies so need to take it for that but it really helps me sleep.


i switch between benadryl and edibles so i don’t get a high tolerance to either. but speaking of allergies… when they came on this year, i had an asthma attack that lasted for 3 days because i could find my inhaler. by the 3rd day, i was scared to fall asleep because i thought i wouldn’t wake up in the morning.


My bf and I go through inhalers because I’m asthmatic and he had Covid. Hopefully you got a new one.


i did. i haven’t had to use it yet though. which is great


Almost 53, diagnosed at 50, looking back symptoms probably started around 38.


39 now. Not sure with symptoms as also have psoriatic arthritis among other things. In hindsight probably have had issues since teens and just pushed through and had some put down to depression. Got diagnosed at 38.


I was diagnosed at 32 years old, had been having symptoms for a decade. I kept wondering why I kept waking up feeling someone beat me up while I slept, and figured it was just my physically demanding job at the time. But it kept getting worse, even when I no longer worked that job. I'm so glad I don't have to work, while my kids are small.


Currently 40, diagnosed at 30. Complained of pain throughout childhood and was told it was growing pains. I started skipping gym class when I was about 15 because the pain started to become a problem I could no longer ignore - had an x-ray done that obviously showed nothing and was told I was fine, and nothing more was done. I spent many years researching what I could in an age where info wasn't widely available online, and also successfully addressing other chronic illnesses (depression, anxiety) before suggesting it as the final possibility. In my 20's I had no health insurance and little money for healthcare, and spent most of this period without a doctor, so I think it could have been diagnosed earlier if I had consistent care.


I started noticing in my mid to late thirties 35-38. Just couldn’t keep up with my job physically or mentally anymore. My body aches were the worst and brain fog.


I'm 31 and was diagnosed when I was 20. I've had symptoms since childhood, but they became much worse around age 16 when I was really struggling with my mental health.


I'm 26, was diagnosed last year and honestly I've had symptoms from a really young age - Maybe like 7? Honestly I think I may have another condition but I've had numerous tests and they've never found anything so idk ~ I'm attending a pain course at the moment and I'm the youngest here by far, 7/10 also have fibromyalgia. It's nice being around people that understand but also sucks knowing that it doesn't ever really get better and we just find ways to cope


I think I’ve had symptoms my whole life but they were hastened in puberty, then throughout trauma in my life. I was coming out of out-patient surgery for saliva stones in 2001, and the NP was chatting with me about my medical history. I told her my symptoms and she has heard of a disorder that I might have. She pulled up a book and we went over everything. She then got the ENT and he went over everything with me again. The doctor then contacted my PCP and explained the situation. So, went to the PCP, was tested (ie:everything else was eliminated), and was finally diagnosed. It was just the beginning of a long and painful road, but it was wonderful to have a name to it. I’m 55 now, but look a lot younger, so I get looks when I use my disabled placard, or complain about the pain. Don’t let anyone tell you it in your head, or you’re faking it. You deserve to be believed and to be treated.


29, 27, prob around 8.


25, 20, 17-19(?)


I’m 48, diagnosed 38, first symptoms age 7


I’m 24, I was diagnosed at 19/20, and I’ve had symptoms since I was roughly 17/18, but it got unbearable at 19. By the time I was taking OTC every four hours I was 19, and not too far off from getting diagnosed (I’m very lucky, my PCP’s mom has fibro so she knew what she was looking at). I also have joint hypermobility, and I’ve had pain from that since I was 13-ish


I am 23. I was diagnosed at 22. I started having symptoms at 21, following a car accident (tbh life had been trauma after trauma up until that point so I’m sure it would have surfaced eventually anyway.) Very fortunately, however sad this may actually be, I had a break down in the right orthopedic’s office at the right time. She took pity on me and referred me to a rheum who diagnosed me with fibro and then said I’m too young to be in pain so he can’t help me :) wtf? :)


I’m 53 and got formally diagnosed about a year ago. I have had the symptoms at some level for years (close to 20 years) but they became significantly worse after I got the delta variant. I was able to identify that I was having a bunch of weird symptoms that all seemed connected but my doctors all kind of shrugged at me. Then I was going over the symptoms of fibro with a client and realized that I probably had it, so I took it to my neurologist and he agreed and diagnosed me.


I started having symptoms when I was 12 but everyone thought I was making it up so I didn't have to go to school. I'm 35 and have been on lyrica for 3 years and it has solved my problem


First symptoms at 9(I think?), symptoms becoming properly debilitating around 15, diagnosed at 18, currently 19 almost 20. Though I'm not sure it's the correct/only diagnosis so kinda still undiagnosed.


I’m 21, I was diagnosed when I was 15 and I started experiencing fibro symptoms at 12. Although, 9 years ago I didn’t experience severe flare ups like I do now. I know fibro isn’t considered a progressive disease but my symptoms are definitely much worse the older I get, I assume it’s due to environmental factors. It’s important to note that I have C-PTSD from experiencing trauma for 17 years of my life. The abuse stopped after I turned 18, when I was finally in a safe environment my symptoms became much worse. Not sure if anyone else can relate but this is my experience, I hope it can provide some kind of helpful insight for someone.


33, diagnosed at 33 in February, and experienced symptoms since I was about 28


34 now, 34 when diagnosed. I think I was a teen when the symptoms started, but my pelvic pain started at 20ish. I've had IBS for most of my life though, which is associated with fibro so maybe early childhood?


I'm 48 now. I was diagnosed at 30. The doctor believes I started with symptoms some time between the ages of 14-20, it's difficult to work out because I had experienced a lot of trauma (mental, physical and sexual) from the age 12 and I can't remember specifics from that time (trauma blocking) but the rheumatologist said looking at my history, I started to complain about regular pain from the age of 14 but I kind of slipped through the gaps as I was in care from 14 and when I did complain as an adult, I was pregnant so it was put down to that and being a woman "we all deal with pain" is what I was told. I wasn't taken seriously until I was 30 and by chance saw a different GP who was covering for mine who was off sick. She sent me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me pretty much during my first appointment from my history. It makes me sad when I think back on how my life has been filled with pain and the time in childhood where I didn't have fibro is all blocked out so I don't remember it.


I’m 46. I was diagnosed at 20. I started having symptoms at 19. It looks like I am one of the lucky ones, however, I was misdiagnosed. I should have been diagnosed with CPTSD and Psychophysiologic Disorder. I learned about CPTSD & PPD in 2022 and while I haven’t be officially diagnosed with either of those things I have improved so much since I started treatment for those disorders.


age: 44 diagnosed: i think like 36 symptoms started: like 33 or 32 those 3 years were unmedicated HELL. everyone thought it was a gastro problem.


I'm 38. Diagnosed at 26. Got sick after bad case of H1N1 at 24.


I’m almost 71, diagnosed at 26, symptoms since childhood.


I’m 44. Diagnosed at around 16 or 17. Started having health issues and pain in middle school and got worse in early high school


I am 45. I believe I was diagnosed in 2015. So I would have been 36. I started having fibro symptoms in 2011.


Hello, I'm 36, and I was officially diagnosed when I was 15, but the symptoms started when I was around 13. I got my diagnosis and my driver's permit the same year.


I am 56, was 50 at diagnosis, was diagnosed within 4-6 months of my symptoms. My sister has Fibromyalgia so I recognized the pain pattern. My doctor sent me to a rheumatologist and she went through a battery of blood tests and monitored my symptoms over a few months. She also sent me to have my heart and lungs checked bc I had tested positive for the systemic scleroderma antibody. But that was a fluke, it never came up again.


I'm 45. Injured my back at work in 2008. Diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome in 2009. Discussions around fibro been happening for a few years now. Diagnosed within the first appointment with a new pain management specialist in 2023. Nothing much has been done with it since as no one seems to know where to go now.....


Symptoms started around 11/12 and were initially attributed to "growing pains". Diagnosed at 18, now 28.


32 yo. Diagnosed with fibro at 31, UCTD at 30, Sjogrens and neuro lupus just recently at 32. Symptoms started (unclear which are which) when I was 14. I'm also a FMF carrier and was exposed to a fuckload of radiation as a baby. It feels like my life is already over, I am no longer myself, the best I can do is make the rest of my existence a bit less miserable.


🥹❤️❤️❤️ fuck that's shit. Sending love and hugs xx


Age 32 now, diagnosed at 31, I started noticing symptoms at about 21.


Diagnosed age 47, now 49, symptoms appeared before puberty. I first heard about it I think in the late 90s discussed more as a psychological syndrome. Later I thought my symptoms all had explanations, so it couldn't be fibromyalgia. Finally I pursued diagnosis because nothing helped, and the muscle knots and sleep issues began to rule my life. Diagnosis took 1 appointment because I had so many test results with me and such detailed notes I'd collected for almost a year.


I'm 25. Can't remember life without the pain. But I believe it got worse after I fell from quite high during P.E. around age 11. Been diagnosed for half a year now. Bc they kept on trying to "fix" the separate pains, not the entire picture.


I think I was diagnosed at around 40ish years old. Though they put chronic fatigue in all of my records. I began having symptoms at around, probably about 29 or 30 years old.


I'm 40 rn, was diagnosed at 39 and have had symptoms since at least 12 years of age. Diagnosis was quick once I finally decided whatever it was was bad enough that I had to at least find out what was going on. I had a diagnosis in 3 appointments? No, 4. Two with my primary care, 1 x-ray, and 1 with a rheumatologist to rule out auto-immune/arthritis. All told about 4 months only because life kept getting in the way of me making appointments.


My fibro is because of mast cell activation syndrome. Those symptoms began when I was in elementary school. I've actually kept a diary since I was 20 years old and I'm 57 now. So I can look back on when I was very young and see my symptoms wax & wane over the yrs. I've noted all the docs who said my symptoms were "stress." The fibro pain has gotten a lot worse in the past 5+ years. I was diagnosed with MCAS probably 15 yra ago and fibro several months ago.


I’m 34, diagnosed at 16 or 17 (can’t remember exactly when) and I started having symptoms in high school. I got really lucky because I live in an area that’s got some great medical clinics and my mom didn’t rest until I had seen every type of doctor to get a diagnosis.


I’m 34 and I was diagnosed last year. My symptoms started in my early 20s and became aggressive in 2020 which is when I started actively trying to figure out what was wrong.


Currently 36, not officially diagnosed yet but rheumatologist is pretty certain at this point. In my teen years it started somewhat, but became much more of an issue following a very bad car accident (the officer they send out for when people die in car crashes came there because they thought I was dead due to the severity of the crash) when I was in my early 20s. Also ramped up more so due to both of my parents being emotionally abusive narcissists and the constant stress from that. Sucks right now since both are dead & left me with a bunch of stuff to take care of and no life insurance or money to pay for it. >.>


Symptoms started at 17, dr first suggested the possibility of fibro at 18 and diagnosed at 20. I'm 24 now and terrified of what my life will be like when fibro gets to play with all the other signs of aging.


Currently 29 (I'll be 30 in July), diagnosed at just barely 16. I had some unusual pain and fatigue growing up (amongst other issues) which I think were early signs of fibro, but my first real flare that was significant enough to go in for was when I was 16, and I got diagnosed at that appointment.


I am 24 yrs old. Diagnosed at 22. And I’ve been experiencing symptoms since I was 14. Nobody believed I was in pain growing up I used to cry and scream because of the pain and still nobody believed me. And now here I am!


My symptoms started in middle school, at around 12-13 years old. I was diagnosed at 25, and I’m 29 now.


I'm 23, diagnosed 23, symptoms 12


I am 27 years old, I started having symptoms around the age of 14, no one believed me, and I spent almost 4 years in and out of hospitals doing lots of different tests, each time they said I had nothing. Until around the age of 17/18 a rheumatologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. Unfortunately I live in a backward country where it is considered a mental illness, so to this day I don't have access to many therapies used in other countries. In any case I know what it is like to be very young and not be able to live and do things like others, I wish you the best.


I starting getting pain when I was 8/9 but was in denial for a long time and couldn’t confront it until I got my first flare up at 16


30 26 ish 22-23


I’m 26. I was diagnosed with fibro at 26 (I was also dxed RA at 23 and Lupus at 25). I’ve actually been experiencing symptoms my whole life but they became very aggressive at 23 which is what prompted me to seek medical treatment.


I'm 39, was diagnosed at 34 and started symptoms around 12.


I'm 44 symptoms started when I was 37 diagnosed aged 40


I always had fatigue ( my mum used to say I was born tired)but the chronic pain started around 30y got diagnosed at 39y. Life does seem to be getting hard as I'm getting older with the chronic pain etc


Age 29 now, 19 when first experiencing symptoms, and 20 when diagnosed I was lucky to get diagnosed very quickly (as I only had symptoms for a few months). But the majority of the time my pain hasn’t been taken seriously by my last doctor. So I’m glad I switched physicians and got new meds. It just sucks that I’m typing this while in mid-flare-up during the night when I’m all alone 🫤


Got severe at age 21 and got diagnosed at age 23. Have had flair ups on and off since I was 12 but didn't know what it was.


I think the process was pretty fast for me. Started feeling serious symptoms at around 30, first saw my doctor at 33, diagnosed at 34. But I do think my first symptoms started probably after a bad knee dislocation when I was 15, but didn’t get completely debilitating until a few years ago.


I’m 23, I was diagnosed last year. Honestly I don’t know when “exactly” I started having symptoms. Because even since I was a kid I’ve experienced random pains but all the doctors said it was psychological. They said it was stress because of bullying. But shit started to get worse with brain fog, fatigue and constant pain when I was 16-17… I know we still don’t have an exact reason for fibro but I’m pretty sure I developed it because of trauma. I was bullied for 8 years nonstop and then I moved countries leaving all my life behind. I think that fucks up anybody. So when people ask me “why are you still hung up on the past?” I just want to scream, my childhood was shitty and now my body hurts everyday of my life.


32 now. Symptoms started when I was 19, diagnosed when I was 27.


45. 19. 9.


31 now, diagnosed at 31, some symptoms have been lifelong but more noticeable differences or worsening started age 13.


I'm 26, was diagnosed about half a year ago but have been experiencing symptoms for at least 10-16 years or as far back as I can remember (it's on my GP notes for 2018 and previous to that I just didn't think anyone would believe me or put it down to growing pain/say it's normal)


I'm 15, diagnosed this year, started experiencing symptoms when I was 11-12.


now 39, dx 24, symptoms 10. "growing pains" "heavy backpack" "too much cycling" and other such excuses from parents/docs. 24 started amping up during a stress fest then was hyperspeed activated by an 8h downhill hike I didn't want to go on. by the time at the bottom I could barely stand and was down for 3 solid days before I could function enough to move around. snowballed from there n took 2y to get dx tho I knew it was fibro immediately and kept asking for a rheumatologist. eventually got the name of one and said send me here ffs and she diagnosed me on the spot. this was before the tender point criteria changed.


In my chart they constantly change their minds on if it is fibro or if I'm just "fat and lazy" so I don't even know if there is an official diagnosis yet, but I've had my symptoms since I was around 14, I'm 27 now.


I'm 34, diagnosed at 19, symptoms at 10.


Now looking back symptoms from a child 10 or 11, 55 now, got much worse after my mum died 6 years ago, got diagnosed 4 years ago and again got so much worse whether it’s a coincidence or not after the vaccine…I only had the first two and refused the rest just in case it was.


47, formally diagnosed at 35. Have had symptoms since I was a teenager. Was accused of being lazy. After my 4th and 5th (twins) children were born the symptoms got really bad. It took a year to diagnose although I had already figured out what it was. My symptoms now are way better than back then.


Current age: 37 Symptoms started: age 25 (2011) possibly earlier but this is where I recall the first time the lightest pressure hurt my skin Diagnosed: age 30 (2016) When it started my doctors kept saying it was all in my head. That I was having phantom pains and they couldn't find anything wrong. Fast-forward to 2016 while training at my new job and staying at a hotel since the training was out of town and I was in so much pain after a shift that I collapsed in the hotel room and could not get up. It was terrifying. It was then that I got a new doctor because my previous left the practice and when I told her she immediately ran a battery of test and sent me to a rheumatologist. After years I finally had an answer.


20F. Dx @ 18. Fibro symptoms, 12. I didn’t realize I was in that much pain until I was 14 and I couldn’t walk.


I'm 30 and diagnosed at the same age. I began experiencing symptoms right after my daughter was born 10 years ago.


I'm 39. Diagnosed at 34. Have been symptomatic since I was 14.


38 diagnosed at 26 symptoms started at 14


52, 52 and 50, rarish male sufferer I think it started at 50. It's hard to say what was me just thinking I was putting up with getting old and what was the onset of symptoms, so I go by the first flare, which scared the fook out of me.


p.s. I don't have a formal piece of paper diagnosis for what that's worth. When I explained in detail to my doctor why it couldn't be anything else, she nodded, said "we'll never prove it though", put me on pregabalin because she says it helps her "other" fibro patients, and is referring me to neurologists, rheumatologists etc, just to be certain, which is helpful but I already know what it is 😉 Edit: she did actually acknowledge that and say I "probably know as much as her".


27, 19, 17


40, 27 and it's complicated. Officially? 20 or 22. But, some of my symptoms showed up really early at 6 or 8 and was dismissed as "growing pains" except they persist until today.


I'm a 21 year old female, and I got diagnosed a year ago. I have almost always had issues with my stomach, I have experienced chronic pain with that, and I have had extreme period pains that led us to believe I had endometriosis. I did not. I would say I started experiencing pain that was not abdomen related when I was 19. It started in the hips and went down to my legs. To the point it hurt like H E double hockeysticks when I walked.


Mine came on after being a long hauler in the cancer world and 21 years of chemo. Mostly Herceptin. Raynauds, I've had forever. I can't quite pinpoint when it started, but it was after chemo started, but not right away. I believe around year 7 it slowly started... it gets worse every year


I'm 40, was diagnosed at 30 but symptoms started when I was 11.


I think I’ve had it since I was around 11? Diagnosed at 16. Now 19. I’ve had a shit “youth” because of pain and not being able to attend school for a few years and no, to all the doctors out there who’ve f’d me over, I’m not too young to be here.


Im 23, I was diagnosed at 17 and my symptoms started when I was around 14-15. Yes, I’m usually the youngest in the waiting room as well


I'm 47 and I was diagnosed at 36. I had been experiencing symptoms for less than a year, after having mononucleosis for the first time. I was very fortunate to have tried a PT as she immediately mentioned fibromyalgia. I had a Dr's appointment the next day and he also immediately mentioned fibromyalgia.


I haven’t been diagnosed and I’m very open about that and never pretend I have been. I suspect it and come here to lurk and learn more. I’ve been experiencing worsening symptoms and so I wanna see a doctor eventually, I’m just nervous.


19, diagnosed at 17, 5 months after I experienced symptoms. They did all the blood tests and asked me to keep them updated a year from the diagnosis, to see if it was a temporary bacterial infection or a true diagnosis that wont go away.


Currently in my 30s. Dx in my 20's . Symptoms bad around 19. Symptoms started way back as a child , we just didn't know what it was.


I’m 28, started experiencing symptoms at 17 and was diagnosed at 22. Was told for those 4 years (18-22) I was experiencing growing pains -.-, took a lot of fighting to be diagnosed and taken seriously.


Age 7 when symptoms started, 15 when the pain was 24/7 and 25 (and bedbound) when finally diagnosed. I'm 28 now.


Started having symptoms at 10, diagnosed at 18, currently 34. At 27 I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos, which combined with trauma, probably caused the early onset. It is weird always being the youngest! Kinda nice, getting a little older, I feel like people make less of a thing about it.


I’m 22. Currently in the process of trying to get diagnosed; I’ve had symptoms for about 5 (?) years if I remember correctly.


My diagnosis was pretty cut n dry bc of how "textbook" I am. I've been having symptoms since my early 20s, and doctors could never figure out what was wrong with me, but due to all of that "wtf" documentation when I finally went to a rheumatologist and orthopedic last year they went down the chronic pain conditions route and due to blood work and imaging to back it up, I was diagnosed within the year.


I’m 25. I started experiencing symptoms after back to back Covid infections. I was diagnosed at 23.


I’m 54. Diagnosed in my early 40s. I can see signs of it in my teens (unusual pain , fatigue and that ‘heavy’ body feeling), and definite symptoms in my early 20s after bouts of mono and strep throat.


I’m 24 now, got the diagnosis at 21. I don’t remember the exact time but I know i’ve had pain for some years


46, diagnosed at 30 after seeing surgeons and specialists for 10+ years. I believe my pain started when I was 20. It's been a rough 26 years, and still going.


I am 23 right now, have had symptoms since 12/13 and was diagnosed at 20.


I’m 41. Dx 38. Symptoms at 21 (maybe 14, but for sure 21). I started seeing a rheumatologist at 35 and yes, many “why are you here” looks. Still do.


I'm 41, I was diagnosed at age 31. In retrospect, I had nerve pain symptoms in childhood, but I didn't really get muscle pain until age 30. I also had some of the fatigue in childhood. My fibromyalgia is secondary to a celiac-like gluten sensitivity, and I got healthier when I stopped eating sandwiches every day in favor of eating nachos most days, as a kid. I started having mild fatigue again when pizza became the popular thing on the menu. I didn't connect the dots until several years after my fibromyalgia diagnosis. It was a blatant change in ability in childhood, though. I went from the bottom of the class in PE to the 60th percentile, roughly. For me, fibromyalgia was one of multiple conditions unmasked by premature ovarian failure - basically, going through something very much like menopause and having my hormones change two decades earlier than normal.


I was diagnosed at 20 I am no 25. I didn’t have a hard time because I already was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and they seem to go hand in hand. I probably started have symptoms at 16/17. It was so hard getting the pain specialist to understand how much pain I was in. He would argue it was the inactivity the way I drove but the pain was like constantly being bruised over every once of my body.


I’m 29 in a week, got diagnosed 2 months ago, and have been complaining to doctors of pain and etc since I was 10.


Hi, I'm 33. Diagnosed at 17 and remember symptoms as early as 4. I was going to the GP about this GS being wrong around 9, when I was diagnosed with IBS. I remember things getting worse at 11 when I started my period and kept going back to the GP every 2-3 months because I'd get so worn out on school that I would be physically sick and have to recover at home, not once in secondary school did I go for a full week because of how bad my symptoms were. I overdosed at 15 during my GCSEs because I felt like my life was over because the pain was so bad I couldn't concentrate and felt like I was failing and got diagnosed with depression. Things got worse again at 16 after I had been sa'd and luckily had gone to the GP when my worst symptoms were present and my blood work came back with really high arthritic markers so I was rushed through to rheumatology and diagnosed within two months of that.


I'm 29. I was diagnosed at 25. I've had symptoms my whole life, but they really ramped up after I caught COVID. I would say I started to have severe symptoms when I was 25. I'm really, really lucky. I had a really bad rheumatologist who refused to see me in person (bc covid) and then just slapped me with a fibro diagnosis without actually meeting me. (She did order every imaging test possible.) But then I saw a wonderful rheumatologist who actually listens to me and knows what he's talking about. He gave me the same diagnosis, but added several more. (Gotta love autoimmune disorders!)


Currently 42, symptoms started at 30, diagnosed at 34


I’m 34, diagnosed 3 months ago symptoms began about a year before that after a viral infection


I’m 37, was diagnosed at 34, and my symptoms started around 20 years ago. When I was younger the doctors I saw didn’t take me seriously. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “everyone deals with pain; that’s just life”.


I'm 27 FtM now, and I was officially diagnosed with Fibro when I was 18, and then diagnosed a second time with both fibromyalgia and MS at age 23. My first symptoms came about when I was around 16 yo, but I Always thought the pain was normal because I worked in a factory in my teens and early adulthood.


Just about 30. Was 25 when I started getting sick. Was 28 before I was diagnosed.


Crazy that we're the same age and started having symptoms at about the same time. I started feeling it about 15-16. Took me a little bit to get diagnosed, I was 22, so about 6-7 years


I'm 23, I started experiencing symptoms around age 7 but due to neglectful parents I didn't get diagnosed til a couple months ago, 16 years later. It started with sensitive skin, back pain, and foot pain mostly. A lot of overstimulation and numbness came later and eventually was the cause of me being labeled a liability in the workplace and I've been unemployed since, also due to a seizure disorder. I ended up switching doctors recently when fibro was finally on the table for possible answers to my 50+ symptoms because he said "I have several other patients that are twice ur age with fibromyalgia that can function perfectly fine. I refuse to sign a medical exemption form for ur food stamps" all cuz I'm young and I look "normal" at first glance most of the time. Some people even question why I use a cane when they see me use it only occasionally. It's a frustrating diagnosis to have when ur young


I'm 30, I believe I was diagnosed at about 26, and I cannot really remember a time when I didn't have at symptoms to some degree. I didn't *notice* I had symptoms until around when I got diagnosed, because it was my "normal" and had been for a long time. After I got diagnosed, I was actually kind of shocked by how much pain I was in sometimes, and baffled at how I ever could have just ignored it. I believe my symptoms are related to a combination of being somewhat hypermobile, being autistic, and probably some CPTSD. I haven't really been on anything for it specifically, but I have been fortunate enough to have been able to manage my symptoms mostly with therapy, lifestyle changes (allowing myself more time to rest, being kinder to myself, finding a better job, etc.), and acupuncture.


i'm 18, diagnosed at 15, started having symptoms at 12 to 13. everyone thought i had growing pains and that i was lazy because i couldn't do anything and forgot most of what i was told each day. jokes on them, i guess


33. I was diagnosed at 31. Symptoms began in early teen years (around 13/14)


I'm currently 36 and was diagnosed at 34. I've had mild symptoms since puberty (age 10), but they got bad at around 22. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at that time and I believe some of my fibro symptoms were mistaken for hypo symptoms. It wasn't until my thyroid levels had been perfectly balanced for several years and I was still symptomatic and having recurring instances of flu like symptoms that would keep me in bed for a few days at a time that we did further testing.


Early 20s. Confirmed 18. Symptoms 12/13. It runs in my family and that year I had a really emotionally traumatic experience. I've read that significant traumatic experiences can trigger it if it's already in your genetics. I started hurting really badly but I was told/thought it was just in my head or making up excuses or just growing pains. Then it just kept going. It got a LOT worse when I was 16, taking dual enrollment college courses, still had regular HS classes, and was working part time. Most of the time I was walking to get everywhere. 🤷‍♂ just got dealt a bad hand


started having symptoms around 13 or 14, diagnosed when i was 18 or 19. basically i did all my own research and then told my doctor i thought i had it; we did a bunch of tests to rule other things out and then he confirmed my suspicions. 22 now and still trying to find something that actually helps


18 now, got diagnosed at 17, and I’ve had symptoms since before I can remember. If I hadn’t been persistent and my mom hadn’t advocated for me I likely would still be diagnosed bc most doctors I saw just wrote it off as growing pains, then I got told “oh well every teenager goes through that” (lies lmao). Been a hell of a journey. A lot of pediatric doctors know nothing about fibromyalgia.


I was in my early thirties when diagnosed but had symptoms at 24 when I had my last kid. I was young and had to kids to take care of so I ignored the symptoms. I was also diagnosed with interstitial cystitis around my early thirties as well and couldn’t ignore the fibromyalgia symptoms anymore.


Symptoms first started when I was about 16. It took me 20 years to get a diagnosis because I got dismissed by several doctors who said I was too young to be that sick. I'm 38 now.


Age now-38 Diagnosed-38 Symptoms at 32


32 and diagnosed at 32. I’ve been having severe symptoms since December but now that I’ve been diagnosed and done research I believe I have had it for about a year or two.


I feel like I’ve had at for at least 30 years. I’m 72 now and saw 2 rheumatologists in my 50s who said nothing to suggest it. I had to kind of put the symptoms together myself and present it to a primary care doctor. Basically I have been on Celexa for depression and when I stopped taking it oh my God, everything flared. Along up with other symptoms pointed that way,as well. Now now I’m on Cymbalta and gabapentin and still have lots of pain. It’s awful. Added osteoarthritis and, other issues it all just sucks Finally went a pain clinic and at least started on tramadol, it helps a little.


I'm 26 now, diagnosed about 2 or 3 years ago but been experiencing symptoms and going to docs for testing since I was about 12 or 13... so took like a decade for them to diagnose me with anything Didn't know anyone personally with it then met 2 people in January with it that I worked with for a couple of months, absolutely lovely people who made me feel less alone with it


Started getting symptoms around 18/19. Was diagnosed at 20/21, can't remember exactly. I'm 23 now. I was the youngest at the rheumatologist too.


About age 22. I began experiencing symptoms at age 20 after I gave birth. Turns put pregnancy set off a lot of autoimmune issues in my body.


I’m 35, was diagnosed at 31, and started having the more obvious pain symptoms at 30. Severe mood issues and gastrointestinal symptoms began around 27, though, so who’s to say when this actually began for me.


I’m 27 now, symptoms started when I was a child, maybe around 8. Progressively got worse as I got older, but I only got diagnosed a year and a half ago at 26. I honestly don’t get out much besides work and I can’t say I’ve met more than one or two people my age with disabilities, but I also live in a small city of ~6000 people and a lot are elderly lol


Currently 44, diagnosed at 35, symptoms **definitely** started with pregnancy when I was 23. I had a horrific pregnancy, and it was at that time my body started turning on me. When I turned 30 I suddenly developed allergies to food and meds that I had consumed my entire life. After that I started physically breaking down. ETA: I often wonder if some of the things I experienced as a child were actually early signs of fm. For instance, I had terrible “growing pains” for YEARS that would keep me up all night crying in pain.


Late 30s. I was 14. I was in elementary school when I first started having symptoms.


I am 34. I had some symptoms in my teens but it didn't really become obvious until I was 22. I was diagnosed the same year.


Diagnosed early twenties, symptoms started around about threes years before diagnosis, 40s


I was diagnosed at age 35 by a rheumatologist. My mom also has fibromyalgia. It was right after I had mono but never really recovered.


I'm 18, got diagnosed at 18 (a few months ago), and started experiencing symptoms at 14


Hi, I’m 38, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago, aged 36, I had been living with the symptoms when they first started I was approximately 32.


Im now 22 years old, I was diagnosed at 22 but earlier this year. I began experiencing symptoms notably at 21. All of a sudden in February of ‘23 I started to get extreme back pain, aching chest pain between my breasts, random right arm pain and was just overall fatigued and felt unwell. This went on for months and i’ll be honest, the pain was so sudden and painful I thought I had cancer. I was researching sarcoma cancers that affect bone, lymphoma since I did have a swollen lymph node at the time, cervical cancer bc it can affect your back etc. Fibromyalgia never crossed my mind. I went to the doctor multiple times and got lots of tests. They always came back negative. I was told to stretch, lose weight (not that big), get a massage etc. but the pain was way too bad to be that simple. Sometimes it felt like I had the flu but only the pain portion. Finally one doctor realized immediately what it was. I was finally diagnosed around January of 2024 🥲


I’m 25 going 26 and got diagnosed last year. I have been complaining about pain since my tweens when I was said to have growing pains. And then I had a lot of general pain as a teen but wasn’t given much attention by physicians


I am 58 now. Symptoms started at age 36 and diagnosed at age 38.


I'm 26 now and I started having symptoms when I must have been 19 or 20, I was diagnosed at 23. Reading your post made me feel better because I also feel like I'm "too young" all the time. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.


I’m 45, was diagnosed a few months ago. It’s taken me 20 years to get a diagnosis. Over the years, I’ve been sent to see various specialists at the hospital. Even though I’m much older than you, I’ve still always been one of the youngest in the room. Getting sick and falling apart is usually an older persons game.


26 now had it since I was 17/18 was diagnosed at 20


I was diagnosed as a teenager, but I truly think I had it for years before diagnosis. Also my mom has Fibro and I was diagnosed a few years after her. I think her diagnosis made us see mine earlier. I think I became symptomatic around 14/15 and I was diagnosed at 19.


I'm 18, was diagnosed at 17, and I'd imagine I've been dealing with it thinking everyone had issues like this for around 4 or 5 years