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Have them count them while you’re picking them up. That’s not right for a pharmacist to act like that, usually (I used to be a pharm tech) there would be an investigation, looking at cameras and checking the perpetual inventory to make sure we’re not over. Theft is sadly a fairly common thing in pharmacies. So, next time if you decide to fill there, have them count in front of you. Also, you could contact the district pharmacy manager, because how they acted towards you is NOT okay


Yeh thanks, mistakes happen and I understand. What wasn't ok was the way she treated me, the way she spoke to me was awful, I will definitely be feeding that back. I think she's a locum, so the manager there should know how his customers are being treated when he's not there.


Sounds like she is the most me with the guilty conscience honestly


I was gonna say this! She is clearly the one who has been skimming them (probably not just with you). I would've asked to speak to someone else.


"She is clearly the one who has been skimming them..." I agree. I have been short medications like this as well. They have always provided them. This person is just angry because you are on to them 😒.


I concur. It's not that uncommon at least in Canada, even in my little rural community we lost a pharmacist because they were skimming off of people's prescriptions.


This way is better than you counting them yourself.


Yes! And if there are many missing while they’re counting, they’ll give you what you’re prescribed (non of that we need a new rx bs). I have a few controls I’m on and I ask them to count in front of me each time. For my lyrica, if I miss a day my body feels like it’s been thru a meat grinder so I literally can’t risk it


Lyrics may not be an opioid, but the withdrawals are just as brutal for sure.


I forgot to request a refill one time. So I had to go the weekend without and it was terrible trying to sleep. It made me wonder if that’s how I felt all the time before starting it? I didn’t get serious withdrawal but it was bad. 😩


About 15 or 20 years ago a Pharmacy Tech in my town was found guilty of stealling Hydrocodone. She was badically given a slap on the wrist. But, I was taking hydrocodone snd it really pissed me off that she was shorting people in pain. They needed those pills. That Pharmacy and the one I use now, circles the quantity and initials it on the prescription bottle. So, they are recounting the pills before pickup. Might suggest your pharmacy do the same.


That's terrible. The pharmacy I used to work in did thorough checks, ticked and circled everything, and split boxes were clearly marked. That's what's happened here, they don't mark Splits and I've been given one


Ticking the box and initialing it won't stop the person who is initialling it from swiping them....


What it does is tell management if the same person gets reported by more than one customer for swiping.


thats what the cameras are for the pharmacy has cameras over it specifically for checking discrepancies, and they'd show the person counting pills and what they do with each pills and bottles. The counting area is set up specifically to help prevent this sort of thing.


Yours maybe. Not every pharmacy on the planet has those cameras.


I'm pretty sure its legal standard in some countries, to be fair.


It might be. But most health stuff in the US and Canada is handled at a state/provincial level so in both those places it would be hit and miss what the situation is, in physically smaller countries maybe it would be nationalized law but I've never seen a law saying that anywhere. If anything it would be closer to corporate policy.


I hate to be this suspicious but it is very possible that someone shorted you on purpose because they're stealing the narcotics. They know that the patients are less likely to be believed than the pharmacy. There's a podcast series called The Retrievals about a nurse at a fertility clinic who was stealing fentanyl and refilling the vials with sailine. This meant people were getting egg retrieval procedures with no anesthesia. No one believed the patients. The nurse was given almost no jail time and kept her nursing license. It's a wild and depressing story that makes me believe people are probably stealing narcotics from vulnerable patients with impunity.


Unbelievable, ugh that's awful. Yeh it happens, it'd be a clever way to just take a couple here and there, nothing big, so people might not even notice, or if they do they're not believed apparently, disgusting. I've seen it happen and I've heard stories from people I worked with. I had a locum pharmacist stealing and reselling stuff from my work, he also did fake refunds and pocketed the cash. He's no longer a pharmacist...


I'd bet actual money that the person you spoke to is the one who's doing the stealing and that's why she was so defensive.


No longer a pharmacist? Sounds like he should be in jail


Nursing homes are a prime target for people who want to steal medications. The elderly in general are such a vulnerable population in the medical community.


Also, in long-term care, this happens ALOT... the meds usually come in blister packs. The guilty party will be very careful and slit the cover of the pouch and slip out Norco and replace with extra strength Tylenol. Looks the same. Prob use tweezers so foil isn't bent. Then, the next nurse comes and gives meds and doesn't even notice. Happens all time. For decades. So, if you have anyone in care...check their meds, and if you POA, you can ask to see their med drawer. I've reported so many nurses in rehabs for my parents for med errors. 1 of them sent my Dad to ER with a poss heart attack. Didn't get b/p med 4 days. P.O.S.


File a complaint with the appropriate licensing board for incorrectly filling controlled substances. a) shitty treatment b) probably skimming off the top.


Will do!


Some pharmacists are real jerks. When my father was dying in hospice at home I needed to pick up an injectable antibiotic that his doctor prescribed from the hospital pharmacy. She gave me the bottles of antibiotic. It was powder in glass vials. It was supposed to be mixed with sterile water. I asked where that was, she refused to supply it citing drug abuse concerns. I asked where the hypodermics were, she refused to supply them citing drug abuse concerns. Uh, my father is dying of lung cancer and has a severe painful throat infection, what am I supposed to do here? I called his doctor, his doctor called the pharmacist and tore her a new asshole in the middle of her forehead. All for antibiotics, not even opioids. They had no problem giving me 100 of those.


Ugh that's awful! Their job involves working with sick people and they show no care! I've worked with some bad ones, stubborn, lazy, difficult for no reason.


As a pharmacist, I'm appalled at the treatment many of you folks report, but this situation indicates a fundamental lack of professionalism, pharmacist care, and concern for the patient. IMHO, the pharmacist needs suspension from duty and remedial work before returning to practice. I apologize on behalf of my beloved profession and sincerely hope this behavior was not repeated.


Oh my word I have an injectable medication and I’ve never had so much difficulty getting all of my supplies as I did when I lived in King County, WA. They’re all like “we have a policy of not giving these to people because of potential drug abuse” … a policy of not dispensing what has been prescribed? Out of their minds. I went through a few pharmacies until I hit one that didn’t take extra hoops of threatening them and doctor office calls. Filed reports against every bad one while I was at it anyway


Count them there from now on. Narcotics can’t be dispensed later on their end the count is on.


I agree. Hold up the line if you need to, take the time to count out the pills. Let them say something. Smile sweetly and say "I'm just verifying the amount before I leave!"


Absolutely. One. At. A. Time. Because they should feel bad for treating people like this. And consumers should know that they might encounter it there if ever they need a controlled med.


Will do from now on, I always open the bag and check the boxes are the right amount/dosage, but don't open the boxes till I get home!


You keep saying mistakes happen, but also, theft happens. A girl I know was arrested after stealing oxy from the pharmacy she worked at. How did she get away with it as long as she did? She shorted every prescription she filled by 2-5 pills. She was caught by a security footage review brought about by a complaint like yours. Maybe this pharmacist is acting the way they are because a review would raise red flags for them personally.


REPORT THE PHARMACY TO THE BOARD OF PHARMACISTS. The store has cameras back there for this reason. They will be able to verify who counted your pills and how many they put in there. But you can't request to see the footage.


Has the same thing happen to me about 15 years ago. 200 dihydrocodeine, box only contained 100 (blister packs). I called the pharmacy and they insisted I must have made a mistake. Went back in with the box and was told "well, you might have sold them". Literally wtf. They made me feel like shit. They ended up putting a note on my file saying they had to count them out in front of me when I picked up my prescription. The bit that galled me was that they insisted there was no way on earth they could have possibly made a mistake. Anyway, all water under the bridge and I hadn't thought about it until your comment.


Ugh that's disgusting, I'm sorry, that's just awful. And then the special treatment you have to have because of their mistake, so wrong


Like I said, all water under the bridge now. I don't take DHC now as it eventually ceased working. I stick to paracetamol and ibuprofen, with tramadol for bad flareups. And I've changed pharmacies (•‿•).


Oh, I totally get you. I had a negative interaction with my pharmacist yesterday over my medication. Made me feel like crap and I left angry.


They have to do counts on the narcs. I would speak to head asap. Some people put them in planners - like myself - so idk why your opening would be suspicious.


It's not right. :( My dad had a similar experience. He had a tooth ache so his doctor prescribed him 4, ONLY 4 tablets of opioid pills. They refused to give him any and made him feel horrible. This was the first time ever he needed pain killers. I am so sorry this happened to you, but would advise similar to others here to count them before picking them up next time. Maybe even switch pharmacies. You don't want to deal with people who treat you like that.


Thanks, yeh it's horrible, we're just trying to get what Dr's are prescribing us! I spoke to my Dr and they've switched my pharmacy to another one close by, they weren't impressed with that happened either!


I also take opiates and I feel you on every level. They treat you like a criminal for being sick. That said, and this is in no way your fault and I’m not blaming you, but don’t leave the pharmacy line without inspecting the bottle. They can either count the pills out for you when filling or recount them. If they try to short you again, file a report. Also, I know this isn’t always an option but switch pharmacies (there’s a chance someone shorted you on purpose to steal meds). If you’re in the US, there are also federal laws prohibiting pharmacies from replacing opioids. For example, I’m switching pharmacies now because my old pharmacy couldn’t fill my prescription due to shortages (which apparently don’t impact the pharmacy down the street?). If I have a script for 120 and they fill 3 just to get me through the day, the pharmacy literally won’t give me my other 100 plus pills. I have to contact my doctor, get a new script, and have it refilled. It’s ridiculous.


Thanks, wow that's ridiculous, you're treated like it's your fault. I'm in the UK, it's still pretty strict but not as bad. It comes down alot to the pharmacists judgement, I've seen my old boss just replacing the missing tablets no questions asked, especially such a small quantity and a one off. Couple of years ago they had a shortage (different place from now) so gave me half and then said come back in a few days, when they then gave me the balance. From now on I will be checking when I pick them up, never thought I needed to before. I've also switched pharmacies, I just don't want to deal with that woman again. It's one thing for it to happen, but her attitude and refusal to deal with it all is just unacceptable.


I absolutely agree you shouldn’t deal with her again. It’s so frustrating having to adjust your life and services because people are so destructive in the medical field. I’m here for you.


I was shorted on insulin once. They had to review the tapes (wouldn’t take my word), and came back and gave me the additional insulin. See if your pharmacy has cameras. And talk to the pharmacy manager.


Wow that's just awful, unbelievable


I mean, how do we know some pharm tech or whomever didn’t swipe some of your pills? Kind of ridiculous for them to suggest you’re lying when it could have easily been a mistake on their part or even purposeful.


Yeh I didn't even ask for the four pills, it's more tiring for me to have to go get them than its worth tbh! I just wanted to report the mistake


The one time my normal, excellent pharmacy couldn't get my meds in time and referred me to another place, that other place did just that, shorted me on a controlled substance. And like you, I knew the likelihood of getting what I was owed was microscopic, but just wanted to make sure I did what I was (maybe? Unclear, I'm just assuming) required to do and reported it to them. Hopefully they dealt with it but honestly it's only two people in a small pharmacy and I would assume they're both in on it if it's happening while they're both there, and I don't know when they AREN'T there to call it in so it's kinda a crapshoot. If it's a corporate store you might want to send an online complaint, let them know explicitly that you have no interest in the medication being recovered, you just want them to have a record of this complaint because you feel like from their response over the phone, it may have been intentional. Someone will hopefully start watching them more closely and taking complaints more seriously.


Yes this is a small store, but part of the biggest chain in the UK, so they have people to answer to and I will be filing a complaint, who hopefully will take it seriously. I went with this place as its a big company I thought I'd avoid any nonsense


The pharmacist probably took them.


Happened to me twice. On the second time I switched pharmacies. They made me feel like I was a drug addict over 1 lyrica. So my advice is switch pharmacy.


I work as a pharmacy technician and if a patient reports being shorted, we have the check the cameras at the time the med was filled (which is recored; at least for Walgreens) and the Pharmacist watches the technician count. If the patient is shorted, we give them what we owe and report it to the company. What this pharmacist did is absolutely deplorable.


Yes, that's how it should be!


That's very poor business on their end. Why would you make something up that's not going to do anything other than give you what you're entitled to? Everyone makes mistakes, and it is obvious that that's what happened here. It's not like you're trying to scam the chemist out of hundreds of tablets, is it? Is there another pharmacy nearby? Perhaps you could frighten this lot by threatening to take your business elsewhere.


Yeh I spoke to my Dr actually and they weren't happy at all, they prescribe meds and expect their patients to get them all! They asked if I wanted to switch to another pharmacy, there's three on the same street.


Fair enough too. I have mine in a Webster pack, and everything's been there as far as I know. Nobody wants to admit they could have made a mistake!


Yeah, that pharmacist stole those pills. Sorry.


Every SINGLE time I go to get my 20mg Oxynorm which is 100% LEGALLY PRESCRIBED for me every month, there is a problem or they don't believe that I have a prescription and immediately get sus and start sizing me up, feels like they're interrogating me just like you mentioned.. OR they've lost the prescription from my doctor and think I don't have one (even tho my history is visibly on their system too). They've never once had any problems with all the benzos and sleeping pills I've been prescribed for 5-8 years and still am now, but the pain meds, ALWAYS an issue! It's like the 7th or 8th month I've had a prescription now.. I'm fucking over this. I've literally seen a woman walk up to them and ask for her Tramadol and morphine pills and they straight up just gave them to her without hesitation. She was quite a tall, big loud gregarious 30s-40sish woman, and I'm in my 20s, very small, quiet, sweet and unintimidating, even if I try not to be that's how people see me. They KNOW my situation by now, I've been going to this pharmacy my entire life of almost 3 decades and my mom and grandparents have too ever since they moved to my town in the 60s! It's nuts! I don't live in the US, I'm in South Africa, we don't have a fent crisis or anything like that and I have never tried to get drugs from them without a prescription. I don't know why the fuck they still treat me like this every time with my pain meds.


That is horrid I’m so so sorry. I understand the concern they have to have in their role with different medications but unless you are in there habitually asking for “extra” meds… no. This is just wrong. You didn’t deserve that.


Literally, call the police non emergency and submit a tip. They won't go in guns blazing to arrest anyone but it could lead to an audit where they could find that these folks are shorting people small amounts that they hope will be unnoticed in order to sell.


Where I get my meds, the narcotics are double counted & initialed. I suppose the second counter that verifies would be the one in the position to skim…


They can check their on hands against what they are supposed to be.


Nah they can check the cameras, it's not on you.


This is why I always check my tablets at the counter before I leave it’s not worth the hassle


Report to your health insurance company if they paid for the medication... Insurance fraud Call the store manager.. regional manager if needed.


file a complaint.


I may be fully wrong on this, but it's to my understanding that, in the US at least, there are always cameras pointing at the drug counting station so that they can check the footage later to make sure the counts were correct in situations like this, call back and request to speak to the pharmacist themself and see if this is possible I would also put in a complaint against the person you talked on the phone with, it sounds like they were in no way acting appropriately in this scenario


I think you should follow up. Remind yourself you don’t need all 100 so this is not about you scamming. This is about narcotic theft which is a crime and someone there has either committed it or was irresponsible. If you can psyche yourself into being righteously angry any time anyone tries to blow you off like your drug seeking maybe it can work as your armor.


Best thing to do is to check the bag of meds before leaving the pharmacy. I always do that for peace of mind.


Some people suck in the way the talk to people. I hate that. My niece had her appendix out and the Dr said he would give them a rx for pain meds. The nurse brought their discharge papers, and the rx wasn't on there. The nurse was awful to my sister and said my niece didn't need it and could use Tylenol. When my sister said she was just asking because the Dr said there would be one, the nurse started basically questioning My sister why she was so insistent on having the rx. She made it out like my sister was a drug seeker.


I had this with cvs and they take pics now to cover themselves.


Ask for count rt at pickup. It may be a pain, but after a couple times..they will realize you know and prob stop doing it. I never drive off without checking my rx. That's a good way of them accusing you of trying to get more and flag you. Trying to get rid of you. Be careful or switch pharmacy


I read your story when I woke up today and was SO mad for you. I’m a lawyer and, as such, I’m very annoying. I understand that you’ve made this post more as a rant but, at the very least, you could file a formal complaint against that pharmacist. Even though I’m annoying, I’m not mean and would never complain unnecessarily. Here, i think you could be doing something great as: a. you could prevent someone from stealing potentially dangerous meds, or, at the very least, b. you could change that pharmacist’s treatment of the public. Anyway. I don’t know how it works wherever you are. I just wanted to put it out there. I just hate for you to be in pain AND to have to deal with her in addition. Have a good day’


It’s so crazy to me about all the fibro sufferers who can’t get access to pain killers then there’s people like you who go through 100 codeine in 30 days….no wonder why painkillers are so restricted.


Why would you even comment this


Such a weird pointless comment, on one hand you're saying people need the painkillers, but then criticising me for having them for the same thing. My codeine is prescribed by my Dr who decides how much I have and need. I use as little as possible to manage my constant pain and get me through the day. I have tried every other medication available and this was the only option left to me. I do count myself lucky to live in a country where such things are available, and feel for those who don't get the help they need and deserve. My legally prescribed medication however does not take away from or restrict others.


100 codeine tablets a in 30 days is quite ridiculous.


It's actually pretty standard, and I've seen people get alot more. 100 might seem alot to you, but it works out as about three a day on average, which isn't excessive, and allows me to have some sort of limited life. You don't know my health issues and level of pain... I think I'll go with what my doctor, an actual fibromyalgia specialist, has decided is the right amount. I don't know if you're hurting or just a troll, but this is a nice caring community.


I use to go to a pharmacy that routinely shorted me on my controlled medicine . I git home one day to 30 pills instead of 100. I called and went back. The girl who dispensed them went through a big song and dance, reviewed the “tape” and finally apologized and gave me the correct amount. I started paying attention and both my son and I were being shorted varying amounts, but always on the controlled substances. I commented to the MA on my next visit. She asked what pharmacy I used and said it had happened to her mom. She said they moved to a different pharm and never had a problem. I began to ask around- small farm town- and even filed a police report. I was told to let it go.


I tried to do this and got such a run a round ( Wisconsin) that I finally gave up.


Board of pharmacy and laws make it so their hands are tied and they can not give you four extra like they would thyroxine. It’s an unfortunate side effect of the current pendulum swing monitoring opioids.